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DyeStat Elite

2000 Outdoor US Rankings - as of 10/10

Statistics on the Rankings

DyeStat Elite rankings include all performances known to DyeStat that meet cutoffs that are intended to yield the top 100 performers in each event (except thinly contested events).  The following table shows the number of performers ranked in each event, the cutoff, and the best performance.

# Cutoff Best EVENT Best Cutoff #
103 10.64 10.14 100 11.36 12.14 166
136 21.64 20.67 200 23.10 24.94 163
158 48.64 46.21 400 50.74 57.00 166
163 1:55 1:49.49 800 2:06.55 2:15.5 127
63 4:05 3:46.51 1500 4:30.43 4:45 40
153 4:20 4:00.29 Mile 4:46.57 5:07 150
21 8:45 8:10.66 3000 9:36 10:15 30
128 9:25 8:44.50 2-Mile 10:14.59 11:10 156
130 14.34 13.50 100/110H 13.20 14.74 150
141 38.64 36.10 300H 40.41 44.74 120
65 55.14 50.07 400H 56.82 1:04.74 72
153 6-8 7-4.5 HJ 6-0 5-6 181
165 23-0 25-6 LJ 21-1.5 18-6 115
99 47-0 52-10.5 TJ 42-2 38-0 124
101 15-0 17-7 PV 13-4 10-9 118
122 57-0 67-11.5 SP 51-11.25 42-0 109
121 170-0 213-5 DT 179-1 136-0 104
see Gourley 236-4 HT 187-5 see Gourley
92 190-0 227-3 JT 169-5 125-0 115
119 42.0 40.23 4x100 45.30 48.50 133
148 1:30 1:24.89 4x200 1:36.76 1:44 140
133 3:20 3:12.04 4x400 3:39.46 3:57 123
122 8:00 7:38.31 4x800 8:57.52 9:35 121
73 3:40 3:24.39 SMR 3:55.16 4:20 50
65 10:40 10:02.32 DMR 11:41.28 12:45 54


Sprints Sprints
Distance Distance
Hurdles Hurdles
Jumps Jumps
Throws Throws
Relays Relays
Stats on the Rankings

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