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DyeStat Cross Country 2000

9/9/00 at Allentown College, Allentown PA 
3.1 miles, hilly, warm 85 deg, humid

22nd Centaur Invitational

from Barry Wolfe

Girls Results

1.Pennridge              123

2.Allentown Central Cath 129

3.Honesdale              139   

4.Parkland               157

5.Emmaus                 173 

12. Bishop Ireton (VA)   358 
Girls Results=Name/School/Time

1.Jamie Netwall/      William Allen/            19:38 

2.Jenn Breidinger/    Parkland/                 19:46

3.Alyssa Simon/       Emmaus/                   19:57

4.Paula Giguere/      Parkland/                 19:57

5.Ruth Loyer/         Red Lion Area/            20:06

6.Jackie Adamshick/   Allentown Central Cath/   20:09

7.Liz Manness/        Tamaqua/                  20:11

8.Jackie Kelly/       Saint Hubert/             20:18

9.Kerry Meager/       Allentown Central Cath/   20:22

10.Jessica Wolfe/     Bishop Ireton/            20:31

59. Eileen Kuletz/    Bishop Ireton/            23:21

68. Megan O'Donnell/  Bishop Ireton/            23:37

108. Emily Jamieson/  Bishop Ireton/            25:01

124. Clare Ferguson/  Bishop Ireton/            25:40

151. Monica Escamilla/Bishop Ireton/            27:04

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