Arcadia Apache
Wednesday, October 27,
2004 @ Arcadia County Park (SS) 3 miles
Arcadia teams dominate through
the elements!
The Apache XC Invitational
turned out to be a "real" cross country competition with rain,
wind, thunder, lightning, and a saturated course to run. Ah, there's nothing
like mud-splattered uniforms and a little dirt between the toes to highlight
the essence of our sport. As the thunder and lightning rolled in we had
to take a 30 minute break for safety concerns, but all was well later
with the sun even poking through in the late afternoon. Six teams participated:
Arcadia, Bishop Amat, Don Bosco Tech, Compton, Monrovia, Schurr. I suspect
the weather report scared a few teams away.
The medals went 30 deep and team awards to 1st and 2nd place with 7 "championship
t-shirts" for each of the 6 winning teams. Arcadia managed to win
5 of the 6 races. Fortunately for all, the Arcadia Rec Dept. allowed us
to take over the Senior Center to use as RACE CENTRAL where the kids could
get shelter from the elements. It served as the site for the awards celebration.
As you might expect, many of the teams competing were resting out some
of their key guys and gals in defrence to the upcoming league finals and
CIF season. The great thing about that was some of the lower tier kids
got an opportunity to step up into the Varsity spotlight and competed
very effectively. -- Jim O'Brien, Arcadia HS Boys
Coach, Meet Director
Arcadia County Park 10/27/04
Cold & Rainy; then Sunny
Place Name Grade School Time
1 T.J Bacic 11 Arcadia 15:56
2 Kamil Markowski 12 Arcadia 16:20
3 Kazuya Koda 10 Arcadia 16:21
4 Hans Lin 12 Arcadia 16:34
5 Hank Lin 12 Arcadia 16:38
6 Saniz 10 Bishop Amat 16:49
7 Joe Wang 12 Arcadia 16:53
8 Mancillas 12 Bishop Amat 16:56
9 David Kennedy Monrovia 17:02
10 Irvin Liu 11 Arcadia 17:02
11 Rosano 11 Bishop Amat 17:11
12 Choi, K Schurr 17:13
13 Ben Cervantes Bosco Tech 17:16
14 Michael Paz Bosco Tech 17:31
15 David Portugal Bosco Tech 17:36
16 Lang, J Schurr 17:40
17 Michael Najera Bosco Tech 17:45
18 Dennis Lopez Bosco Tech 17:51
19 Carvajal, J Schurr 17:58
20 Matt Goode Bosco Tech 17:58.3
21 Jimenez 12 Bishop Amat 17:59
22 Vega 11 Bishop Amat 18:15
23 R. Rodriguez 12 Bishop Amat 18:17
24 Zmiga, J Schurr 18:21
25 Martinez, A Schurr 18:26
26 Lam, E Schurr 18:29
27 Kwan, A Schurr 18:37
28 Adolfo Cortez Monrovia 21:22
Team Scores
Arcadia 15
Bishop Amat 68
Bosco Tech 77
Schurr 96
Monrovia NS
Apache Invite - RESULTS
Place Name Grade School Time
1 Gutierrez, S Schurr 20:35
2 Mojde Motamedi 12 Arcadia 20:40
3 Sarah Hanson 12 Arcadia 21:06
4 Jennifer 10 Arcadia 21:11
5 Gamez, M. Schurr 21:45
6 Serena Yang 12 Arcdia 22:02
7 Wabuke, F. 11 Arcadia 22:30
8 Orialys Sarmiento 11 Arcadia 22:23
9 Lam, J Schurr 22:48
10 Perez, C Schurr 22:52
11 Clare Angami 11 Arcadia 23:13
12 Heng, K Schurr 23:58
13 Wang, W Schurr 24:10
14 Teran, A Schurr 24:12
Team Scoring
Arcadia 22
Schurr 37
Apache Invite - RESULTS
Soph/Frosh Boys
Place Name Grade School Time
1 Seth Tibbet Monrovia 17:12
2 Ben Robles 10 Arcadia 17:17
3 Alan Tsai 10 Arcadia 17:20
4 Ryan Chen 10 Arcadia 17:34
5 David Flood 10 Arcadia 17:39
6 Vincent Vega Monrovia 17:44
7 Marco Archondia Compton 17:53
8 Jerry Zhou 9 Arcadia 17:55
9 Ray Gonzalez Bosco Tech 18:03
10 Hernandez, J. Schurr 18:11
11 Ryan Ernst 9 Arcadia 18:15
12 Chan, K Schurr 18:16
13 Cazares, C. Schurr 18:18
14 Dani Yamane 9 Arcadia 18:21
15 Bryan Valdemar Bosco Tech 18:33
16 Steve Kidd 10 Arcadia 18:39
17 Steven Luu 10 Arcadia 18:41
18 Martin Espadas Bosco Tech 18:46
19 Daniel Lee 9 Arcadia 18:51
20 Andy Chen 10 Arcadia 18:53
21 Wayne Wu 10 Arcdia 19:03
22 Derek Lwin 10 Arcadia 19:04
23 Jacob Gomez Bosco Tech 19:06
24 Gene Yang 9 Arcadia 19:08
25 Stephen Chiao 10 Arcadia 19:10
26 James Song 9 Arcadia 19:19
27 Chu, W. Schurr 19:20
28 Joey Ma 9 Arcadia 19:22
29 Derek Leung 9 Arcadia 19:22
30 Leo Chan 10 Arcadia 19:31
31 Kaiber Takamiya Bosco Tech 19:35
32 Santillan, A. Schurr 19:37
33 Amer Abdallah Bosco Tech 19:44
34 Ryo Okubo 10 Arcadia 19:54
35 Sean Tieu 10 Arcadia 20:01
36 Jon Lau 10 Arcadia 20:03
37 Joe Chow 10 Arcadia 20:05
38 Mendoza 9 Bishop Amat 20:05
39 Wahbi Rafik 9 Arcadia 20:08
40 Oliver Chang 10 Arcadia 20:12
41 ?? - wet tag ?? 20:20
42 Tino Munoz Monrovia 20:22
43 Jason You 10 Arcadia 20:27
44 Joshua Lim 9 Arcadia 20:29
45 Michael Lin Monrovia 20:29
46 Wil Blalock 9 Arcadia 20:32
47 Chris Ochos 9 Arcadia 20:32
48 M. Pindedo 10 Bishop Amat 20:38
49 Bria Poladian 9 Arcdia 20:39
50 Justin Bishop Amat 20:45
51 Zamora, A. Schurr 21:50
52 Berumen, J. Schurr 21:58
53 Wu, J. Schurr 22:12
54 Chris Noyola Bosco Tech 22:15
55 Surchiro, S. Schurr 22:17
56 Hammond 10 Monrovia 22:30
57 Lopez, M. 9 Monrovia 22:37
58 Mario Palencia Monrovia 22:39
59 Fernando Montesdeola Compton 23:03
60 Henry Gray Monrovia 23:03
61 Gustavo Carajal Compton 23:06
62 Vasquez, A. 10 Bosco Tech 23:37
63 Jason Sharkey Bosco Tech 23:38
64 Brian Balderrama Bosco tech 23:55
65 Rubel Cano Compton 23:55
66 James Choi 10 Arcadia 24:42
67 Miller, S. 9 Monrovia 24:49
68 Juan Arellano Compton 24:58
69 Jose Gomez Compton 25:19
70 Felizardo Fregoso Compton 26:13
71 Chan, B Schurr 28:02
Team Scores
Arcadia 22
Schurr 74
Bosco Tech 76
Monrovia 86
Compton 145
Bishop Amat NS
Apache Invite - RESULTS
Soph/Frosh Girls
Place Name Grade School Time
1 Danielle La Brie 9 Arcadia 20:37
2 Oganesian, T. Schurr 20:37
3 Cavo, R Schurr 22:03
4 Brittany Grace 9 Arcadia 22:24
5 Rebecca Shum 10 Arcadia 22:38
6 Adriana Maldonado 9 Arcadia 22:41
7 Kawn, L. Schurr 22:40
8 Lozano, J. Schurr 22:50
9 Nicole Cimmarusti Monrovia 22:51
10 Ivy Ku 10 Arcadia 23:02
11 Sandoval, M. Schurr 23:11
12 Ladonna Rodriguez Monrovia 23:18
13 Oddenino Arcadia 23:21
14 Kelly Parks Monrovia 23.32
15 Erika Jordan 10 Arcadia 23:39
16 Stephanie Calaviz 10 Arcadia 24:12
17 Eliza Haney 9 Arcadia 24:44
18 Paula Mattison 9 Arcadia 24:56
19 Bravo, J. Schurr 25:17
20 Carrasco, E. Schurr 26:04
21 Elizabeth Hartshorn 9 Arcadia 26:24
22 Rodriguez, Y. Schurr 27:09
23 Jill Flanders 9 Arcdia 27:25
24 Sky Mangin 10 Arcadia 27:29
25 Elizabeth Pedilla Schurr 27:43
26 Casillas, K. Schurr 27:49
27 Juila Pazos 10 Arcadia 29:10
28 Allison Zheng 9 Arcadia 31:25
29 Laree Saeker Monrovia 34:07
30 Mata, Y. Schurr 37:11
Team Scores
Arcadia 26
Schurr 31
Monrovia 72
Apache Invite - RESULTS
JV Boys
Place Name Grade School Time
1 Chris Wu 11 Arcadia 17:11
2 Allen Lee 11 Arcadia 17:23
3 Michael Kao 11 Arcadia 17:26
4 Daniel Chua 11 Arcadia 17:27
5 Luke Chen 11 Arcadia 17:28
6 Zhan Song 11 Arcadia 17:36
7 Kevin Zhang 12 Arcadia 17:36
8 Casper Shih 12 Arcadia 17:38
9 Nick Valencia Bosco Tech 17:53
10 Ahmed Naguib 11 Arcadia 17:56
11 Ashraf Naguib 12 Arcadia 18:06
12 Wilson Phoong 11 Arcadia 18:17
13 Jason Hwang 12 Arcadia 18:22
14 Stephen Chyau 11 Arcadia 18:51
15 Eugene Chan 12 Arcadia 18:53
16 Albert Yu 11 Arcadia 18:59
17 J.D. Duenas Bosco Tech 19:01
18 K. Fukui Schurr 19:04
19 Rayce Chapa Bosco Tech 19:14
20 Xing Wei 12 Arcadia 19:16
21 G. Hemandez Schurr 19:16
22 Scott Moler Bosco Tech 19:28
23 N. Silva Schurr 19:30
24 Henry Wei 11 Arcadia 19:33
25 J. Hsu Schurr 19:38
26 R. Heng Schurr 19:45
27 Andrew Wong Bosco Tech 19:51
28 K. Hata Schurr 20:07
29 Joan Bui Bosco Tech 20:17
30 Mike Huynh 11 Arcadia 20:20
31 R. Nakano Schurr 20:28
32 Gibson Li 12 Arcadia 20:35
33 Sutiono Togi 11 Arcadia 20:49
34 J. Park Schurr 21:02
35 Blacksher Schurr 21:06
36 Ben Kelly 11 Arcadia 21:10
37 H. Li Schurr 21:12
38 R. Chu Schurr 21:25
39 J. Kim Schurr 21:31
40 J. Salas Schurr 21:58
41 Andrew Wong 11 Arcadia 22:20
42 W. Yung Schurr 22:21
43 J. Cho Schurr 23:16
44 Robert May Bosco Tech 23:28
45 Manny Garcia Bosco Tech 23:59
46 J. Tan Schurr 24:00
47 T. Chan Schurr 25:27
48 D. Luu Schurr 26:27
49 G. Teran Schurr 26:43
50 A. Zheng Schurr 26:48
Team Scores
Arcadia 15
Bosco Tech 58
Schurr 67
Apache Invite - RESULTS
JV Girls
Place Name Grade School Time
DQ Garza 9 Bishop Amat 19:37
DQ Rogono 11 Bishop Amat 22:44
DQ Huerta 11 Bishop Amat 23:42
1 Princess Villegas Compton 24:07
2 Ruth Ortega 11 Compton 24:08
3 H. Baba Schurr 24:09
4 L. Chung Schurr 24:14
5 Melody Botello 11 Arcadia 24:17
6 Gabriella Houck 11 Arcadia 24:18
7 Nickole Colayco 11 Arcadia 24:28
DQ M."Felix 12 Bishop Amat 24:30
DQ S. Montes Bishop Amat 24:30
8 A. Osegueda Schurr
DQ Mc Grail 11 Bishop Amat 24:48
9 L. Murate Schurr 24:59
10 M. Mata Schurr 25:04
11 Diana Banh 11 Arcadia 25:20
12 Jackie Jacob Monrovia 25:55
13 Mayra Valenzuela Compton 26:06
14 Isabel Colin 11 Arcadia 26:08
15 Susie Macias Monrovia 26:25
16 Sharon Jager Monrovia 26:28
17 Emidia Bustamante Compton 27:26
18 P. Setiawan Schurr 27:54
19 Alejandra Palonmino Compton 28:08
20 I. Chaiharnswadi Schurr 28:39
21 Brittany Wey 11 Arcadia 28:43
22 Amber Parker Monrovia 29:02
23 M. Garcia 12 Compton 30:41
DQ - Ran Varsity team as a JV without competing at Varsity level
Team Scores
Schurr 34
Arcadia 43
Compton 55
Monrovia NS
Bishop Amat DQ
