California State Meet
Division IV - Girls Results
Area rival (and very good) teams Oak Park and La Reina (smiles of the
meet award!) at start

Bobby Meyers catches lead pack at the mile - copyright 2002 Bobby Meyers

Lauren Sweigart (La Jolla Country Day) leads Lauren Morales and second
pack at the mile

Third pack at the mile Girls D4

Oak Park pack at the mile
Link to page
2 Div IV Pictures
The biggest change in leadership position in any of the day's races came
here in the final contest, with Maranatha's Laura Meyers coming from back
about fourth at two miles to a comfortable win. When we caught up with
her afterwards and asked her about the last mile, she was very talkative:
"I concentrated this week on running my best race and not focusing
so much on everybody else. That is what I thought about the last mile.
I asked the Lord to give me strength in a short prayer, and I felt great,
so I went for it. I have such a great team and people to be with. My strategy
today was to stay close to the lead pack during the first time, and settle
into my own rhythm and pace during the second mile. At two and a half
miles I saw the people ahead of me, and I said the short prayer, and made
the decision to go for it." "This is the greatest thrill of
my high school athletic career along with being a part of the great team
that I am a member of!"
November 30, 2002 Woodward Park 5K Course, Fresno CA Weather:60'S Overcast
__________CIF Cross Country_____Division 4 Girls_____Nov. 30, 2002
1 Lauren Meyers SR Maranatha SS 4 18:21 5:55
2 Bridget Ballard FR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 18:26 5:56
3 Gabi Rios-Sotelo SO St. Mary's Coll NCS 4 18:30 5:58
4 Nicci Fish SR Marin Catholic NCS 4 18:34 5:59
5 Lauren Morales JR Oak Park SS 4 18:43 6:02
6 Marlene Elizalde JR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 18:49 6:04
7 Katie Gose JR La Reina SS 4 18:50 6:04
8 Lizzy Thompson SR Maranatha SS 4 18:53 6:05
9 Lindsay Flacks JR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 18:57 6:06
10 Kari Andrew JR Lutheran SS 4 19:01 6:08
11 Evelyn Wing SO Valley Christia CCS 4 19:02 6:08
12 Amanda Moreno FR Escalon SJS 4 19:02 6:08
13 Lauren Magdaleno JR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 19:08 6:10
14 Alicia Veiss SR McFarland CS 4 19:15 6:12
15 Danielle Robberson SO Yreka NS 4 19:20 6:14
16 La Toya Cunningham SO La Jolla Countr SDS 4 19:22 6:14
17 Tatiana Camacho SO Oak Park SS 4 19:22 6:14
18 Allison Banks JR Oak Park SS 4 19:29 6:17
19 Olivia Ghaussy SR La Reina SS 4 19:30 6:17
20 Diane Reed SR Marymount SS 4 19:31 6:17
21 Jehan Sparks SO Piedmont NCS 4 19:32 6:17
22 Erin Muir SO Chino Hills SS 4 19:33 6:18
23 Thea Sutton FR San Rafael NCS 4 19:36 6:19
24 Kelly Lane JR Ursuline NCS 4 19:37 6:19
25 Alli Rowe JR Piedmont NCS 4 19:39 6:20
26 Kelly Rendon SO Lutheran SS 4 19:42 6:21
27 Lauren Swigart SR La Jolla Countr SDS 4 19:43 6:21
28 Amanda Eichmann SO Chino Hills SS 4 19:44 6:21
29 Kelsey Connor FR Oak Park SS 4 19:45 6:22
30 Emily Van Buskirk SR Marin Catholic NCS 4 19:47 6:22
31 Dana Isokawa FR Piedmont NCS 4 19:49 6:23
32 Blossom Marimpietri SR Oak Park SS 4 19:55 6:25
33 Katie Dewitt SR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 19:58 6:26
34 Libby Jenke SO Menlo School CCS 4 20:01 6:27
35 Patricia Demello SR Lutheran SS 4 20:01 6:27
36 Danielle Vargas SR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 20:03 6:27
37 Alyson Millett FR Half Moon Bay CCS 4 20:03 6:28
38 Reed Kristovich JR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 20:04 6:28
39 Karri Kompaniez SO Big Bear SS 4 20:06 6:29
40 Maura Tyrell SR Notre Dame Acad SS 4 20:07 6:29
41 Deirdre Coleman SO Oak Park SS 4 20:07 6:29
42 Pilar Zaich SO St. Mary's-S SJS 4 20:08 6:29
43 Liza Hitchner SO Half Moon Bay CCS 4 20:08 6:29
44 Lauren Quinn SR Yreka NS 4 20:10 6:30
45 Amber Dinkins SR Maranatha SS 4 20:10 6:30
46 Clare Ayala SR Marin Catholic NCS 4 20:12 6:30
47 Aimee Kirmayer FR Half Moon Bay CCS 4 20:12 6:30
48 Yasmine White FR Arcata NCS 4 20:13 6:31
49 Gaby Gonzalez JR McFarland CS 4 20:13 6:31
50 Danielle Geong JR Piedmont NCS 4 20:14 6:31
51 Allyssa Wutzke SR Central Valley NS 4 20:18 6:32
52 Sara Ireland SO Maranatha SS 4 20:18 6:33
53 Hailey Swartz JR Oak Park SS 4 20:21 6:33
54 Naomi Sparks SO Piedmont NCS 4 20:25 6:35
55 Kristina Macias JR Lutheran SS 4 20:26 6:35
56 Tori Steeves SR Half Moon Bay CCS 4 20:27 6:35
57 Becky Barron SR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 20:27 6:35
58 Natalie Joffe JR Marin Catholic NCS 4 20:30 6:36
59 Dominique Walter SO Mountain Empire SDS 4 20:31 6:36
60 Natalie Karr SR Calaveras SJS 4 20:31 6:37
61 Caitlin Croall JR Lincoln-L SJS 4 20:33 6:37
62 Julie Shaw SO Anderson NS 4 20:36 6:38
63 Jessica Pringle SO La Reina SS 4 20:37 6:39
64 Beth Wittry JR Coronado SDS 4 20:42 6:40
65 Ashley Thompson SO Scotts Valley CCS 4 20:42 6:40
66 Jen Clouse SR Ursuline NCS 4 20:44 6:41
67 Elyse Verhofstadt SO Holtville SDS 4 20:45 6:41
68 Tara Betz SR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 20:47 6:42
69 Allie Hurst FR Hillsdale CCS 4 20:47 6:42
70 Jocelyn Jenks JR La Jolla Countr SDS 4 20:48 6:42
71 Leilani Ortiz SR Half Moon Bay CCS 4 20:48 6:42
72 Hanako Justice FR La Jolla Countr SDS 4 20:49 6:42
73 Sarah Mills FR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 20:50 6:43
74 Katie Miyake SO Maranatha SS 4 20:50 6:43
75 Alison Baker SR Mountain Empire SDS 4 20:50 6:43
76 Erica Simpson SR Piedmont NCS 4 20:51 6:43
77 Ali Brooks FR Lutheran SS 4 20:51 6:43
78 Katherine Fulp-Allen FR Half Moon Bay CCS 4 20:55 6:44
79 Shannon Driskell JR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 20:56 6:44
80 Geogha Arnold FR Riverbank SJS 4 20:56 6:45
81 Paula Schanes SO Mountain Empire SDS 4 20:59 6:46
82 Molly Hoch FR Arcata NCS 4 21:02 6:47
83 Adrianna Durflinger SO Mountain Empire SDS 4 21:03 6:47
84 Gia Lizmich SR Bret Harte SJS 4 21:04 6:47
85 Nadia Hidayatallah JR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 21:05 6:48
86 Amanda Atkinson FR Healdsburg NCS 4 21:07 6:48
87 Rebeca Ireland SR Maranatha SS 4 21:09 6:49
88 Bianca Melchor FR Riverbank SJS 4 21:10 6:49
89 Ashley Hughey SO Half Moon Bay CCS 4 21:10 6:49
90 Rebecca Ochoa SO Ursuline NCS 4 21:11 6:49
91 Jen Degennaro SO Ursuline NCS 4 21:12 6:50
92 Cynthia Chaidez FR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 21:14 6:50
93 Kaitlin Heninger FR Chino Hills SS 4 21:17 6:51
94 Robin Kuntz SO The Bishop's Sc SDS 4 21:18 6:52
95 Jaime Loogman SR Escalon SJS 4 21:19 6:52
96 Mari Rodriguez FR McFarland CS 4 21:25 6:54
97 Joey Patton JR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 21:25 6:54
98 Marinelle Camilon SO Westview SDS 4 21:26 6:54
99 Lizzie Vance SO Westview SDS 4 21:27 6:55
100 Brittney Harrison FR Riverbank SJS 4 21:28 6:55
101 Kelsey Boyd SO Ursuline NCS 4 21:28 6:55
102 Rachael Cumbo SO Ursuline NCS 4 21:29 6:55
103 Jayne Reyes JR La Reina SS 4 21:29 6:55
104 Eileen Peralta SR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 21:31 6:56
105 Karina Marquez SR Woodlake CS 4 21:32 6:56
106 Nikki Wood SO Yreka NS 4 21:35 6:57
107 Sarah Swigart JR La Jolla Countr SDS 4 21:35 6:57
108 Candice Avanes FR Valley Christia CCS 4 21:36 6:58
109 Laura Jura JR San Josquin Mem CS 4 21:37 6:58
110 Christine Schleppegr JR Valley Christia CCS 4 21:37 6:58
111 Marie Lindquist JR Piedmont NCS 4 21:40 6:59
112 Mary Young JR Yreka NS 4 21:41 6:59
113 Therese Cresalia SR Marin Catholic NCS 4 21:43 7:00
114 Eliszabeth Jackson SR Lutheran SS 4 21:45 7:00
115 Leah Judge SR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 21:49 7:02
116 Corinne Hieatt FR Harvard-Westlak SS 4 21:50 7:02
117 Kelly Foltz SO La Jolla Countr SDS 4 21:51 7:02
118 Jakki Peterson SO Chino Hills SS 4 21:55 7:04
119 Ali Simpson FR Templeton CS 4 21:58 7:05
120 Ashley Narramore JR La Reina SS 4 21:59 7:05
121 Brittany Williams FR West Valley NS 4 22:01 7:06
122 Maggie Sanchez SO McFarland CS 4 22:03 7:06
123 Amanda Sperling FR Oroville NS 4 22:04 7:06
124 Samantha Cloonan FR Chino Hills SS 4 22:04 7:07
125 Ashley Balderama JR Corcoran CS 4 22:08 7:08
126 Liz Cadigan SR Central Valley NS 4 22:08 7:08
127 Kathy Kelsey SR Arcata NCS 4 22:09 7:08
128 Bailey Blazek SO Chino Hills SS 4 22:10 7:08
129 Sara Cuevas SR Mountain Empire SDS 4 22:10 7:08
130 Suezy Altman JR Yreka NS 4 22:12 7:09
131 Emma Kelsey FR Arcata NCS 4 22:13 7:09
132 Rachael Amaral JR Yreka NS 4 22:15 7:10
133 Shauna Sweeney SR Marin Catholic NCS 4 22:17 7:11
134 Karen Ariola FR Calaveras SJS 4 22:19 7:11
135 Christina Medina SR Maranatha SS 4 22:21 7:12
136 Katie Azevedo SR Arcata NCS 4 22:23 7:13
137 Jenny Tyhurst SR Yreka NS 4 22:30 7:15
138 Jenny Douthitt FR Valley Christia CCS 4 22:33 7:16
139 Kristen Jamerson SR La Reina SS 4 22:33 7:16
140 Lynnae McAndrews FR West Valley NS 4 22:34 7:16
141 Melissa Miller SR Taft CS 4 22:35 7:17
142 Marisol Sarabia SO Valley Christia CCS 4 22:36 7:17
143 Jamie Atkinson SO Central Valley NS 4 22:37 7:17
144 Monika Tincher SO La Reina SS 4 22:39 7:18
145 Katie Elgin SO Templeton CS 4 22:41 7:18
146 Timaree Johnson SR Notre Dame - SJ CCS 4 22:41 7:19
147 Aprille Ray SO Escalon SJS 4 22:46 7:20
148 Chelle' Bell SR Anderson NS 4 22:47 7:20
149 Megan Sohn SR Lutheran SS 4 22:52 7:22
150 Lauren Ferrell SO Chino Hills SS 4 22:54 7:22
151 Samantha Draper JR Escalon SJS 4 22:57 7:24
152 Juliana Santillan JR Firebaugh CS 4 22:59 7:24
153 Diana Viglienzone JR Escalon SJS 4 22:59 7:24
154 Ashley Ross SO Central Valley NS 4 23:04 7:26
155 Heather Evans SO Ursuline NCS 4 23:05 7:26
156 Victoria Collins JR Marin Catholic NCS 4 23:07 7:27
157 Shaunna Gretter JR Templeton CS 4 23:14 7:29
158 Jessica Garcia SO McFarland CS 4 23:16 7:30
159 Denise Taffolla JR Riverbank SJS 4 23:18 7:30
160 Morgan Diefenbach SO La Jolla Countr SDS 4 23:23 7:32
161 Jessica Glickman SO Templeton CS 4 23:27 7:33
162 Clare Magneson SR Arcata NCS 4 23:29 7:34
163 Sara Ortega JR McFarland CS 4 23:31 7:35
164 Amber Lira JR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 23:32 7:35
165 Lili Emad JR Arcata NCS 4 23:46 7:39
166 Julie Miller SR Taft CS 4 23:47 7:40
167 Rocio Bravo FR McFarland CS 4 23:51 7:41
168 Whitney McClure SO Central Valley NS 4 23:57 7:43
169 Megan Magee SO Taft CS 4 24:01 7:44
170 Katie Thompson FR Taft CS 4 24:02 7:44
171 Asia Harrison FR Riverbank SJS 4 24:09 7:47
172 Kelsey Long SO Templeton CS 4 24:17 7:49
173 Samantha Macias SO Templeton CS 4 24:34 7:55
174 Jennifer Carroll SR Mountain Empire SDS 4 24:35 7:55
175 Cassie Erl JR Central Valley NS 4 24:40 7:57
176 Amanda Nunes SO Escalon SJS 4 24:40 7:57
177 Grace Zwick JR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 25:09 8:06
178 Stephanie Oropesa SR Riverbank SJS 4 25:40 8:16
179 Amber Farley JR Central Valley NS 4 25:41 8:16
180 Jessica Colin SR Escalon SJS 4 25:53 8:20
181 Jessica Carter SR Mountain Empire SDS 4 25:59 8:22
182 Andrea Castillo SR St. Paul-SFS SS 4 26:17 8:28
183 Lupe Almanza SR Taft CS 4 28:23 9:09
184 Cece Peters JR Taft CS 4 32:12 10:22
November 30, 2002 Woodward Park 5K Course, Fresno CA Weather:60'S Overcast
Division 4 Girls Team Scores
1. 92 Oak Park ( 19:27 1:37:12)
1 4 Lauren Morales 18:43
2 16 Tatiana Camacho 19:22
3 17 Allison Banks 19:29
4 26 Kelsey Connor 19:45
5 29 Blossom Marimpietri 19:55
6 ( 35) Deirdre Coleman 20:07
7 ( 46) Hailey Swartz 20:21
2. 133 Harvard-Westlake ( 19:39 1:38:12)
1 2 Bridget Ballard 18:26
2 8 Lindsay Flacks 18:57
3 30 Katie Dewitt 19:58
4 34 Reed Kristovich 20:04
5 59 Sarah Mills 20:50
6 ( 70) Nadia Hidayatallah 21:05
7 ( 95) Corinne Hieatt 21:50
3. 151 Maranatha ( 19:43 1:38:31)
1 1 Lauren Meyers 18:21
2 7 Lizzy Thompson 18:53
3 38 Amber Dinkins 20:10
4 45 Sara Ireland 20:18
5 60 Katie Miyake 20:50
6 ( 71) Rebeca Ireland 21:09
7 (110) Christina Medina 22:21
4. 159 Piedmont ( 19:56 1:39:37)
1 19 Jehan Sparks 19:32
2 22 Alli Rowe 19:39
3 28 Dana Isokawa 19:49
4 43 Danielle Geong 20:14
5 47 Naomi Sparks 20:25
6 ( 62) Erica Simpson 20:51
7 ( 90) Marie Lindquist 21:40
5. 174 Lutheran ( 20:00 1:39:59)
1 9 Kari Andrew 19:01
2 23 Kelly Rendon 19:42
3 31 Patricia Demello 20:01
4 48 Kristina Macias 20:26
5 63 Ali Brooks 20:51
6 ( 93) Eliszabeth Jackson 21:45
7 (122) Megan Sohn 22:52
6. 212 Marin Catholic ( 20:09 1:40:44)
1 3 Nicci Fish 18:34
2 27 Emily Van Buskirk 19:47
3 39 Clare Ayala 20:12
4 51 Natalie Joffe 20:30
5 92 Therese Cresalia 21:43
6 (109) Shauna Sweeney 22:17
7 (128) Victoria Collins 23:07
7. 215 Half Moon Bay ( 20:20 1:41:37)
1 33 Alyson Millett 20:03
2 36 Liza Hitchner 20:08
3 40 Aimee Kirmayer 20:12
4 49 Tori Steeves 20:27
5 57 Leilani Ortiz 20:48
6 ( 64) Katherine Fulp-Allen 20:55
7 ( 73) Ashley Hughey 21:10
8. 240 La Jolla Country Day ( 20:27 1:42:14)
1 15 La Toya Cunningham 19:22
2 24 Lauren Swigart 19:43
3 56 Jocelyn Jenks 20:48
4 58 Hanako Justice 20:49
5 87 Sarah Swigart 21:35
6 ( 96) Kelly Foltz 21:51
7 (132) Morgan Diefenbach 23:23
9. 260 La Reina ( 20:29 1:42:23)
1 6 Katie Gose 18:50
2 18 Olivia Ghaussy 19:30
3 53 Jessica Pringle 20:37
4 84 Jayne Reyes 21:29
5 99 Ashley Narramore 21:59
6 (114) Kristen Jamerson 22:33
7 (118) Monika Tincher 22:39
10. 283 St. Paul-SFS ( 20:40 1:43:19)
1 5 Marlene Elizalde 18:49
2 12 Lauren Magdaleno 19:08
3 50 Becky Barron 20:27
4 80 Joey Patton 21:25
5 136 Amber Lira 23:32
6 (149) Grace Zwick 25:09
7 (154) Andrea Castillo 26:17
11. 306 Ursuline ( 20:51 1:44:11)
1 21 Kelly Lane 19:37
2 54 Jen Clouse 20:44
3 74 Rebecca Ochoa 21:11
4 75 Jen Degennaro 21:12
5 82 Kelsey Boyd 21:28
6 ( 83) Rachael Cumbo 21:29
7 (127) Heather Evans 23:05
12. 313 Notre Dame - SJ ( 20:54 1:44:28)
1 32 Danielle Vargas 20:03
2 55 Tara Betz 20:47
3 65 Shannon Driskell 20:56
4 76 Cynthia Chaidez 21:14
5 85 Eileen Peralta 21:31
6 ( 94) Leah Judge 21:49
7 (120) Timaree Johnson 22:41
13. 320 Chino Hills ( 20:55 1:44:31)
1 20 Erin Muir 19:33
2 25 Amanda Eichmann 19:44
3 77 Kaitlin Heninger 21:17
4 97 Jakki Peterson 21:55
5 101 Samantha Cloonan 22:04
6 (104) Bailey Blazek 22:10
7 (123) Lauren Ferrell 22:54
14. 334 Yreka ( 20:59 1:44:55)
1 14 Danielle Robberson 19:20
2 37 Lauren Quinn 20:10
3 86 Nikki Wood 21:35
4 91 Mary Young 21:41
5 106 Suezy Altman 22:12
6 (108) Rachael Amaral 22:15
7 (112) Jenny Tyhurst 22:30
15. 354 Mountain Empire ( 21:07 1:45:31)
1 52 Dominique Walter 20:31
2 61 Alison Baker 20:50
3 67 Paula Schanes 20:59
4 69 Adrianna Durflinger 21:03
5 105 Sara Cuevas 22:10
6 (146) Jennifer Carroll 24:35
7 (153) Jessica Carter 25:59
16. 364 McFarland ( 21:14 1:46:10)
1 13 Alicia Veiss 19:15
2 42 Gaby Gonzalez 20:13
3 79 Mari Rodriguez 21:25
4 100 Maggie Sanchez 22:03
5 130 Jessica Garcia 23:16
6 (135) Sara Ortega 23:31
7 (139) Rocio Bravo 23:51
17. 416 Valley Christian-SJ ( 21:29 1:47:22)
1 10 Evelyn Wing 19:02
2 88 Candice Avanes 21:36
3 89 Christine Schleppegrell 21:37
4 113 Jenny Douthitt 22:33
5 116 Marisol Sarabia 22:36
18. 430 Arcata ( 21:36 1:47:59)
1 41 Yasmine White 20:13
2 68 Molly Hoch 21:02
3 103 Kathy Kelsey 22:09
4 107 Emma Kelsey 22:13
5 111 Katie Azevedo 22:23
6 (134) Clare Magneson 23:29
7 (137) Lili Emad 23:46
19. 459 Escalon ( 21:49 1:49:03)
1 11 Amanda Moreno 19:02
2 78 Jaime Loogman 21:19
3 121 Aprille Ray 22:46
4 124 Samantha Draper 22:57
5 125 Diana Viglienzone 22:59
6 (148) Amanda Nunes 24:40
7 (152) Jessica Colin 25:53
20. 493 Riverbank ( 22:12 1:50:59)
1 66 Geogha Arnold 20:56
2 72 Bianca Melchor 21:10
3 81 Brittney Harrison 21:28
4 131 Denise Taffolla 23:18
5 143 Asia Harrison 24:09
6 (150) Stephanie Oropesa 25:40
21. 529 Central Valley ( 22:25 1:52:02)
1 44 Allyssa Wutzke 20:18
2 102 Liz Cadigan 22:08
3 117 Jamie Atkinson 22:37
4 126 Ashley Ross 23:04
5 140 Whitney McClure 23:57
6 (147) Cassie Erl 24:40
7 (151) Amber Farley 25:41
22. 623 Templeton ( 23:07 1:55:34)
1 98 Ali Simpson 21:58
2 119 Katie Elgin 22:41
3 129 Shaunna Gretter 23:14
4 133 Jessica Glickman 23:27
5 144 Kelsey Long 24:17
6 (145) Samantha Macias 24:34
23. 691 Taft ( 24:34 2:02:46)
1 115 Melissa Miller 22:35
2 138 Julie Miller 23:47
3 141 Megan Magee 24:01
4 142 Katie Thompson 24:02
5 155 Lupe Almanza 28:23
6 (156) Cece Peters 32:12
DyestatCal Results