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DyeStat Virginia

 10/6/00 at Alexandria VA

Alexandria City Championships

at the Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va
Cloudy, 70 degrees
3.1 miles

Top 7 named to All-City team

Girls Team Results
1. Bishop Ireton 24 points
2. Episcopal 46 points
3. St. Stephen's/St. Agnes 63 points

Girls Individuals
1. Jessica Wolfe Ireton 20:35
2. Claire Conron Ireton 20:59
3. E. Panero Episcopal 22:17
4. Megan O'Donnell Ireton 22:19
5. Emma Delso Episcopal 22:30
6. Amelia Buczinski St. Stephen's 23:04
7. Clare Ferguson Ireton 23:05

Boys Team Results
1. Episcopal 26 points
2. Bishop Ireton 48 points
3. St. Stephen's/St. Agnes 54 points

Boys Individuals
1. Jonathan Lee Episcopal 16:56
2. Nick Mazzenga Ireton 17:13
3. Nathaniel Elberfeld St. Stephen's 17:19
4. Luke Clay Episcopal 17:23
5. Matt Rhodes Episcopal 17:24
6. Stuart Rhodes Episcopal 17:37
7. Paul Shlesinger Ireton 17:40


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