Artichoke Invite - updates

08/15/06 (evening)

Hank - The principal just e-mailed me back. She said they have decided due to construction there will be no meet. KO


Artichoke Invite cancellation not a done deal. I will continually add to this file as more information is gathered so check back... I emailed Kevin (Artichoke Meet Director for last several years) and asked if there was anything us coaches could do to help see that the Artichoke Invite will still be held on Oct 7th. His response was as follows: "Linda and I were planning on putting on the meet. The administration was all for it. By the way, you can't use the baseball field or the track (80% of the course) they said, because we are going to start a construction project with donated money the first week of October. They have a home (night) football game on the Friday before so the 4-5 hour finish area set-up will just have to start at 11:00 pm. Now there is a lawsuit against the school regarding the baseball field project so it might be delayed and they are going to do the track in April instead of September so possibly the only roadblock is the football game which could easily be worked around. I will ask the principal one last time." KO

Letter from KO to Principal

Sue - It's difficult to get the facts regarding the Artichoke. Yesterday I was told by a school board member that the track work won't begin until April and the baseball project might not happen. Does that mean the meet can happen? Terry Stogner told me in January he was aware of The Artichoke and that the football schedule would have HMB away the day before. We could work around the game if that is the only obstacle now. So many people have called and offered to help put on the event. The cancellation literally affects thousands of us. We have managed to do it for 35 years. It is a large and absolutely first class event. Is it possible (without changing the course!) to still do it this year? I feel it would be very sad to have the meet cancelled if there is a facilty capable of hosting the event and people capable and willing to put it on. KO