Clovis Invitational
October 9, 2004 @ Woodward Park, Fresno
Photo courtesy of Erik Pedersen
senior Benny Mardigal (foreground) leads team's winning effort!
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Championship Boys Race Team
Race Results
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Madera High 91 2 9 13 33 37 58 75 2 9 12 32 36 57 74 1:21:07 1
Royal 94 7 12 16 18 45 60 72 7 11 15 17 44 59 71 1:21:11 2
Jesuit 157 20 21 23 35 63 67 71 19 20 22 34 62 66 70 1:22:22 3
AYALA 160 19 26 39 40 41 42 43 18 25 38 39 40 41 42 1:22:27 4
St. John Bosco 160 5 17 25 55 62 101 126 5 16 24 54 61 100 125 1:22:13
Miramonte 175 8 24 36 54 57 84 85 8 23 35 53 56 83 84 1:22:41 6
El Rancho 215 6 29 34 69 81 98 103 6 28 33 68 80 97 102 1:23:18 7
Campolindo 247 4 32 48 61 106 112 118 4 31 47 60 105 111 117 1:23:40 8
cabrillo,lompoc 255 3 15 74 76 91 107 135 3 14 73 75 90 106 133 1:23:41
Arroyo 285 1 30 49 104 105 109 113 1 29 48 103 104 108 112 1:24:06 10
Oak Park 288 10 22 56 89 115 121 10 21 55 88 114 120 1:24:24 11
Maria Carrillo High 313 38 46 64 82 88 102 123 37 45 63 81 87 101 122
1:24:52 12
San Benito 319 51 59 65 70 79 120 128 50 58 64 69 78 119 127 1:24:59 13
Ventura High 321 27 52 73 80 94 97 124 26 51 72 79 93 96 123 1:24:55 14
Reno High School 325 14 44 66 96 110 130 138 13 43 65 95 109 129 135 1:24:53
Oak Ridge 351 47 68 77 78 86 117 125 46 67 76 77 85 116 124 1:25:26 16
King 366 50 53 83 92 93 95 99 49 52 82 91 92 94 98 1:25:38 17
Mater Dei 381 28 31 100 108 119 131 134 27 30 99 107 118 130 132 1:25:59
Tesoro High School 513 87 90 111 114 116 136 139 86 89 110 113 115 134
136 1:27:58 19
Oakmont 643 122 127 129 133 141 121 126 128 131 137 1:32:34 20
menlo-atherton 11 132 137 140 No time
7 Race 10:30 Division HS Championsh Men Individual
Race Results -
Time Team Name Bib# Place Yr Place Bib# Name Team Yr Time
1 413 Medina, Luis Arroyo 15:43 12
2 2332 Madrigal, Benny Madera High 15:46 12
3 2418 coe, michael cabrillo,lompoc 15:49 11
4 316 Vizcaino, Chris Campolindo 15:50 11
5 1109 Skillens, Randy St. John Bosco 15:55 12
6 21 Mejia, Manny El Rancho 15:56 11
7 1848 HUDSON, Royal 15:59 11
8 1196 Mejia, Daniel Miramonte 16:01 12
9 2334 Pulido, Anthony Madera High 16:03 12
10 507 Brook, Ken Oak Park 16:05 12
11 783 anderson, evan menlo-atherton 16:06 12
12 1845 JASON, PEDERSEN Royal 16:06 11
13 2333 Moreno, Claudio Madera High 16:07 12
14 52 Anderson, Leif Reno High School 16:08 12
15 2419 hacker, colin cabrillo,lompoc 16:09 11
16 1849 MICHAEL, Royal 16:10 10
17 1110 Perez, Luis St. John Bosco 16:10 12
18 1846 MATT, GULDEN Royal 16:13 12
19 829 Porter, Stephen AYALA 16:14 12
20 35 Salvatierra, Michael Jesuit 16:15 10
21 32 Ramos, Dillon Jesuit 16:16 12
22 508 Page, Jordan Oak Park 16:16 12
23 33 Watchempino, Evan Jesuit 16:17 10
24 1197 Zalan, Daryl Miramonte 16:17 12
25 1108 Urak, Kevin St. John Bosco 16:18 12
26 831 Kennedy, Derek AYALA 16:20 12
27 1450 Gurney, Chris Ventura High 16:21 12
28 967 Gallardo, Luis Mater Dei 16:28 9
29 22 Jimenez, Julio El Rancho 16:29 11
30 418 Contreras, Miguel Arroyo 16:32 10
31 966 Kovacich, Joseph Mater Dei 16:32 11
32 317 Flynnperault, Devon Campolindo 16:34 12
33 2336 Moreno, Julio Madera High 16:35 11
34 23 Guevara, Luis El Rancho 16:35 10
35 31 Kelly-Strong, Jake Jesuit 16:36 11
36 1198 Penskar, David Miramonte 16:36 12
37 2335 Perez, Jesse Madera High 16:36 12
38 1303 Wolf-Root, Alex Maria Carrillo High 16:37 12
39 833 Noble, Westley AYALA 16:37 11
40 830 Floris, Henri AYALA 16:38 10
41 834 Cendejas, Daniel AYALA 16:38 11
42 835 Gallagher, Garrett AYALA 16:39 12
43 832 Cantalupo, Emidio AYALA 16:40 12
44 53 Elvick, Robert Reno High School 16:41 12
45 1851 DUSTIN, Royal 16:43 11
46 1299 Brew, Michael Maria Carrillo High 16:44 11
47 358 Campbell, Jeff Oak Ridge 16:44 12
48 318 Olson, Torrey Campolindo 16:45 12
49 414 Phan, Roger Arroyo 16:46 12
50 1948 Baugus, Jeremy King 16:46 11
51 1862 Vasquez, Josh San Benito 16:47 12
52 1451 Garrett, Taylor Ventura High 16:48 12
53 1285 Ashley, John King 16:51 11
54 1199 Snow, Scott Miramonte 16:52 12
55 1111 Pruter, Matt St. John Bosco 16:52 12
56 522 Colquhoun, Shaun Oak Park 16:55 10
57 1200 Spicer, Sandy Miramonte 16:55 11
58 2477 DeVault, Nathan Madera High 16:56 12
59 1860 Vasquez, Rigo San Benito 16:56 10
60 1847 DANNY, BENSON Royal 16:57 10
61 319 Powell, Emerson Campolindo 16:57 11
62 1113 Bonilla, Victor St. John Bosco 16:58 10
63 37 Donahue, Scott Jesuit 16:58 10
64 1301 Aldridge, Ryan Maria Carrillo High 16:59 11
65 1859 Lopez, Alfredo San Benito 16:59 10
66 54 Freeman, Matthew Reno High School 17:00 10
67 38 Enabnit, Michael Jesuit 17:01 11
68 360 Cosins, Ryan Oak Ridge 17:03 10
69 25 Huerta, John El Rancho 17:04 10
70 1863 Bambrick, Kyle San Benito 17:05 11
71 42 McKennan, Phil Jesuit 17:06 10
72 1850 BEN, CAPPER Royal 17:07 12
73 1454 Barnes, Michael Ventura High 17:09 9
74 2424 monteleone, jeff cabrillo,lompoc 17:10 10
75 2337 Solis, Anthony Madera High 17:10 12
76 2423 owen, kyle cabrillo,lompoc 17:11 11
77 357 McCormack, Aaron Oak Ridge 17:11 12
78 363 Diamond, Danny Oak Ridge 17:11 12
79 1861 Trujillo, Eddie San Benito 17:12 10
80 1455 Potuzak, Aron Ventura High 17:13 12
81 24 Rodriguez, Adrian El Rancho 17:14 12
82 1300 Ensign, Logan Maria Carrillo High 17:14 11
83 1292 Marquard, Kevin King 17:15 12
84 1201 McGurk, James Miramonte 17:16 10
85 1202 Niedzwiedz, Phil Miramonte 17:16 11
86 361 Mansoor, Alex Oak Ridge 17:17 10
87 656 Beadle, Jason Tesoro High School 17:17 11
88 1302 Moulton, Diego Maria Carrillo High 17:18 11
89 523 Gourdeau, Garrison Oak Park 17:18 10
90 661 Kopczynski, Brian Tesoro High School 17:20 10
91 2422 pike, chris cabrillo,lompoc 17:22 12
92 1283 Schwarz, Adam King 17:23 12
93 1287 Ehret, Nick King 17:23 10
94 1452 Hennek, Stephen Ventura High 17:24 11
95 1286 Cummins, Matt King 17:24 10
96 57 Mahaffey, Stephen Reno High School 17:25 11
97 1453 Wright, Gavin Ventura High 17:28 10
98 2226 Campos, Alan El Rancho 17:28 11
99 1284 Guevara, Ivan King 17:28 11
100 972 Geldhof, Julius Mater Dei 17:29 11
101 1112 Gonzalez, Russell St. John Bosco 17:29 12
102 1304 Roth, Andy Maria Carrillo High 17:30 12
103 719 De La O, Scott El Rancho 17:31 12
104 415 Jacinto, Juan Arroyo 17:32 11
105 416 Monterrosa, Josh Arroyo 17:33 12
106 2078 Pines, Tyler Campolindo 17:34 12
107 2421 ferman, eli cabrillo,lompoc 17:34 12
108 970 Lopez, Mike Mater Dei 17:34 12
109 417 Hake, Robert Arroyo 17:37 11
110 56 Chaun, Bryan Reno High School 17:39 10
111 658 Hume, Billy Tesoro High School 17:41 12
112 320 Akita, Tommy Campolindo 17:42 11
113 419 Martinez, Ricardo Arroyo 17:43 11
114 659 Wilhelm, Andrew Tesoro High School 17:49 11
115 513 Pluchino, Alex Oak Park 17:50 11
116 655 Norred, Alex Tesoro High School 17:51 10
117 362 Crawfor, Cale Oak Ridge 17:54 11
118 2231 Hubbard, Jed Campolindo 17:54 11
119 971 Stebbins, Adam Mater Dei 17:56 12
120 1864 Sandoval, Albert San Benito 17:59 12
121 512 Hopkins, Ryan Oak Park 18:02 11
122 444 Sey, Jason Oakmont 18:05 11
123 1305 Cumbo, Tim Maria Carrillo High 18:09 12
124 1456 Woodburn, Greg Ventura High 18:11 9
125 359 Parkhurst, Josh Oak Ridge 18:14 12
126 1114 Bonilla, Bradley St. John Bosco 18:16 12
127 456 Mecke, Scott Oakmont 18:19 10
128 1865 Hernandez, Victor San Benito 18:26 12
129 442 Zimmer, Brian Oakmont 18:30 11
130 55 Olander, Peter Reno High School 18:33 12
131 968 Goethals, Patrick Mater Dei 18:33 12
132 784 hale, billy menlo-atherton 18:35 11
133 441 Gliko, Mike Oakmont 18:36 10
134 969 Beld, Sean Mater Dei 18:38 11
135 2420 axline, ian cabrillo,lompoc 18:39 12
136 660 Rachman, Dillon Tesoro High School 18:44 10
137 789 MERK, robby menlo-atherton 18:53 9
138 1554 Nowak, Max Reno High School 18:55 10
139 657 Weiser, Jason Tesoro High School 18:56 11
140 785 jenkins, dan menlo-atherton 18:57 10
141 445 Desouza, Brian Oakmont 19:04 9
Varsity-Large Schools Boys Race Team Race
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Marina 47 1 4 13 14 16 24 1 4 13 14 15 23 1:22:29 1
Sheldon High School 177 11 29 47 48 49 63 65 11 28 45 46 47 61 63 1:26:24
wm s. hart 207 23 38 44 53 56 64 78 22 37 43 51 54 62 74 1:26:54 3
Chino High School 209 22 31 40 42 82 86 21 30 39 41 78 82 1:26:52 4
Buchanan 212 5 6 58 62 89 100 165 5 6 56 60 85 96 149 1:26:36 5
Corona 235 2 28 33 87 95 112 128 2 27 32 83 91 105 120 1:26:55 6
AYALA 247 39 43 50 51 73 97 98 38 42 48 49 70 93 94 1:27:45 7
Los Angeles 260 37 41 46 61 85 110 130 36 40 44 59 81 103 122 1:27:55
San Pedro High School 268 8 17 32 111 117 8 16 31 104 109 1:28:10 9
Highland High School 291 7 10 81 90 119 129 131 7 10 77 86 111 121 123
1:28:24 10
Lancaster High 293 18 20 57 94 120 126 133 17 19 55 90 112 118 125 1:28:42
McLane High School 293 9 35 36 107 123 153 9 34 35 100 115 140 1:28:46
Nevada Union 299 26 30 76 88 92 124 134 25 29 73 84 88 116 126 1:28:32
Monta Vista High School 300 3 70 71 79 91 96 118 3 67 68 75 87 92 110
1:28:05 14
BURBANK 338 12 52 68 102 122 12 50 65 97 114 1:29:37 15
Alisal High School 350 21 59 69 106 115 132 161 20 57 66 99 108 124 146
1:29:50 16
Royal 355 67 72 74 75 83 99 114 64 69 71 72 79 95 107 1:29:20 17
Clovis West 390 27 60 84 93 150 154 26 58 80 89 137 141 1:31:45 18
Lodi High School 431 19 54 113 136 137 140 148 18 52 106 127 128 131 136
1:32:01 19
Clovis East High School 472 25 104 108 125 141 143 24 98 101 117 132 134
1:33:08 20
Stockdale High School 529 34 109 127 142 155 163 166 33 102 119 133 142
147 150 1:35:51 21
Bullard 541 55 80 138 152 157 53 76 129 139 144 1:36:57 22
Central High School 659 121 139 146 151 156 159 16 113 130 135 138 143
145 14 1:40:22 23
Clovis High School 15 66 101 No time
Edison High School 103 149 158 160 No time
Jesuit 45 77 105 No time
Quartz Hill High School 144 No time
Saugus 116 145 147 No time
Tracy 135 No time
West Bakersfield HS 162 No time
9 Race 11:30 Division HS Varsity-Lg Men Individual Race Results -
Time Team Name Bib# Place Yr Place Bib# Name Team Yr Time
1 2036 Peck, Robert Marina 15:55 11
2 1058 Wilcox, Daniel Corona 16:07 12
3 500 Yow, Jason Monta Vista High 16:12 12
4 2037 Morrill, Jesse Marina 16:19 11
5 165 Farnsworth, Taylor Buchanan 16:31 10
6 166 Geis, Brandon Buchanan 16:32 11
7 2248 Housinger, Josh Highland High 16:33 11
8 2324 Swartz, Bryan San Pedro High 16:37 12
9 1992 Rodriguez Jr, Robert McLane High School 16:38 11
10 2249 Kurtis, Rohrenback Highland High 16:40 11
11 669 Bowers, Zac Sheldon High School 16:40 11
12 685 Christoffersen, Ryan BURBANK 16:43 12
13 2042 Guadagnini, Tony Marina 16:44 12
14 2038 Lawson, Eric Marina 16:45 12
15 1586 Ashcroft, Brandon Clovis High School 16:46 12
16 2039 Arcos, Celso Marina 16:46 9
17 2323 Nava, Johan San Pedro High 16:49 12
18 1420 Case, Andrew Lancaster High 16:50 11
19 1952 Merrill, Jeff Lodi High School 16:52 11
20 1419 Garcia, Irvin Lancaster High 16:55 11
21 1998 Lopez, Enrique Alisal High School 16:56 11
22 2153 Reyna, Peter Chino High School 16:56 12
23 400 kuykendall, will wm s. hart 16:57 12
24 2040 Matsumoto, Shin Marina 16:59 11
25 1359 Pfaff, Russell Clovis East High 17:00 12
26 1636 Primrose, Andrew Nevada Union 17:02 11
27 798 Rodriguez, Cesar Clovis West 17:04 12
28 1062 Arcos, Raul Corona 17:05 9
29 670 Malfatto, Dominic Sheldon High School 17:05 11
30 1639 Lane, Sean Nevada Union 17:08 10
31 2156 Gonzalez, Adrian Chino High School 17:10 11
32 2329 Calise, Steven San Pedro High 17:10 10
33 1061 March, Jantsen Corona 17:12 11
34 1746 Lucker, Ryan Stockdale High 17:14 12
35 1991 Viscarra, Isaac McLane High School 17:14 11
36 1993 Gomez, Nunie McLane High School 17:15 11
37 1329 Hernandez, Ruben Los Angeles 17:16 11
38 402 frohling, sean wm s. hart 17:17 11
39 840 Alcala, Mario AYALA 17:18 12
40 2154 Gleeson, Jeremy Chino High School 17:21 12
41 1328 Baez, Mariano Los Angeles 17:21 11
42 2158 McGuire, Garrett Chino High School 17:22 10
43 837 Suarez, Andy AYALA 17:25 12
44 399 kelly, jimmy wm s. hart 17:25 9
45 40 Benouar, Samir Jesuit 17:28 11
46 1330 Flowers, Michael Los Angeles 17:31 11
47 672 Wittman, Jake Sheldon High School 17:32 11
48 671 Fujitsubo, Kyle Sheldon High School 17:33 11
49 674 Baptista, Derek Sheldon High School 17:34 10
50 836 Clodfelter, Michael AYALA 17:36 12
51 838 Soria, Alex AYALA 17:36 12
52 683 Christoffersen, Kevin BURBANK 17:37 10
53 405 bolick, kirby wm s. hart 17:37 11
54 1953 Magana, Daniel Lodi High School 17:37 11
55 341 Williamson, Allan Bullard 17:38 12
56 401 benitez, orlando wm s. hart 17:38 11
57 1421 Kellogg, Cody Lancaster High 17:40 12
58 169 Walton, Adam Buchanan 17:40 11
59 1999 Vega, Octaviano Alisal High School 17:41 10
60 797 Baecker, Max Clovis West 17:41 12
61 1326 Serrano, Fernando Los Angeles 17:42 12
62 172 Green, Mike Buchanan 17:43 12
63 675 Brown, Robert Sheldon High School 17:43 10
64 404 guzman, giovanni wm s. hart 17:43 10
65 673 Irving, Jeremiah Sheldon High School 17:44 10
66 1587 Brodie, John Clovis High School 17:44 11
67 1857 JUN, REICHL Royal 17:44 10
68 686 Christoffersen, Eric BURBANK 17:47 12
69 2002 Estrada, Diego Alisal High School 17:48 9
70 504 Bill, Simon Monta Vista High 17:49 10
71 505 Pan, Harold Monta Vista High 17:49 10
72 1856 STEVE, KRUPNIK Royal 17:49 11
73 839 Houston, Brad AYALA 17:50 12
74 1854 ALEX, ROUTH Royal 17:51 11
75 1852 JONOTHAN, Royal 17:53 11
76 1638 Freitas, Dan Nevada Union 17:55 10
77 34 Laville, James Jesuit 17:57 11
78 403 suzuki, marcus wm s. hart 17:57 11
79 502 Siebel, Dan Monta Vista High 17:59 9
80 345 Vang, Brandon Bullard 17:59 11
81 2250 Arnold, Kyle Highland High 18:01 11
82 2157 Harbin, Steven Chino High School 18:03 11
83 1853 BRIAN, BETETA Royal 18:03 10
84 1038 Falagan, Tim Clovis West 18:03 12
85 1327 Hernandez, Eswar Los Angeles 18:05 12
86 2159 Tapia, Julio Chino High School 18:05 10
87 1059 Pettersson, Ryan Corona 18:09 11
88 1640 Brown, Parker Nevada Union 18:10 10
89 156 Burford, Cameron Buchanan 18:10 9
90 2252 Wright, Aaron Highland High 18:15 10
91 503 Kadokura, Grant Monta Vista High 18:16 10
92 1637 Hood, Cody Nevada Union 18:17 10
93 801 Falagan, Tom Clovis West 18:18 12
94 1422 Belhoul, Jon Lancaster High 18:22 12
95 1060 Langdale, Cody Corona 18:22 10
96 501 Kawashima, Craig Monta Vista High 18:27 11
97 2086 Cahn, Branden AYALA 18:28 12
98 2087 Peterson, Preston AYALA 18:28 11
99 1858 Mittel, Jared Royal 18:29 11
100 167 Godfrey, Kevin Buchanan 18:30 11
101 1588 Savala, Jimmy Clovis High School 18:31 11
102 689 Kessler, Wyatt BURBANK 18:33 10
103 1818 Hernandez, Mark Edison High School 18:34 9
104 1361 Stone, Justin Clovis East High 18:38 12
105 41 Stalder, Jimmy Jesuit 18:39 11
106 2000 Escovar, Humberto Alisal High School 18:40 10
107 1994 Vivas, Isaac McLane High School 18:40 11
108 1356 Gonzalez, Johnny Clovis East High 18:40 10
109 1748 Mitchell, Bram Stockdale High 18:42 11
110 1331 Rojas, Mario Los Angeles 18:42 11
1 10/9/2004
9 Race 11:30 Division HS Varsity-Lg Men Individual Race Results -
Time Team Name Bib# Place Yr Place Bib# Name Team Yr Time
111 2327 Villagomez, Juan San Pedro High 18:42 12
112 1063 Calandra, Jesse Corona 18:43 10
113 1954 Grilley, Travis Lodi High School 18:44 11
114 1855 Coutts, Steve Royal 18:44 12
115 2001 Escovar, Alberto Alisal High School 18:45 10
116 1990 Falcon, Chris Saugus 18:48 11
117 2326 Gil, John San Pedro High 18:52 12
118 506 Vaishnav, Abih Monta Vista High 18:54 10
119 2254 Snyder, James Highland High 18:55 10
120 1424 Lewallen, Kasey Lancaster High 18:55 11
121 1368 Gillis, Tom Central High School 18:56 11
122 690 Harris, Andrew BURBANK 18:57 10
123 1995 Sanchez, Alfonso McLane High School 18:59 11
124 1635 Haas, Zach Nevada Union 18:59 12
125 1355 Dunnicliff, Chris Clovis East High 19:04 12
126 1428 Daly, Tommy Lancaster High 19:06 11
127 1750 Stephens, Yasser Stockdale High 19:06 10
128 1065 Sedano, Salvador Corona 19:07 10
129 2251 Hoskins, Wayne Highland High 19:14 11
130 2223 Korikov, Leonid Los Angeles 19:16 12
131 2253 Whiting, Joey Highland High 19:16 11
132 2003 Garcia, Jobani Alisal High School 19:17 11
133 1425 Kellogg, Bryce Lancaster High 19:17 10
134 1634 Petitt, Cole Nevada Union 19:18 12
135 1491 Kreeft, Zeke Tracy 19:18 11
136 1955 Goad, Tom Lodi High School 19:23 11
137 1957 Derrick, Brandon Lodi High School 19:25 12
138 355 Cooley, David Bullard 19:28 11
139 1363 Vargas, Kevin Central High School 19:37 12
140 1956 Fiori, Adam Lodi High School 19:39 12
141 1357 Lopez, Robert Clovis East High 19:46 12
142 1753 Shayer, Kevin Stockdale High 19:47 9
143 1360 Pfaff, Kenny Clovis East High 19:49 12
144 2275 Curry, Ben Quartz Hill High 19:55 12
145 1709 Reyes, Brad Saugus 20:02 11
146 1366 Grihalva, Andrew Central High School 20:02 12
147 1711 Winegar, Nick Saugus 20:03 12
148 1965 Tecklenburg, Joel Lodi High School 20:15 10
149 1821 Koole, Ben Edison High School 20:29 11
150 1039 Taunton, Jordan Clovis West 20:39 12
151 1367 Jensen, Tad Central High School 20:44 11
152 356 Rodriquez, Peter Bullard 20:45 11
153 1997 Estrada, Jesse McLane High School 20:46 9
154 799 Avila, Juan Clovis West 20:48 11
155 1752 Banducci, Mike Stockdale High 21:02 12
156 1373 Velasquez, Joseph Central High School 21:03 9
157 348 Patterson, Preston Bullard 21:07 12
158 1819 Stallings, Michael Edison High School 21:10 10
159 1374 Cervantes, Raul Central High School 21:36 9
160 1822 Asher, Travis Edison High School 21:40 10
161 2005 Esquivel, Miguel Alisal High School 21:42 11
162 2429 banuelos, richard West Bakersfield HS 21:44 10
163 1755 Munoz, Sean Stockdale High 21:48 11
164 1364 Molina, Sam Central High School 23:31 12
165 170 Roberts, Kevin Buchanan 23:57 11
166 1756 Portillo, Michael Stockdale High 23:58 9
167 1369 LaRoque, Michael Central High School 24:36 11
Varsity-Medium Schools Boys
Race Team Race Results -
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Alameda 129 5 8 22 23 79 90 108 5 8 21 22 73 84 102 1:27:00 1
Los Gatos (Boys) 136 1 18 36 44 45 47 51 1 17 35 41 42 43 47 1:26:59 2
Del Oro 153 4 9 27 30 91 104 128 4 9 26 29 85 98 121 1:27:29 3
Carlmont High School 164 6 7 16 65 82 119 6 7 15 60 76 112 1:27:43 4
Monte Vista (Danville) 176 10 14 29 54 81 124 125 10 13 28 50 75 117 118
1:28:19 5
Reedley 181 12 19 21 68 74 11 18 20 63 69 1:28:22 6
Palo Alto 185 2 15 52 64 67 75 109 2 14 48 59 62 70 103 1:28:01 7
North Monterey County 219 32 33 34 49 84 95 31 32 33 45 78 89 1:29:35
Highland (Bakersfield) 237 24 35 40 56 97 99 103 23 34 37 52 91 93 97
1:29:54 9
San Ramon Valley 276 3 31 80 87 94 116 151 3 30 74 81 88 110 140 1:29:43
Gahr 283 20 43 72 83 86 123 144 19 40 67 77 80 116 134 1:30:35 11
Ventura High 303 42 55 59 78 93 100 110 39 51 54 72 87 94 104 1:31:20
Skyline 319 17 61 85 88 92 131 16 56 79 82 86 124 1:31:13 13
Las Lomas 320 41 50 63 69 121 133 139 38 46 58 64 114 126 131 1:31:52
Sonora 332 13 28 73 102 136 12 27 68 96 129 1:31:53 15
Mater Dei 389 48 57 71 117 122 44 53 66 111 115 1:33:10 16
Oaks Christian 397 26 53 106 107 129 137 25 49 100 101 122 130 1:33:12
Woodland High School 435 39 66 112 120 126 127 132 36 61 106 113 119 120
125 1:34:06 18
Cerritos High School 445 77 89 96 98 115 71 83 90 92 109 1:33:47 19
Sierra 456 25 70 101 146 148 149 150 24 65 95 135 137 138 139 1:37:54
Mt.Pleasant 494 60 105 111 114 134 140 147 55 99 105 108 127 132 136 1:35:12
North Salinas 548 62 113 130 135 141 57 107 123 128 133 1:37:33 22
Atwater 38 58 No time
Hanford West High School 142 143 No time
King 37 46 76 No time
Pacifica 11 118 138 145 No time
Varsity-Medium Schools Men
Individual Race Results -
Time Team Name Bib# Place Yr Place Bib# Name Team Yr Time
1 1436 Petrillo, Matthew Los Gatos (Boys) 16:13 10
2 1682 Siller Jr, Herrel Palo Alto 16:13 12
3 1024 Blair, Tristan San Ramon Valley 16:20 12
4 867 Boyte, Shaun Del Oro 16:41 10
5 477 Rogerson, Arran Alameda 16:44 11
6 948 Surh, Greg Carlmont High 16:51 9
7 945 Surh, Greg Carlmont High 16:54 10
8 473 Skeels, Marty Alameda 16:58 12
9 868 Stenzel, Chris Del Oro 16:58 12
10 1536 Simpson, Chris Monte Vista 16:58 11
11 850 Foerster, Travis Pacifica 16:58 12
12 954 Rotan, Spencer Reedley 17:03 10
13 2468 Alva, Miguel Sonora 17:05 11
14 1533 Bieniosek, Matthew Monte Vista 17:06 12
15 1683 Himmelberger, Scott Palo Alto 17:11 11
16 943 Campbell, Scott Carlmont High 17:14 12
17 78 Shiber-Knowles, Skyline 17:15 12
18 1441 Smart, Seth Los Gatos (Boys) 17:15 11
19 953 Dekker, Dion Reedley 17:16 10
20 1789 Stern, Shann Gahr 17:21 12
21 951 Chavez, Rolando Reedley 17:23 9
22 474 Mahon, Ben Alameda 17:25 12
23 479 Castro, Miguel Alameda 17:26 10
24 900 Arreola, Edgar Highland 17:27 12
25 240 Hurd, Jake Sierra 17:28 11
26 176 Block, Kyle Oaks Christian 17:29 11
27 871 Spangler, Nathan Del Oro 17:30 10
28 2471 McOllum, Brett Sonora 17:38 11
29 1538 Williams, Nick Monte Vista 17:39 11
30 869 Hansen, Andrew Del Oro 17:40 12
31 1026 Gunari, Brett San Ramon Valley 17:41 10
32 1724 Parker, Keli North Monterey 17:41 12
33 1729 Palmtag, Mike North Monterey 17:42 11
34 1727 Garcia, Jose E. North Monterey 17:42 12
35 894 Allen, Nathan Highland 17:43 12
36 1440 Johnson, Michael Los Gatos (Boys) 17:43 9
37 1288 Norris, Chris King 17:45 11
38 2161 Coleman, Steve Atwater 17:46 12
39 1914 Darling, Russell Woodland High 17:46 10
40 897 Mayberry, Keith Highland 17:50 10
41 274 Tagliareni, Jay Las Lomas 17:52 12
42 1444 Tovar, Austin Ventura High 17:53 10
43 1792 Tokuda, Josh Gahr 17:53 12
44 1439 Sawyer, Dane Los Gatos (Boys) 17:54 9
45 1438 Jatho, Jimmy Los Gatos (Boys) 17:54 10
46 1290 Sheppard, Matt King 17:55 11
47 1442 Berthet, Jon Los Gatos (Boys) 17:55 10
48 974 DePasquale, Mark Mater Dei 17:56 10
49 1728 Lombardino, PJ North Monterey 18:01 12
50 268 Sheehan, Andrew Las Lomas 18:02 11
51 1437 Livingston, Rye Los Gatos (Boys) 18:05 9
52 1687 Reynolds, Francis Palo Alto 18:06 11
53 20 Meissner, Eric Oaks Christian 18:07 12
54 1534 McAdams, Clinton Monte Vista 18:08 9
55 1445 Bernaldo, Ben Ventura High 18:09 10
56 895 Kadri, Mahdi Highland 18:09 11
57 975 Sampson, Chris Mater Dei 18:09 10
58 2162 Sanchez, Miguel Atwater 18:10 11
59 1446 Trejo, David Ventura High 18:10 10
60 223 Lara, Gabe Mt.Pleasant 18:11 11
61 69 Giang, Tony Skyline 18:11 12
62 1988 Martinez, Antonio North Salinas 18:12 10
63 269 Drosky, Greg Las Lomas 18:14 9
64 1684 Vinson, Daniel Palo Alto 18:15 12
65 946 Palladino, Nick Carlmont High 18:15 10
66 1913 Bencomo, Max Woodland High 18:15 11
67 1686 Nordlund, Michael Palo Alto 18:16 12
68 955 White, D.J. Reedley 18:18 12
69 272 Brown, Joe Las Lomas 18:19 11
70 242 Mitchell, Ryan Sierra 18:20 11
71 976 Moreno, Carlo Mater Dei 18:21 11
72 1790 Patel, Yash Gahr 18:22 12
73 2472 Uribe, David Sonora 18:22 12
74 952 Ceja, Manuel Reedley 18:22 10
75 1688 Ruth, Eric Palo Alto 18:23 12
76 1295 Griesinger, James King 18:23 12
77 1055 Lee, Dean Cerritos High School 18:24 10
78 1449 Barnes, Jon Ventura High 18:25 11
79 476 O'Toole, Tony Alameda 18:27 12
80 1025 Wilcox, Dan San Ramon Valley 18:28 12
81 2091 Kanar, Jason Monte Vista 18:28 11
82 947 Sentman, Brad Carlmont High 18:29 10
83 1788 Cho, Daniel Gahr 18:29 12
84 1741 Cardoza, Joe North Monterey 18:29 12
85 70 Godfrey, Willie Skyline 18:30 11
86 1793 Gonzalez, Jose Gahr 18:30 9
87 1023 Lappin, Mitch San Ramon Valley 18:30 10
88 75 Okikawa, David Skyline 18:34 11
89 14 Baek, Moses Cerritos High School 18:36 12
90 475 Vickers, Zach Alameda 18:39 12
91 870 Meteer, Scott Del Oro 18:40 10
92 68 Crockett, Orlando Skyline 18:43 12
93 1448 Eulau, Kurt Ventura High 18:43 11
94 1022 Keil, Aaron San Ramon Valley 18:44 10
95 1731 Romero, Roberto North Monterey 18:44 11
96 15 Nagayama, JT Cerritos High School 18:45 11
97 898 Herrera, Daniel Highland 18:45 11
98 16 Anene, Samuel Cerritos High School 18:48 10
99 896 Hernandez, Marc Highland 18:50 12
100 1443 Doll, Sean Ventura High 18:51 12
101 241 Hurd, Blake Sierra 18:51 11
102 2469 Brown, Martin Sonora 18:51 11
103 912 Estrella, Ricardo Highland 18:52 10
104 872 Wulbern, Ben Del Oro 18:52 10
105 220 Taylor, Mitch Mt.Pleasant 18:53 11
106 186 Long, Ethan Oaks Christian 18:53 9
107 178 Miller, Luke Oaks Christian 18:58 11
108 1570 Reimer, Greg Alameda 18:59 11
109 1685 Gasiorek, Sean Palo Alto 19:02 12
110 1447 Castillo, Juan Ventura High 19:03 11
111 221 Sanchez, Mike Mt.Pleasant 19:06 9
112 1917 Foster, Jesse Woodland High 19:06 11
113 1983 Medina, Jose North Salinas 19:08 12
114 222 Oporta, Carlos Mt.Pleasant 19:12 10
115 13 Hanna, Mark Cerritos High School 19:14 11
116 1028 DeLuna, Alex San Ramon Valley 19:16 10
117 978 Morris, Rya Mater Dei 19:17 9
118 853 Atkinson, Robert Pacifica 19:17 11
119 949 Logie, Austin Carlmont High 19:19 9
120 1919 Hutchison, Jeryme Woodland High 19:24 12
121 270 Davis, Zack Las Lomas 19:25 11
122 979 Talmich, Eric Mater Dei 19:27 11
123 2224 Poe, Greg Gahr 19:28 10
124 1535 Quade, Sean Monte Vista 19:29 12
125 2480 Rosmer, Keith Monte Vista 19:30 10
126 1918 Gould, Zach Woodland High 19:35 11
127 1915 Koushmaro, Luke Woodland High 19:42 9
128 873 Stafford, Joe Del Oro 19:44 11
129 180 Gose, Mark Oaks Christian 19:45 10
130 1982 Cabrera, Jesus North Salinas 19:47 10
131 76 Owyang, Richard Skyline 19:48 12
132 1916 Schnepp, Scott Woodland High 19:49 12
133 273 Pierson, Casey Las Lomas 19:50 11
134 225 La, David Mt.Pleasant 19:50 11
135 1987 Paredes, Francisco North Salinas 19:56 12
136 2470 Chanocua, Octavio Sonora 19:57 11
137 177 Snelling, Stephen Oaks Christian 19:59 11
138 858 Shearer, Curtis Pacifica 20:13 10
139 746 Tagliareni, Jeff Las Lomas 20:20 10
140 226 Chan, Steven Mt.Pleasant 20:25 10
141 1985 Yee, Tyler North Salinas 20:30 10
142 1270 Matthews, Kurtis Hanford West High 20:35 12
143 1271 Amaral, Ceasar Hanford West High 20:38 11
144 1791 Villa, Edgar Gahr 20:54 10
145 854 Murray, Sean Pacifica 21:11 11
146 2180 Sandoli, Randy Sierra 21:34 11
147 224 Kevin, Chung Mt.Pleasant 21:36 12
148 244 Heskett, Jarrett Sierra 21:41 10
149 243 Fhiele, Palmer Sierra 21:56 9
150 245 Castaneda, Juan Sierra 22:03 12
151 1606 Hunter, Josh San Ramon Valley 22:45 11
Varsity-Small Schools Boys Race Team Race
Results -
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Servite High School 52 1 4 7 17 26 36 76 1 4 6 16 25 33 66 1:22:18 1
Orange Lutheran 100 3 12 13 34 50 75 79 3 11 12 31 43 65 68 1:24:20 2
mcfarland 142 9 27 29 32 59 70 101 8 26 27 30 51 60 87 1:25:31 3
Nordhoff 161 15 21 31 53 62 113 122 14 20 29 46 52 98 107 1:26:08 4
St. Ignatius College Prep 173 10 11 48 49 82 90 158 9 10 41 42 71 77 142
1:26:09 5
Palma 205 20 30 51 58 74 81 86 19 28 44 50 64 70 75 1:27:03 6
St. Francis 230 16 54 56 67 72 88 93 15 47 49 57 62 76 80 1:27:32 7
La Canada 233 18 35 64 68 83 94 17 32 54 58 72 81 1:27:32 8
Bishop O'Dowd High School 238 8 43 63 65 98 155 7 38 53 55 85 139 1:27:38
San Luis Obispo 243 22 39 42 71 103 126 140 21 35 37 61 89 111 124 1:27:52
St. Mary's - Berkeley 275 24 40 46 77 124 128 142 23 36 40 67 109 113
126 1:28:30 11
Acalanes 286 5 19 95 97 112 116 5 18 82 84 97 101 1:28:24 12
morro bay 327 14 37 85 107 129 147 13 34 74 92 114 131 1:29:30 13
Flintridge Prep School 349 25 73 80 108 115 117 130 24 63 69 93 100 102
115 1:29:49 14
Harvard-Westlake School 380 2 44 120 131 133 151 2 39 105 116 118 135
1:29:59 15
Estancia high school 384 23 84 106 109 119 154 22 73 91 94 104 138 1:30:42
Soquel 424 55 92 104 110 127 134 153 48 79 90 95 112 119 137 1:31:37 17
Webb School of California 448 66 69 111 118 150 159 171 56 59 96 103 134
143 153 1:32:18 18
L.A. Baptist High School 508 91 99 102 114 175 177 178 78 86 88 99 157
159 160 1:34:28 19
San Joaquin Memorial High 554 96 121 125 143 144 145 160 83 106 110 127
128 129 144 1:34:19 20
Santa Rosa Christian 562 52 137 141 146 156 165 169 45 122 125 130 140
148 151 1:34:53 21
Lick-Wilmerding High 653 136 138 148 152 157 164 121 123 132 136 141 147
1:37:02 22
Ontario Christian 656 123 135 149 162 168 172 17 108 120 133 145 150 154
15 1:37:38 23
Taft 719 132 163 167 170 173 176 18 117 146 149 152 155 158 16 1:40:31
calaveras 60 61 179 No time
Central Valley Christian 161 166 No time
Dublin High School 45 No time
Maria Carrillo High 105 No time
Parlier High School 6 41 No time
pioneer 33 47 78 139 No time
South Fork High School 89 No time
Terra Nova High School 28 57 No time
Village Christian 38 87 100 181 No tim
Varsity-Small Schools Men
Individual Race Results -
Time Team Name Bib# Place Yr Place Bib# Name Team Yr Time
1 275 Mosey, Nick Servite High School 15:39 12
2 2410 Bell, Jared Harvard-Westlake 15:54 12
3 1404 Ricca, Erik Orange Lutheran 16:14 11
4 277 Robie, Peter Servite High School 16:15 11
5 1230 Lawson, Ryon Acalanes 16:26 11
6 2455 Garcia, Erick Parlier High School 16:27 10
7 276 Chavez, Nick Servite High School 16:29 12
8 302 Gutierrez, Ben Bishop O'Dowd High 16:35 11
9 597 Bravo, Jaime mcfarland 16:38 11
10 2181 Alvarado, Nick St. Ignatius College 16:38 11
11 2182 Alvarado, Rob St. Ignatius College 16:39 11
12 1416 Schmidt, Jordan Orange Lutheran 16:44 10
13 1415 Ross, Kyle Orange Lutheran 16:45 11
14 246 Arroyo, Ruben morro bay 16:47 12
15 1614 Duran, Dieter Nordhoff 16:48 12
16 138 Thies, John St. Francis 16:50 11
17 281 Mahony, Rory Servite High School 16:53 11
18 581 Frandsen, Ben La Canada 16:55 12
19 437 Sutyak, Michael Acalanes 16:55 12
20 2094 Maher, Robert Palma 16:59 12
21 1615 Jenkins, Evan Nordhoff 17:00 12
22 995 Jones, Brady San Luis Obispo 17:00 10
23 2299 Cahuantzi, Alex Estancia high school 17:01 12
24 1184 Duffy, Matt St. Mary's - Berkeley 17:01 9
25 1083 Flynn, Tom Flintridge Prep 17:02 11
26 278 DeFrancis, Tony Servite High School 17:02 10
27 603 Banuelos, Luis mcfarland 17:03 10
28 1546 Kohnert, Andrew Terra Nova High 17:04 11
29 600 Topete, Baltazar mcfarland 17:05 10
30 2098 Edwards, Scott Palma 17:06 12
31 1616 Plaza, Salvador Nordhoff 17:07 11
32 609 Perez, Isarel mcfarland 17:07 11
33 1223 deLay, steven pioneer 17:08 12
34 1392 Everhart, Cameron Orange Lutheran 17:09 9
35 583 Brugge, Chris La Canada 17:12 11
36 279 Calabrese, Matt Servite High School 17:15 12
37 247 Baiz, Matt morro bay 17:17 12
38 728 Lengle, Blake Village Christian 17:17 11
39 996 Culhane, Connor San Luis Obispo 17:17 11
40 1183 Vasquez, Tommy St. Mary's - Berkeley 17:20 11
41 2456 Garcia, Horacio Parlier High School 17:22 12
42 997 Grether, Niels San Luis Obispo 17:22 12
43 303 Scheiffer, Daniel Bishop O'Dowd High 17:22 11
44 2411 Okano, Chris Harvard-Westlake 17:23 9
45 1950 Gomez, Juan Dublin High School 17:25 11
46 1185 Berthaldan, Erick St. Mary's - Berkeley 17:25 11
47 1226 rose, ken pioneer 17:26 12
48 2184 Harrington, Danny St. Ignatius College 17:27 11
49 2185 Aguirre, Kevin St. Ignatius College 17:28 11
50 1388 Delgado, Sam Orange Lutheran 17:28 9
51 2095 Ostarello, Ross Palma 17:31 12
52 1151 Jackson, Jeff Santa Rosa Christian 17:31 12
53 1618 Garcia, Ivan Nordhoff 17:32 11
54 133 Gilb, Brian St. Francis 17:33 12
55 1701 Viglienzoni, Joe Soquel 17:35 11
56 137 Grace, Peter St. Francis 17:36 11
57 1547 Broder, Chris Terra Nova High 17:37 11
58 2099 Maher, Julian Palma 17:37 11
59 599 Rojas, Tony mcfarland 17:38 11
60 2234 Wolf, Jeff calaveras 17:39 12
61 2233 Papp, Nick calaveras 17:40 11
62 1617 Rico, Melvin Nordhoff 17:41 11
63 304 Nackerman, Garrett Bishop O'Dowd High 17:41 9
64 582 Facer, Austin La Canada 17:42 11
65 306 Diliberto, Austen Bishop O'Dowd High 17:42 10
66 1105 TAYLOR, JEFF Webb School of 17:44 11
67 134 Kidde, John St. Francis 17:45 12
68 586 Park, Paul La Canada 17:45 10
69 1104 ADAMS, BLAKE Webb School of 17:46 11
70 610 Perezchica, Martin mcfarland 17:46 11
71 999 Sherry, Tim San Luis Obispo 17:48 10
72 132 Arnold, Michael St. Francis 17:48 12
73 1085 Miller, Nik Flintridge Prep 17:49 11
74 2096 Lom, Samuel Palma 17:50 12
75 1390 Edwards, Blake Orange Lutheran 17:52 11
76 280 Baclig, Chris Servite High School 17:53 12
77 1182 Riccardi, Rob St. Mary's - Berkeley 17:53 10
78 1224 higashi, Jeff pioneer 17:54 12
79 1382 Beam, James Orange Lutheran 17:54 11
80 1088 Kleinart, Matt Flintridge Prep 17:55 10
81 2100 Lom, Michael Palma 17:56 12
82 2186 Pulaski, Luke St. Ignatius College 17:57 9
83 587 Callow, John La Canada 17:58 10
84 2301 Reza, Alan Estancia high school 17:59 10
85 248 Cugini, Nick morro bay 18:00 12
86 2097 Otero, Steven Palma 18:01 10
87 727 Miranda, Lucas Village Christian 18:02 12
88 135 Nelson, Spencer St. Francis 18:06 12
89 1723 Carl, Hank South Fork High 18:07 9
90 2187 Zmuda, Paul St. Ignatius College 18:08 11
91 2074 Hayden, Travis L.A. Baptist High 18:09 11
92 1697 Dinolov, Georgi Soquel 18:09 10
93 136 Sabaitis, Travis St. Francis 18:12 12
94 584 Mathews, Jake La Canada 18:13 10
95 1233 Wyatt-Mair, Malcolm Acalanes 18:15 11
96 1886 Ray, Sean San Joaquin 18:16 10
97 1232 Peters, Erik Acalanes 18:16 12
98 308 Stowers, Michael Bishop O'Dowd High 18:18 9
99 2294 Scarmozzino, Chad L.A. Baptist High 18:20 11
100 729 Stover, Tyler Village Christian 18:23 12
101 598 Serna, Juan mcfarland 18:23 11
102 2075 Herr, Stephen L.A. Baptist High 18:24 11
103 1000 Schuck, Matt San Luis Obispo 18:25 12
104 1696 Cohen, Adam Soquel 18:27 11
105 1345 Lantz, Matt Maria Carrillo High 18:28 11
106 2315 Casillas, Ceasar Estancia high school 18:29 9
107 251 Cirone, Pat morro bay 18:29 10
108 1087 Chapman, Kyle Flintridge Prep 18:30 10
109 2304 Rodea, Geo Estancia high school 18:31 12
110 1700 Kontz, Steven Soquel 18:31 11
111 1103 VAGENAS, DINO Webb School of 18:32 10
112 438 Cooper, Matthew Acalanes 18:32 11
113 1619 Gomez, Carlos Nordhoff 18:33 12
114 2076 Watkins, Sean L.A. Baptist High 18:33 10
115 1086 Weitekamp, Ray Flintridge Prep 18:33 11
116 1231 Ho, Scott Acalanes 18:34 11
117 1089 Woolley, James Flintridge Prep 18:40 10
118 1107 VECHIK, NICK Webb School of 18:42 11
119 2303 Gomez, Hector Estancia high school 18:42 9
120 2414 Graziano, Matthew Harvard-Westlake 18:43 9
121 1884 Moreno, Anthony San Joaquin 18:43 9
122 1620 Casas, Mateo Nordhoff 18:46 11
123 1175 Wilson, Patrick Ontario Christian 18:50 10
124 1188 Jordan, Forrest St. Mary's - Berkeley 18:51 9
125 1885 Orme, Chris San Joaquin 18:53 12
126 1008 Wilson, Devon San Luis Obispo 18:54 10
127 1704 Smith, Chad Soquel 18:55 11
128 1187 Quave, Nathan St. Mary's - Berkeley 18:56 10
129 252 Cugini, Addison morro bay 18:57 10
130 1090 Hilson, Sean Flintridge Prep 18:57 11
131 2416 Porter, Jerry Harvard-Westlake 18:58 10
132 1935 Guzman, Jonas Taft 19:00 11
133 2412 Tomaschewski, Zach Harvard-Westlake 19:01 12
134 1698 Gill, Patrick Soquel 19:03 10
135 1176 Stone, Harold Ontario Christian 19:03 12
136 1522 Chan, Justin Lick-Wilmerding 19:04 10
137 1154 Nave, Zach Santa Rosa Christian 19:06 9
138 1525 Teshima, Daniel Lick-Wilmerding 19:07 9
139 1225 earl, ken pioneer 19:07 10
140 1009 Ritchie, Jordan San Luis Obispo 19:08 11
141 1149 Dinglasan, Kevin Santa Rosa Christian 19:10 11
142 1186 Borgeson, Eugene St. Mary's - Berkeley 19:13 12
143 1883 Lauritzen, Matt San Joaquin 19:13 10
144 1881 Zuniga, Philip San Joaquin 19:14 9
145 1888 Singh, Alex San Joaquin 19:16 10
146 1150 Dolan, Joe Santa Rosa Christian 19:17 12
147 249 Neuman, Steve morro bay 19:19 11
148 1510 Batjiaka, Andrew Lick-Wilmerding 19:21 11
149 1177 Drake, Corey Ontario Christian 19:29 10
150 1106 TAYLOR, CHRIS Webb School of 19:34 10
151 2476 Krumpe, Mathew Harvard-Westlake 19:37 9
152 1521 Chambers, Will Lick-Wilmerding 19:38 10
153 1699 Hirth, Guido Soquel 19:41 11
154 2305 Palafox, Eric Estancia high school 19:46 11
155 307 Cotter, Paul Bishop O'Dowd High 19:47 12
156 1153 Lehr, Joe Santa Rosa Christian 19:49 11
157 1511 Brooks, Paul Lick-Wilmerding 19:52 11
158 2183 Morthole, Danny St. Ignatius College 19:53 11
159 2092 FENG, MARK Webb School of 19:54 10
160 1887 Rocha, Jon San Joaquin 19:56 11
161 206 Hamar, Michael Central Valley 19:58 12
162 1178 Oliver, Mark Ontario Christian 19:59 12
163 1932 Cooper, Ben Taft 20:10 10
164 1513 Pantell, Greg Lick-Wilmerding 20:13 12
165 1152 Kang, Daniel Santa Rosa Christian 20:13 11
166 208 Cowden, Ryan Central Valley 20:16 12
167 1938 Zendejas, Erwin Taft 20:16 10
168 1179 Turney, Tyler Ontario Christian 20:17 11
169 1148 Diekmann, Jim Santa Rosa Christian 20:17 11
170 1934 Erdei, John Taft 20:24 10
171 2093 Suh, Min Seok Webb School of 20:29 9
172 1180 Pichardo, Daniel Ontario Christian 20:40 9
173 1933 Cooper, Michael Taft 20:41 10
174 1181 Gabrielse, Keith Ontario Christian 21:01 12
175 2073 Anderson, Chris L.A. Baptist High 21:02 11
176 1936 Hillyard, Frank Taft 21:27 12
177 2297 Polanco, Ben L.A. Baptist High 21:40 9
178 2484 Mendez, Jonathon L.A. Baptist High 22:15 12
179 2235 Bennington, Chris calaveras 22:56 10
180 1937 Johnson, David Taft 22:57 12
181 730 PLumtree, Kevin Village Christian 23:01 12
Championship Girls Race Team
Race Results -
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Fountain Valley 87 14 15 17 25 31 77 11 12 14 22 28 74 1:35:59 1
South Tahoe Vikings 103 12 16 28 29 33 113 118 9 13 25 26 30 110 115 1:36:28
Reno High School 128 1 24 26 27 62 125 129 1 21 23 24 59 122 126 1:35:22
AYALA 151 9 23 30 38 66 105 106 6 20 27 35 63 102 103 1:37:29 4
Ventura 166 10 13 21 49 88 122 7 10 18 46 85 119 1:37:42 5
Buchanan 202 5 40 41 59 70 89 115 4 37 38 56 67 86 112 1:38:17 6
Brea 202 7 39 43 53 74 97 101 5 36 40 50 71 94 98 1:38:46 7
Royal 207 18 32 45 60 67 75 90 15 29 42 57 64 72 87 1:38:52 8
Miramonte 212 11 47 55 56 58 76 116 8 44 52 53 55 73 113 1:38:52 9
Mater Dei 244 22 48 57 64 68 95 103 19 45 54 61 65 92 100 1:39:38 10
Highland High School 244 3 19 63 79 92 102 108 3 16 60 76 89 99 105 1:38:48
Los Gatos 267 37 42 44 61 98 99 34 39 41 58 95 96 1:40:27 12
King 271 34 36 54 69 93 94 110 31 33 51 66 90 91 107 1:40:28 13
Corona 284 2 50 72 81 91 109 2 47 69 78 88 106 1:39:28 14
Tesoro 321 46 52 73 82 83 100 117 43 49 70 79 80 97 114 1:41:37 15
Nevada Union 363 35 78 84 85 96 111 114 32 75 81 82 93 108 111 1:42:29
Oak Park 380 20 65 87 104 119 123 17 62 84 101 116 120 1:43:17 17
Edison High School 464 51 80 107 120 121 127 48 77 104 117 118 124 1:46:18
Oakmont 504 71 86 112 124 126 128 130 68 83 109 121 123 125 127 1:47:38
Arcata High School 6 No time
Quartz Hill High School 8 No time
Saugus 4 No time
1 58 Lawrence, Marie Reno High School 17:08 10
2 1122 Escobar, Alma Corona 17:41 11
3 2241 Craft, Alyssa Highland High 18:06 11
4 1281 Murakami, Shannon Saugus 18:19 10
5 145 Saylor, Lauren Buchanan 18:20 10
6 2454 White, Yasmine Arcata High School 18:38 11
7 2198 Gustafson, Anne Brea 18:40 12
8 2276 Morris, Brienna Quartz Hill High 18:45 10
9 812 Cahn, Briana AYALA 18:45 10
10 82 Spiker, Emily Ventura 18:52 11
11 1189 Bergren, Jenny Miramonte 18:53 10
12 1501 McClurg, Kelsey South Tahoe Vikings 18:56 10
13 84 Bryant, Jessica Ventura 19:00 12
14 2498 Wells, Jennifer Fountain Valley 19:00 12
15 2494 Reed, Crystal Fountain Valley 19:01 12
16 1502 Arroues, Kimmie South Tahoe Vikings 19:01 10
17 2497 Giove, Nicole Fountain Valley 19:02 12
18 1794 NOE, DEVIN Royal 19:08 11
19 2242 Fitzgerals, Caitlin Highland High 19:10 10
20 514 Camacho, Tatiana Oak Park 19:11 12
21 83 Bryant, Tara Ventura 19:11 12
22 980 Costantini, Samantha Mater Dei 19:15 12
23 813 Doniak, Alyssa AYALA 19:15 11
24 59 Glenn, Daryan Reno High School 19:21 11
25 2495 Coe, Molly Fountain Valley 19:22 12
26 61 Slater, Joelle Reno High School 19:23 9
27 60 Lajuenesse, Nicole Reno High School 19:25 10
28 1505 Hillyard, Megan South Tahoe Vikings 19:27 10
29 1504 Lambdin, Kate South Tahoe Vikings 19:28 9
30 814 Hum, Noelle AYALA 19:29 10
31 2500 Racklifle, Melinda Fountain Valley 19:34 12
32 1798 ALBARRAN, Royal 19:35 10
33 1503 Dalton, Jordan South Tahoe Vikings 19:36 9
34 1312 Sjogren, Morgan King 19:38 12
35 1628 Lingo, Shannon Nevada Union 19:40 12
36 1313 Moore, Kristina King 19:42 12
37 1069 Goodwin, Jill Los Gatos 19:45 10
38 815 Porter, Lisa AYALA 19:46 10
39 2203 Burton, Kortnee Brea 19:47 9
40 146 Zuzuarregui, Vanesa Buchanan 19:48 10
41 144 Janzen, Noelle Buchanan 19:48 10
42 1071 Nicewonger, Ariana Los Gatos 19:49 11
43 2202 Serna, Maggie Brea 19:49 10
44 1070 Townsend, Kaela Los Gatos 19:50 9
45 1796 SMITH, BRIANNA Royal 19:50 11
46 662 Edge, Brittany Tesoro 19:51 11
47 1190 Chan, Lindsay Miramonte 19:52 10
48 981 Davis, Lauren Mater Dei 19:54 9
49 91 Solano, Edna Ventura 19:55 12
50 1123 Aguirre, Bianca Corona 19:57 10
51 1808 Hanna, Tiffany Edison High School 19:58 10
52 663 Winovitch, Courtney Tesoro 20:01 11
53 2199 Rogers, Holly Brea 20:01 11
54 1316 Sjogren, Carly King 20:02 11
55 1192 Chernikova, Diana Miramonte 20:02 12
56 1193 Finzer, Lauren Miramonte 20:02 12
57 985 Aguilar, Andrea Mater Dei 20:02 11
58 1204 Peck, Grace Miramonte 20:03 11
59 152 Motte, Leann Buchanan 20:03 11
60 1795 WIEMANN, KELCIE Royal 20:03 11
61 1072 Kemp, Jacqui Los Gatos 20:05 11
62 62 Steedman, Zoe Reno High School 20:05 9
63 2243 Ellison, Catherine Highland High 20:07 11
64 982 OHara, Pilar Mater Dei 20:11 9
65 515 Connor, Kelsey Oak Park 20:11 12
66 818 Kerby, Marissa AYALA 20:14 12
67 1797 RUIZ, MARIA Royal 20:16 11
68 983 Leimkuhler, Jesse Mater Dei 20:16 9
69 1315 Mettler, Jodi King 20:17 10
70 147 Layous, Danielle Buchanan 20:18 10
71 446 Born, Michelle Oakmont 20:21 12
72 1126 Sanchez, Elizabeth Corona 20:25 9
73 665 Thornburg, Sara Tesoro 20:27 10
74 2200 Palmer, Maureen Brea 20:29 11
75 1799 MENDOZA, Royal 20:30 12
76 1194 Casey, Kelsey Miramonte 20:30 11
77 2496 Gallo, Kaylynn Fountain Valley 20:32 12
78 1629 Buckley, Shannon Nevada Union 20:34 12
79 2244 Vastine, Shannon Highland High 20:36 12
80 1809 Cruz, Mikal Edison High School 20:38 9
81 1125 Morris, Sarah Corona 20:38 11
82 666 Corbin, Emily Tesoro 20:39 9
83 667 Winklepleck, Lauren Tesoro 20:39 9
84 1641 Harrison, Hannah Nevada Union 20:40 10
85 1631 Powell, Karly Nevada Union 20:42 12
86 448 Mosbrucker, Lindsay Oakmont 20:43 9
87 516 Stalzer, Ashley Oak Park 20:44 11
88 89 Martinez, Lauren Ventura 20:44 11
89 153 Nelson, Danielle Buchanan 20:45 11
90 1800 SCHAPER, MARIE Royal 20:46 11
91 1134 Freeling, Bailey Corona 20:47 9
92 2246 Priscilla, Almeida Highland High 20:49 11
93 1318 Gonzalez, Bridget King 20:49 11
94 1314 Griesinger, Mary King 20:51 11
95 984 Horstmann, Mary Mater Dei 20:52 10
96 1632 McKirdy, Lucie Nevada Union 20:53 11
97 2201 Terrazas, Barbara Brea 20:53 11
98 1073 Peppard, Samantha Los Gatos 20:58 10
99 1074 Barker, Kristy Los Gatos 20:59 10
100 668 Urish, Alyssa Tesoro 21:02 12
101 2204 Bradley, Shelby Brea 21:03 10
102 2245 Edwards, Danielle Highland High 21:03 11
103 986 DePasquale, Allison Mater Dei 21:03 12
104 519 Clow, Gillian Oak Park 21:05 11
105 817 Sanchez, Jenna AYALA 21:09 10
106 816 Soria, Elizabeth AYALA 21:11 10
107 1811 Najar, Nadje Edison High School 21:17 11
108 2247 Angie, Diaz Highland High 21:21 11
109 1131 Aguero, Elysia Corona 21:22 11
110 1317 Fitzgerald, Erin King 21:23 12
111 1633 Bernadett, Maya Nevada Union 21:24 10
112 471 Westphal, Jessica Oakmont 21:26 11
113 1506 Gallanty, Ellen South Tahoe Vikings 21:27 11
114 1630 Schultheiss, Caitlin Nevada Union 21:31 12
115 151 Kirby, Kristen Buchanan 21:32 10
116 1195 Pecherer, Kelsey Miramonte 21:33 11
117 664 Moore, Amanda Tesoro 21:51 10
118 1507 Payne, Lacey South Tahoe Vikings 21:51 10
119 518 Gonzalez, Angela Oak Park 22:06 11
120 1814 Rivas, Alex Edison High School 22:10 9
121 1810 Batalla, Melissa Edison High School 22:15 9
122 2196 Millikan, Meggie Ventura 22:20 12
123 520 Barton, Michelle Oak Park 22:22 11
124 451 Moen, Kristen Oakmont 22:26 9
125 260 Mathis, Megan Reno High School 22:34 9
126 450 Riggs, Megan Oakmont 22:42 12
127 1813 Parvez, Vannessa Edison High School 22:49 9
128 452 Page, Kristy Oakmont 23:04 11
129 63 Leavitt, Jenny Reno High School 23:14 10
130 468 Tomlinson, Erica Oakmont 23:29 11
Varsity-Large Girls Race
Team Race Results -
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
San Pedro High School 58 7 13 14 18 21 22 4 10 11 15 18 19 1:40:51 1
Ventura 104 2 24 27 29 34 38 81 2 21 24 26 31 35 77 1:41:50 2
Clovis High School 105 1 5 28 35 47 58 65 1 3 25 32 44 55 62 1:40:44 3
Monta Vista High School 125 11 15 23 45 46 52 75 8 12 20 42 43 49 72 1:43:09
Royal 150 16 30 31 40 48 68 72 13 27 28 37 45 65 69 1:43:49 5
El Rancho 174 8 32 39 53 57 78 5 29 36 50 54 75 1:44:32 6
wm s. hart 196 10 17 55 62 67 70 98 7 14 52 59 64 67 91 1:45:25 7
AYALA 248 33 51 56 60 63 88 93 30 48 53 57 60 82 86 1:46:55 8
BURBANK 249 19 41 43 61 105 16 38 40 58 97 1:47:20 9
Madera High 265 12 20 76 77 99 9 17 73 74 92 1:47:36 10
Lodi High School 311 9 44 54 115 116 121 132 6 41 51 106 107 112 122 1:50:13
Sheldon High School 348 26 50 90 104 107 109 120 23 47 84 96 98 100 111
1:50:52 12
Los Angeles 359 25 64 73 111 113 122 124 22 61 70 102 104 113 114 1:51:11
Alisal High School 368 37 49 95 97 119 128 34 46 88 90 110 118 1:52:04
Marina 373 42 74 85 89 108 39 71 81 83 99 1:51:25 15
Bullard 378 36 71 83 103 112 130 135 33 68 79 95 103 120 125 1:51:51 16
Clovis East High School 386 59 66 84 100 101 114 125 56 63 80 93 94 105
115 1:51:54 17
Stockdale High School 426 69 79 94 96 117 118 127 66 76 87 89 108 109
117 1:53:35 18
Saugus 501 82 92 110 126 131 78 85 101 116 121 1:58:24 19
West Bakersfield HS 619 129 133 134 137 138 119 123 124 126 127 2:13:30
Central High School 91 136 No time
Clovis West 106 123 No time
Lancaster High 3 4 No time
Quartz Hill High School 80 86 87 102 No time
Tracy 6 No time
1 2 Duke, Krystal Clovis High School 18:33
2 85 Bailey, Molly Ventura 19:22 10
3 1417 Hager, Marissa Lancaster High 19:31 12
4 1418 Wheeler, Courtney Lancaster High 19:34 12
5 1571 Johnson, Amanda Clovis High School 19:38 11
6 1490 Holtz, Kristina Tracy 19:39 12
7 713 Manqueros, Terry San Pedro High 19:40 12
8 26 Ramirez, Anabel El Rancho 19:52 12
9 1961 Stonum, Fran Lodi High School 19:57 11
10 406 russell, brooke wm s. hart 20:02 10
11 493 Cham, Stephanie Monta Vista High 20:08 11
12 2338 James, Corina Madera High 20:11 12
13 712 Conlin, Jackie San Pedro High 20:14 12
14 714 Adams, Megan San Pedro High 20:15 11
15 495 Worsham, Lisa Monta Vista High 20:15 10
16 1803 CONWAY, Royal 20:18 9
17 407 kuykendall, katie wm s. hart 20:19 10
18 716 Rubi, Gabriela San Pedro High 20:20 11
19 703 Browne, Amanda BURBANK 20:20 10
20 2339 Nious-Flores, Madera High 20:21 10
21 717 Tortoledo, Mavel San Pedro High 20:22 11
22 715 Adams, Kirsten San Pedro High 20:24 11
23 496 Hsu, Angela Monta Vista High 20:26 10
24 87 Mason, Laura Ventura 20:29 10
25 1332 Hernandez, Devora Los Angeles 20:30 12
26 681 Pugh, Shelly Sheldon High School 20:33 10
27 88 Ricketts, Lauren Ventura 20:33 10
28 1576 Torna, Natalie Clovis High School 20:33 12
29 86 Brinkenhoff, Becky Ventura 20:38 10
30 1802 GRAESER, Royal 20:38 10
31 1804 NEWMAN, PAIGE Royal 20:39 9
32 28 Solis, Irene El Rancho 20:40 12
33 819 Ledesma, Shanae AYALA 20:44 11
34 1492 Broccoli-K, Minnie Ventura 20:48 10
35 1574 Laurent, Candice Clovis High School 20:49 10
36 335 Sellick, Roxanne Bullard 20:57 12
37 2018 Sanchez, Adilene Alisal High School 20:59 10
38 90 Wagner, Reilly Ventura 21:00 10
39 27 Ramirez, Lupe El Rancho 21:00 11
40 1805 BUNN, MISSY Royal 21:03 9
41 706 Christoffersen, BURBANK 21:04 10
42 2053 Leyva, Norma Marina 21:05 11
43 704 Bent, Clair BURBANK 21:06 10
44 1958 Gonzales, Desirae Lodi High School 21:08 11
45 497 Ng, Rosa Monta Vista High 21:09 10
46 494 Liang, Judy Monta Vista High 21:11 11
47 1573 Keenen, Taylor Clovis High School 21:11 9
48 1801 WEESNER, KATIE Royal 21:11 11
49 2020 Valenzuela, Rosa Alisal High School 21:12 9
50 682 Derebenskiy, Yuliya Sheldon High School 21:14 10
51 821 El-Kara, Leila AYALA 21:18 10
52 499 Shih, Vanessa Monta Vista High 21:27 11
53 30 Rojas, Mary El Rancho 21:28 11
54 1959 Carli, Jillian Lodi High School 21:28 10
55 408 metcalf, melissa wm s. hart 21:30 10
56 822 Weitz, Amy AYALA 21:31 10
57 29 Hinojosa, Socorro El Rancho 21:32 11
58 1575 Poindexter, Megan Clovis High School 21:36 10
59 1349 Harris, Katy Clovis East High 21:38 11
60 824 Widner, Kristen AYALA 21:39 10
61 702 Ivie, Allison BURBANK 21:40 12
62 409 hsu, jean wm s. hart 21:41 12
63 820 Viola, Judith AYALA 21:43 12
64 1334 Romero, Jasmine Los Angeles 21:46 10
65 1577 Amerjan, Bethany Clovis High School 21:48 9
66 1354 Yee, Renee Clovis East High 21:52 9
67 412 jaramillo, francine wm s. hart 21:53 10
68 1807 McCormick, Nicole Royal 21:53 9
69 1761 Jimenez, Brooke Stockdale High 21:53 9
70 411 benitez, karen wm s. hart 21:55 9
71 336 McGregor, Kara Bullard 21:57 11
72 1806 MOORE, ERIN Royal 21:59 10
73 1335 Sadauskaite, Justina Los Angeles 22:00 11
74 2054 Lane, Kay Dee Marina 22:01 11
75 498 Chuang, Carolyn Monta Vista High 22:01 9
76 2340 Hernandez, Samantha Madera High 22:02 9
77 2341 Daniels, Kendra Madera High 22:06 11
78 1553 Galvan, Veronica El Rancho 22:07 10
79 1763 Nolasco, Ashley Stockdale High 22:08 9
80 2281 Hensler, Taylor Quartz Hill High 22:11 11
81 2195 Hernandez, Angelica Ventura 22:13 9
82 1282 Wolfe, Tina Saugus 22:16 12
83 339 Seymour, Lauren Bullard 22:22 9
84 1352 Mullens, Christina Clovis East High 22:22 10
85 2056 Bebek, Brittney Marina 22:23 9
86 2280 Ellefson, Lauren Quartz Hill High 22:23 10
87 2279 Holloway, Megan Quartz Hill High 22:24 11
88 825 Artinian, Natalie AYALA 22:30 9
89 2059 Brar, Tawney Marina 22:40 11
90 676 Daikai, Jasmine Sheldon High School 22:41 10
91 1377 Crecelius, Ashley Central High School 22:48 12
92 1707 Vaziri, Alyssa Saugus 22:49 10
93 823 Hudiburgh, Katie AYALA 22:50 10
94 1762 Curtis, Brianna Stockdale High 22:50 9
95 2023 Amaya, Vanessa Alisal High School 22:52 11
96 1760 Baltz, Candace Stockdale High 22:52 11
97 2021 Uy, Casey Alisal High School 22:53 10
98 410 walker, heidi wm s. hart 22:54 12
99 2343 McGraw, Katrina Madera High 22:56 10
100 1351 McEntire, Jenifer Clovis East High 22:58 10
101 1350 Kaufmann, Kaitlin Clovis East High 23:04 11
102 2282 Barnett, Kia Quartz Hill High 23:07 11
103 337 Rodela, Cassandra Bullard 23:08 10
104 680 Singh, Tahira Sheldon High School 23:09 11
105 705 Ambrose, Emily BURBANK 23:10 11
106 806 Sodini, Ashley Clovis West 23:14 12
107 679 Hernandez, Alexandra Sheldon High School 23:15 11
108 2065 Romero, Mellisa Marina 23:16 11
109 677 Canfield, Eileen Sheldon High School 23:17 11
110 1787 Halberg, Gabrielle Saugus 23:24 11
111 1336 Kim, Stacy Los Angeles 23:24 10
112 340 Dibello, Nicole Bullard 23:27 9
113 1337 Sosa, Sandy Los Angeles 23:31 11
114 1348 Gallagher, Lacey Clovis East High 23:41 12
115 1960 Woznick, Laura Lodi High School 23:49 10
116 1962 Meath, Jenna Lodi High School 23:51 11
117 1764 Taylor, Lauren Stockdale High 23:52 11
118 1766 Medina, Lindsey Stockdale High 23:56 10
119 2024 Cervantes, Aurora Alisal High School 24:08 11
120 678 McCurdy, Tarra Sheldon High School 24:18 11
121 1963 Kemalyan, Leah Lodi High School 24:23 11
122 2146 Anel, Nancy Los Angeles 24:26 12
123 805 Smith, Tara Clovis West 24:33 11
124 1333 Hernandez, Claribel Los Angeles 24:37 11
125 1482 Sera, Lauren Clovis East High 24:46 11
126 1708 Palomino, Brenda Saugus 24:50 11
127 1769 Calderon, McKay Stockdale High 24:53 10
128 2019 Ramirez, Debbie Alisal High School 24:56 10
129 2431 capilla, morgan West Bakersfield HS 24:57 10
130 338 Schob, Caitlin Bullard 25:02 9
131 1706 Myers, Nancy Saugus 25:05 11
132 1964 Hockett, Kiera Lodi High School 25:15 9
133 2434 cruz, melisa West Bakersfield HS 25:31 10
134 2433 guevara, donna West Bakersfield HS 25:31 10
135 2227 Chessum, Whitney Bullard 26:55 9
136 1376 Aldalpe, Veronika Central High School 27:08 12
137 2440 frampton, keri West Bakersfield HS 28:45 11
138 2432 pounds, samantha West Bakersfield HS 28:46 10
Varsity-Medium Schools Girls
Race Team Race Results -
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Del Oro 77 5 6 12 16 42 67 80 5 6 11 15 40 62 72 1:42:08 1
Lompoc 90 13 14 19 22 27 50 54 12 13 18 21 26 47 51 1:43:34 2
Palo Alto 131 10 11 35 36 45 47 70 9 10 34 35 43 45 65 1:45:20 3
Oak Ridge 141 1 3 32 55 57 64 88 1 3 31 52 54 59 79 1:43:35 4
San Ramon Valley 196 21 23 24 51 92 111 20 22 23 48 83 100 1:47:34 5
Arroyo 215 18 25 30 69 90 117 122 17 24 29 64 81 106 110 1:48:15 6
cabrillo,lompoc 234 31 38 43 60 76 86 99 30 37 41 57 69 77 89 1:49:08
Cerritos High School 251 28 37 44 75 87 133 27 36 42 68 78 119 1:49:48
Oaks Christian 259 4 33 46 95 104 4 32 44 85 94 1:49:44 9
San Benito 261 7 53 58 59 103 107 7 50 55 56 93 97 1:49:42 10
Mt. Whitney High School 264 17 40 56 71 100 123 129 16 39 53 66 90 111
117 1:50:13 11
Mater Dei 301 34 49 73 84 89 91 96 33 46 67 75 80 82 86 1:51:40 12
Alameda 325 26 29 65 114 121 125 25 28 60 103 109 113 1:53:19 13
Mt.Pleasant 326 15 68 79 97 101 119 137 14 63 71 87 91 108 123 1:52:45
Sierra 353 8 39 93 113 135 144 145 8 38 84 102 121 130 131 1:55:13 15
Woodland High School 376 52 78 83 85 118 146 149 49 70 74 76 107 132 134
1:55:01 16
Monte Vista (Danville) 387 20 66 109 115 116 142 19 61 98 104 105 128
1:55:40 17
Las Lomas 421 2 98 110 124 134 2 88 99 112 120 1:56:55 18
Pacifica 510 81 106 112 128 138 148 73 96 101 116 124 133 2:02:26 19
Reedley 534 102 105 126 127 132 141 14 92 95 114 115 118 127 129 2:02:59
North Monterey County 566 61 136 139 140 150 58 122 125 126 135 2:10:42
Hanford West High School 77 120 131 147 No time
Highland (Bakersfield) 62 82 94 130 No time
King 48 63 72 No time
North Salinas 41 108 No time
Skyline 74 No time
Sonora 9 No time
Individual results
not available yet. Please do not email us. We will post them when we receive
Varsity-Small Schools Girls
Race Team Race Results -
Team Team Time Revised Order Original Order Points Place
Riverbank 75 13 16 22 23 31 71 8 10 16 17 24 60 1:42:03 1
Campolindo 86 9 10 19 35 41 54 72 5 6 13 28 34 45 61 1:42:06 2
Bishop O'Dowd High School 92 1 15 18 27 58 1 9 12 21 49 1:41:08 3
Orange Lutheran 128 17 29 36 38 42 69 11 22 29 31 35 58 1:44:28 4
La Canada 129 20 21 34 43 44 84 86 14 15 27 36 37 71 73 1:44:30 5
Harvard-Westlake School 135 4 25 39 40 57 64 74 3 19 32 33 48 55 63 1:43:51
San Luis Obispo 145 12 24 33 52 60 68 99 7 18 26 43 51 57 85 1:45:19 7
Acalanes 179 2 6 56 63 85 128 2 4 47 54 72 113 1:44:41 8
morro bay 251 45 50 62 67 73 38 42 53 56 62 1:49:33 9
Central Valley Christian 284 32 48 82 87 88 90 25 40 70 74 75 77 1:51:18
Lick-Wilmerding High 294 49 53 55 95 96 41 44 46 81 82 1:52:13 11
L.A. Baptist High School 310 30 75 76 92 94 105 124 23 64 65 78 80 90
109 1:52:18 12
Nordhoff 311 26 59 78 100 102 113 20 50 67 86 88 98 1:53:20 13
Vivian Webb School 355 37 77 81 106 114 118 119 30 66 69 91 99 103 104
1:56:55 14
Ontario Christian 399 79 89 93 101 103 107 109 68 76 79 87 89 92 94 1:57:40
Soquel 417 61 70 112 116 123 126 52 59 97 101 108 111 2:02:17 16
Taft 466 47 108 121 127 131 39 93 106 112 116 2:08:10 17
Santa Rosa Christian 476 97 98 115 117 122 125 130 83 84 100 102 107 110
115 2:05:35 18
San Joaquin Memorial High 527 110 111 120 129 132 133 95 96 105 114 117
118 2:13:43 19
calaveras 14 28 104 No time
King 51 No time
Maria Carrillo High 5 7 8 65 No time
menlo-atherton 46 66 83 No time
St. Ignatius College Prep 3 11 No time
Terra Nova High School 80 91 No time
1 309 Wright, Ariel Bishop O'Dowd High 18:05
2 428 Huber, Mo Acalanes 18:34 11
3 2192 Viehweg, Ciara St. Ignatius College 18:44 12
4 2404 Ballard, Bridget Harvard-Westlake 19:05 11
5 1306 Sanzari, Kristen Maria Carrillo High 19:15 10
6 427 Dickson, Drusia Acalanes 19:20 12
7 1307 Fogg, Leanne Maria Carrillo High 19:30 10
8 1308 Fladseth, Kristin Maria Carrillo High 19:33 12
9 323 Casabonne, Marie Campolindo 19:44 11
10 322 Murillo, Catherine Campolindo 19:45 10
11 2193 Unruh, Zoe St. Ignatius College 19:52 11
12 1001 Rueschenberg, Allysa San Luis Obispo 20:00 11
13 1621 Garcia, Maritza Riverbank 20:02 10
14 2237 Frier, Kaitlin calaveras 20:02 11
15 310 Yee, Melissa Bishop O'Dowd High 20:03 10
16 1622 Arnold, Gina Riverbank 20:03 11
17 127 Turner, Jacqueline Orange Lutheran 20:10 10
18 311 Hendrix, Liz Bishop O'Dowd High 20:22 10
19 325 Watson, Lindsey Campolindo 20:22 10
20 588 Mayer, Lindsay La Canada 20:23 11
21 589 Sheppard, Morgan La Canada 20:24 10
22 1623 Melchor, Bianca Riverbank 20:25 11
23 1624 Harrison, Brettany Riverbank 20:37 11
24 1002 Perry, Nora San Luis Obispo 20:38 12
25 2415 Virgien, Kerry Harvard-Westlake 20:39 11
26 1607 Robinson, Alyssa Nordhoff 20:44 12
27 313 Clark, Brazile Bishop O'Dowd High 20:44 9
28 2238 Frier, Megan calaveras 20:47 9
29 107 Kerner, Jane Orange Lutheran 20:51 9
30 2066 Hart, Katie L.A. Baptist High 20:53 12
31 1626 Duarte, Angelica Riverbank 20:56 11
32 210 Wilgenburg, Chelsey Central Valley 20:57 9
33 1003 Davis, Sarah San Luis Obispo 20:58 12
34 591 Drugen, Michelle La Canada 21:04 11
35 324 Dyer, April Campolindo 21:04 12
36 117 Ronca, Katie Orange Lutheran 21:05 10
37 486 Banks, Mackenzie Vivian Webb School 21:06 12
38 92 Andrew, Kirsta Orange Lutheran 21:07 9
39 2408 Mills, Sarah Harvard-Westlake 21:08 11
40 2406 Humphreville, Harvard-Westlake 21:08 11
41 1989 Finnegan, Laurie Campolindo 21:11 9
42 93 Brooks, Ali Orange Lutheran 21:15 9
43 593 Male, Laura La Canada 21:19 12
44 590 Young, Vicky La Canada 21:20 10
45 254 Canete, Kim morro bay 21:28 11
46 793 eldredge, susanne menlo-atherton 21:37 9
47 1927 Magee, Melinda Taft 21:38 9
48 211 Boertje, Kristina Central Valley 21:41 12
49 1518 Gil, Anna Lick-Wilmerding 21:43 12
50 255 Baumgartner, Katlin morro bay 21:45 10
51 1323 Antrim, Lauren King 21:46 11
52 1006 Valliere, Rose San Luis Obispo 21:46 11
53 1517 Ewald, Ivy Lick-Wilmerding 21:47 11
54 326 Pulford, Christine Campolindo 21:48 9
55 1527 Borelli, Julia Lick-Wilmerding 21:48 9
56 1251 McGoldrick, Kristie Acalanes 21:50 11
57 2409 Mitchell, Sasha Harvard-Westlake 21:51 11
58 314 Walker, Kelsey Bishop O'Dowd High 21:54 10
59 1608 Pulley, Alexa Nordhoff 21:56 12
60 1005 Gregory, Lauren San Luis Obispo 21:57 11
61 1703 Viglienzoni, Catherine Soquel 21:57 10
62 253 Wilhelm, Erika morro bay 21:58 10
63 433 Marchus, Kristen Acalanes 22:00 11
64 2405 Hieatt, Corinne Harvard-Westlake 22:01 11
65 1310 Roberts, Tiffany Maria Carrillo High 22:01 10
66 790 MOUAT, LAUREN menlo-atherton 22:02 11
67 259 Martinez, Olivia morro bay 22:04 12
68 1004 Murphy, Mikayla San Luis Obispo 22:06 11
69 101 Gibson, Heather Orange Lutheran 22:07 11
70 1702 Pelton, Tiffinee Soquel 22:11 11
71 1627 Lackey, Tiffaney Riverbank 22:13 11
72 327 Whipp, Laura Campolindo 22:15 10
73 258 Miller, Emi morro bay 22:18 11
74 2407 Kirk, Natasha Harvard-Westlake 22:21 11
75 2067 Sprouse, Christina L.A. Baptist High 22:23 11
76 2068 Jung, Erica L.A. Baptist High 22:24 9
77 492 Hirsch, Heather Vivian Webb School 22:24 10
78 1611 Hartman, Rachel Nordhoff 22:25 11
79 2502 Yancy, Briana Ontario Christian 22:28 12
80 1549 Quinonez, Diana Terra Nova High 22:29 11
81 489 Smith, Brittan Vivian Webb School 22:35 12
82 212 Reenders, Michelle Central Valley 22:35 12
83 792 thomas, christina menlo-atherton 22:42 12
84 592 Hennon, Erika La Canada 22:51 9
85 432 Clancy, Sara Acalanes 22:57 11
86 594 Yu, Vanessa La Canada 22:58 12
87 213 VanHofwegen, Kelly Central Valley 23:00 12
88 219 Poindexter, Laura Central Valley 23:05 10
89 1171 Marcos, Morgan Ontario Christian 23:06 9
90 214 Koelewyn, Sarah Central Valley 23:10 12
91 1548 McKown, Lindsey Terra Nova High 23:10 11
92 2070 Liang, Allison L.A. Baptist High 23:17 9
93 1169 Jauregui, Jacqueline Ontario Christian 23:21 11
94 2071 Kokenda, Kasey L.A. Baptist High 23:21 9
95 1515 Brosnahan, Cori Lick-Wilmerding 23:27 11
96 1520 Niehaus, Piper Lick-Wilmerding 23:28 11
97 1156 Brown, Larissa Santa Rosa Christian 23:37 10
98 1155 Aquilina, Anna Santa Rosa Christian 23:38 10
99 1018 Perry, Tina San Luis Obispo 23:45 9
100 1609 Brown, Kaile Nordhoff 24:01 11
101 1174 Valencia, Lauren Ontario Christian 24:10 11
102 1612 Robinson, Andrea Nordhoff 24:14 11
103 1172 Ingulsrud, Kristin Ontario Christian 24:35 11
104 2239 Sedlock, Lisa calaveras 24:35 10
105 2072 Reber, Jessica L.A. Baptist High 24:43 11
106 488 Kearns, Brenna Vivian Webb School 24:54 9
107 1170 Tarole, Toni Ontario Christian 25:09 10
108 1930 Magee, Megan Taft 25:15 12
109 1173 Vera, Danielle Ontario Christian 25:21 10
110 1906 Woodhams, Elle San Joaquin 25:29 9
111 1901 Ellison, Miriam San Joaquin 25:39 10
112 1719 Tobias, Briana Soquel 25:44 11
113 1613 Andrews, Sarah Nordhoff 25:53 9
114 487 Pastrano, Michelle Vivian Webb School 25:56 10
115 1157 Deutsch, Mary Santa Rosa Christian 25:57 9
116 1718 Klembarova, Anna Soquel 25:59 11
117 1161 Vance, Katie Santa Rosa Christian 26:00 10
118 491 Marti, Heidi Vivian Webb School 26:01 11
119 490 Fuentes, Lauren Vivian Webb School 26:01 11
120 1909 Reams, Laura San Joaquin 26:08 9
121 1931 Magee, Amy Taft 26:12 10
122 1158 Hazelrigg, Kelly Santa Rosa Christian 26:23 12
123 1722 Slyngsted, Kelly Soquel 26:26 9
124 2069 Jones, Krista L.A. Baptist High 26:32 10
125 1159 Kidd, Lucy Santa Rosa Christian 26:34 10
126 1720 Gutierrez, Jeanette Soquel 26:36 11
127 1928 Emfinger, Mary Taft 26:51 12
128 1250 Chastain, Alissa Acalanes 27:08 11
129 1902 Roe, Brittany San Joaquin 27:45 11
130 1160 Kidd, Natalie Santa Rosa Christian 28:01 12
131 1929 Kennedy, Cassandra Taft 28:14 12
132 1904 Stallard, Jenna San Joaquin 28:42 11
133 1910 Carter, Alyse San Joaquin 28:48 10
What: 26th Annual Clovis High Cross Country
When: Saturday, October 9th, 2004.
First Race @ 7:30 AM and every 30 min. thereafter.
Championship Girls Race @ 10:00 am
Championship Boys race @ 10:30 am
Final Race @ 1:30 pm
Where: Woodward Park, Fresno, CA. (CA State Championship
Start and finish are at the Mountain View Shelter.
Cost to enter Park is $3 per car (city fee).
Arrive early to avoid lines, as races may slow traffic.
Who: Numerous state and nationally ranked teams from
throughout CA and Nevada.
This year’s meet has a Cal-Neva flavor,
with two of the Silver State’s best teams making the trip to Woodward
Park to face off with California’s best programs.
In what is shaping up to be the premiere
race of the 2004 Cross Country season thus far, the girls championship
race will feature 22 schools, including ten nationally or state ranked
teams. The pre-season #5 ranked team in the US and current #1 California
team, Ventura High, will face a myriad of challengers including high mileage
Fountain Valley (#3), and defending Clovis champion Miramonte of Orinda
(#5). Very talented squads from Maria Carillo of Santa Rosa (#4), Canyon
(#6), Ayala of Chino Hills (#7), and Royal of Simi Valley (#10) round
out seven of the top 10 teams in California, regardless of division.
2003 Foot Locker National Runner-up Marie
Lawrence leads the Reno High team (#17 US) into Woodward Park. Marie has
already shown that she’s holding up nicely by posting the best time
of the day at the Stanford Invitational on Sept. 25th in Palo Alto. The
Reno team is ranked #4 in the Southwest US by Nike followed closely by
South Tahoe (#5 SW US), another team with aspirations of returning to
Emerald Bay victorious. The Vikings, a CA team who competes in Nevada’s
state meet, posted the second best team time at Stanford, beating every
other team making it to this year’s Clovis meet. Local sophomore
phenom Lauren Saylor leads the defending Central Section Champion Buchanan
Bears (CA #12) in her bid to return to the lead pack after suffering a
late stumble at Stanford. With CA divisional girls rankings coming out
Thursday, the number of ranked teams is sure to climb, with Oak Park,
King, Saugus, and Campolindo stepping to the starting line.
The boys race follows soon thereafter
with another great field. California’s top program and defending
Clovis Invitational champions Royal (US#5) returns to face Central Section
leader Madera (CA#5). Madera, lead by Senior Benny Madrigal, who posted
a time of 15:40 last year on Woodward Park’s 5K course, is the defending
Central Section team champion. Ayala, ranked #7 in California Division
1, hopes to raise its stock as they are challenged by a field that includes
Canyon (#9 D1) of Canyon Country. Perennial powerhouses Jesuit of Carmichael
(CA D2 #3) and St. John Boscoe (Bellflower, D2 #4) hope to see North Monterey
County join the fun. The NMC squad is ranked #7 overall in CA and #1 for
division 2, but may be bringing a partial squad. Time will tell.
This year’s meet has
an interesting subplot, with 6 of the top 8 Division 3 teams showing up,
but not all running in the same race. The Championship race will feature
#3 Miramonte, #4 Maria Carillo, #5 Cabrillo, and #6 Oak Park. Missing
from the party will be #1 ranked Servite of Anaheim, and # 8 San Luis
Obispo. As per coaches request, they will be competing in the Small School
Varsity race at 9:30.
2003 Meet coverage
2003 Sweepstakes
2003 Non-Sweepstakes
2003 Pictire Albums Page
1 Page
