St. Thomas Aquinas Relays
Michael Hollembeak (Olathe South) leaps 6-8; Erin Beck (BV North) wins 16/ 8 double in 5:16.20/ 2:24.56
5/1/09 Blue Valley Activities Center, Overland Park KS
by Tony Bozarth
Erin Beck (Blue Valley North) edges Mallory Kirby (Shawnee Mission East) 2:24.56 to 2:24.97 in the 800., and wins the 1600 in 5:15.20 from Allie Marquis (Shawnee Mission East, 5:16.69).
Kirby and Marquis help Shawnee Mission East rip a 9:44.26 in the 4 x 800.
Kelli Russell (Olathe South) wins the 3200 in 11;49.74.
Travis Boyett (Shawnee Mission West) wins the 800 in 1:59.60 after running 4:25.90 to win the 1600 from PJ Greer (Aquinas, Overland Park, 4:29.08)
Kyle Hanson (Aquinas, Overland Park) wins the 3200 in 9:50.21, shading Taylor Nall (Shawnee Mission West, 9:51.40).
Michael Hollembeak (Olathe South) clears 6-8 to win the HJ from Curran Darling (Shawnee Mission East 6-6).
Sarah Buschmann (Blue Valley West) wins the LJ (17-7) and TJ (37-3)
Reggie Harris (Olathe South) leaps 22-11 to win the LJ and 43-6 to take the TJ.
Megan Smith (Olathe South) takes the SP (42-2) and DT (127-11).
Stephanie Nelson (Sumner Academy, Kansas City) wins the JT by 30 feet with a toss of 125-11.
Licensed To: Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 9:58 PM 5/1/2009 Page 1 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Team Rankings - Through Event 36
Female Team Scores Place School Points 1 Olathe South OS 103 1 BV North BVN 103 3 BV West BVW 89 4 SM East SME 66 5 Blue Springs BS 63 6 Sumner Academy SUMN 54 6 BV Northwest BVNW 54 8 BV High BVH 44 9 Piper PIP 37 10 Ruskin RUSK 25 10 SM West SMW 25 12 Aquinas AQU 20 13 Sion SION 14 14 KC Christian KCC 4 15 Wyandotte WYAN 1 Total 702.00
Male Team Scores Place School Points 1 SM West SMW 137 2 Blue Springs BS 91 3 BV High BVH 81 4 Olathe South OS 71 5 Aquinas AQU 70 6 SM East SME 69 7 BV West BVW 60 8 BV Northwest BVNW 53 9 BV North BVN 48.50 10 Wyandotte WYAN 9.50 11 KC Christian KCC 7 12 Sumner Academy SUMN 5
Total 702.00 Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:22 PM 5/1/2009 Page 1 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Results Event 1 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Martin, Kim 11 BV West 16.08 2 Summers, Katherine 09 Olathe South 16.18 3 Williams, Tiara 09 BV Northwest 16.59 4 Wamkpah, Olivia 10 BV West 16.99 5 Thomas, Evan 10 Ruskin 17.33 6 Danaher, Shannon 09 Blue Springs 17.52 7 Hartman, Annie 10 KC Christian 17.88 8 Jones, Sigourney 09 Ruskin 18.07 9 Vaughn, Cierra 11 Sumner Acade 18.13 10 Rogers, Marlee 09 BV High 18.17 11 Clements, Kirby 11 SM East 18.53 12 Pennington, Emma 12 SM East 18.57 13 Sundby, Annika 10 BV High 18.86 14 byers, ashleigh 12 Sumner Acade 20.67 15 Oledibe, Jennifer 12 Ruskin 21.14 Event 2 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Wood, Jason 10 BV High 15.78 2 Stang, Austin 10 BV High 15.80 3 Trocosso, Jon 11 Blue Springs 15.85 4 Gaitain, Nick 09 Sumner Acade 16.22 5 Lockheart, Arias 09 SM East 16.26 6 White, Patrick 11 BV West 16.43 7 Swalley, Tyler 09 BV Northwest 16.44 8 Simmons, Grant 11 BV North 16.68 9 Ornduff, Matt 09 BV Northwest 16.72 10 Kirkendoll, LaDarius Wyandotte 16.89 11 Belke, Jacob 12 Blue Springs 16.90 11 Leblanc, Adam 10 SM West 16.90 13 Allen, Zach 09 SM West 17.08 14 Wilson, Alex 09 SM East 17.27 15 Gaughan, Lucas 10 BV High 17.40 16 Sullivan, Mike 09 SM East 17.60 17 Wahrmann, Chris 11 BV West 17.70 18 Franklin, Blake 09 Sumner Acade 17.88 19 Yano, Jordan 09 BV West 18.30 20 Thomas, Jayce 11 Blue Springs 20.76 --- Salinas, Chris 09 Olathe South DNF Event 3 Girls 100 Meter Dash Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Sloan, Tyler 11 Sumner Acade 12.43 2 Figueroa, Dominique 11 Olathe South 12.81 3 Goff, Lenia 11 Piper 12.81 4 Taylor, Bria 11 Blue Springs 12.86 5 Morrell, Kaitlin 10 BV North 12.94 6 Aguiar, Toni 12 SM East 13.09 7 Smith, Aerial 11 BV High 13.12 8 Haywood, Angela 10 Ruskin 13.17 9 Morrow, Whitney 12 Piper 13.26 10 Johnson, Breanna 12 Ruskin 13.48 11 Taylor, Derian 12 BV North 13.49 12 Nelson-Wilkes, Brenna 10 BV West 13.63 13 Moman, Mary 12 Sumner Acade 13.63 14 Long, Eryn Wyandotte 13.67 15 Roe, Dominique 10 Ruskin 13.75 16 Timms, Ver-lyssa Wyandotte 13.76 17 Ronan, Callie 10 BV High 13.76 18 Sparling, Shelley 09 BV High 13.81 19 Lewis, Carlotta 12 Sumner Acade 13.83 20 McIntire, Kelsey 10 BV West 13.87 21 Lewis, Haley 12 Blue Springs 13.92 22 Kelly, Myesha Wyandotte 13.92 23 Boddie, Deja 09 Blue Springs 13.97 24 Schwab, Whitney 09 KC Christian 13.98 25 Bain, Jordan 10 SM West 14.03 26 Useldinger, Cara 11 Olathe South 14.05 27 Henderson, Dominique 12 SM West 14.11 28 Strickler, Lauren 11 Aquinas 14.13 Event 4 Boys 100 Meter Dash Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Clarke, Chris 10 SM East 11.15 2 Jones, Darryl 09 Olathe South 11.21 3 Gittemeier, Patrick 09 Aquinas 11.22 4 VanReed, Lamar 09 Blue Springs 11.29 5 O'Reilly, Connor 11 BV Northwest 11.36 6 Thomas, Bernard 11 Blue Springs 11.39 7 Chapman, Jordan 11 SM West 11.43 8 Grace, JW 09 SM West 11.54 9 Reed, Dagan 11 Aquinas 11.57 10 Rampy, Luke 09 BV High 11.60 11 Gittemeier, Andrew 11 Aquinas 11.67 12 Dietrich, Jordan 10 SM East 11.67 13 Gregory, David 11 BV High 11.72 14 Williams, D'Anthony Wyandotte 11.73 15 Cantril, Scott 10 SM East 11.73 16 Traylor, Wade 10 Olathe South 11.75 17 Craig, Martin 09 BV High 11.81 18 Gaddy, Garrett 10 BV Northwest 11.84 19 Groepper, Patrick 09 BV West 11.87 20 Mason, Curtis Blue Springs 11.92 21 Fowler, Spencer 10 Olathe South 11.96 22 Cummins, Josh 10 BV West 12.19 23 Battles, Tyrone 11 Sumner Acade 12.34 24 Hardin, Ivory 09 BV Northwest 12.43 Event 5 Girls 200 Meter Dash Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Cole, Danyelle 10 Piper 26.11 2 Taylor, Bria 11 Blue Springs 26.67 Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:22 PM 5/1/2009 Page 2 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Results Finals ... (Event 5 Girls 200 Meter Dash) Name Yr School Finals 3 Morrell, Kaitlin 10 BV North 26.88 4 Thomas, Brittany 10 Blue Springs 27.06 5 Cousin, Ali 10 BV West 27.07 6 Aguiar, Toni 12 SM East 27.13 7 Buckner, Morgan 10 Piper 27.50 8 Haywood, Angela 10 Ruskin 27.57 9 McKinney, Shawncee 11 SM West 27.62 10 Maddox, Chanel 09 Sumner Acade 27.74 11 Leslie, Sarah 11 BV High 27.92 12 Cruz, Krystal 09 BV Northwest 28.08 13 Taylor, Derian 12 BV North 28.10 14 Long, Eryn Wyandotte 28.27 15 Davis, Callie 10 Olathe South 28.35 16 Kelly, Myesha Wyandotte 28.36 17 Roe, Dominique 10 Ruskin 28.47 18 Hargrove, Michon 11 SM West 28.66 19 Delgado, Alyx 10 SM East 28.66 20 Boddie, Deja 09 Blue Springs 28.82 21 McIntire, Kelsey 10 BV West 28.83 22 Sparling, Shelley 09 BV High 29.07 23 Timms, Ver-lyssa Wyandotte 29.16 24 Sabatini, Anna 11 Aquinas 29.24 25 Walker, Bria 11 SM West 29.50 26 Sherry, Kaetlyn 11 BV High 29.95 27 Hamilton, Icelynn 10 Ruskin 30.14 28 Schwab, Whitney 09 KC Christian 30.23 29 Woody, Lauren 11 Aquinas 30.57 30 Norris, Taylor 09 Olathe South 31.14 31 Flagler, Renee 10 Aquinas 31.50 Event 6 Boys 200 Meter Dash Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Herring, Danny 09 SM West 22.40 2 Clarke, Chris 10 SM East 22.80 3 Gittemeier, Patrick 09 Aquinas 23.01 4 Chapman, Jordan 11 SM West 23.16 5 Grace, JW 09 SM West 23.36 6 O'Reilly, Connor 11 BV Northwest 23.47 7 Brandenburgh, Jordan 09 Aquinas 23.60 8 Williams, D'Anthony Wyandotte 23.62 9 Siebert, Blane 09 BV High 23.71 10 Grover, Brian 09 BV West 23.73 11 McDermott, Jacob 11 BV High 23.83 12 Padley, Josh 11 Blue Springs 23.96 13 Widrig, Mike 11 BV North 23.99 14 Cantril, Scott 10 SM East 24.01 15 Cornish, Deande Wyandotte 24.28 16 Craig, Martin 09 BV High 24.29 17 Bernard, Donte 09 Olathe South 24.37 18 Groepper, Patrick 09 BV West 24.43 19 Ahern, Kyle 11 Aquinas 24.84 20 Pledge, Tommy 09 BV Northwest 24.94 21 Cummins, Josh 10 BV West 24.99 22 Goodlow, Adrian Wyandotte 25.02 23 Fowler, Spencer 10 Olathe South 25.21 24 Burch, Brandon 10 SM East 25.53 25 Dutton, Tanner 10 Olathe South 25.86 26 Lee, Keys 10 Sumner Acade 26.07 Event 7 Girls 400 Meter Dash Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Cousin, Ali 10 BV West 1:01.74 2 Stewart, Anecia 10 Ruskin 1:02.18 3 Warren, Taylor 11 Olathe South 1:02.33 4 Dunn, Abby 12 SM East 1:03.52 5 Willis, Michelle 12 SM West 1:03.74 6 Murphy, Erin 11 Olathe South 1:04.18 7 Jimisha, Pugh 09 Blue Springs 1:04.23 8 Cowan, Tierra 10 Sion 1:04.34 9 Delgado, Alyx 10 SM East 1:04.75 10 Berry, Nicole 10 BV High 1:04.76 11 Childers, Lindsay 10 BV North 1:05.25 12 Shapland, Meredith 11 BV North 1:06.82 13 Watson, Megan 09 BV North 1:06.88 14 Johnson, Autumn 11 BV High 1:06.96 15 Swisher, Emmy 10 Sion 1:07.04 16 Lewis, Haley 12 Blue Springs 1:07.67 17 Boone, Olivia 12 BV West 1:07.81 18 Cruz, Krystal 09 BV Northwest 1:08.18 19 Hamilton, Icelynn 10 Ruskin 1:08.37 20 Walker, Bria 11 SM West 1:08.90 21 Schwab, Whitney 09 KC Christian 1:09.75 22 Jenkins, Cathryn 10 Aquinas 1:09.89 23 Wright, Megan 12 Blue Springs 1:09.92 24 Sherry, Kaetlyn 11 BV High 1:12.13 25 Laster, Adraine Wyandotte 1:12.79 26 Andrews, Shanika Wyandotte 1:17.66 27 Luther, Maddi 10 Aquinas 1:19.20 28 Wood, Kayla Wyandotte 1:26.35 Event 8 Boys 400 Meter Dash Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Pascal, Cordi 11 SM West 52.06 2 Grover, Brian 09 BV West 52.28 3 Loyd, Travis 09 BV High 53.09 4 Widrig, Mike 11 BV North 53.10 5 Hollinshed, Jeff Wyandotte 53.11 6 Siebert, Blane 09 BV High 53.20 7 Berger, Chris 09 Aquinas 53.89 8 Toombs, Cooper 11 SM East 54.32 9 O'Reilly, Connor 11 BV Northwest 54.32 10 Shadwick, Graham 11 BV Northwest 54.52 11 Pledge, Tommy 09 BV Northwest 54.85 12 Powell, Cody 11 Aquinas 55.15 13 Miller, Chris 11 Aquinas 55.77 Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:22 PM 5/1/2009 Page 3 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Results Finals ... (Event 8 Boys 400 Meter Dash) Name Yr School Finals 14 Ryan, Olander SM East 55.99 15 Stiefel, Jonathan 09 SM East 56.01 16 Potor, Darion Wyandotte 56.44 17 Slagg, Colten 10 BV West 56.45 18 Finnell, Daron 10 Blue Springs 57.12 19 Basalo, Luigi 10 BV North 57.57 20 Hall, Deiondre 12 Blue Springs 58.19 21 Ensz, Christian BV High 58.76 22 Drinkard, Ross 11 Olathe South 1:00.08 23 Battles, Tyrone 11 Sumner Acade 1:01.00 Event 9 Girls 800 Meter Run Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Beck, Erin 09 BV North 2:24.56 2 Kirby, Mallory 10 SM East 2:24.97 3 Rich, Maddy 10 SM East 2:25.18 4 Donnely-Francis, Mary 12 Sion 2:27.13 5 Clark, Annie 11 Aquinas 2:29.57 6 Illies, Melissa 10 BV High 2:32.82 7 Frohardt, Megan 11 SM West 2:33.05 8 Donahue, Betsy 11 Aquinas 2:33.63 9 Reynolds, Elizabeth 12 Blue Springs 2:34.34 10 Haas, Maddi 09 Aquinas 2:34.99 11 Smith, Molly 12 SM West 2:37.29 12 Meek, Molly 10 Sion 2:38.62 13 Blakeman, Alyssa 09 Olathe South 2:40.55 14 Loats, Miranda 12 BV High 2:41.10 15 Ward, Betsy 10 BV West 2:41.72 16 Gruen, Justine 10 BV North 2:42.98 17 Trempy, Dayna 10 BV North 2:44.45 18 Gorthy, McKenzie BV High 2:44.97 19 Loyd, Avery 11 Sion 2:45.78 20 Bolton, LaShanda 12 Ruskin 2:50.27 21 Berkley, Amber 09 Sumner Acade 2:52.59 22 Boston, Lakeitha 10 Ruskin 2:54.63 23 Andrews, Shanika Wyandotte 3:07.64 24 Laster, Adraine Wyandotte 3:10.81 Event 10 Boys 800 Meter Run Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Boyett, Travis 09 SM West 1:59.60 2 Griggs, Jake 09 BV High 2:03.36 3 Glenski, David 10 Aquinas 2:05.77 4 Wheeler, Collin 10 Blue Springs 2:06.56 5 Jones, Cole 12 Blue Springs 2:06.64 6 Loughman, Nick 11 Aquinas 2:06.83 7 Magee, Max 09 BV North 2:07.55 8 Weitkamp, Alex 11 Aquinas 2:07.67 9 Sojka, Chris 10 KC Christian 2:09.80 10 Pepper, Dillon 11 SM West 2:10.11 11 Hulse, Bryan 09 BV Northwest 2:10.15 12 Payne, Michael 09 SM East 2:10.52 13 McPherson, Garrett 10 SM West 2:10.94 14 Bagley, Scott 12 BV West 2:11.11 15 Podjenski, Ryan 10 Blue Springs 2:11.15 16 Hughes, Chris 10 BV Northwest 2:11.24 17 Bittan, Nadav 09 BV North 2:11.41 18 Haviland, Taylor 10 SM East 2:12.15 19 Nichols, Evan 12 SM East 2:12.80 20 James, Jonathan 10 BV Northwest 2:13.04 21 Ilaria, Kyle 09 Olathe South 2:13.36 22 Hendrickson, Tyler 10 BV High 2:15.53 23 Beiser, Vance 09 BV West 2:15.56 24 Davis, Kyle 10 BV North 2:16.55 25 Skaggs, Eric 11 BV High 2:18.12 26 Cuba, Kolton 11 Olathe South 2:26.02 27 Torres, Jose Wyandotte 2:30.50 28 Dixon, Joseph 12 Sumner Acade 2:33.78 Event 11 Girls 1600 Meter Run Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Beck, Erin 09 BV North 5:15.20 2 Marquis, Allie 09 SM East 5:16.69 3 Russell, Keli 09 Olathe South 5:24.91 4 Embry, Gabbey 12 BV North 5:29.35 5 Bellinder, Jenna 09 Aquinas 5:32.69 6 Wilderson, Meagan 10 Aquinas 5:34.13 7 Haghnegahdar, Megan 11 SM West 5:37.90 8 Carl, Lindsey 11 BV West 5:38.03 9 Metz, Hali 12 Blue Springs 5:39.42 10 Loyd, Bailey 09 Sion 5:40.29 11 Chesbrough, Leah 10 SM East 5:40.30 12 Blakeman, Alyssa 09 Olathe South 5:44.63 13 wilson, emily 11 BV North 5:46.98 14 Frohardt, Megan 11 SM West 5:47.72 15 Smith, Molly 12 SM West 5:47.99 16 Loats, Miranda 12 BV High 5:48.48 17 Barrett, Lisa 09 BV Northwest 5:50.64 18 Rosa, Megan 10 Olathe South 5:51.19 19 Delong, Emily 10 Aquinas 5:53.66 20 Ward, Betsy 10 BV West 5:54.46 21 Dury, Julia 09 Blue Springs 5:57.81 22 Gorthy, Mackenzie 12 BV High 5:59.50 23 Kimmis, Blakelee 10 Sion 6:03.92 24 Kweku-Rogers, Ellarose 09 Ruskin 6:22.08 25 Rhodes, Courtney 09 BV High 6:43.14 26 Boston, Lakeitha 10 Ruskin 7:52.09 Event 12 Boys 1600 Meter Run Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Boyett, Travis 09 SM West 4:25.40 2 Greer, PJ 09 Aquinas 4:29.08 3 Caldwell, Aaron 09 BV West 4:38.99 4 Larson, Eric 09 BV West 4:41.68 Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:22 PM 5/1/2009 Page 4 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Results Finals ... (Event 12 Boys 1600 Meter Run) Name Yr School Finals 5 Bryan, Jeremy 12 BV West 4:43.29 6 Graves, William 09 BV Northwest 4:46.47 7 Virgo, Michael 09 BV Northwest 4:47.34 8 Mayer, Kevin 09 BV Northwest 4:47.52 9 Simmons, Adam 12 SM East 4:48.31 10 McPherson, Garrett 10 SM West 4:48.86 11 Turner, Trey 09 Blue Springs 4:50.51 12 Simpson, Brian 09 SM East 4:52.49 13 Martin, Nathan 12 BV High 4:53.83 14 Dunne, Glenn 09 BV North 4:57.42 15 Davis, Kyle 10 BV North 4:58.15 16 Newbill, Chris Wyandotte 4:59.05 17 Crooks, Cooper 09 Aquinas 4:59.45 18 Coffin, Tom 12 Aquinas 5:00.87 19 Smiley, Tyler 10 BV High 5:01.55 20 Davis, Canaan 11 Blue Springs 5:02.32 21 Peters, Brandon 09 Olathe South 5:03.77 22 Pistone, Vincent 10 Blue Springs 5:05.54 23 Holmes, Trey 12 BV North 5:06.38 24 Turner, Matt 09 SM West 5:08.69 25 Ilaria, Kyle 09 Olathe South 5:15.33 26 Roselli, Matt 10 BV High 5:30.31 27 Palacios, Nick 11 Olathe South 5:49.74 28 Bey, Lamaas 11 Sumner Acade 6:04.32 29 Escalante, Jose Wyandotte 6:14.06 Event 13 Girls 3200 Meter Run Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Russell, Keli 09 Olathe South 11:49.74 2 Embry, Gabbey 12 BV North 11:57.36 3 Dixon, Dakota 10 BV West 12:14.10 4 Freeman, Devin 09 BV High 12:14.16 5 Pigott, Amanda 10 Aquinas 12:20.60 6 wilson, emily 11 BV North 12:20.90 7 Maser, Shannon 10 BV West 12:22.45 8 Rosa, Megan 10 Olathe South 12:26.84 9 Chesbrough, Leah 10 SM East 12:29.18 10 Wison, Kerri 12 BV North 12:30.54 11 Johnson, Maddie 12 BV West 12:38.47 12 Dury, Julia 09 Blue Springs 12:57.53 13 Swanson, Blakely 10 Aquinas 12:58.76 14 Taylor, Holly 10 SM West 13:07.51 15 Davis, Evelyn 12 BV High 13:23.60 16 Conde, Sam 09 Aquinas 13:32.45 17 Berg, Kelsey 10 Blue Springs 13:59.06 18 Kweku-Rogers, Ellarose 09 Ruskin 14:06.10 19 Stewart, Anecia 10 Ruskin 14:11.84 Event 14 Boys 3200 Meter Run Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Hanson, Kyle 09 Aquinas 9:50.21 2 Nall, Taylor 09 SM West 9:51.40 3 Anning, Nick 09 KC Christian 10:06.15 4 Scott, Justin 10 BV West 10:10.65 5 Bentley, Ben 09 BV West 10:21.59 6 Weidling, Ian 09 BV North 10:22.29 7 Mayer, Kevin 09 BV Northwest 10:23.16 8 Gaede, Ben 11 BV High 10:25.56 9 Virgo, Michael 09 BV Northwest 10:29.39 10 Frye, Reid 12 SM East 10:32.77 11 Kawana, Yuki 09 Blue Springs 10:37.89 12 Hanson, Andrew 10 Aquinas 10:40.16 13 Duderstat, Chris 09 SM West 10:41.43 14 Terry, Conner 10 BV Northwest 10:43.23 15 Bryan, Justin 12 BV West 10:47.51 16 Hovelsrud, Joey 10 BV North 10:50.04 17 Ramsey, Austin 09 SM West 10:50.29 18 Willis, Danny 11 BV High 10:56.38 19 Vukas, Kurt 11 Blue Springs 10:57.59 20 Cox, Gunner 10 Blue Springs 11:00.45 21 Holmes, Tanner 12 BV North 11:01.94 22 Peters, Brandon 09 Olathe South 11:08.20 23 Newbill, Chris Wyandotte 11:17.48 24 Kelly, LoRenzo 09 Sumner Acade 12:24.58 Event 15 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Sloan, Tyler 11 Sumner Acade 46.04 2 Thomas, Brittany 10 Blue Springs 48.43 3 Thomas, Evan 10 Ruskin 48.97 4 Summers, Katherine 09 Olathe South 49.24 5 Danaher, Shannon 09 Blue Springs 50.28 6 Clements, Kirby 11 SM East 51.98 7 Hartman, Annie 10 KC Christian 52.08 8 Martin, Kim 11 BV West 52.39 9 Williams, Tiara 09 BV Northwest 52.49 10 Rogers, Marlee 09 BV High 54.11 11 Zingg, Taylor 10 SM West 54.26 12 Wamkpah, Olivia 10 BV West 54.40 13 Moore, Sarah 11 BV High 54.81 14 Pennington, Emma 12 SM East 54.97 15 Sundby, Annika 10 BV High 55.14 16 Vaughn, Cierra 11 Sumner Acade 55.33 17 Oledibe, Jennifer 12 Ruskin 59.32 18 byers, ashleigh 12 Sumner Acade 1:01.22 Event 16 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Allen, Zach 09 SM West 41.51 2 Stang, Austin 10 BV High 41.76 3 Ornduff, Matt 09 BV Northwest 42.41 4 Lockheart, Arias 09 SM East 43.12 5 Leblanc, Adam 10 SM West 43.28 6 Wood, Jason 10 BV High 43.50 Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:22 PM 5/1/2009 Page 5 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Results Finals ... (Event 16 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles) Name Yr School Finals 7 Wilson, Alex 09 SM East 43.90 8 Kirkendoll, LaDarius Wyandotte 43.94 9 Thomas, Jayce 11 Blue Springs 43.96 10 Simmons, Grant 11 BV North 44.13 11 Gaitain, Nick 09 Sumner Acade 44.44 12 Franklin, Blake 09 Sumner Acade 44.69 13 Gaughan, Lucas 10 BV High 44.79 14 Belke, Jacob 12 Blue Springs 44.80 15 White, Patrick 11 BV West 45.27 16 Trocosso, Jon 11 Blue Springs 45.85 17 Sullivan, Mike 09 SM East 46.07 18 Swalley, Tyler 09 BV Northwest 46.63 19 Symons, Nate 11 Olathe South 46.97 20 Wahrmann, Chris 11 BV West 47.30 21 Yano, Jordan 09 BV West 48.17 Event 17 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Team Relay Finals Finals 1 Piper A 50.18 2 Olathe South A 51.56 3 BV North A 51.69 4 Sumner Academy A 51.70 5 SM West A 52.12 6 BV West A 52.16 7 BV High A 52.63 8 Wyandotte A 53.14 9 Aquinas A 54.31 Event 18 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Team Relay Finals Finals 1 SM West A 43.23 2 Aquinas A 43.86 3 Olathe South A 44.26 4 Blue Springs A 44.85 5 SM East A 45.06 6 BV West A 45.30 7 BV High A 45.42 8 Wyandotte A 45.84 9 BV Northwest A 46.10 Event 19 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Team Relay Finals Finals 1 SM East A 4:06.77 2 Piper A 4:09.71 3 Olathe South A 4:15.46 4 BV High A 4:15.90 5 Blue Springs A 4:17.02 6 SM West A 4:18.38 7 BV Northwest A 4:20.19 8 BV North A 4:20.68 9 Sumner Academy A 4:21.49 10 BV West A 4:23.35 Event 20 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Team Relay Finals Finals 1 SM West A 3:28.27 2 BV High A 3:31.47 3 Aquinas A 3:34.08 4 BV Northwest A 3:34.61 5 Blue Springs A 3:34.76 6 SM East A 3:38.71 7 BV West A 3:40.45 8 Olathe South A 3:40.82 9 Wyandotte A 3:42.57 10 Sumner Academy A 3:53.30 Event 21 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Team Relay Finals Finals 1 SM East A 9:44.26 2 BV West A 10:05.73 3 BV High A 10:16.48 4 BV Northwest A 10:20.31 5 SM West A 10:21.98 6 Blue Springs A 10:23.13 7 Sion A 10:28.18 8 Aquinas A 10:29.76 9 BV North A 10:58.19 Event 22 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Team Relay Finals Finals 1 Aquinas A 8:14.49 2 SM West A 8:20.63 3 SM East A 8:22.64 4 BV High A 8:29.81 5 BV West A 8:31.70 6 BV North A 8:36.24 7 BV Northwest A 8:39.82 8 Blue Springs A 8:43.11 9 Wyandotte A 9:02.57 10 Olathe South A 9:38.85 11 Sumner Academy A 10:36.02 Event 23 Girls High Jump Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Leech, Megan 10 BV North 5-04.00 2 Owusu, Naya 10 BV Northwest J5-04.00 3 Lovelace, Gabby 10 BV North 5-02.00 4 Burleson, Dani 11 Olathe South 5-00.00 5 Louis, Jordan 09 BV West 4-10.00 6 Warren, Taylor 11 Olathe South J4-10.00 7 Tenny, Lisa 12 BV North 4-08.00 Blue Valley District Activity Center - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:22 PM 5/1/2009 Page 6 St. Thomas Aquinas - 5/1/2009 Invitational Blue Valley Distract Activity Center Results Finals ... (Event 23 Girls High Jump) Name Yr School Finals 7 Melsh, Kayla 11 Blue Springs 4-08.00 7 Buckner, Morgan 10 Piper 4-08.00 10 Haywood, Angela 10 Ruskin 4-06.00 10 Fenton, Maggie 12 SM East 4-06.00 10 Weckbaugh, Logan 11 SM East 4-06.00 13 Vaughn, Cierra 11 Sumner Acade J4-06.00 13 Dalke, Erin 12 BV High J4-06.00 Event 24 Boys High Jump Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Hollembeak, Michael 09 Olathe South 6-08.00 2 Darling, Curran 09 SM East 6-06.00 3 Hughs, Sam 09 SM West 6-04.00 4 Horvath, Alex 09 SM East 6-02.00 5 McDermott, Joe 11 BV North 5-10.00 5 Harland, Kendall 11 Olathe South 5-10.00 5 Hall, Trinity Wyandotte 5-10.00 5 Bernard, Donte 09 Olathe South 5-10.00 9 Skevington, George 10 Aquinas J5-10.00 10 Wood, Jason 10 BV High J5-10.00 11 Freeman, Alec 12 Blue Springs J5-10.00 12 Bell, Demetrius 10 BV Northwest J5-10.00 13 Gulledge, Cameron 11 BV North 5-08.00 13 Hall, Deiondre 12 Blue Springs 5-08.00 13 Spight, Kody 09 Blue Springs 5-08.00 16 Loughman, Nick 11 Aquinas 5-06.00 16 Stinson, Steven 11 BV High 5-06.00 18 Fairley, Josh 09 BV Northwest 5-04.00 Event 25 Girls Pole Vault Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Rubin, Hannah 12 BV Northwest 10-06.00 2 Minoofar, Emily 10 BV High 9-00.00 3 Barnes, Hailey 09 BV North 8-06.00 4 Henriksen, Maggie 10 BV Northwest 8-00.00 5 Walters, Hannah 09 Blue Springs J8-00.00 6 Wright, Megan 12 Blue Springs J8-00.00 7 Veneble, Frances 09 Blue Springs 7-06.00 8 Weck, Cloe 11 SM West J7-06.00 Event 26 Boys Pole Vault Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Engelken, Kyle 11 SM East 13-06.00 2 Byrd, Chance 09 Blue Springs 12-06.00 3 Roberts, Ben 10 BV Northwest J12-06.00 4 Swailes, Alan 10 BV Northwest J12-06.00 5 Springer, Ryan 10 Blue Springs 12-00.00 6 Herring, Danny 09 SM West J12-00.00 7 Pieper, Jason 11 BV Northwest J12-00.00 8 Penner, Will 10 SM East 11-06.00 9 Stevens, Trever 10 Olathe South J11-06.00 10 Metcalfe, Mike 10 BV High J11-06.00 11 Howell, David 10 SM West 11-00.00 11 Patterson, Sam 11 Blue Springs 11-00.00 13 Curbow, Joseph 11 Olathe South 10-06.00 13 Middleton, Anthony 12 BV North 10-06.00 13 Anderson, Kyle 09 BV High 10-06.00 Event 27 Girls Long Jump Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Buschmann, Sarah 10 BV West 17-07.00 2 Morrell, Kaitlin 10 BV North 16-08.50 3 Nelson-Wilkes, Brenna 10 BV West 16-05.50 4 Useldinger, Cara 11 Olathe South 15-11.00 5 Summers, Katherine 09 Olathe South 15-10.50 6 Melsh, Kayla 11 Blue Springs 15-08.50 7 Lovelace, Gabby 10 BV North 15-08.00 8 Bain, Jordan 10 SM West 15-07.00 9 McKinney, Shawncee 11 SM West 15-06.00 9 Weckbaugh, Logan 11 SM East 15-06.00 11 Doolittle, Kassandra 10 KC Christian 15-05.50 11 Owusu, Naya 10 BV Northwest 15-05.50 13 Swisher, Emmy 10 Sion 15-04.00 14 Campbell, Sarah 10 BV Northwest 15-02.50 15 Latson, Brianna 11 Sion 15-02.00 16 Strickler, Lauren 11 Aquinas 15-01.50 17 O'Neill, Kelsi 12 Blue Springs 14-03.50 18 Boone, Olivia 12 BV West 14-00.00 19 Johnson, Breanna 12 Ruskin 13-11.00 20 Tenny, Lisa 12 BV North 13-08.00 21 White, Asha 09 Sion 13-07.00 21 Mullender, Claire 09 BV Northwest 13-07.00 21 Leslie, Sarah 11 BV High 13-07.00 24 Stewart, Ellie 12 BV High 13-00.00 Event 28 Boys Long Jump Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Harris, Reggie 09 Olathe South 22-11.00 2 Loyd, Travis 09 BV High 22-02.00 3 Grover, Brian 09 BV West 21-07.50 4 Spight, Kody 09 Blue Springs 21-04.00 5 Hughs, Sam 09 SM West 21-02.00 6 Pascal, Cordi 11 SM West 20-11.50 7 Simmons, Grant 11 BV North 20-10.50 8 Bell, Demetrius 10 BV Northwest 20-08.50 9 Stehl, Austin 09 SM East 20-05.00 10 Stauffer, Grant 10 SM East 20-02.00 11 Bailey, DeMonta 10 KC Christian 20-01.50 12 Freeman, Alec 12 Blue Springs 20-00.00 13 Cornley, Trevor 09 BV High 19-08.50 14 McCoy, Nick 11 BV West 19-06.50 15 Slagg, Colten 10 BV West 19-04.00 16 Clarkston, Connor 11 BV North 19-01.00 17 Skinner, Jake 09 BV Northwest 18-11.00 18 Siebert, Blane 09 BV High 18-10.50 19 Martin, Austin 11 BV Northwest 18-09.25 20 Horvath, Alex 09 SM East 18-08.00 21 Davies, Justin 09 BV North 18-06.00 22 Traylor, Wade 10 Olathe South 18-04.75 23 Winfield, Daniel 12 SM West 18-04.00 23 Hall, Deiondre 12 Blue Springs 18-04.00 25 Hall, Trinity Wyandotte 17-10.50 26 Smith, Jon 09 Aquinas 16-03.00 Event 29 Girls Triple Jump Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Buschmann, Sarah 10 BV West 37-03.50 2 Owusu, Naya 10 BV Northwest 36-05.00 3 Latson, Brianna 11 Sion 35-07.50 4 Smith, Aerial 11 BV High 34-08.75 5 Hargrove, Michon 11 SM West 33-10.00 6 Maddox, Chanel 09 Sumner Acade 33-08.75 7 Taylor, Derian 12 BV North 33-01.25 8 Ronan, Callie 10 BV High 33-01.00 9 O'Neill, Kelsi 12 Blue Springs 32-08.25 10 McKinney, Shawncee 11 SM West 32-07.25 11 Weckbaugh, Logan 11 SM East 32-06.00 12 Thomas, Evan 10 Ruskin 31-11.00 13 Jones, Sigourney 09 Ruskin 31-06.00 14 Bain, Jordan 10 SM West 31-05.00 15 Reynolds, Elizabeth 12 Blue Springs 30-04.25 16 Leslie, Sarah 11 BV High 30-04.00 17 Bolin, Katie 11 Aquinas 30-01.50 18 Wamkpah, Olivia 10 BV West 29-11.25 19 Fenton, Maggie 12 SM East 29-11.00 20 Currie, Talli 11 BV Northwest 29-10.00 21 Colonna, Jessie 09 Aquinas 28-10.00 22 Fowler, Halley 12 Blue Springs 28-08.00 23 Kaskie, Rachel 10 SM East 28-06.00 Event 30 Boys Triple Jump Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Harris, Reggie 09 Olathe South 43-06.50 2 Davies, Justin 09 BV North 42-02.00 3 McCoy, Nick 11 BV West 42-01.00 4 Hughs, Sam 09 SM West J42-01.00 5 Loyd, Travis 09 BV High 41-11.00 6 Bell, Demetrius 10 BV Northwest 41-10.00 7 Spight, Kody 09 Blue Springs 41-09.50 8 Thomas, Jayce 11 Blue Springs 41-08.50 9 Skevington, George 10 Aquinas 41-06.75 10 Stehl, Austin 09 SM East 41-06.50 11 Lee, Eric Blue Springs 41-05.25 12 Skinner, Jake 09 BV Northwest 40-06.50 13 Pepper, Dillon 11 SM West 40-05.00 14 Clarkston, Connor 11 BV North 40-04.75 15 McDermott, Jacob 11 BV High 40-03.50 16 Kamseu, Kevin 10 Olathe South 39-06.75 17 McPherson, Aaron 10 SM West 39-03.75 18 Cornley, Trevor 09 BV High 39-01.00 19 Powell, Cody 11 Aquinas 38-01.00 20 Lee, Keys 10 Sumner Acade 37-05.50 21 Smith, Jon 09 Aquinas 32-07.00 Event 31 Girls Discus Throw Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Smith, Megan 11 Olathe South 127-11 2 Nelson, Stephanie 10 Sumner Acade 117-05 3 Koncak, Kristly 10 BV North 106-02 4 Jackson, Monet 11 Blue Springs 103-08 5 Smith, Liz 09 BV Northwest 99-10 6 Shaw, Jenna 11 BV West 97-10 7 Rose, Brittany 09 Blue Springs 91-02 8 Armstead, Sarah 10 Olathe South 84-11 9 Stephens, Alison 10 SM East 83-01 10 Kini, Neta 10 Blue Springs 82-06 11 Ashley, Elizabeth 10 Aquinas 81-09 12 Jones, Tiara 12 Ruskin 81-04 13 Schupp, Alexis 10 Olathe South 80-05 14 Byrd, Taylor 10 Aquinas 80-04 15 Hobbs, Breanna 09 Ruskin 80-02 16 Smith, Samantha 10 BV North 79-11 17 Dalke, Erin 12 BV High 78-07 18 Wade, Jordan SM West 74-05 19 Faiva, Leilani 11 SM West 71-00 20 Osmundson, Maddie 12 BV High 70-10 21 Weir, Connor 11 SM East 64-03 22 Gunnerman, Erica 10 BV West 61-03 23 Wood, Kayla Wyandotte 51-0 1 Event 32 Boys Discus Throw Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Toca, Gus 09 Blue Springs 149-00 2 Atteberry, Scott 09 BV North 142-00 3 Peola, Alex 09 Blue Springs 141-06 4 Scott, Justin 10 SM West 132-10 5 Harris, Kirk 11 BV High 132-04 6 Bil, Garreth 11 BV North 130-02 7 Mais, Josh 11 SM East 128-06 8 Chrisman, Jordan 10 Blue Springs 122-07 9 Schach, Alex 09 BV North 120-06 10 Wonch, Seth 10 Olathe South 117-02 11 Middleton, Steven 09 BV West 116-11 12 Klein, Kevin 10 Aquinas 114-11 13 Urban, Matt 11 Aquinas 114-10 14 Brettmann, Luke 10 BV Northwest 114-06 15 Beckmann, Brian 12 BV West 112-08 16 Williamson, Brian 11 SM East 109-02 17 Yarnell, Chris 10 Olathe South 107-06 18 Robbins, Spencer 10 BV High 101-03 19 Davis, Brad 10 SM West 98-04 20 Thornton, Andrew 10 SM West 98-02 21 White, Taylor Olathe South 94-08 22 Oakley, Frank Wyandotte 87-09 23 Forbes, Andrew 10 SM East 82-08 24 Anderson, Jilan Wyandotte 78-04 Event 33 Girls Javelin Throw Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Nelson, Stephanie 10 Sumner Acade 125-01 2 Davis, Christina 09 SM East 98-08 3 Shaw, Jenna 11 BV West 94-06 4 Osmundson, Maddie 12 BV High 93-07 5 Spies, Katy 10 BV North 92-02 6 Aronson, Aubrey 11 Olathe South 89-02 7 Kost, Kelsey 11 SM East 88-10 8 Danford, Paige 11 Olathe South 87-03 9 Hogue, Kim 09 SM West 84-06 10 Savage, Janelle 10 Aquinas 81-09 11 Halling, Mary Cate 10 Aquinas 81-06 12 Vena, Taylor 11 Aquinas 79-05 13 Wade, Jordan SM West 78-10 14 Stewart, Ellie 12 BV High 66-07 15 Miller, Karolyn Wyandotte 60-07 16 Gunnerman, Erica 10 BV West 57-11 Event 34 Boys Javelin Throw Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Atteberry, Scott 09 BV North 161-01 2 Riddell, Randy 11 Olathe South 157-00 3 Brown, Thomas 10 BV Northwest 152-10 4 Beeler, Phillip 10 SM West 151-05 5 Beckmann, Corey 09 BV West 150-09 6 Lothamer, Kale 09 Olathe South 150-03 7 Ginavan, Tanner 11 Olathe South 145-02 8 McGregor, Ian 09 KC Christian 141-08 9 Rorie, Alex 11 SM East 141-06 10 Wehmeyer, Geoff 09 BV Northwest 141-05 11 Murray, Hayden 10 BV High 140-10 12 Youngquist, Gunnar 10 SM West 138-05 13 Anderson, Montel Wyandotte 135-05 14 Mayfield, Steven 10 Aquinas 134-03 15 Miller, Seth 10 BV Northwest 133-03 16 Middleton, Steven 09 BV West 132-11 17 Grissom, Hays 11 SM West 131-00 18 Marr, David 12 BV High 130-03 19 Carver, Alex 11 SM East 129-06 20 Kass, Alfie 10 SM East 124-05 21 Gulledge, Cameron 11 BV North 118-05 22 Lucy, Tom 09 BV North 117-11 23 Aguilar, Franco 11 Sumner Acade 117-01 24 Miller, Jake 10 Aquinas 113-05 25 Coffin, Tom 12 Aquinas 107-00 26 Anthony, Cedric Wyandotte 101-04 27 Bowens, Deyontrez Wyandotte 86-08 Event 35 Girls Shot Put Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Smith, Megan 11 Olathe South 42-02.00 2 Nelson, Stephanie 10 Sumner Acade 39-08.50 3 Smith, Liz 09 BV Northwest 38-04.50 4 Koncak, Kristly 10 BV North 35-03.50 5 Hobbs, Breanna 09 Ruskin 34-10.00 6 Mecca, Leslie 10 Aquinas 33-10.50 7 Hobson, Mizani 11 BV High 33-07.50 8 Jackson, Monet 11 Blue Springs 33-00.00 9 Kini, Neta 10 Blue Springs 32-08.00 10 Rose, Brittany 09 Blue Springs 32-03.00 11 Armstead, Sarah 10 Olathe South 31-04.00 12 Schupp, Alexis 10 Olathe South 31-01.25 13 Shaw, Jenna 11 BV West 30-10.00 14 Jones, Tiara 12 Ruskin 30-08.50 15 Smith, Samantha 10 BV North 29-09.00 16 Weir, Connor 11 SM East 27-06.50 17 Stephens, Alison 10 SM East 27-03.00 18 Wade, Jordan SM West 26-00.00 19 Faiva, Leilani 11 SM West 25-10.00 20 Osmundson, Maddie 12 BV High 22-04.25 Event 36 Boys Shot Put Name Yr School Finals Finals 1 Chrisman, Jordan 10 Blue Springs 54-10.00 2 Wonch, Seth 10 Olathe South 51-02.50 3 Toca, Gus 09 Blue Springs 50-09.00 4 Kerber, Drew 10 Blue Springs 48-07.00 5 Scott, Justin 10 SM West J48-07.00 6 Miller, Ryan 09 BV High 46-03.00 7 Brown, Kyle 09 Aquinas 45-08.50 8 Atteberry, Scott 09 BV North 45-06.00 9 Bil, Garreth 11 BV North 42-07.50 10 Beckmann, Brian 12 BV West 41-11.75 11 Woltemath, Tyler 10 SM East 39-09.00 11 Lothamer, Kale 09 Olathe South 39-09.00 13 Cunningham, Chris 09 Sumner Acade 39-07.50 14 Williamson, Brian 11 SM East 39-03.50 15 Edwards, Jacob 10 SM West 38-07.50 16 Culver, Lance 09 BV High 38-04.00 17 Yeast, Andy 10 SM East 38-03.00 18 Middleton, Steven 09 BV West 37-07.75 19 Thornton, Andrew 10 SM West 37-04.75 20 Oakley, Frank Wyandotte 35-08.00 21 Lothamer, Erik 11 Olathe South 34-08.00 21 Harris, Kirk 11 BV High 34-08.00 23 Fernandez, Gilbert Wyandotte 31-05.75 Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored 1) Olathe South 103 1) BV North 103 3) BV West 89 4) SM East 66 5) Blue Springs MO 63 6) BV Northwest 54 6) Sumner Academy (Kansas City) 54 8) BV High 44 9) Piper (Kansas City) 37 10) Ruskin (Kansas City MO) 25 10) SM West 25 12) Aquinas (Overland Park) 20 13) Sion (Kansas City MO) 14 14) KC Christian (Prairie Village) 4 15) Wyandotte (Kansas City) 1 Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored 1) SM West 137 2) Blue Springs MO 91 3) BV High 81 4) Olathe South 71 5) Aquinas (Overland Park) 70 6) SM East 69 7) BV West 60 8) BV Northwest 53 9) BV North 48.5 10) Wyandotte (Kansas City) 9.5 11) KC Christian (Prairie Village) 7 12) Sumner Academy (Kansas City) 5 |