Nor-Cal Runners to Watch - Cross Country 2006


Rank Last Name First NameGr School Sec Rank'05 DLS Section State Invites 3.0 -16:00 Gregg Brendan 12 Davis SJS 2nd,++ 16:14 15:21 Watchempino Evan 12 Jesuit SJS 3rd 15:23 16:36 15:23 Abdalla Mohamed 11 Willow Glen CCS 2nd 15:21 15:26 EB(15:43), Chief(15:54), LI(15:17) Salvatie Michael 12 Jesuit SJS 17:09 15:32 Lynch Patrick 12 Davis SJS 16:46 15:33 Hunt Rylan 10 Aptos CCS All-Fr 15:46 15:37 EB(16:08), Chief(16:11) McKennan Phil 12 Jesuit SJS 15:23 16:22 15:37 Fernandez German 11 Riverbank SJS 1st,+++ 16:37 15:37 Romo Chris 11 Woodcreek SJS 16:46 15:39 Corona Marcos 12 Willow Glen CCS 2nd 15:35 15:40 EB(15:48), Chief(15:41), LI(15:32) Tracy James 11 Del Campo SJS 16:28 15:43 Bor Gambileg 11 Jefferson CCS 15:46 15:48 Knorr Robbie 12 Valley Christian-DuCCS HM 15:50 15:49 Wolfsmith Lance 10 Sobrato CCS All-Fr 16:10 15:49 EB(16:01) Snyder Matt 12 St Ignatius CCS 3rd 15:45 15:50 Cole Brian 12 St Helena NCS 15:55 15:50 Kochlacs Joey 12 Campolindo NCS 15:28 15:59 15:50 ES(11:01) Cheng John 12 Oakland Oak 18:07 15:50 ES(10:58), LI(15:38) Surh Brad 11 Carlmont CCS HM 15:55 16:01 15:51 II(16:45) Estrada Diego 11 Alisal CCS HM 15:41 15:53 EB(15:28) Duffy Matt 11 St Mary's NCS HM 15:30 15:25 15:54 ES(10:43) Corral Misael 12 King City CCS 16:05 15:55 Baum Eric 12 Bellarmine CCS 16:21 15:56 Handa Brent 12 Fall River NS HM 15:50 15:57 MSI(13:14) Bonner Zach 12 Davis Senior SJS 16:43 15:57 Drosky Greg 11 Las Lomas NCS 15:18 16:00 McDowall Blake 12 Montgomery NCS 15:40 16:01 ES(10:33), VO(10:08), RC(14:07) Rodrigues Vince 10 Santa Clara CCS 16:23 16:01 Peabody Andy 12 College Park NCS HM 15:53 15:26 16:02 deGlymes Christian 12 Del Oro SJS 16:54 16:02 Lockkey Sterling 10 Petaluma NCS ++++ 15:53 15:54 16:03 RC(14:12) Jacobs Brad 12 Saratoga CCS 16:15 16:04 Doering Brad 12 Yuba City SJS 16:52 16:04 NU(15:55) Durell Kenny 11 Davis Senior SJS 16:48 16:06 Mayeda Walter 11 Aptos CCS 16:03 16:07 Costales Anthony 12 Fairfield SJS 17:12 16:07 Spangler Nathan 12 Del Campo SJS 17:02 16:08 Cosens Ryan 12 Oak Ridge SJS 16:30 16:09 Mitchell Cameron 11 Woodcreek SJS 17:05 16:11 NU(16:34) Thigpen Calvin 12 Maria Carrillo NCS 15:26 16:12 MacQuitty Philip 9 Palo Alto CCS 15:55 16:12 Petersen Matt 10 Davis Senior SJS 17:03 16:12 Castro Miguel 12 Alameda NCS 15:54 16:02* 16:13 Petrillo Matthew 12 Los Gatos CCS 3rd 15:46 15:12 16:14 EB(15:46), CP(11:16*) Lackner Kyle 11 Jesuit SJS 15:50 16:49 16:14 Ceraldi Mark 12 Piedmont NCS 3rd 16:07* 16:15 FI(15:49) Attarian James 11 Dublin NCS 15:30 16:16) Buscho David 12 San Rafael NCS 15:51 16:16) ES(11:00) Haworth Chris 10 Kennedy SJS 16:56 16:16) Surh Greg 12 Carlmont CCS 15:54 15:52 16:17) EB(16:15), II(16:45) Leng Jack 11 Castro Valley NCS 15:55 16:17) Ejigu Kindu 11 Santa Clara CCS 16:03 16:17) EB(16:03), FB(10:14), CP(11:22*) Louv Kyle 12 Eureka NCS 15:55 16:18) VO(10:43) Palermini Tony 12 Deer Valley NCS 15:55 16:21) Harland-Dunaw Chris 12 Campolindo NCS 15:55 16:22) Sylvester Andrew 11 Skyline Oak 18:01 16:22) ES(11:00) Whichard Douglas 12 Granada NCS 15:34 16:23) ES(11:03) Davies Alex 12 De La Salle NCS 15:54 15:50 16:23) ES(11:05) Malain Eric 12 Enterprise NS 16:22 16:23) Landrum Wyatt 10 Liberty NCS 15:36 16:24) Ferrell Patrick 11 Fairfield SJS 17:06 16:25) Fazzio James 11 Castro Valley NCS 15:46 16:26) II(16:52) Beach Nate 11 Acalanes NCS 15:30 16:29) Alvarez-B Alejandro 12 Watsonville CCS 16:04 16:30) Jokerst Devin 10 Ponderosa SJS 17:11 16:39) Marquardt Will 11 Union Mine SJS 16:57 16:43) Smith Colie 12 Lowell SF 17:28 16:51) Seawell Garrett 10 Woodcreek SJS 16:58 16:54) Kislyuk Dimitry 11 California NCS 15:52 17:08) Landry Michael 11 Santa Cruz CCS 15:55 DNC EB(16:01) MacQuitty Philip 9 Palo Alto CCS 15:55 16:12 Ruegg Kurt 9 Napa SJS 17:11* 16:42* Aboukhadij Amjed 9 Oak Ridge SJS 17:15* 16:56* Harper Greg 9 Las Lomas NCS 16;43* 17:12* Weber John 9 Piedmont NCS DNC 17:16* Kaylor Zack 9 Enterprise NS 16:44* 17:21* Summers Paul 9 Gunn CCS 16:53* 17:22* MacDonald Josh 9 Redwood Christian CCS 17:26* 17:39* Lester Jared 9 Fairfield SJS 11:14fs 17:42* Glassman Ethan 9 Gunn CCS 17:19* 17:43* King Brian 9 Cardinal Newman NCS 16:28* DNC Kiani Aria 9 Montgomery NCS 16:42* DNC Olson Erik 9 Novato NCS 16:49* DNC Luca Signore 9 Lynbrook CCS 17:42* DNC II(17:33) * = Course Record Race code (place in race) TTB Toro TeamBuilder (3.1) Lodi Lodi Invite (3.2) JMP Joaquin Miller Park (2.0) GB Granite Bay (3.1) There are 3 teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd) with 7 athletes per team. SWU Siskiyou Warm-up (2.4) There are 20 athletes that are also picked for Honorable Mention. FI Flames Inv (3.2) Also include who you pick as each Sections best athlete. LC Lynbrook Center Meet (2.1) There are 10 athletes for the All-Frosh team. SB Stinson Beach Relays (1.8) Finally, include who you want for: Runner Of The Year, Senior Of The Year, EB Early Bird (3.0) Junior Of The Year, Soph Of The Year & Frosh Of The Year. RI Rocklin Invite (?) RC Rancho Cotate Invite (2.75) If there is a ")" next to a time or place then that runner was beaten YE Yreka Elks (4K) by a non-tracked runner. EI Edison Invitational (?) If no place next to race code = beaten by non-tracked runner MV Monte Vista Meet (?) SI Sierra Invite (3.1) If you know what some of the missing grades of athletes are, please let me know. G1 Gunn Center Meet (2.18) FB Firebird Invite (2.05) The Excel file is sorted by State Meet time order, then by Section time. ES Ed Sias (2.05) VO Viking Opener (2.0) The Sections that are considered NorCal are: NS, NCS, SF, Oak, CCS, SJS. PV1 Pioneer Valley #1 (3.14) PAL1 PAL Artichoke (2.25) Put a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or HM under the RANK column for your choices. LV Lagoon Valley (3.0) and use the codes below as well: TCAL1Toro Park (3.0) DL1 Delta League #1 (?) % = Runner of the Year Sar Saratoga Invite (2.0) + = Senior of the Year +++ = Soph of the Year AI Adidas Invite (3.0) ++ = Junior of the Year ++++ = Frosh of the Year DLS DeLaSalle/Carondelet (3.0) SB = Section Best LI Lowell Invite (2.8) II Iolani Invite (3.1) Please return your ballot by 12/27. NU Nevada Union (3.0) CC CowChip (3.0) Please REPLY to this email so I know that you got it. FI Farmer Invite (?) NP Newhall Park (3.0) CP Central Park (2.3) SFL1 Sierra Foothill #1 (3.17) BV1 BVAL-Mt Ham #1 BH Bret Harte Invite RAM RAM Invitational (2.4) GD Grace Davis/Turlock VIS Viking Invitational-Stockton (2.84) EAL1 Eastern Athl Leg (2.8)


Rank Last Name First Name Gr School Sec Rank'05 DLS Section State Invites 3.0 -19:20 -19:28 Kosinski Alex 12 Oak Ridge SJS 1st,++,% 19:01 17:33 Taylor Jacque 9 Casa Grande NCS 17:23 17:57 RC(16:22) Hbtamu Rebecca 10 Roseville SJS 19:18 18:02 NU(19:22) Maier Deborah 10 Ponderosa SJS 19:13 18:12 Chetela Laurynne 11 Davis Senior SJS 19:49 18:14 Barnett Stephanie 10 Leland CCS HM 18:12 18:15 EB(19:11), Chief(19:01) Hood Nicole 9 Carondelet NCS 18:32 17:53 18:16 ES(12:41) Daly Katy 10 St Ignatius CCS 2nd 18:23 18:23 Howard Sara 9 Colfax SJS 19:54 18:25 Fedronic Justine 10 Carlmont CCS 18:40 18:24 18:26 EB(19:09), II(19:09) Escamilla Britney 12 El Molino NCS 18:15 18:29 VO(12:08) Garcia Maritza 12 Riverbank SJS 1st 19:38 18:29 Dillard Hannah 12 Chico NS 3rd 18:25 18:31 MSI(14:37*) Hamilton Samantha 9 Half Moon Bay CCS 18:25 18:32 Jackson Dominique 12 Fairfield SJS HM 20:04 18:33 Cerney Heather 9 Carondelet NCS 18:17 18:34 ES(13:04) Chan Ashley 12 Arroyo NCS 18:28 18:37 FI(19:09) Finnegan Laurie 11 Campolindo NCS HM 18:21 18:39 ES(13:29) Mendoza Nicole 10 St Francis SJS HM 19:01 19:38 18:39 ES(13:24) Bergmann Jennifer 10 Valley Christian CCS 1st 18:53 18:42 Fogg Leanne 12 Maria Carrillo NCS 18:31 18:44 ES(13:25), RC(17:13) Lee Thea 12 Carmel CCS 18:37 18:44 EB(19:06) Schnittger Amy 11 Aptos CCS 18:34 18:45 EB(19:38), Chief(19:14) Cridebrin Alycia 9 College Park NCS 18:07 18:46 Townsend Kaela 11 Los Gatos CCS 18:45 18:46 Roger Alesandra 11 Marin Academy NCS 18:29 18:47 Burke Jordan 11 Placer SJS 20:14 18:47 Reynolds Mary 10 Mtn View CCS 18:45 18:48 ES(13:13), FB(12:12), CP(13:43), LI(18:37) Trujillo Jovita 9 NMC CCS 18:57 18:48 Malone Maria 10 Folsom SJS 3rd 20:00 18:48 Sumpter Sarah 11 Healdsburg NCS 18:20 18:49 VO(12:16), RC(16:43) Hoyt Cara 11 SLV CCS HM 18:44 18:50 Richardson Hazel 10 Roseville SJS 20:11 18:50 Aliotti Sara 10 Carondelet NCS 19:18 18:29 18:51 ES(13:12) Fabris Erin 11 Los Gatos CCS 18:59 18:51 Atkins Brianna 11 Del Oro SJS 3rd 20:01 18:51 Ivanhoe Alicia 12 Palo Alto CCS 18:46 18:52 Imhof Andrea 12 University NCS 19:01 18:41 18:56 Olson Emilie 12 Tamalpais NCS 18:42 18:56 Shiokawa Sumika 11 Cupertino CCS HM 18:53 18:57 Chief(19:03), FB(12:11), Sar(11:56), CP(13:48) Lee Annie 10 RLS CCS 18:57 19:01 Houser Kellie 10 Carondelet NCS 18:30 17:59 19:04 ES(13:11) Rich Shannon 12 Rancho Cotate NCS HM 18:39 19:04 VO(12:36), RC(17:27) Johnson Taylor 11 SLV CCS 1st 18:39 19:05 Dougherty Samantha 10 Union Mine SJS 20:17 19:05 Weeks Jonah 11 Davis SJS 20:08 19:06 Fritzke Katie 12 Mt Shasta NS 18:51 19:07 ES(12:59), VO(15:19) Rhoades Mary 11 Carlmont CCS 19:21 19:08 Laiacona Cynthia 10 Mt Shasta NS 19:28) 19:08 ES(13:39), SWU(4) Johnson Michelle 10 West Valley NS HM 18:56 19:09 Harcus Shannon 9 Placer SJS 19:49 19:09 Mayer Allie 10 Gunn CCS 18:37 19:10 CP(13:53) Knudsen Paige 12 Los Gatos CCS 19:12 19:10 Clark Caitlin 12 Granite Bay SJS 19:51 19:11 NU(19:41) Silva Ashley Oak Ridge SJS 19:00 20:26) 19:11 Kigar Hillary 11 El Camino SJS HM 21:08) 19:12 Hodgkinson Hannah 12 Pleasant Valley NS HM 19:08 19:14 NU(19:26) Raleigh Aimee 10 Crystal Springs UplNCS 19:24 19:14 Murillo Catherine 12 Campolindo NCS 3rd 18:38 19:15 Diaz Sam 10 Ponderosa SJS 20:42) 19:15 George Diana 10 Livermore NCS HM 19:07 18:08 19:17 ES(13:13) Cummins Renata 12 Palo Alto CCS 19:03 19:19 Kent Jamie 9 Piedmont NCS 18:56 19:20 Cozine Emmy 10 Santa Rosa NCS 19:07 19:21 RC(17:03) McEnerney Kelly 11 Christian Bros SJS 19:08 20:44) 19:21 ES(13:32) Gray Alia 12 Maria Carrillo NCS 18:45 19:22 RC(8) Rozwat Maddie 12 Crystal Springs UplNCS 19:23 19:23 Pasquale Haley 10 Carlmont CCS 3rd 18:53 18:37 19:24 EB(19:18) Lawrence Brooke 12 Bret Harte SJS 20:28) 19:24 Goodwin Jill 12 Los Gatos CCS 18:59 18:59 19:25 CP(14:00) Lee Annasophie 10 Carmel CCS 19:05 19:26 Bradshaw Danzel 10 Fairfield SJS 2nd 19:21 19:26 Portillo Zuna 12 Pittsburg NCS 18:47 19:27 Reilly Chelsea 12 Davis SJS HM 20:15 19:27 Enabnit Katherin 11 St Francis SJS 18:46 20:56) 19:27 ES(13:09) Brokaw Libby 9 Las Lomas NCS 19:04 19:28 Gonzales Jessica 12 Evergreen Valley CCS 19:01 19:32 McCann Taylor 9 Burlingame CCS 18:57 19:35 Reid Joanne 10 Gunn CCS 18:58 19:36 Atkins Hagen 12 Durham NS 18:42 19:37 Raymond Elizabeth 11 Washington NCS 18:45 19:38 ES(13:20), FI(19:03) Eiremo Jenni 12 El Camino SJS 19:43 19:38 Miller Kathleen 10 Gilroy CCS 19:09 19:40 Hopper Melissa 9 Leigh CCS 18:51 19:43 Cordisco Amy 11 Skyline Oak 23:23 19:51 EB(19:45) Bergren Jenny 12 Miramonte NCS 18:40 19:57) ES(13:16), FI(18:56), LI(18:22) Luong Lucy 12 Lincoln SF 21:20 20:17 FI(18:33) Higgins Kendra 9 Sobrato CCS 18:43 20:41 EB(19:41), Chief(18:58) Marquez Arely 12 Yerba Buena CCS 19:09 DNC * = Course Record Race code (place in race) TTB Toro TeamBuilder (3.1) Jam TCAL_Jamboree (3.1) Lodi Lodi Invite (3.2) JMP Joaquin Miller Park (2.0) GB Granite Bay (3.1) There are 3 teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd) with 7 athletes per team. SWU Siskiyou Warm-up (2.4) There are 20 athletes that are also picked for Honorable Mention. FI Flames Inv (3.2) Also include who you pick as each Sections best athlete. LC Lynbrook Center Meet (2.1) There are 10 athletes for the All-Frosh team. SB Stinson Beach Relays (1.8) Finally, include who you want for: Runner Of The Year, Senior Of The Year, EB Early Bird (3.0) Junior Of The Year, Soph Of The Year & Frosh Of The Year. RI Rocklin Invite (?) RC Rancho Cotate Invite (2.75) If there is a ")" next to a time or place then that runner was beaten YE Yreka Elks (4K) by a non-tracked runner. EI Edison Invitational (?) If no place next to race code = beaten by non-tracked runner MV Monte Vista Meet (?) SI Sierra Invite (3.1) If you know what some of the missing grades of athletes are, please let me know. G1 Gunn Center Meet (2.18) FB Firebird Invite (2.05) The Excel file is sorted by State Meet time order, then by Section time. ES Ed Sias (2.05) VO Viking Opener (2.0) The Sections that are considered NorCal are: NS, NCS, SF, Oak, CCS, SJS. PV1 Pioneer Valley #1 (3.14) PAL1 PAL Artichoke (2.25) Put a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or HM under the RANK column for your choices. LV Lagoon Valley (3.0) and use the codes below as well: TCAL1Toro Park (3.0) DL1 Delta League #1 (?) % = Runner of the Year Sar Saratoga Invite (2.0) + = Senior of the Year +++ = Soph of the Year AI Adidas Invite (3.0) ++ = Junior of the Year ++++ = Frosh of the Year DLS DeLaSalle/Carondelet (3.0) SB = Section Best LI Lowell Invite (2.8) II Iolani Invite (3.1) Please return your ballot by 12/27. NU Nevada Union (3.0) CC CowChip (3.0) Please REPLY to this email so I know that you got it. FI Farmer Invite (?) NP Newhall Park (3.0) CP Central Park (2.3) SFL1 Sierra Foothill #1 (3.17) BV1 BVAL-Mt Ham #1 BH Bret Harte Invite RAM RAM Invitational (2.4) GD Grace Davis/Turlock VIS Viking Invitational-Stockton (2.84) EAL1 Eastern Athl Leg (2.8)