Northern Section CIF - League Finals Schedule
Contests at held at various dates and locations
Always contact the league to confirm dates/locations.

Small School Stars - Paul Turk Album

WED - OCT 31 - Small Schools Championship - West Valley HS (Cottonwood) - Lizzy Gruber (Redding
                                  Adventist) keeps Mt. Shasta Girls honest with win MS 6 of top 10 - B. Maelfeyt
                                  (Trinity) 17:11 takes frosh Eric Ghelfi (Redding Adventist) 17:16 - Rubio leads
                                   3 Mt. Shasta in top 7

THUR - NOV 1 - EAL Meet - Foothill HS - Palo Cedro - Chico Team Sweep with super frosh Domenic
                                  D'Acquisto (Enterprise) 15:56 Boys winner and Julia Walker (Foothill) Girls
                                  titlest at 19:36.
THUR - NOV 1 - Northern Athletic League - Greenhorn Park - Yreka - Michelle Johnson and frosh Corissa
                                  Storms lead West Valley to Girls win with 27 - Trevor Siperek (WV) Boys win with
                                   Yreka 34 for Team

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