'73 Downey Relays - 4 x 1 mile Leg 1: 1. Hal Luna (Merced) about 4:22 2. Mike Killeen (Redwood) 4:33 3. Arne Nelson 4:39 Leg 2: 1. Merced with Sal Bega about 4:34 2. Saint Ignatius with Tony Fotino about 4:29 3. Redwood with Pete Sweeney 4:31 4. Hank Lawson 4:43 Leg 3: 1. Merced with ? 2. Gunn with Gordon MacMitchell about 4:17 3. SI with ? 4. Redwood with Dave Brainard, pr of 4:19 running 4:35, thanks Dave Leg 4. 1. Merced with Dave Taylor about 4:19 for a 17:47 2. Gunn with Steve Crowley about 4:15 for a 17:54 3. Redwood with Bryan Tracy 4:27 for a 18:05.2 4. SI with John McVay