Minutes of 5/18/04 SCVAL Post-Season Track Meeting


All schools in the SCVAL had a coach at the meeting. Also, Rick Ellis, the athletic director in charge of track for the SCVAL, attended. The following coaches were there: Julie L�Heureux(SC), Chuck Kappen(SC), Julia Widstrand(LA), Gerri Baldwin(LA), Kim Nebeker(LA), Paul Jones(PA), Sean Bowman(H), Rick Ellis(S), Paul Abbot(M), Walt Van Zant(W), Ernest Lee(G), Evan Smith(Mt.V), Samantha Read(Mt.V), Monica Townsend(LG), Thomas Newman(LG),
Darrin Garcia(L), Hank Lawson(L), Paul Armstrong(C), Ray Cornell(MV), Gary Price(MV), and Robert De La Cruz(F). The meeting was held at CB Hannigans in Los Gatos and went from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

Division Finals

Los Altos directed the DeAnza meet and Cupertino directed the El Camino meet. They both did a fine job. Los Altos will again direct the DeAnza meet next year and Mt. View is in charge of the El Camino meet. The coaches discussed the El Camino Final and the DeAnza Final being held on the same day next year. It was decided to continue the discussion at next year�s preseason meeting.

A sample budget (click here) is enclosed. The SCVAL By-Laws says we are to have one for our meets - maybe we should start...

Qualification Meet

The meet was directed by Monica Townsend and Thomas Newman of Los Gatos. They did a good job and the meet went smoothly except for schools not providing turn judges. School assigned the job of providing a turn judge did not always have one working and other schools had to step in and cover for them.

By-Laws and League Realignment

Since there are questions concerning which set of By-Laws have been approved by the Board of Managers, a motion was made by Paul Jones (PA) to use the last copy of the by-laws that was sent to the athletic directors as our starting point. These by-laws are dated 12/03. Although these by-laws are not noted as being a draft, we believe that the league commissioner has stated that they are only draft by-laws and that the last by-laws approved by the Board of Managers is dated 6/01. Jones' motion was seconded by Walt Van Zant (W) and approved 13-1. Therefore, alll references to the by-laws throughout the remainder of these minutes refers to the 12/03 by-laws.

According to Article VIII, Section 3 of the By-Laws, realignment will occur every 2 years. Since the league was realigned last year, we will not realign this year. If the Board of Managers decide to realign the league, the following results will be used:

DeAnza Point Total Based on Records from the dual meet season and division finals:

Lynbrook - 22.5 Los Altos - 12.5

Gunn - 22 Milpitas - 12

Los Gatos - 19 Wilcox - 8.5

Palo Alto - 15.5

El Camino Point Total:

Monta Vista - 26 Cupertino - 11

Mt. View - 20.5 Homestead - 9

Saratoga - 19 Fremont - 8.5

Santa Clara - 18

Honor Coach Nomination

Walt Van Zant and Paul Jones won the nominations. Their names will be given to the CCS office.

CCS Evaluation Meeting

No suggestions were made.

League Meet/Qualifier


A discussion was held about the division finals and whether to have one big finals with both leagues instead of two with a qualifying meet. It was suggested that one large final could be held over 3 days like the PAL. The qualifiers for CCS would come from this meet. The league champion would be determined by the dual meet season. It was decided to leave this discussion for next year and keep our current set up.

Awards for division finals - The coaches would like Rick Ellis to talk to the athletic directors about medals being awarded at the Division finals. If they do not like the idea, why not?

By-Law Discussion and Changes

A motion was made by Ernie Lee(G) and seconded by Sam Read(Mt.V) to change Article VI, Section 2 to allow only Varsity athletes to move on to the Qualification meet. The vote was 12 for and 1 against. The motion passes and the following changes will be made to Section 2:

Old Version:

Section 2. The top 16 athletes/schools from the El Camino and DeAnza Division meets in each event will be allowed to compete in the Qualification Meet. Frosh/Soph and JV girls relay times will not be considered when determining the top 16 marks in the relays.

New Version:

Section 2. The top 16 Varsity athletes/schools from the El Camino and DeAnza Division meets in each event will be allowed to compete in the Qualification Meet.

A motion was made by Julia Widstrand(LA) to change Article V, Section 1 to allow for 4 entries by a school to the division finals. The motion was seconded by Darrin Garcia(L). The vote was 6 for and 7 against. Motion does not pass.

A motion was made, by Walt Van Zant(W)and seconded by Julia Widstrand(LA), to delete Section 1.7 (Standards for the Division finals) from Article V. The vote was 1 for and 12 against. The section will remain in the By-Laws.

A motion was made by Samantha Read(MtV) and seconded by Hank Lawson(L) to delete Section 2.2 (The 65M high hurdles will be run in the F/S.), Article III from the By-Laws. The vote was 6 for and 7 against. The motion fails and the F/S will continue to run the 65M hurdles.

A motion was made by Julie LÕHeureux(SC) and seconded by Paul Jones(PA) to change the By-Laws, where it refers to the no. of qualifiers to CCS from 5 boys and 6 girls to as specified by the Yearly Track By-Laws of CCS (Article VI, Section 3,4.2,5,and 5.1). The motion passes 12 for and 0 against. The By-Laws to be changed are as follows:

Article VI Section 3

Old Version:

Section 3 We will hold slow/fast races for all track events (except the 1600 and 3200) with the athletes/schools with the best 8 marks competing in the fast heats and the remaining qualifiers competing in the slow heats. The slow heat will be run prior to the fast heat for each event. The 5 best times for the boys and 6 best times for the girls in each event will qualify for the CCS semifinals meet.

New Version:

Section 3 We will hold slow/fast races for all track events (except the 1600 and 3200) with the athletes/schools with the best 8 marks competing in the fast heats and the remaining qualifiers competing in the slow heats. The slow heat will be run prior to the fast heat for each event. The qualifiers to the CCS semifinals will be based upon the best times, no matter whether the time comes from the fast heat or slow heat. The number of boys and girls to qualify to the CCS semifinals will be as per the yearly track by-laws of the CCS.

Article VI Section 4.2

Old Version:

Section 4.2 The 5 boys and 6 girls with the best marks in the long jump, triple jump, discus, and shot put will qualify for the CCS semifinals.

New Version:

Section 4.2 The number of boys and girls who qualify from the SCVAL Qualifier Meet to the CCS semifinals in the SP/Discus/LJ/TJ will be as per the yearly

track by-laws of the CCS.

Article VI Section 5 and 5.1

Old Version:

Section 5 All high jump qualifiers will compete in one flight. The top 5 boys and top 6 girls will qualify for the CCS semifinals.

5.1 If there is a tie for 5th place for the boys or 6th

place for the girls, then the tie will be broken by a jump off in accordance with Rule 2-2-2-b-4 of the National Federation Track and Cross Country rules.

New Version:

Section 5 All high jump qualifiers will compete in one flight. The number of qualifiers from the Qualifier Meet to the CCS semifinals will be as

per the yearly track by-laws of the CCS.

5.1 If there is a tie for the last qualifying place to the CCS semifinals, then the tie will be broken by a jump off in accordance with Rule 2-2-2-b-4 of the National Federation Track and Cross Country rules.

A motion was made by Ernie Lee(G) and seconded by Chuck Kappen(SC) to remove the 8th place reference in Article V Section 2. This reference was from the time the Saint Francis girls competed in the league. The vote was 13 for and 0 against. The by-law change is as follows:

Old Version:

Section 2. Team points will be awarded and combined with dual meet points to determine a Division champion on the following basis:

Dual Meet and Division Final Scoring

1st Place 7 Points (8)

2nd Place 6 Points (7)

3rd Place 5 Points (6)

4th Place 4 Points (5)

5th Place 3 Points (4)

6th Place 2 Points (3)

7th Place 1 Point (2)

(8th Place) (1)

New Version:

Section 2. Team points will be awarded and combined with dual meet points to determine a Division champion on the following basis:

Dual Meet and Division Final Scoring

1st Place 7 Points

2nd Place 6 Points

3rd Place 5 Points

4th Place 4 Points

5th Place 3 Points

6th Place 2 Points

7th Place 1 Point

A motion was made to change the order of events(Article VII, Section 4) for the 1600m and 3200m. The order of the divisions would be GV, BV, GJV, F/S. The motion was made by Ernie Lee(G) and seconded by Julie LÕHeureux(SC). The vote was 13 for and 0 against. The by-law change is as follows:

Article VII, Section 4

Old Version:

5. GV 1600 M. Run Curve Line

6. GJV 1600 M. Run Curve Line

7. F/S 1600 M. Run Curve Line

8. BV 1600 M. Run Curve

33. GJV 3200 M. Run Curve Line

34. F/S 3200 M. Run Curve Line

35. GV 3200 M. Run Curve Line

36. BV 3200 M. Run Curve Line

New Version:

5. GV 1600 M. Run Curve Line

6. BV 1600 M. Run Curve Line

7. GJV 1600 M. Run Curve Line

8. F/S 1600 M. Run Curve

33. GV 3200 M. Run Curve Line

34. BV 3200 M. Run Curve Line

35. GJV 3200 M. Run Curve Line

36. F/S 3200 M. Run Curve Line


Rick Ellis is the new athletic director assigned to track.

The coaches would like to see minutes from the athletic directors� meeting and Board of Manager meeting posted on a website or Hank Lawson�s Lynbrook site so that we can see what was discussed and the by-laws that were voted on.

The coaches would also like to see a new set of By-Laws issued every year if changes have been made. We are unsure which of the last 3 by-laws given to the athletic directors -- 6/01, 3/02, or 12/03 -- are presently in effect.

All coaches should talk to their athletic director and principal about the by-law changes and issues before the AD and BOM meetings. The athletic directors have a meeting on May 26. The league reps. should let the coaches know when an AD or BOM meeting is coming so that the coaches can talk to their AD or principal.


A discussion took place on whether grievances should be filed against the ADs or league commissioner. It was felt that the ADs were not informed of any changes to the by-laws by Tony Nunes. The SCVAL constitution states that minutes should be published by the ADs after their meeting. Since our new AD (Rick Ellis) for track is a track coach, hopefully communication will improve and minutes will be issued. Although a grievance should be filed against Tony Nunes, it was felt that nothing would be gained by doing this.