AD Meeting - 5/23/04

Unnofficial Minutes by Rick Ellis - Saratoga

Good Morning Coaches, I thought it would be a good idea to update you on yesterday's AD meeting. As far as track is concerned three topics were discusses: 1) current by-laws (6/01, 3/02 or 12/03), 2) changes to those by-laws and 3) streamlining communication. According to Mr. Nunes, the only by-laws that should be referred to, for any sport, are those by-laws that are copied on COLORED paper. Anything else is to be considered a draft. Ironically, this does suggest that the SCVAL qual. meet should not be taking place. Mr. Nunes did acknowledge that the by-laws need to be updated in a more timely fashion and that there will be updated, official, colored by-laws passed out at the September 22, 2004 AD meeting. All of the by-law changes that we proposed at our May 18, 2004 meeting were passed unanimously by the AD's. The AD's did note that the by-laws addressing Article VI should be considered additions, not changes, since the 6/01 by-laws did not recognize Article VI. Regardless of this technicality, Article VI sec. 2, 3, 4.2, 5 and 5.1 were all approved and will be included, as well as the rest of Article VI, in the September by-laws. As for the leagues stance on medals...the AD's will not endorse league medals. In other words, the AD's do not want their schools (i.e. athletic departments) to be responsible for payment. I am under the impression that if an individual coach wants to buy medals "out of pocket" then they may do so. It should be noted, however, that the school will NOT be responsible for reimbursement or payment. We had some positive progress in regards to communication between coaches, AD's and BOM. It was proposed that the SCVAL run a website that will post current information (minutes, by-laws, schedules, etc.) that will be accessible to everyone. Angie (AD Wilcox) agreed to run and update the site. Tony (AD Santa Clara) agreed to take official minutes at each of the meetings. The goal is to try and have the site up and running by the Fall. Most, if not all, of the AD's agreed that there needs to be a better line of communication between coaches, AD's and BOM. If you have any questions about the meeting, let me know. Rick Ellis Saratoga High School