XC Roster - 1966

                  LYNBROOK CROSS COUNTRY

The following boys are currently participating in cross country as of 10-24-1966.
This is the final list for the cross country season.


Barnes, Steven    Alfred, Michael         Burke, Earl
Butterfield, Mike Boudreau, Peter         Carter, Vini
DiRoma, Steven    Carroll, James Timothy  Doyle, Randy
Highfill, Mark    Dearing, Brett          Gibbs, Mark
Johnson, Scott    DiRoma, Jr Dante        Johnson, Jeff
Lafferty, Mike    Elder, Richard          Mahon, Robert
Miller, Phillip   Faust, Monte            McCoy, John
Silva, Ken        Gallant, Gregory        McMahon, Bert
Stock, Bert       Hanson, Dennis          Nichols, Joe
Young, Ed         Hildestad, Roy          Pearson, Greg
                  Keswick, Curt           Spencer, Pat
                  Martin, Dan             Stock, Howard
                  McCoy, Kevin            Webber, Howard
                  Schwager, Scott

SCORERS:          Mayers, Katy            COACHES:         Rudy Garcia
                  Null, Chris                              Verne Thornberg

MANAGERS:         Allen, Gary
                  Rapson, Michael