| 39th Annual Dartmouth Relays
Leverone Field House, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH
Friday-Sunday, January 11-13, 2008
200m unbanked - HS events Fri-Sat
Girls Entries
Running - Relay - Field
Running Lancer Timing Services Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 39th Dartmouth Relays Leverone Field House Dartmouth College, Hanover NH ACCEPTED Running Event Entries
Event 8 Girls 55 Meter Dash (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Cioffredi, Anna 12 Lebanon NH 2 Tewell, Chelsey 11 York ME 3 Brown, Ashley 12 Fair Haven 4 Childs, Jenne 12 Timberline ID 5 Merritt, Rebecca 10 Mt Ararat ME 6 Skillings, Samantha 10 Amherst MA 7 Mathieu, Rose 11 Somerville 8 Wenthen, Kristen 12 Kellenberg NY 9 Lebrun, Jessica 11 Somerville 10 Quimby, Michelle 11 Shenendehowa 11 Stabile, Samantha 11 Haverhill MA 12 Becker, Corinne 11 Saranac Lake 13 Cumberbatch, Victoria 12 Hackensack 14 Battaglia, Janey 12 Notre Dame MA 15 Reale, Lexi 11 Ticonderoga 16 Barr, Emily 12 Ridgewood NJ 17 Duchatelier, Tanisha 12 Somerville 18 DiNuzzo, Illissa 12 Shenendehowa 19 Eisner, Alyssa 11 Blackstone-Millv 20 D'Alessandro, Alicia 12 Niskayuna NY 21 Schwinn, Muriel 11 Edward Little 22 Brundige, Carly 10 Shaker NY 23 Sullivan, Kayla 11 Weymouth MA 24 Charron, Jenna 9 Fair Haven 25 Rochon, Gabriele 9 De l'île QC 26 Aria, Levasseur 11 Manch Central 27 Kallock, Maddie 11 Bishop Guertin 28 Horan, Judy 12 Burnt Hills 29 Pierre, Davina 11 West Warwick 30 Riks, Klarissa 9 Holy Names 31 O'Connor, Isabelle 11 De l'île QC 32 Phillips, Elsie 12 Ticonderoga 33 Timmons, Joanna 12 Notre Dame MA 34 Howard, Chantelle 11 Somerset MA 35 Rogers, Whitney 11 Bishop Guertin 36 Meggie, Donovan 9 Manch Central 37 Millikin, Lindsey 12 Williston North 38 McKeown, Taylor 12 Bishop Guertin 39 Limperis, Alyssa 12 La Salle RI 40 Brisson, Fantasia 10 Waltham MA 41 Hannon, Jill 12 Bow NH 42 Curran, Julie 9 Nashua North 43 Joseph, Kaitlin 11 Nashua South 44 Prescott, Courtney 12 Hollis Brookline 45 Cranston, Lauren 9 Toll Gate RI 46 Raiola, Stefanie 12 La Salle RI 47 Lindsay, Lauren 10 Scotia-Glenville 48 Liberta, Nicolette 12 Frontier NY 49 Muccio, Christina 11 Andover MA 50 Hannon, Emily 10 Bow NH 51 Besson, Anna 12 Ticonderoga 52 Bean, Rylie 9 Frontier NY 53 Breyette, Rhea 9 Seton Catholic 54 Perry, Dani 11 Fall Mt NH 55 Allen, Hannah 10 Oyster River 56 Heaney, Lia 11 Hanover NH 57 Turner, Nadina 12 Colonie NY 58 Gélinas-Lafrenière, Amélie 10 Val-Mauricie 59 Gomez, Connie 11 Kearsarge NH 60 Copeland, Tajhanique Westhill CT 61 Detoria, Bizzy 12 Andover MA 62 Jacobsen, Kelsey 12 Colonie NY 63 Lubert, Carly 12 Niskayuna NY 64 Backer, Diana 11 Niskayuna NY 65 Mabery, Andrasia 9 Jas Hillhouse 66 Perry, Ashley 11 Waterville 67 Moses, Ivana 12 Phillips Exeter 68 LaFranca, Meaghan 12 Frontier NY 69 Julia, Waddell 10 Bow NH 70 Rebhen, Emily 10 Averill Park 71 Woodworth, Alyssa 10 Scotia-Glenville 72 Presti, Jessica 9 Scotia-Glenville 73 Spaulding, Shannon 10 Westhill CT 74 Boyajian, Allie 10 Shenendehowa 75 Olivia, Victoria 10 Ridgewood NJ 76 Sheilds, Emily 9 Andover MA 77 Bitzer, Jen 10 Ridgewood NJ 78 Bush, Kendra 11 Fonda-Fultonvill 79 Tolsma, Nicole 10 Lancaster NY 80 Bond, Aliya 12 Amherst MA 81 McWilliams, Ashley 11 Jas Hillhouse 82 Bacher, Aimee 9 Colonie NY 83 Moreau, Angie 11 Lamoille VT 84 Baker, Liz 10 Fonda-Fultonvill 85 Sullivan, Abbey 12 Fonda-Fultonvill 86 Growley, Roxanne 9 Schuylervillle 87 Essis, Maritza 12 Williston North 88 Lantz, Katie 12 ConVal NH 89 Wood, Brittany 11 Schuylervillle 90 Zdobinkow, Ashley 10 Schuylervillle 91 McCabe, Chloe 10 Lamoille VT
Event 6 Girls 55 Meter Hurdles (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Palmer, Emily 12 Ticonderoga 2 Kenyon, Madison 9 Hanover NH 3 Syracuse, Angela 11 Lancaster NY 4 Labreck, Jessie 12 Messalonskee 5 Toussaint, Antoinette 12 Somerville 6 Steckowych, Katie 11 Portsmouth NH 7 Edwards, Evana 12 Hackensack 8 Tewell, Chelsey 11 York ME 9 Martinez, Mia 12 Ridgewood NJ 10 Cap, Tamara 12 Jean de Brebeuf 11 Clarke, Ann Marie 12 Jas Hillhouse 12 Ciali, Lana 9 Oyster River 13 Brown, Ashley 12 Fair Haven 14 Childs, Jenne 12 Timberline ID 15 Williams, Ci'ara 12 Waterville 16 Lesperance, Rebecca 11 Westhill CT 17 Martin, Tiara 12 St Johnsbury 18 Poggi, Jenna 11 Moses Brown 19 Malone, Eva 12 Portsmouth NH 20 Childs, Melissa 10 Fair Haven 21 McKenna, Kelsey 10 Toll Gate RI 22 Cayon, Mallory 12 Andover MA 23 O'Brien, Devon 11 Haverhill MA 24 Risley, Tierney 12 Columbia NY 25 Childs, Morgan 10 Fair Haven 26 Vasquezi, Trisha 12 Waltham MA 27 Michel, Kate 12 Ridgewood NJ 28 Polakowski, Katie 10 Essex VT 29 Forster, Jessica 12 Andover MA 30 Allen, Chelsea 12 Mt Ararat ME 31 Moderow, Jen 12 Ridgewood NJ 32 Patterson, Lindsey 11 Timberlane 33 Linnehan, Erin 12 Bishop Guertin 34 Barrett, Emily 11 La Salle RI 35 Gniazdowski, Jessica 12 Pioneer NY 36 Schmidt, Trenna 11 Bishop Feehan 37 Johnson, Shalyn 11 Nashua North 38 Tuttle, Shelby 11 Waterville 39 Dodge, Emily 11 Edward Little 40 Margoulis, A 11 Acton-Boxboro 41 Davis, Charlotte 12 Acton-Boxboro 42 Weiglhofer, Ericka 12 Colonie NY 43 Cuomo, Amy 11 Burnt Hills 44 Laquerre, Lauren 12 Concord NH 45 Purinton, Joelle 11 Acton-Boxboro 46 Dupuis, Alisa 11 Bellows Falls 47 McBee, Chelsea 11 Burnt Hills 48 Tabot, Rebecca 11 Nashua North 49 Brayshaw, Jen 12 Kearsarge NH 50 McKenzie, Erin 12 Bishop Feehan 51 Twardzik, Kayla 11 Fonda-Fultonvill 52 Nowak, Noel 12 Lancaster NY 53 Motta, Stephanie 12 Shaker NY 54 Martineau, Chelsea 12 Lebanon NH 55 Flaherty, Kerri 12 Weymouth MA 56 Cawley, Samantha 12 Ticonderoga 57 Perry, Dani 11 Fall Mt NH 58 Urbanczyk, Tori 11 Averill Park 59 Amthor, Sieria 11 Lincoln RI 60 Tobin, Tina 12 Lowell MA 61 Bannon, Katie 12 Toll Gate RI 62 Loyd, Lyasia 10 Jas Hillhouse 63 Harrington, Lexi-Taylor 11 La Salle RI 64 Wischman, Danielle 12 Pioneer NY 65 Meade, Alycia 12 Blackstone-Millv 66 Huyler, Annie 12 Williston North 67 Wade, Jessie 11 Lebanon NH 68 Clifford, Jenna 11 Weymouth MA 69 Cosgro, Alexa 10 Seton Catholic 70 Raymond, Monique 11 Concord NH 71 Nirmalan, Aarathi 10 Niskayuna NY 72 Givis, Samantha 11 Fonda-Fultonvill 73 Funaro, Julia 12 Lowell MA 74 Stark, Amanda 9 Holy Names 75 Welch, Jordan 9 Schuylervillle 76 Irish, Brittany 9 Schuylervillle 77 Zeeb, Kristine 12 Bishop Guertin 78 Massaroni, Quinn Holy Names 79 Riley, Kathryn 11 Holy Names 80 McIsaac, Samantha 11 Weymouth MA 81 Linnehan, Meghan 10 Bishop Guertin 82 Keller, Lena 11 Nashua North 83 Petoniak, Liz 11 Iroquois NY 84 Jablonski, Alanna 10 Kearsarge NH 85 Andrea, Drewniak 12 Manch Central 86 Schmidt, Reilly 11 Shaker NY 87 Davis, Ericka 11 Lamoille VT 88 Backer, Rebecca 12 Niskayuna NY 89 Andeweg, Erica 12 Hanover NH 90 Robinson, Cassidy 9 Lebanon NH 91 Brann, Allison 12 Williston North 92 Bate, Christine 11 Williston North 93 O'Connor, Molly 10 Schuylervillle 94 Moreau, Angie 11 Lamoille VT 95 Hartmann, Michelle 12 Shaker NY 96 Kuzil, Kristen 9 Kearsarge NH 97 Marko, Heather 9 Schuylervillle
Event 12 Girls 300 Meter Dash (all entries under 47.00 FAT) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Cioffredi, Anna 12 Lebanon NH 2 Hsiung, Casey 12 Acton-Boxboro 3 Slotnick, Kristin 11 Brunswick ME 4 Gardner, Kelsey 11 Kellenberg NY 5 Knapp, Mellissa 11 Andover MA 6 Franco, Clare 12 Brunswick ME 7 Sans, Val 11 Acton-Boxboro 8 Barr, Emily 12 Ridgewood NJ 9 Adams, Kendra 11 Burnt Hills 10 Wenthen, Kristen 12 Kellenberg NY 11 Cardarelli, Lauren 12 La Salle RI 12 Gonpul, Josephine 10 Lowell MA 13 Bergeron, Shayla 11 Alvirne NH 14 Ude, Chisom 12 Phillips Exeter 15 Hummel, Diana 12 Shaker NY 16 Figuereo, Noelia 11 Haverhill MA 17 Holmes, Anna 12 Pioneer NY 18 Grzejka, Katherine 11 Timberlane 19 Stabile, Rebecca 9 Haverhill MA 20 Mohamed, Sherez 11 Holy Names 21 Olvia, Victoria 10 Ridgewood NJ 22 Sporn, Hannah 12 Saranac Lake 23 Carlson, Kirsten 11 Acton-Boxboro 24 Bitzer, Jen 10 Ridgewood NJ 25 Clark, Emily 10 Weymouth MA 26 McClendon, Marlesha 11 Jas Hillhouse 27 Olivia, Victoria 10 Ridgewood NJ 28 Johnson, Shalyn 11 Nashua North 29 Kralian, Mara 12 Grafton MA 30 Cranston, Lauren 9 Toll Gate RI 31 Bell, Jenn 11 Weymouth MA 32 Klein, Kathleen 10 Shenendehowa 33 Legere, Samantha 12 Niskayuna NY 34 O'Connor, Isabelle 11 De l'île QC 35 Limperis, Alyssa 12 La Salle RI 36 Tabot, Rebecca 11 Nashua North 37 Marcaccio, Christina 12 La Salle RI 38 Risley, Tierney 12 Columbia NY 39 Maguire, Allie 10 Shenendehowa 40 Garrity, Colleen 9 Hanover NH 41 Kenyon, Madison 9 Hanover NH 42 Luers, Ayla 12 Concord NH 43 Paniagua, Jasmine 11 Nashua North 44 Rochon, Gabriele 9 De l'île QC 45 Coughlin, Christine 9 Shaker NY 46 Sampson, Katie 12 Nashua South 47 Fernandez, Christina 10 Bishop Guertin 48 Kenyon, Kyla 9 Tupper Lake 49 Vilardo, Arielle 12 Ticonderoga 50 Lewis, Jenna 12 Bishop Guertin 51 Panopoulos, Julia 12 Phillips Exeter 52 Ziegler, Vashti 12 Shaker NY 53 Lesperance, Rebecca 11 Westhill CT 54 Pimental, Christiana 11 Bishop Guertin 55 Gray, Callan 11 Burnt Hills 56 Cawley, Samantha 12 Ticonderoga 57 Boyajian, Allie 10 Shenendehowa 58 Hannon, Emily 10 Bow NH 59 Karkos, Kelsea 12 Mt Ararat ME 60 Julia, Waddell 10 Bow NH 61 Deluise, Jackie 12 Guilderland 62 Zatolla, Sabrina 10 Waltham MA 63 Bannon, Katie 12 Toll Gate RI 64 Butler, Allyson 11 Edward Little 65 Mabery, Andrasia 9 Jas Hillhouse 66 Mortenson, Ashley 11 Lebanon NH 67 Kelley, Julieanne 11 Notre Dame MA 68 Hannon, Jill 12 Bow NH 69 MacAlpine, Ainsley 11 Ticonderoga 70 Rosenburg, Jamie 10 Weymouth MA 71 Clark, Joanna 11 Niskayuna NY 72 Levcowich, Jill 9 Westerly RI 73 Skillings, Samantha 10 Amherst MA 74 Pierre, Davina 11 West Warwick 75 Courtney, Carrier 12 Manch Central 76 Casale, Sara 10 Holy Names 77 Meggie, Donovan 9 Manch Central 78 Pattison, Megan 9 Hanover NH 79 Guercio, Kim 9 Smithtown NY 80 Gatta, Makala 10 Scotia-Glenville 81 Spaulding, Shannon 10 Westhill CT 82 Watts, Ivy 9 Waltham MA 83 Bond, Aliya 12 Amherst MA 84 Wilborn, Jasmine 12 Jas Hillhouse 85 Heissner, Molly 10 Notre Dame MA 86 Plante, Kyle 9 Colonie NY 87 Coccia, Becky 11 Iroquois NY
Event 10 Girls 400 Meter Dash (all entries under 67.00 FAT) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Cioffredi, Anna 12 Lebanon NH 2 Leblanc, Annie 10 Jean-Baptiste 3 Clarke, Ann Marie 12 Jas Hillhouse 4 Montbleau, Kara 12 Bishop Guertin 5 McManus, Elizabeth 11 Notre Dame MA 6 Wendleken, Meghan 12 Kellenberg NY 7 Wallace, Jackie 11 Boone FL 8 Barowski, Cecilia 9 Bishop Guertin 9 Baldwin, Courtney 11 Lowell MA 10 Zajdel, Melissa 11 CBA Syracuse 11 Isabelle, Laura 10 Holy Names 12 McDougal, Julie 12 Portsmouth RI 13 Shorey, Cara 12 Acton-Boxboro 14 Wightman, Leah 11 Chatham NY 15 Greaney, Brittany 12 Dover NH 16 Cully, Meredith 10 Shenendehowa 17 Morris, Kylie 11 Bishop Guertin 18 Bennett, Samantha 11 Weymouth MA 19 Wallace, Dreanna 12 Boone FL 20 Schwennker, Liz 12 Guilderland 21 Singleton, Vanessa 10 Andover MA 22 Petterutto, Kaylee 12 Andover MA 23 Kessinger, Lily 12 La Salle RI 24 Mackintosh, Eliza 12 Hanover NH 25 Hall, Lindsay 12 Guilderland 26 Dukuly, Alethea 12 Lowell MA 27 Morong, Kayla 11 Mt Ararat ME 28 Cody, Laura 11 Andover MA 29 Crowley, Jill 12 Acton-Boxboro 30 Mogensen, Hanna 10 Edward Little 31 Dupuis, Alisa 11 Bellows Falls 32 Bate, Christine 11 Williston North 33 McGovern, Kelsey 10 Acton-Boxboro 34 Kimball, Melissa 11 Weymouth MA 35 Corey, Mary 12 Niskayuna NY 36 Gibson, Candace 11 Kellenberg NY 37 Brady, Shanna 9 Smithtown NY 38 Pfeil, Andrea 11 Colonie NY 39 Paniagua, Jasmine 11 Nashua North 40 Kelly, Morgan 12 Phillips Exeter 41 Geleta, Rayanne 11 Holy Names 42 Gifford, Lashonda 11 Gloversville 43 Gonpul, Josephine 10 Lowell MA 44 Meehan, Molly 10 Mt Ararat ME 45 Homsi, Justine 11 Somerville 46 DeLisle, Olesya 11 Columbia NY 47 Courtin, Allison 12 Phillips Exeter 48 Saccone, Alexa 9 Smithtown NY 49 Kelly, Colleen 12 Somerville 50 Griffin, Chelsea 11 Shaker NY 51 Wheating, Natalie 11 Hanover NH 52 Uboldi, Mary 12 Concord NH 53 Mills, Caitlin 11 Niskayuna NY 54 Brann, Allison 12 Williston North 55 Parker, Monica 11 Jas Hillhouse 56 Boughtwood, Anna 9 Columbia NY 57 Matan, Meghan 12 Shaker NY 58 Backer, Diana 11 Niskayuna NY 59 Prince, Sarah 12 Burnt Hills 60 Pinnette, Ellen 10 Mt Ararat ME 61 Vonck, Kirsten 11 Nashua North 62 Crodelle, Kate 10 Shaker NY 63 Rutigliano, Kaitlyn 10 Nashua North 64 Hayes, Brittney 12 Fonda-Fultonvill 65 Clark, Natalie 10 Hanover NH 66 Dykens, Shawna 10 Shenendehowa 67 Harrington, Lexi-Taylor 11 La Salle RI 68 Collina, Barbara 12 Williston North 69 Foreman, Angeline 9 Jas Hillhouse 70 Kaczor, Janelle 11 Lancaster NY 71 Edinger, Betsy 9 Greenwich NY 72 Graziano, Rebbekka 10 Greenwich NY 73 Blocho, Anna 11 Iroquois NY 74 Omerhodzic, Jamie 11 Frontier NY 75 Papuzza, Brittany 10 Colonie NY
Event 18 Girls 600 Meter Run (all entries under 1:50.0) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Leblanc, Annie 10 Jean-Baptiste 2 Toritto, Danielle 11 Smithtown NY 3 Rodriguez, Grace 11 Hanover NH 4 Supino, Chrissy 12 Bishop Guertin 5 Wallace, Jackie 11 Boone FL 6 Isabelle, Laura 10 Holy Names 7 Roberts-Smith, Nayamka 11 Colonie NY 8 Armas, Tiffany 10 Blackstone-Millv 9 Spilka, Christine 10 Ridgewood NJ 10 Barowski, Cecilia 9 Bishop Guertin 11 Kenyon, Kyla 9 Tupper Lake 12 Yeaton, Tara 12 Coe-Brown 13 Ogden, Kelsey 12 Shaker NY 14 Parlier, Samantha 12 Concord NH 15 Smyth, Hillary 12 Hollis Brookline 16 Park, Shannon 10 Fair Haven 17 Sylvia, Rachelle 11 Westerly RI 18 Sporn, Hannah 12 Saranac Lake 19 Wendleken, Meghan 12 Kellenberg NY 20 Morton, Lydia 12 Lebanon NH 21 Martin, Tiara 12 St Johnsbury 22 Long, Meredith 11 Concord NH 23 Van Den Heuvel, Beatrice 12 Nashua North 24 Hall, Christine 11 Shaker NY 25 Cannon, Sarah 12 Timberlane 26 Kert, Emily 11 Nashua North 27 Nowak, Brittany 11 Lancaster NY 28 Paul, Danielle 11 Edward Little 29 Gibson, Candace 11 Kellenberg NY 30 Gélinas-Lafrenière, Amélie 10 Val-Mauricie 31 Nazarian, Leah 11 Shaker NY 32 Butman, Skye 10 Concord NH 33 Hannah, Dow 12 Manch Central 34 Olsen, Amanda 10 Frontier NY 35 Zysset, Rachael 12 Smithtown NY 36 Royce, Marianne 12 Smithtown NY 37 Gryzbinski, Deirdre 12 Notre Dame MA 38 Arens, Elizabeth 11 Notre Dame MA 39 Manning, Madeline 9 Weymouth MA 40 Christen, Carrier 12 Manch Central 41 Farrell, Megan 11 Prospect Mt 42 Mullen, Tara 10 Toll Gate RI 43 Lefebvre-Castillo, Winona 9 La Découverte 44 Dao, Amy 10 Acton-Boxboro 45 Kenyon, Ariel 10 Notre Dame MA 46 Caldwell, Brittany 12 Pilgrim RI 47 Pellowe, Amanda 12 Prospect Mt 48 Montrello, Erin 11 Niskayuna NY 49 Greaney, Brittany 12 Dover NH 50 Sylvestre, Megan 12 Lincoln RI 51 Savannah, Geasey 12 Portsmouth RI 52 Wysocki, Rachel 11 Schuylervillle 53 deAprix, Kelly 12 Scotia-Glenville 54 Walsh, Kara 9 Waltham MA
Event 16 Girls 800 Meter Run (all entries under 2:36.0) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Williams, Century 12 St Johns NY 2 Looney, Meg 12 Bishop Feehan 3 Ressijac, Catherine 12 Bishop Guertin 4 Recchia, Lauren 10 Holy Names 5 Shannon, Colleen 11 Andover MA 6 D'Orazio, Kaitlyn 11 St Thom Aquinas 7 Gentès, Sabrina 11 Val-Mauricie 8 Cocozza, Nicole 12 La Salle RI 9 Rosaria, Emily 12 St Johns NY 10 Zajdel, Melissa 11 CBA Syracuse 11 Connolly, Carolyn 11 Weymouth MA 12 Doucette, Emily 12 Westerly RI 13 Michel, Kate 12 Ridgewood NJ 14 Coogan, Katrina 9 Phillips Exeter 15 Tuffey, Maura 10 Holy Names 16 Maloy, Catherine Holy Names 17 Clark, Joya 10 Scotia-Glenville 18 Broderick, Emma 10 Phillips Exeter 19 Pezzulo, Molly 9 Burnt Hills 20 Rodriguez, Gabrielle 11 Colonie NY 21 Olsen, Lizzie 11 Burnt Hills 22 Engels, Krista 12 Iroquois NY 23 Martel, Kate 11 Shaker NY 24 Wallace, Dreanna 12 Boone FL 25 Noonan, Maya Nair 11 Amherst MA 26 Erving, Christina 12 Mt Ararat ME 27 Goida, Ally 11 Nashua North 28 Gordon, Natana 11 Shaker NY 29 Middleton, Tory 11 Ridgewood NJ 30 St. Laurent, Megan 12 Mt Ararat ME 31 Jensen, Monica 12 Acton-Boxboro 32 Hilt, Moira 10 Colonie NY 33 Massa, Patty 11 Shenendehowa 34 Croswell, Kate 12 Waterville 35 Newland, Lacie 12 Gloversville 36 Dempsey, Alyssa 10 Fair Haven 37 Campbell, Kendrick 12 Phillips Exeter 38 Fitzsimmons, Erin 10 Mt Ararat ME 39 Palmieri, Christine 11 Niskayuna NY 40 Slavin, Marina 9 Oyster River 41 O'Connor, Eliza 10 Columbia NY 42 Trudel, Aimee 12 Manch Memorial 43 Santos, Maleesa 9 Colonie NY 44 Ashton, Maggie 12 Acton-Boxboro 45 Landis, Jennifer 10 Niskayuna NY 46 Purinton, Kathryn 11 Acton-Boxboro 47 Rising, Lisa 11 Amherst MA 48 Haake, Leah 10 Amherst MA 49 Williams, Marketta 9 Jas Hillhouse 50 Fresenius, Stefanie 10 Shenendehowa 51 Reilly, Meaghan 11 La Salle RI 52 Cashin, Liz 11 Fonda-Fultonvill 53 Crisafulli, Samantha 9 Shenendehowa 54 Scott, Hannah 10 Guilderland 55 Fung, Ashley 12 Greenwich NY
Event 14 Girls 1000 Meter Run (all entries under 3:21.0) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 White, Jordan 12 Holy Names 2 Lane, Caitlin 12 Greenwich NY 3 King, Jillian 12 Scotia-Glenville 4 Champagne, Mary Kate 12 Seton Catholic 5 Desmarais Gagnon, Alexandre 12 De l'île QC 6 Stearns, Emily 10 Portsmouth NH 7 Roberts-Smith, Nayamka 11 Colonie NY 8 Vest, Chelsey 12 Somerset MA 9 Shanahan, Sarah 10 Chelmsford 10 Ohm, Johanna 11 Holy Names 11 Christensen, Jean 11 La Salle RI 12 Risler, Emma 10 Shaker NY 13 Rochefort, Nadia 9 Heritage QC 14 Croteau, Chantal 12 Souhegan NH 15 Jeannotte Maranda, Gabriele 11 De l'île QC 16 Arianna, Vailas 10 Manch Central 17 Callahan, Ellen 11 Notre Dame MA 18 Dowe, Corey 9 Coe-Brown 19 Knickerbocker, Bridget 12 Niskayuna NY 20 Lane, Brittney 10 Greenwich NY 21 Falvey, Alex 12 Holy Names 22 McTague, Emily 12 Niskayuna NY 23 McNaughton, Christine 10 Haverhill MA 24 Middleton, Alex Ridgewood NJ 25 Fullerton, Beth 10 Haverhill MA 26 Cameron, Larene 11 Burnt Hills 27 Alexandra, Conway Manch Central 28 Lima, Tori 11 Westerly RI 29 Moreau, Véronique 10 De l'île QC 30 Finnegan, Emily 11 Colonie NY 31 Van Den Heuvel, Sandra 10 Nashua North 32 Schermerhorn, Amanda 11 Scotia-Glenville 33 Choiniere, Katelyn 11 Colonie NY 34 Dunn, Zosia 10 Shaker NY 35 Pickett, Anna Guilderland 36 Luers, Elise 10 Concord NH 37 Dinatale, Victoria 10 Weymouth MA 38 Penney, Sarah 12 Lamoille VT 39 Heim, Alina 12 Shaker NY 40 Romanova, Anna 12 Acton-Boxboro 41 Schwartz, Mary 10 Quincy/No Qunicy 42 Cure, Emily 11 Guilderland 43 Shoemaker, Lauren 10 Bishop Guertin 44 Howe, Kimberly 12 Bishop Guertin 45 Corvese, Liz 11 Portsmouth RI 46 Amelia, McCue 9 Manch Central 47 Scott, Hannah 10 Guilderland 48 Veilleux, Courtney 10 Bishop Guertin 49 Large, Alicia 11 Edward Little 50 Zeppetelli, Katie 9 Scotia-Glenville
Event 22 Girls 1 Mile Run TRI-STATE (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Dussault, Jacquelyn 12 Manch Memorial 2 Gray, Haley 11 St Johnsbury 3 Dunbar, Eva 12 Hanover NH 4 Gormley, Anne 9 Hanover NH 5 Zaharchuk, Holly 9 Bishop Guertin 6 Feltham, Casey 9 Bishop Guertin 7 Sullivan, Caity 9 Bishop Guertin
Event 21 Girls 1 Mile Run PM-Champs (top 29 entries) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Roecker, Sam 11 Burnt Hills 2 Griffin, Georgia 12 Hanover NH 3 Mack, Jeanne 12 La Salle RI 4 Champagne, Mary Kate 12 Seton Catholic 5 Hardwick, Claire 12 Holy Names 6 Desmarais Gagnon, Alexandre 12 De l'île QC 7 Recchia, Lauren 10 Holy Names 8 Shields, Anna 11 Lewis Mills 9 Lane, Caitlin 12 Greenwich NY 10 Gregory, Meaghan 11 Burnt Hills 11 King, Jillian 12 Scotia-Glenville 12 Maxim, Hilary 12 Old Town ME 13 Desharnais, Kelly 12 Timberlane 14 Banaian, Holly 12 Manch Memorial 15 Jeannotte Maranda, Gabriele 11 De l'île QC 16 Stordeur, Kaitlin 11 Kellenberg NY 17 Burtnick, Alex 10 Shenendehowa 18 Cyrus, Rachael 10 Burnt Hills 19 Drejas, Katie 12 Shenendehowa 20 Lane, Brittney 10 Greenwich NY 21 Weightman, Bailey 10 Beekmantown 22 Moreau, Véronique 10 De l'île QC 23 Dinwoodie, Michon 10 Westerly RI 24 Colella, Arianna 10 Cranston RI 25 Bonk, Lindsey 12 Shenendehowa 26 Haley, Mathewson 12 Cranston RI 27 Wojtasinski, Sophia 10 Notre Dame MA 28 Mock, Katlin 12 Colonie NY 29 Anson, Mikala 11 Colonie NY
Event 2 Girls 1 Mile Run MORNING (all entries above 5:24.0) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Reed, Elodie 11 Bow NH 2 Rush, Caitlin 10 Nashua South 3 LePage, Liza 11 Greely ME 4 Warwick, Kate 12 Acton-Boxboro 5 Sherry, Jessica 11 Colonie NY 6 Corcoran, Jillian 9 Weymouth MA 7 Mowry, Lexi 11 Blackstone-Millv 8 Noonan, Maya Nair 11 Amherst MA 9 Connor, Katherine 10 Smithtown NY 10 Hackett, Christie 11 Smithtown NY 11 Sheridan, Melissa 9 Shaker NY 12 Cure, Lea Guilderland 13 Moller, Kristina 12 Niskayuna NY 14 Maynard, Andrea 11 Seton Catholic 15 Hill, Maureen 12 Shaker NY 16 Watson, Samantha 9 Schuylervillle 17 Lucini, Corina 10 Notre Dame MA 18 Bielli, Sammy 10 Gloversville 19 Fitzgerald, Kelsey 11 Niskayuna NY 20 Emerson, Connie 10 Hanover NH 21 Collins, Olivia 10 Notre Dame MA 22 Finn, Angela Westhill CT 23 Haake, Leah 10 Amherst MA 24 Sawich, Emily 10 ConVal NH 25 Lettieri, Tori 9 Smithtown NY 26 Barr, Hilary 11 Ridgewood NJ 27 Rising, Lisa 11 Amherst MA 28 Ryan, Kelsey 11 Niskayuna NY 29 Schuman, Amy 12 Phillips Exeter 30 Beaudry, Kirsten 11 Fall Mt NH 31 Camardo, Kelly Guilderland 32 Wirshing, Alison 12 ConVal NH 33 Cooney, Siobhan 12 Kellenberg NY 34 Scibetta, Alex 10 Ridgewood NJ 35 Cosgro, Alexa 10 Seton Catholic 36 Bianco, Cristiana 10 Weymouth MA 37 Miller, Sarah Concord NH 38 Lambert, Genevieve 11 Chênes Bleu 39 Czine, Victoria 11 Lancaster NY 40 Brislin, Katie 7 CBA Syracuse 41 Dobinski, Dana 11 Iroquois NY 42 Booher-Hendrick, Jessie 12 Waltham MA 43 Heine, Megan 11 Lancaster NY 44 Morio, Kaitlyn 9 Greens Farms CT 45 Karkoski, Katie 10 Ticonderoga 46 Leitt, Erin 12 Gloversville 47 Baroody, Becca Concord NH 48 Henderson, Britney 11 Greenwich NY 49 Zajdel, Rachel 9 CBA Syracuse 50 Walsh, Erin 12 Waltham MA 51 Krolick, Sarah 10 Pioneer NY 52 Filler, Rachel 11 Bishop Guertin 53 Bendicks, Sally Concord NH 54 Welch, Jordan 9 Schuylervillle 55 Large, Alicia 11 Edward Little 56 Perkins, Amber 11 Ticonderoga 57 Kotei, Sylvia 12 Somerville 58 Cashin, Liz 11 Fonda-Fultonvill 59 Manning, Missy 9 Iroquois NY 60 Engels, Kim 10 Iroquois NY 61 Lee, Joann 12 Bishop Guertin 62 Niedziela, Sheila 11 Fonda-Fultonvill 63 Bennett, Lauren 9 Edward Little 64 Mastropiero, Emily 11 Bishop Guertin 65 Habla, Hillary 10 Fonda-Fultonvill 66 Matthews, Carolyn 11 ConVal NH
Event 24 Girls 2 Mile Run PM-Champs (top 21 entries) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Janeczko, Cara 10 Shenendehowa 2 Predmore, Lizzie 9 Shenendehowa 3 Roche, Morgan 12 Shenendehowa 4 Trant, Chelsea 10 Niskayuna NY 5 Hartung, Genna 11 Seton Catholic 6 DeQuattro, Alyssa 10 Cranston RI 7 Henningson, Roxanne 10 Greenwich NY 8 Kuzmich, Cady 9 Greenwich NY 9 Fung, Emily 12 Greenwich NY 10 Anson, Mikala 11 Colonie NY 11 Pisarik, Alyssa 12 Chelmsford 12 Rodriguez, Samantha 12 St Johns NY 13 McKenna, Colleen 10 La Salle RI 14 Mahoney, Kristen 12 Weymouth MA 15 Oconnor, Alyssa 11 Portsmouth RI 16 Fannon, Alicia 11 Haverhill MA 17 Stordeur, Kaitlin 11 Kellenberg NY 18 Watson, Samantha 9 Schuylervillle 19 Johnson, Kristin 12 Manch West 20 Brown, Martha 12 Burnt Hills 21 Bolduc, Emma 9 ConVal NH
Event 4 Girls 2 Mile Run Morning (all entries above 11:48.0) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Wood, Kelly 10 Hanover NH 2 Beardwood, Victoria 10 La Salle RI 3 Herkenham, Carolyn 11 Burnt Hills 4 Mann, Jenn 11 Chelmsford 5 Bacon, Anne 10 Gloversville 6 Menard, Lauryn 10 Beekmantown 7 Balan, Nima 10 Niskayuna NY 8 Harte, Alanna 10 Smithtown NY 9 Sherry, Jessica 11 Colonie NY 10 Grushynsky, Nicole 9 Concord NH 11 Kopp, Paige 9 Holy Names 12 Welch, Jordan 9 Schuylervillle 13 Vincent, Rebecca 11 Concord NH 14 Wojtusik, Morgan 9 Shaker NY 15 Elkins, Maddy 9 Westhill CT 16 Murphy, Bridgette 10 Westerly RI 17 Haight, Emily 11 Smithtown NY 18 Mahotiere, Jasmine 11 Lowell MA 19 Kmiotek, Celeste 12 Bishop Guertin 20 Saraiva, Lauren 12 Somerset MA 21 Allen, Kaitlyn 10 Bishop Guertin 22 Lavender, Kaleigh 9 Shaker NY 23 McCarthy, Sarah 11 Weymouth MA 24 Bertelsen, Christy 12 Ridgewood NJ 25 Moran, Elizabeth 12 Niskayuna NY 26 Martin, Caitlin 11 Smithtown NY 27 Ryan, Hannah 12 Amherst MA 28 Zimmerman, Chloe 10 Amherst MA 29 Lauren, Ashby 12 Manch Central 30 Sequiera, Anne 12 Lowell MA 31 Fega, Maddie 10 Amherst MA 32 Doak, Casey 11 Guilderland 33 Waldmiller, Paige 10 Lancaster NY 34 Raymond, Kristen 12 Lincoln RI 35 Casile, Maria 10 Colonie NY 36 Payne, Emily 11 Lincoln RI 37 Wolniewicz, Chrissy 11 Iroquois NY 38 Richburg, Jessica 9 Columbia NY 39 Cooney, Siobhan 12 Kellenberg NY 40 Williams, Courtney 9 Waterville 41 Brown, Lyndsay 12 Guilderland 42 Morio, Kaitlyn 9 Greens Farms CT 43 Perrault, Samantha 12 Lebanon NH 44 Poole, Cam 12 Duxbury MA
Lancer Timing Services Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 39th Dartmouth Relays Leverone Field House Dartmouth College, Hanover NH ACCEPTED Relay Event Entries
Event 28 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== School =============================================================================== 1 Kellenberg NY Memorial HS 2 Andover MA High School 3 Haverhill MA High School 4 Alvirne NH High School 5 La Salle RI Academy 6 James Hillhouse CT High School 7 Bishop Guertin NH High School 8 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake NY 9 Acton-Boxborough MA High Sch 10 Toll Gate RI High School 11 Weymouth MA High School 12 Shenendehowa NY High School 13 Fair Haven Union High School 14 Nashua NH South High School 15 Ridgewood NJ High School 16 Academy of the Holy Names 17 Colonie NY High School 18 Waltham MA High School 19 Niskayuna NY High School 20 Waterville ME High School 21 Concord NH High School 22 Hollis Brookline NH High Schoo 23 Ticonderoga NY High School 24 Fonda-Fultonville NY High Sch 25 De l'île Ecole Secondaire 26 Frontier NY High School 27 Shaker NY High School 28 St. Johns Prep NY 29 Pioneer NY Central High School 30 Lancaster NY High School 31 Scotia-Glenville NY High Sch 32 Williston Northampton MA Schoo 33 Edward Little ME High School 34 Iroquois NY High School 35 Hanover NH High School 36 Lebanon NH High School 37 ConVal NH Regional High School
Event 26 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== School =============================================================================== 1 Andover MA High School 2 Bishop Guertin NH High School 3 Kellenberg NY Memorial HS 4 La Salle RI Academy 5 Shenendehowa NY High School 6 Weymouth MA High School 7 Acton-Boxborough MA High Sch 8 Westerly RI High School 9 Ridgewood NJ High School 10 Phillips Exeter Academy NH 11 James Hillhouse CT High School 12 Haverhill MA High School 13 Concord NH High School 14 Mt Ararat ME High School 15 Hanover NH High School 16 Niskayuna NY High School 17 Lebanon NH High School 18 Portsmouth RI High School 19 Colonie NY High School 20 Academy of the Holy Names 21 Edward Little ME High School 22 Shaker NY High School 23 Hollis Brookline NH High Schoo 24 Fonda-Fultonville NY High Sch 25 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake NY 26 Lancaster NY High School 27 Fair Haven Union High School 28 Columbia NY High School 29 Frontier NY High School 30 Amherst MA Regional High Sch 31 Iroquois NY High School 32 Pilgrim RI High School 33 ConVal NH Regional High School 34 Lincoln RI High School Event 30 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== School =============================================================================== 1 Academy of the Holy Names 2 La Salle RI Academy 3 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake NY 4 Scotia-Glenville NY High Sch 5 Weymouth MA High School 6 Somerset MA 7 Ridgewood NJ High School 8 Coe-Brown Academy NH 9 Westerly RI High School 10 Haverhill MA High School 11 Concord NH High School 12 Bishop Guertin NH High School 13 Mt Ararat ME High School 14 Kellenberg NY Memorial HS 15 Shaker NY High School 16 Colonie NY High School 17 Edward Little ME High School 18 Nashua NH South High School 19 Prospect Mountain NH High Sch 20 Saint Thomas Aquinas NH 21 Pelham NH High School 22 Oyster River NH High School 23 Phillips Exeter Academy NH 24 Acton-Boxborough MA High Sch 25 Fonda-Fultonville NY High Sch 26 ConVal NH Regional High School 27 Iroquois NY High School 28 Frontier NY High School 29 Niskayuna NY High School 30 Pioneer NY Central High School 31 Lincoln RI High School 32 Lancaster NY High School 33 Waltham MA High School
Event 50 Girls 1600 Sprint Medley (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== School =============================================================================== 1 Bishop Feehan MA High School 2 Colonie NY High School 3 Niskayuna NY High School 4 Shaker NY High School 5 Lowell MA High School 6 La Salle RI Academy 7 Hanover NH High School 8 Kellenberg NY Memorial HS 9 Westerly RI High School 10 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake NY 11 Notre Dame Academy MA 12 Edward Little ME High School 13 Toll Gate RI High School 14 Bishop Stang MA High School 15 Guilderland NY High School 16 Portsmouth RI High School 17 Acton-Boxborough MA High Sch 18 Waltham MA High School 19 Averill Park NY High School 20 Bishop Guertin NH High School
Event 48 Girls Distance Medley (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== School =============================================================================== 1 La Salle RI Academy 2 Shenendehowa NY High School 3 St. Johns Prep NY 4 Colonie NY High School 5 Westerly RI High School 6 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake NY 7 Bishop Feehan MA High School 8 Smithtown NY High School 9 Shaker NY High School 10 Notre Dame Academy MA 11 Somerset MA 12 Acton-Boxborough MA High Sch 13 Niskayuna NY High School 14 Gloversville NY High School 15 Guilderland NY High School 16 Edward Little ME High School 17 Portsmouth RI High School 18 Averill Park NY High School
Lancer Timing Services Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 39th Dartmouth Relays Leverone Field House Dartmouth College, Hanover NH ACCEPTED Field Event Entires
Event 32 Girls Long Jump SEEDED (16'3" plus) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Colton, Reny 12 Phillips Exeter 2 Riks, Klarissa 9 Holy Names 3 Edwards, Evana 12 Hackensack 4 Cap, Tamara 12 Jean de Brebeuf 5 Steckowych, Katie 11 Portsmouth NH 6 McNeil, Janelle 11 Bishop Feehan 7 Peterson, Laura 12 Cony ME 8 Grzejka, Katherine 11 Timberlane 9 Huyler, Annie 12 Williston North 10 Brown, Ashley 12 Fair Haven 11 Totushek, Linnea 10 Barrington 12 Sporn, Hannah 12 Saranac Lake 13 Labreck, Jessie 12 Messalonskee 14 Schwinn, Muriel 11 Edward Little 15 Slotnick, Kristin 11 Brunswick ME 16 Singleton, Vanessa 10 Andover MA 17 Herritt, Chelsea 11 Westhill CT 18 Perry, Dani 11 Fall Mt NH 19 Kralian, Mara 12 Grafton MA 20 Wheeler, Morgan 11 Averill Park 21 Mackintosh, Eliza 12 Hanover NH 22 Ciali, Lana 9 Oyster River 23 Lefebvre, Jessie 12 Waterville 24 Becker, Corinne 11 Saranac Lake 25 Morris, Kylie 11 Bishop Guertin
Event 34 Girls Triple Jump (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Mackintosh, Eliza 12 Hanover NH 2 Edwards, Evana 12 Hackensack 3 Labreck, Jessie 12 Messalonskee 4 Mangum, Kim 12 Pilgrim RI 5 Peterson, Laura 12 Cony ME 6 Tuttle, Shelby 11 Waterville 7 Zatolla, Sabrina 10 Waltham MA 8 Kennedy, Theresa 10 Holy Names 9 Bagwell, Tori 12 Mt Ararat ME 10 McKenna, Kelsey 10 Toll Gate RI 11 Whitfield, Ashleigh 12 Kellenberg NY 12 Moses, Ivana 12 Phillips Exeter 13 Muise, Lauren 12 Notre Dame MA 14 Turner, Nadina 12 Colonie NY 15 McGowan, Julianne 10 Notre Dame MA 16 Dodge, Emily 11 Edward Little 17 Quimby, Michelle 11 Shenendehowa 18 Parker, Molly 12 Mt Ararat ME 19 Klein, Kathleen 10 Shenendehowa 20 Carey, Casey 12 Kellenberg NY 21 Recor, Chelsea 10 Lancaster NY 22 Cuomo, Amy 11 Burnt Hills 23 Martineau, Chelsea 12 Lebanon NH 24 Gansle, Ashley 12 Shaker NY 25 Smith, Sammi 12 Kellenberg NY 26 Brown, Whitney 9 Lebanon NH 27 Zabinski, Mary 11 Holy Names 28 McKenna, Beth 10 Bishop Guertin 29 Corey, Mary 12 Niskayuna NY 30 Murphy, Taylor 11 Guilderland 31 Giles, Karley 11 Guilderland 32 Prescott, Logan 11 Mt Ararat ME 33 Wischman, Danielle 12 Pioneer NY 34 St. John, Jackie 11 Shaker NY 35 Rowse, Kellynn 12 Columbia NY 36 Drescher, Megan 12 Lancaster NY 37 Karpen, Clarissa 12 Shaker NY 38 Pimental, Christiana 11 Bishop Guertin 39 Mortenson, Ashley 11 Lebanon NH 40 Stolarski, Anna 10 Iroquois NY 41 O'Connor, Molly 10 Schuylervillle 42 Slaughter, Amadi 12 Williston North 43 Collins, Barbara 12 Williston North 44 Jacobsen, Kelsey 12 Colonie NY
Event 36 Girls Shot Put SEEDED (33'0" plus) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 O'Brien, Becky 12 Greely ME 2 Labonte, Julie 12 Ste-Justine 3 Kurzdorfer, Melissa 10 Lancaster NY 4 Karter-O'Brien, Bethany 12 Waterville 5 Newkirk, Kirstyn 12 Fonda-Fultonvill 6 Toritto, Jessica 12 Smithtown NY 7 Goodnow, Lauren 12 Essex VT 8 Niedbala, Anna 12 Erskine Acad 9 Trahan, Sarah 12 Timberlane 10 Pehmoeller, Alyssa 12 Arlington NY 11 Lee, Miya 12 Phillips Exeter 12 Brown, Moriah 11 Concord NH 13 Wahls, Katie 11 Brockport NY 14 Westover, Julia 11 Lebanon NH 15 Wallisch, Chandler 11 Souhegan NH 16 Onyekunle, Ronke 11 Phillips Exeter 17 Wagner, Kristen 11 Somerville 18 Bury, Julia 10 Hollis Brookline 19 Hamlin, Ikeyanna 12 Beekmantown 20 Mayer, Kara 12 Frontier NY 21 Huyler, Annie 12 Williston North 22 Gouveia, Molly 12 Toll Gate RI 23 Moriarty, Hannah 12 Chelmsford 24 McDuffie, Kathryn 12 Beekmantown 25 Hays, Alleigh 12 Ponaganset 26 Dishong, Claire 11 Brockport NY
Event 38 Girls Weight Throw (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Kurzdorfer, Melissa 10 Lancaster NY 2 Karter-O'Brien, Bethany 12 Waterville 3 Pehmoeller, Alyssa 12 Arlington NY 4 McGovern, Meaghan 12 No Kingstown RI 5 Stowers, Lee 11 La Salle RI 6 Dishong, Claire 11 Brockport NY 7 Heinl, Nicole 11 Barrington 8 Silvestri, Bianca 11 West Warwick 9 Procopio, Ali 11 Toll Gate RI 10 Talbert, Cassie 12 Lebanon NH 11 Gouveia, Molly 12 Toll Gate RI 12 Gordon, Savannah 9 Shenendehowa 13 Turrene, Jerilyn 11 West Warwick 14 Raiola, Stefanie 12 La Salle RI 15 Valentine, Kellie 11 Lebanon NH 16 Westover, Julia 11 Lebanon NH 17 O'Hara, Shana 11 Kellenberg NY 18 Beckley, Meaghan 11 Arlington NY 19 Burke, Catherine 10 Kellenberg NY 20 Liu, Tiana 12 Lebanon NH 21 Hannah, Ashley 11 Schuylervillle 22 Cappiello, Lucia 12 Schuylervillle
Event 40 Girls Pole Vault (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Beaumont-Courteau, Ariane 12 Jean-Eudes QC 2 Patterson, Lindsey 11 Timberlane 3 Dumas, Bethany 12 Cony ME 4 Poggi, Jenna 11 Moses Brown 5 Polcari, Anne 12 Ridgewood NJ 6 Quimby, Michelle 11 Shenendehowa 7 Horan, Patty 12 Niskayuna NY 8 Heinl, Nicole 11 Barrington 9 Lefebvre, Jessie 12 Waterville 10 Cyr, Courtney 12 Colonie NY 11 Leighton, Devon 12 Scarborough 12 Gniazdowski, Jessica 12 Pioneer NY 13 Franco, Clare 12 Brunswick ME 14 Tang, Katherine 12 Chelmsford 15 Gleason, Tara 12 Holy Names 16 DiNuzzo, Illissa 12 Shenendehowa 17 Gordon, Kira 12 Scarborough 18 Hernandez, Kaitlyn 12 Frontier NY 19 Gordon, Sarah 12 Scarborough 20 Sector, Jessie 12 Averill Park 21 Sena, Dena 12 Kellenberg NY 22 Bitka, Maria 10 Lancaster NY 23 Recor, Chelsea 10 Lancaster NY 24 Dvorak, Meghan 11 Lancaster NY 25 Lantz, Katie 12 ConVal NH
Event 42 Girls High Jump (ALL entries accepted) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Palmer, Sarah 9 Schuylervillle 2 Wheeler, Morgan 11 Averill Park 3 Terwilliger, Felicia 12 West Warwick 4 Toussaint, Antoinette 12 Somerville 5 Curley, Leanne 11 Blackstone-Millv 6 Kennedy, Theresa 10 Holy Names 7 Cleminson, Regan 12 York ME 8 Drejas, Katie 12 Shenendehowa 9 Forster, Jessica 12 Andover MA 10 Totushek, Linnea 10 Barrington 11 Wheeler, Samantha 12 Timberlane 12 Bowen, Alexandra 12 La Salle RI 13 Giles, Karley 11 Guilderland 14 Harrington, Faye 12 Concord NH 15 Duchatelier, Tanisha 12 Somerville 16 Morris, Kylie 11 Bishop Guertin 17 Laquerre, Lauren 12 Concord NH 18 Vasquezi, Trisha 12 Waltham MA 19 Carey, Casey 12 Kellenberg NY 20 McKenna, Kelsey 10 Toll Gate RI 21 Stabile, Samantha 11 Haverhill MA 22 Nee, Ally 12 Duxbury MA 23 Cumberbatch, Victoria 12 Hackensack 24 Beck, Ashley 11 Smithtown NY 25 Weiglhofer, Ericka 12 Colonie NY 26 Millikin, Lindsey 12 Williston North 27 Murphy, Taylor 11 Guilderland 28 Rowse, Kellynn 12 Columbia NY 29 Bell, Jenn 11 Weymouth MA 30 Whitfield, Ashleigh 12 Kellenberg NY 31 Gail, Colby 9 Mt Ararat ME 32 Smith, Sammi 12 Kellenberg NY 33 McKenna, Beth 10 Bishop Guertin 34 Stanton, Becca 12 Quincy/No Qunicy 35 Desrosiers, Julie 12 Somerset MA 36 Linnehan, Erin 12 Bishop Guertin 37 Robinson, Cassidy 9 Lebanon NH 38 Schifino, Nicole 12 Shenendehowa 39 McNulty, Laura 11 Bishop Feehan 40 Leary, Johanna 12 ConVal NH 41 Penney, Sarah 12 Lamoille VT 42 Brayshaw, Jen 12 Kearsarge NH 43 Ferland, Jordan 10 Fall Mt NH 44 Andrea, Drewniak 12 Manch Central 45 Flaherty, Kerri 12 Weymouth MA 46 Keane, Andrea 12 Holy Names 47 Martinez, Mia 12 Ridgewood NJ 48 Garrity, Colleen 9 Hanover NH 49 Plante, Kyle 9 Colonie NY 50 Futoma, Liz 12 Portsmouth RI Event 44 Girls Long Jump Unseeded (15'0" to 16'2") =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Clark, Joanna 11 Niskayuna NY 2 Leary, Johanna 12 ConVal NH 3 Slaughter, Amadi 12 Williston North 4 Linnehan, Erin 12 Bishop Guertin 5 Girvin, Kelly 12 Holy Names 6 Collins, Barbara 12 Williston North 7 Van Den Heuvel, Beatrice 12 Nashua North 8 Essis, Maritza 12 Williston North 9 Kallock, Maddie 11 Bishop Guertin 10 Robinson, Cassidy 9 Lebanon NH 11 Malone, Eva 12 Portsmouth NH 12 Clark, Emily 10 Weymouth MA 13 Polakowski, Katie 10 Essex VT 14 Wilborn, Jasmine 12 Jas Hillhouse 15 Williams, Ci'ara 12 Waterville 16 Dupuis, Alisa 11 Bellows Falls 17 Bennett, Samantha 11 Weymouth MA 18 Plante, Kyle 9 Colonie NY 19 Watts, Ivy 9 Waltham MA 20 DiNuzzo, Illissa 12 Shenendehowa 21 Coy, Allyssa 12 Guilderland 22 Nirmalan, Aarathi 10 Niskayuna NY Event 46 Girls Shot Put Unseeded (27'0" to 32'11") =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== 1 Heller, Sarah 12 Guilderland 2 Rose, Fatima 12 Dover NH 3 Talbert, Cassie 12 Lebanon NH 4 Vallentine, Kellie 12 Lebanon NH 5 Rogers, Sara 12 Lowell MA 6 Wynn, Leeasia 12 Gloversville 7 Werneth, Hannah 10 Greely ME 8 Newkirk, Katie 10 Fonda-Fultonvill 9 Betty, Sarah Oyster River 10 Collins, Erin 11 Quincy/No Qunicy 11 Vogel, Emily 11 Averill Park 12 Murphy, Kelly 12 Duxbury MA 13 Sheridan, Courtney 12 Shenendehowa 14 Grebe, Eliz. 11 Shenendehowa 15 Tuthill, Jaqui 12 Belmont NH 16 O'Hara, Shana 11 Kellenberg NY 17 VanSkiver, Melynn 12 Brockport NY 18 Funaro, Julia 12 Lowell MA 19 Deyo, Kelsi 12 ConVal NH 20 McGratton, Shannon 11 Waltham MA 21 Rogers, Meg 12 Lebanon NH 22 Drake, Liz 12 Holy Names 23 Adolf, Stephanie 11 Lancaster NY 24 Delbene, Briana 11 Guilderland 25 Enser, Amanda 11 Frontier NY 26 Geedman, Lauren 11 Smithtown NY 27 Caputo, Samantha 9 Frontier NY 28 Bernath, Susan 11 Lamoille VT 29 Luers, Ayla 12 Concord NH 30 Hannah, Ashley 11 Schuylervillle 31 Kuligowski, Kate 12 Shenendehowa 32 Candler, Christine 12 Weymouth MA 33 Courtwright, Andrea 11 Columbia NY 34 Wilmot, Brittany 12 Fonda-Fultonvill 35 Burgess, Karyn 11 Nashua South 36 Guercio, Kristen 11 Smithtown NY 37 Campbell, Michaela 10 Greely ME 38 Drew-Moyer, Emily 12 Belmont NH 39 Rodriguez, Alfonsina 12 Nashua South 40 Ferland, Jocelyn 12 Fall Mt NH 41 Salazar, Keyla 11 Nashua South 42 Lahey, Josie 11 Edward Little 43 Harmon, Katherine 10 Edward Little 44 Burke, Catherine 10 Kellenberg NY 45 Lewis, Brianna 9 Concord NH 46 Alexander, Liz 10 Fair Haven 47 Stern, Maria 9 Springfield
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