Reporting Standards for CCS Top Marks List - 2003

Although I may be only listing the Top 10 marks at the beginning of the season, by the end I will be listing the Top 25 marks for each event. Please send in any marks that make the below standard to Hank Lawson and be sure to include: Name (Last, First), Grade, School, Mark (FAT or hand), Meet, Place in event, wind aided or not, Meters or Yards - do not convert the mark, my spreadsheat will do that. Thanks for your assistance. hank BOYS GIRLS ---- ----- 400 Rel :45.34 (:45.2 h) :52.90 (:52.6 h) 1600 4:36.2 5:30.0 110HH/LH :16.75 (:16.5 h) :17.56 (:17.5 h) 400 :53.00 :63.00 100 :11.49 (:11.2 h) :13.24 (:13.0 h) 800 2:02.0 2:28.0 300H :43.5 :50.44 200 :23.32 (:23.0 h) :27.24 (:27.0 h) 3200 10:14.0 12:00.0 1600 Rel 3:39.0 4:26.0 HJ 6'00 5'00 LJ 20'04 15'09 TJ 40'08 32'08 Disc 135'00 100'00 Shot 45'08 32'08 PV 12'03 9'00