Lynbrook HS - Cross Country 2003

Pasta Feed & Meet Snacks Schedule

All Pasta Feeds start at 6:00 and are over by 8:30
(unless otherwise specified)

          PASTA PARTY                                  MEET SNACKS
          -----------                                  -----------

Sept 03   -  None (Parents Meeting)                   Christina Liu

Sept 10   -           None (we go to "Jake's" after Firebird)

Sept 17   -  _________________________                Mei Teng

Sept 22   -  Matt Claussen (Diana)                    Naoko Wakabayashi

Sept 26   -  _________________________                Hank & Steph

Oct  03   -  Jason Whitsett (Sue)                     Chin-Miin Shyu

Oct  10   -            None (Serra/Clovis is an OPTIONAL race)

Oct  13   -  Shruti Waghray & Craig Akimoto           Annie Tsai

Oct  22   -  Jon DeSimone (Ellen)                     Mei Teng

Oct  29   -  Amanda Chamberlain                       Lorraine Lam

Nov  03   -  Evan Smith                               Laura Hsieh