SCVAL Finals (Combined) - 10/31/06

2.95 miles @ Crystal Springs

Crystal Springs Handbook

Directions to Crystal Springs Crystal Springs Course Map Crystal Springs Course Map (Aerial View) and another Aerial View Map with 1/4 mile markers and another from another perspective Virtual Tour of Crystal Springs - WMV file (4:35) - Download Video Instructions Crystal Springs All Time List Lynbrook Crystal Springs All Time List
10/31/06 - Combined SCVAL Results Varsity Boys Team Scores 1 Los Gatos 42 79:20 2 Gunn 111 82:36 3 Monta Vista 113 82:41 4 Mountain View 119 82:46 5 Santa Clara 127 82:52 6 Palo Alto 161 84:01 7 Homestead 175 85:17 8 Wilcox 217 85:52 9 Saratoga 242 86:02 10 Cupertino 231 86:20 11 Lynbrook 257 86:50 12 Los Altos 271 87:29 13 Milpitas 330 89:20 14 Fremont 357 90:44 Individual Results PlaceName GradeSchool Time 1 Matthew Petrillo 12 Los Gatos 14:57.0 2 Jacobs, Brad 12 Saratoga 15:39.0 2 Ejigu, Kindu 11 Santa Clara 15:39.0 4 Reid, Robbie 12 Mt. View 15:45.0 5 Bill, Simon 12 Mo Vista 15:47.0 6 Chu, Jonathan 12 Gunn 15:55.0 7 Michael Johnson 11 Los Gatos 15:59.0 7 MacQuiitty, Philip 9 Palo Alto 15:59.0 9 Jon Berthet 12 Los Gatos 16:00.0 10 Dane Sawyer 11 Los Gatos 16:05.0 11 Nickolls, Alec 12 Los Altos 16:08.0 12 Rodriguez, Vince 10 Santa Clara 16:13.0 13 Nick Oliver 10 Homestead 16:16.0 14 Adam, Tariq 11 Santa Clara 16:18.0 15 Bobby Shawhan 12 Los Gatos 16:19.0 16 Carillo, Elijah 12 Fremont 16:20.0 17 Abiy Gebrekristos 11 C'tino 16:22.0 17 Chu, Calvin 12 Gunn 16:22.0 19 Avis, Charlie 10 Palo Alto 16:24.0 20 Jimmy Jatho 12 Los Gatos 16:28.0 20 Huang, Roger 12 Mt. View 16:28.0 22 Siebel-Cortopassi,Daniel 11 Mo Vista 16:37.0 23 Summers, Paul 9 Gunn 16:38.0 24 Bedord, Brian 12 Mo Vista 16:39.0 25 Tejera, Pablo 12 Wilcox 16:41.0 26 Hsiao, Yu 11 Mo Vista 16:42.0 27 Alexander Colbeth 11 Homestead 16:43.0 28 Roy, Ricky 12 Mt. View 16:44.0 29 Eisen, Nathaniel 12 Gunn 16:45.0 30 Rikhi, Kern 10 Santa Clara 16:48.0 31 Andy Burich 12 Los Gatos 16:52.0 32 Peter Chew 10 C'tino 16:54.0 32 Rowe, Garrett 9 Mt. View 16:54.0 32 Narang, Rajan 11 Palo Alto 16:54.0 35 Myjer, Ian 9 Mt. View 16:55.0 36 Bill, Tom 11 Mo Vista 16:56.0 36 Hand, Brian 11 Gunn 16:56.0 38 Sameer Tharakan 11 Homestead 16:58.0 39 Wang, Jason 12 Lynbrk 17:00.0 40 Choi, Gilbert 11 Palo Alto 17:03.0 41 Oliver, Alex 12 Los Altos 17:04.0 42 Signore, Luca 9 Lynbrk 17:06.0 43 Tejera, Daniel 10 Wilcox 17:11.0 44 Mrinal Bedi 11 C'tino 17:12.0 44 Rios, David 11 Wilcox 17:12.0 46 Karp, Michael 9 Milpitas 17:14.0 47 Mike Louthan 9 Homestead 17:15.0 48 Martinez, Daniel 12 Wilcox 17:16.0 49 Banks, Kian 10 Saratoga 17:17.0 50 Rishi Agrawal 12 Homestead 17:21.0 51 Popovich, Jonathan 11 Gunn 17:22.0 52 Burinskiy, Gene 10 Lynbrk 17:25.0 53 Laccabue, Michael 11 Mo Vista 17:26.0 53 Crum, Clifford 11 Milpitas 17:26.0 55 Morgan Quail 12 Homestead 17:27.0 56 Safai, Eric 9 Los Altos 17:28.0 57 Mimaroglu, Alp 12 Wilcox 17:32.0 58 Freehling, Greg 11 Gunn 17:33.0 59 Lindley, Sam 11 Mt. View 17:34.0 60 Subramanian, Amrit 9 Lynbrk 17:35.0 61 Shin, Kunuk 12 Saratoga 17:36.0 62 Olsen, Nick 9 Saratoga 17:40.0 63 Jacob, Jeremy 11 Palo Alto 17:41.0 64 Max Pommier 9 C'tino 17:44.0 64 Surprenant, Eric 11 Lynbrk 17:44.0 66 Berezin, Julius 11 Palo Alto 17:46.0 67 Landrith, Aaron 11 Mt. View 17:49.0 68 Borch, Kyle 9 Saratoga 17:50.0 69 Martin, Xonie 11 Santa Clara 17:54.0 70 Bangsal, Jonathon 11 Milpitas 17:58.0 71 Lum, Andrew 10 Lynbrk 18:01.0 72 Kadokura, Grant 12 Mo Vista 18:06.0 73 Adam, Ismail 9 Santa Clara 18:07.0 74 Daniel Zhang 12 C'tino 18:08.0 75 Geoffrey Doelling 10 Fremont 18:10.0 75 Quach, Alex 12 Wilcox 18:10.0 77 Stabell, Brad 11 Los Altos 18:11.0 78 Marcos Gaeta 12 Homestead 18:12.0 79 Pham-Crepps, Michael 11 Milpitas 18:16.0 80 Liu, Michael 12 Lynbrk 18:21.0 81 Jose Gurrola 10 Fremont 18:22.0 82 Ferrer, Kenneth 11 Milpitas 18:26.0 83 Nagesh, Rohan 11 Saratoga 18:30.0 84 Karlin-Neuman, Zev 12 Palo Alto 18:32.0 85 Hsin-Chang Chen 12 C'tino 18:37.0 86 Greathhouse, Brad 11 Los Altos 18:38.0 86 Sanchez, Oscar 11 Wilcox 18:38.0 88 Forell, John 12 Los Altos 18:42.0 89 Low, Wilson 11 Milpitas 18:46.0 90 Beam, Michael 10 Saratoga 18:47.0 91 Scheeter, Jacob 11 Santa Clara 18:50.0 92 Shen, Will 11 Fremont 18:53.0 93 Pham, Justin 10 Fremont 18:59.0 94 Ryo Kubozono 9 C'tino 19:04.0 95 Polgar, Ben 10 Fremont 19:06.0 96 Zirkel, Gavin 12 Milpitas 19:21.0 17 Abiy Gebrekristos 11 C'tino 16:22.0 32 Peter Chew 10 C'tino 16:54.0 44 Mrinal Bedi 11 C'tino 17:12.0 64 Max Pommier 9 C'tino 17:44.0 74 Daniel Zhang 12 C'tino 18:08.0 231 85 Hsin-Chang Chen 12 C'tino 18:37.0 94 Ryo Kubozono 9 C'tino 19:04.0 16 Carillo, Elijah 12 Fremont 16:20.0 75 Geoffrey Doelling 10 Fremont 18:10.0 81 Jose Gurrola 10 Fremont 18:22.0 92 Shen, Will 11 Fremont 18:53.0 93 Pham, Justin 10 Fremont 18:59.0 357 95 Polgar, Ben 10 Fremont 19:06.0 6 Chu, Jonathan 12 Gunn 15:55.0 17 Chu, Calvin 12 Gunn 16:22.0 23 Summers, Paul 9 Gunn 16:38.0 29 Eisen, Nathaniel 12 Gunn 16:45.0 36 Hand, Brian 11 Gunn 16:56.0 111 51 Popovich, Jonathan 11 Gunn 17:22.0 58 Freehling, Greg 11 Gunn 17:33.0 13 Nick Oliver 10 Homestead 16:16.0 27 Alexander Colbeth 11 Homestead 16:43.0 38 Sameer Tharakan 11 Homestead 16:58.0 47 Mike Louthan 9 Homestead 17:15.0 50 Rishi Agrawal 12 Homestead 17:21.0 175 55 Morgan Quail 12 Homestead 17:27.0 78 Marcos Gaeta 12 Homestead 18:12.0 11 Nickolls, Alec 12 Los Altos 16:08.0 41 Oliver, Alex 12 Los Altos 17:04.0 56 Safai, Eric 9 Los Altos 17:28.0 77 Stabell, Brad 11 Los Altos 18:11.0 86 Greathhouse, Brad 11 Los Altos 18:38.0 271 88 Forell, John 12 Los Altos 18:42.0 1 Matthew Petrillo 12 Los Gatos 14:57.0 7 Michael Johnson 11 Los Gatos 15:59.0 9 Jon Berthet 12 Los Gatos 16:00.0 10 Dane Sawyer 11 Los Gatos 16:05.0 15 Bobby Shawhan 12 Los Gatos 16:19.0 42 20 Jimmy Jatho 12 Los Gatos 16:28.0 31 Andy Burich 12 Los Gatos 16:52.0 39 Wang, Jason 12 Lynbrk 17:00.0 42 Signore, Luca 9 Lynbrk 17:06.0 52 Burinskiy, Gene 10 Lynbrk 17:25.0 60 Subramanian, Amrit 9 Lynbrk 17:35.0 64 Surprenant, Eric 11 Lynbrk 17:44.0 257 71 Lum, Andrew 10 Lynbrk 18:01.0 80 Liu, Michael 12 Lynbrk 18:21.0 46 Karp, Michael 9 Milpitas 17:14.0 53 Crum, Clifford 11 Milpitas 17:26.0 70 Bangsal, Jonathon 11 Milpitas 17:58.0 79 Pham-Crepps, Michael 11 Milpitas 18:16.0 82 Ferrer, Kenneth 11 Milpitas 18:26.0 330 89 Low, Wilson 11 Milpitas 18:46.0 96 Zirkel, Gavin 12 Milpitas 19:21.0 5 Bill, Simon 12 Mo Vista 15:47.0 22 Siebel-Cortopassi,Daniel 11 Mo Vista 16:37.0 24 Bedord, Brian 12 Mo Vista 16:39.0 26 Hsiao, Yu 11 Mo Vista 16:42.0 36 Bill, Tom 11 Mo Vista 16:56.0 113 53 Laccabue, Michael 11 Mo Vista 17:26.0 72 Kadokura, Grant 12 Mo Vista 18:06.0 4 Reid, Robbie 12 Mt. View 15:45.0 20 Huang, Roger 12 Mt. View 16:28.0 28 Roy, Ricky 12 Mt. View 16:44.0 32 Rowe, Garrett 9 Mt. View 16:54.0 35 Myjer, Ian 9 Mt. View 16:55.0 119 59 Lindley, Sam 11 Mt. View 17:34.0 67 Landrith, Aaron 11 Mt. View 17:49.0 7 MacQuiitty, Philip 9 Palo Alto 15:59.0 19 Avis, Charlie 10 Palo Alto 16:24.0 32 Narang, Rajan 11 Palo Alto 16:54.0 40 Choi, Gilbert 11 Palo Alto 17:03.0 63 Jacob, Jeremy 11 Palo Alto 17:41.0 161 66 Berezin, Julius 11 Palo Alto 17:46.0 84 Karlin-Neuman, Zev 12 Palo Alto 18:32.0 2 Ejigu, Kindu 11 Santa Clara 15:39.0 12 Rodriguez, Vince 10 Santa Clara 16:13.0 14 Adam, Tariq 11 Santa Clara 16:18.0 30 Rikhi, Kern 10 Santa Clara 16:48.0 69 Martin, Xonie 11 Santa Clara 17:54.0 127 73 Adam, Ismail 9 Santa Clara 18:07.0 91 Scheeter, Jacob 11 Santa Clara 18:50.0 2 Jacobs, Brad 12 Saratoga 15:39.0 49 Banks, Kian 10 Saratoga 17:17.0 61 Shin, Kunuk 12 Saratoga 17:36.0 62 Olsen, Nick 9 Saratoga 17:40.0 68 Borch, Kyle 9 Saratoga 17:50.0 242 83 Nagesh, Rohan 11 Saratoga 18:30.0 90 Beam, Michael 10 Saratoga 18:47.0 25 Tejera, Pablo 12 Wilcox 16:41.0 43 Tejera, Daniel 10 Wilcox 17:11.0 44 Rios, David 11 Wilcox 17:12.0 48 Martinez, Daniel 12 Wilcox 17:16.0 57 Mimaroglu, Alp 12 Wilcox 17:32.0 217 75 Quach, Alex 12 Wilcox 18:10.0 86 Sanchez, Oscar 11 Wilcox 18:38.0 10/31/06 - Combined SCVAL Results Varsity Girls Team Scores 1 Los Gatos 45 93:33 2 Mountain View 107 97:43 3 Monta Vista 107 97:31 4 Saratoga 120 98:12 5 Gunn 127 98:13 6 Palo Alto 152 98:46 7 Homestead 154 99:14 8 Los Altos 177 100:52 9 Cupertino 210 101:29 10 Lynbrook 229 103:13 11 Santa Clara 307 107:03 12 Wilcox 353 109:39 13 Milpitas 387 115:36 14 Fremont Inc Individual Results PlaceName GradeSchool Time 1 Cummins, Renata 12 Palo Alto 18:11.0 2 Sumika Shiokawa 11 C'tino 18:15.0 3 Jill Goodwin 12 Los Gatos 18:20.0 4 Ivanhoe, Alicia 12 Palo Alto 18:22.0 5 Kaela Townsend 11 Los Gatos 18:24.0 6 Erin Fabris 11 Los Gatos 18:30.0 7 Nast, Katie 10 Saratoga 18:32.0 8 Paige Knudsen 12 Los Gatos 18:34.0 9 Mayer, Allegra 10 Gunn 18:35.0 10 Reid, Joanne 10 Gunn 18:48.0 11 Feng, Jean 10 Mo Vista 18:56.0 12 Reynolds, Mary 10 Mt. View 18:59.0 13 Hsu, Angela 12 Mo Vista 19:03.0 14 Kristen Peanasky 10 Homestead 19:07.0 15 Worsham, Lisa 12 Mo Vista 19:08.0 16 Emily Evans 10 Homestead 19:12.0 17 Talbot, Kristine 10 Mt. View 19:22.0 18 Russell, Caitlin 12 Los Altos 19:29.0 19 Sijstermans, Marloes 12 Mt. View 19:30.0 20 Lamble, Kelly 10 Saratoga 19:32.0 21 Lytle,Sara 12 Los Altos 19:36.0 22 Huang, MayC 12 Lynbrk 19:37.0 23 Jessica Fee 10 Los Gatos 19:45.0 24 Speedy, Amanda 10 Saratoga 19:46.0 25 Lacy, Ingrid 12 Santa Clara 19:48.0 26 Laura Pochowski 10 Homestead 19:49.0 27 Westbrook, Alex 10 Mt. View 19:51.0 28 Ng, Rosa 12 Mo Vista 19:55.0 29 Ju, Cindy 11 Lynbrk 19:59.0 30 Callie Mulgannon 11 Los Gatos 19:59.0 31 Wai, Karen 9 Saratoga 20:00.0 32 Morimoto, Tania 11 Mt. View 20:01.0 33 Rachel Moll 10 Homestead 20:01.0 34 Yih, Jennifer 12 Gunn 20:08.0 35 Fawcett, Lisa 9 Gunn 20:12.0 36 Pappas, Zoe 9 Mt. View 20:12.0 37 Yort, Holly 10 Los Altos 20:12.0 38 Cooper, Katrin 11 Saratoga 20:22.0 39 Graham, Irene 12 Gunn 20:30.0 40 Sum, Kelli 9 Mo Vista 20:30.0 41 Mehech, Daniela 12 Gunn 20:31.0 42 Hansol Kim 10 C'tino 20:32.0 43 Lee, Joyce 12 Palo Alto 20:34.0 44 Samantha Peppard Los Gatos 20:37.0 45 Lui, Gillian 10 Palo Alto 20:39.0 46 La, Christine 9 Saratoga 20:39.0 47 Simei Yeh 12 C'tino 20:40.0 48 Poon, Kay 10 Mo Vista 20:42.0 49 Cooper, Sophia 9 Saratoga 20:43.0 50 Yuan, Jane 10 Los Altos 20:47.0 51 Westrum, Brittany 11 Los Altos 20:48.0 52 Bryson, Kristen 9 Lynbrk 20:50.0 53 Hamor, Nastassia 10 Milpitas 20:54.0 54 Yee, Michelle 9 Lynbrk 20:54.0 55 Yglesias, Christina 9 Mo Vista 20:56.0 56 Winegarden, Katie 11 Wilcox 20:57.0 57 Starr, Jessica 12 Gunn 20:59.0 58 Cecilia Wu 10 C'tino 20:59.0 59 Feng, Lily 12 Palo Alto 21:00.0 60 Yuan, Sian 10 Los Altos 21:03.0 61 Melissa Gomez 11 C'tino 21:03.0 62 Howland, Hannah 9 Santa Clara 21:04.0 63 Lau, Peiley 11 Wilcox 21:04.0 64 Elaine Won 10 C'tino 21:04.0 65 Alissa Hayes 9 Homestead 21:05.0 66 Rogers, Leslie 11 Los Altos 21:11.0 67 Gordon, Emily 9 Santa Clara 21:13.0 68 Maemura, Melanie 10 Palo Alto 21:16.0 69 Lapier, Abby 9 Palo Alto 21:17.0 70 Murray, Lindsey 12 Mt. View 21:22.0 71 Taj Forouhari 11 Homestead 21:34.0 72 Sadovnikova, Anna 10 Lynbrk 21:53.0 73 Apruebo, Roni 10 Santa Clara 21:56.0 74 Fong, Yvonne 12 Lynbrk 22:08.0 75 Clarissa Chan 12 Homestead 22:10.0 76 Huynh,Hanh 12 Wilcox 22:12.0 77 Lai, Veronica 11 Wilcox 22:22.0 78 Buenconsejo, Kate 11 Milpitas 22:51.0 79 Comisar, Lauren 11 Lynbrk 23:00.0 80 L'Heureux, Colette 10 Santa Clara 23:02.0 81 Gonzalez, Maria 11 Wilcox 23:04.0 82 Scheinder, Stephanie Fremont 23:08.0 83 Acosta, Leia 10 Milpitas 23:34.0 84 Salvador, Bethany 9 Santa Clara 23:40.0 85 Henry,Nicole 11 Wilcox 23:47.0 86 Ngo, Lan 11 Milpitas 23:57.0 87 Belanger,Brittany 10 Milpitas 24:20.0 88 Guardado, Rocio 10 Milpitas 24:27.0 89 Moreno, Laura 9 Santa Clara 24:39.0 90 Nelson, Brianna 11 Fremont NT 91 Turbyfill, Ashley 12 Fremont NT 92 Lam, Anna 11 Fremont NT 2 Sumika Shiokawa 11 C'tino 18:15.0 42 Hansol Kim 10 C'tino 20:32.0 47 Simei Yeh 12 C'tino 20:40.0 58 Cecilia Wu 10 C'tino 20:59.0 61 Melissa Gomez 11 C'tino 21:03.0 210 64 Elaine Won 10 C'tino 21:04.0 82 Scheinder, Stephanie Fremont 23:08.0 90 Nelson, Brianna 11 Fremont NT 91 Turbyfill, Ashley 12 Fremont NT 92 Lam, Anna 11 Fremont NT 9 Mayer, Allegra 10 Gunn 18:35.0 10 Reid, Joanne 10 Gunn 18:48.0 34 Yih, Jennifer 12 Gunn 20:08.0 35 Fawcett, Lisa 9 Gunn 20:12.0 39 Graham, Irene 12 Gunn 20:30.0 127 41 Mehech, Daniela 12 Gunn 20:31.0 57 Starr, Jessica 12 Gunn 20:59.0 14 Kristen Peanasky 10 Homestead 19:07.0 16 Emily Evans 10 Homestead 19:12.0 26 Laura Pochowski 10 Homestead 19:49.0 33 Rachel Moll 10 Homestead 20:01.0 65 Alissa Hayes 9 Homestead 21:05.0 154 71 Taj Forouhari 11 Homestead 21:34.0 75 Clarissa Chan 12 Homestead 22:10.0 18 Russell, Caitlin 12 Los Altos 19:29.0 21 Lytle,Sara 12 Los Altos 19:36.0 37 Yort, Holly 10 Los Altos 20:12.0 50 Yuan, Jane 10 Los Altos 20:47.0 51 Westrum, Brittany 11 Los Altos 20:48.0 177 60 Yuan, Sian 10 Los Altos 21:03.0 66 Rogers, Leslie 11 Los Altos 21:11.0 3 Jill Goodwin 12 Los Gatos 18:20.0 5 Kaela Townsend 11 Los Gatos 18:24.0 6 Erin Fabris 11 Los Gatos 18:30.0 8 Paige Knudsen 12 Los Gatos 18:34.0 23 Jessica Fee 10 Los Gatos 19:45.0 45 30 Callie Mulgannon 11 Los Gatos 19:59.0 44 Samantha Peppard Los Gatos 20:37.0 22 Huang, MayC 12 Lynbrk 19:37.0 29 Ju, Cindy 11 Lynbrk 19:59.0 52 Bryson, Kristen 9 Lynbrk 20:50.0 54 Yee, Michelle 9 Lynbrk 20:54.0 72 Sadovnikova, Anna 10 Lynbrk 21:53.0 229 74 Fong, Yvonne 12 Lynbrk 22:08.0 79 Comisar, Lauren 11 Lynbrk 23:00.0 53 Hamor, Nastassia 10 Milpitas 20:54.0 78 Buenconsejo, Kate 11 Milpitas 22:51.0 83 Acosta, Leia 10 Milpitas 23:34.0 86 Ngo, Lan 11 Milpitas 23:57.0 87 Belanger,Brittany 10 Milpitas 24:20.0 387 88 Guardado, Rocio 10 Milpitas 24:27.0 11 Feng, Jean 10 Mo Vista 18:56.0 13 Hsu, Angela 12 Mo Vista 19:03.0 15 Worsham, Lisa 12 Mo Vista 19:08.0 28 Ng, Rosa 12 Mo Vista 19:55.0 40 Sum, Kelli 9 Mo Vista 20:30.0 107 48 Poon, Kay 10 Mo Vista 20:42.0 55 Yglesias, Christina 9 Mo Vista 20:56.0 12 Reynolds, Mary 10 Mt. View 18:59.0 17 Talbot, Kristine 10 Mt. View 19:22.0 19 Sijstermans, Marloes 12 Mt. View 19:30.0 27 Westbrook, Alex 10 Mt. View 19:51.0 32 Morimoto, Tania 11 Mt. View 20:01.0 107 36 Pappas, Zoe 9 Mt. View 20:12.0 70 Murray, Lindsey 12 Mt. View 21:22.0 1 Cummins, Renata 12 Palo Alto 18:11.0 4 Ivanhoe, Alicia 12 Palo Alto 18:22.0 43 Lee, Joyce 12 Palo Alto 20:34.0 45 Lui, Gillian 10 Palo Alto 20:39.0 59 Feng, Lily 12 Palo Alto 21:00.0 152 68 Maemura, Melanie 10 Palo Alto 21:16.0 69 Lapier, Abby 9 Palo Alto 21:17.0 25 Lacy, Ingrid 12 Santa Clara 19:48.0 62 Howland, Hannah 9 Santa Clara 21:04.0 67 Gordon, Emily 9 Santa Clara 21:13.0 73 Apruebo, Roni 10 Santa Clara 21:56.0 80 L'Heureux, Colette 10 Santa Clara 23:02.0 307 84 Salvador, Bethany 9 Santa Clara 23:40.0 89 Moreno, Laura 9 Santa Clara 24:39.0 7 Nast, Katie 10 Saratoga 18:32.0 20 Lamble, Kelly 10 Saratoga 19:32.0 24 Speedy, Amanda 10 Saratoga 19:46.0 31 Wai, Karen 9 Saratoga 20:00.0 38 Cooper, Katrin 11 Saratoga 20:22.0 120 46 La, Christine 9 Saratoga 20:39.0 49 Cooper, Sophia 9 Saratoga 20:43.0 56 Winegarden, Katie 11 Wilcox 20:57.0 63 Lau, Peiley 11 Wilcox 21:04.0 76 Huynh,Hanh 12 Wilcox 22:12.0 77 Lai, Veronica 11 Wilcox 22:22.0 81 Gonzalez, Maria 11 Wilcox 23:04.0 353 85 Henry,Nicole 11 Wilcox 23:47.0