California State Meet
Division III - Girls Results
Girls Division III winners St. Francis (Sacramento) - lead pack at the
other half of lead pack at the mile -pack two coming past the mile point
Grelli and Viehweg lead at two miles
Go to Picture
Page 2 Girls Div III
Melissa Grelli: "We have planned for this state meet all season
long. It was our goal, and we have trained through some of our competitions,
with this the goal from way back in the summer. My plan was to surge after
the mile if I felt good, or on the hill area of the course, and I did
the surge just before the mile mark. We have practiced surging in workouts
during the year, so I knew what to do." When asked how long she had
gone since a win, with most close behind her here from her CCS League
during the regular season: "I have not had an individual win since
November 30, 2002 Woodward Park 5K Course, Fresno CA Weather:60'S Overcast
__________CIF Cross Country_____Division 3 Girls_____Nov. 30, 2002
1 Melissa Grelli JR Presentation CCS 3 17:59 5:48
2 Ciara Viehweg SO St. Ignatius CCS 3 18:09 5:51
3 Michelle Gallagher SR Sacred Ht. Cath CCS 3 18:24 5:56
4 Kim Couch SO Placer SJS 3 18:27 5:57
5 Liz Wagner SO Del Oro SJS 3 18:27 5:57
6 Jessie Ooms SR University City SDS 3 18:32 5:58
7 Mckayla Plank SO Mitty CCS 3 18:34 5:59
8 Marie Raffray JR San Diequito Ac SDS 3 18:38 6:00
9 Jenna Kingma JR San Luis Obispo SS 3 18:43 6:02
10 Molly O'Toole SO U. of San Diego SDS 3 18:47 6:03
11 Christina Jimenez SR Granite Hills SS 3 18:49 6:04
12 Cristina Sanchez SR St. Francis-S SJS 3 18:50 6:04
13 Alicia Follmar SO Saratoga CCS 3 18:53 6:05
14 Maureen Huber FR Acalanes NCS 3 18:54 6:05
15 Rachel Valliere SR San Luis Obispo SS 3 18:57 6:06
16 Andrea Gruber JR Placer SJS 3 18:58 6:06
17 Sylvlia Medrano SR Exeter CS 3 18:58 6:07
18 Diana Rosete SR Estancia SS 3 18:59 6:07
19 Cherise McNair FR Sierra SJS 3 19:00 6:07
20 Raquel Barrientos SR San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 19:00 6:07
21 Christie Farson SR Northwood SS 3 19:05 6:09
22 Vera Ross JR Campolindo NCS 3 19:06 6:09
23 Danae Hough JR Valley Center SDS 3 19:06 6:09
24 Jillian Ochs JR Campolindo NCS 3 19:07 6:09
25 Tara Sharma SR La Canada SS 3 19:07 6:10
26 Sarah Krtil SR St. Francis-S SJS 3 19:08 6:10
27 Rebecca Bostwick JR University City SDS 3 19:10 6:10
28 Brooke Gerson JR San Dieguito Ac SDS 3 19:12 6:11
29 April Dyer SO Campolindo NCS 3 19:13 6:11
30 Megan Alexander SO St. Francis-S SJS 3 19:14 6:12
31 Sarah Zerzan JR Notre Dame-Bel CCS 3 19:15 6:12
32 Mairin Meltveldt SO St. Francis-S SJS 3 19:16 6:12
33 Kristen Howell JR Santa Margarita SS 3 19:17 6:13
34 Kim Miller JR Rim Of The Worl SS 3 19:19 6:13
35 Caitlin Morgan SR Unionmine SJS 3 19:19 6:13
36 Amanda Burkhardt JR Ponderosa SJS 3 19:19 6:13
37 Michelle Drugan FR La Canada SS 3 19:20 6:14
38 Jenny Perham SO Northgate NCS 3 19:20 6:14
39 Katie Hartman JR St. Francis-S SJS 3 19:22 6:14
40 Janessa Hoppe JR Enterprise NS 3 19:22 6:14
41 Trisha Allred SO Valley Center SDS 3 19:24 6:15
42 Taylor Carroll JR Santa Margarita SS 3 19:27 6:16
43 Jenn Saura SR Miramonte NCS 3 19:29 6:17
44 Katina Hubbard SR Campolindo NCS 3 19:30 6:17
45 Tracy Dantema JR St. Joseph-L SS 3 19:31 6:17
46 Bernadette Casabonne JR Campolindo NCS 3 19:32 6:17
47 Brooke Anderson SO University City SDS 3 19:34 6:18
48 Kat Dawkins SR St. Joseph-L SS 3 19:34 6:18
49 Bethany Gardner JR Del Oro SJS 3 19:39 6:20
50 Carolyn Menard SR Enterprise NS 3 19:43 6:21
51 Andrea Bocenegra SR Northgate NCS 3 19:44 6:22
52 Samantha Jones SR Alhambra NCS 3 19:45 6:22
53 Becky Southworth SR Bonita SS 3 19:46 6:22
54 Alyssa Lewis SR Shafter CS 3 19:47 6:22
55 Shayne McCoy SR U. of San Diego SDS 3 19:49 6:23
56 Alexis Dawkins SO St. Joseph-L SS 3 19:49 6:23
57 Drusia Dickson SO Acalanes NCS 3 19:50 6:23
58 Becky Cummins SR Corona Del Mar SS 3 19:50 6:23
59 Danielle Miller JR Palo Alto CCS 3 19:51 6:24
60 Morgan Harris SO Santa Margarita SS 3 19:51 6:24
61 Stephanie Hamilton SO San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 19:52 6:24
62 Carrie Fabring FR Lompoc SS 3 19:52 6:24
63 Michelle Born SO Oakmont SJS 3 19:53 6:24
64 Alyssa Robinson SO Nordhoff SS 3 19:54 6:25
65 Megan Carper JR Northgate NCS 3 19:54 6:25
66 Erica Tomlinson FR Oakmont SJS 3 19:55 6:25
67 Emily Romo SO San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 19:57 6:25
68 Meera Gandhi FR St. Joseph-L SS 3 19:58 6:26
69 Diana Chernikova SO Miramonte NCS 3 20:00 6:27
70 Kaitlyn Wise FR Oakmont SJS 3 20:01 6:27
71 Taryn Kawata SO Corona Del Mar SS 3 20:01 6:27
72 Rebecca Sale SR Valley Center SDS 3 20:02 6:27
73 Emily Kalmbach SR Santa Margarita SS 3 20:02 6:27
74 Suzy Portner SO St. Joseph-L SS 3 20:03 6:27
75 Katie Vaughn SO Placer SJS 3 20:03 6:28
76 Nicole McKaskell SO Rim Of The Worl SS 3 20:04 6:28
77 Naomi Horiuchi FR Palo Alto CCS 3 20:08 6:29
78 Jennifer Weber JR Mission Bay SDS 3 20:08 6:29
79 Kristyn Cosgrove SR La Canada SS 3 20:09 6:29
80 Anne St. Gemme FR Corona Del Mar SS 3 20:09 6:30
81 Rebecca Yau SO Miramonte NCS 3 20:10 6:30
82 Ahlia Kattan SO Corona Del Mar SS 3 20:10 6:30
83 Amanda Gillming SO Placer SJS 3 20:11 6:30
84 Jessica Moore SR La Canada SS 3 20:12 6:30
85 Marissa McReynolds FR San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 20:13 6:31
86 Christina Buck SR Placer SJS 3 20:14 6:31
87 Lindsay Hewett JR Nordhoff SS 3 20:14 6:31
88 Kate Hirschboeck JR Santa Margarita SS 3 20:15 6:31
89 Kate Krumpschmidt SR Nordhoff SS 3 20:15 6:31
90 Alexa Pulley SO Nordhoff SS 3 20:16 6:32
91 Bridgette Stevens SO Shafter CS 3 20:16 6:32
92 Becca Gibson SO Miramonte NCS 3 20:17 6:32
93 Evelyn Robarts SO Valley Center SDS 3 20:17 6:32
94 Sara Calderon SO Rim Of The Worl SS 3 20:18 6:32
95 Lindsey Cooper SO San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 20:19 6:33
96 Maggie Toole SO St. Francis-S SJS 3 20:20 6:33
97 Zoe Unruh FR St. Ignatius CCS 3 20:20 6:33
98 Brooke Baquial FR University City SDS 3 20:22 6:34
99 Kristy Page FR Oakmont SJS 3 20:23 6:34
100 Lauren Jerd SR University City SDS 3 20:24 6:34
101 Jacqui Trenkwalder JR Northgate NCS 3 20:25 6:34
102 Yesenia Esparza FR Shafter CS 3 20:25 6:35
103 Stephanie Sconberg FR Oakmont SJS 3 20:26 6:35
104 Jen Hartford JR Santa Margarita SS 3 20:28 6:35
105 Lindsay Roberts SR Paradise NS 3 20:29 6:36
106 Kari Brandt SO Rim Of The Worl SS 3 20:29 6:36
107 Mimi Yuhas JR Campolindo NCS 3 20:30 6:36
108 Laurie Hartt SR Paradise NS 3 20:30 6:36
109 Kelli Brown JR Valley Center SDS 3 20:30 6:36
110 Kryrstine Cuaresma JR Our Lady of Pea SO 3 20:31 6:37
111 Katie Barry JR La Canada SS 3 20:31 6:37
112 Kelly Cureton SO Northgate NCS 3 20:32 6:37
113 Anna Purcell JR Bishop O'Dowd NCS 3 20:32 6:37
114 Stephanie Lee JR La Canada SS 3 20:33 6:37
115 Kelli Deane SO San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 20:36 6:38
116 Amy Rogg JR Palo Alto CCS 3 20:37 6:39
117 Melissa Swiggert SO Corona Del Mar SS 3 20:39 6:39
118 Ashley Rinne SO Shasta NS 3 20:40 6:39
119 Meghan Mullen SO St. Ignatius CCS 3 20:43 6:40
120 Malin Elsen SR Palo Alto CCS 3 20:44 6:41
121 Rachel Miers JR Miramonte NCS 3 20:45 6:41
122 Lauren Lansing JR Nordhoff SS 3 20:48 6:42
123 Andrea Brandt SR Rim Of The Worl SS 3 20:50 6:43
124 Kelly Coulter SR Campolindo NCS 3 20:51 6:43
125 Amy Parker SR La Canada SS 3 20:55 6:44
126 Kalie Brown FR Nordhoff SS 3 21:00 6:46
127 Keelan Cuyler SR Corona Del Mar SS 3 21:00 6:46
128 Alice Hobbs FR St. Ignatius CCS 3 21:01 6:46
129 Patty Torres JR Porterville CS 3 21:02 6:46
130 Kendall Bruton SO Rim Of The Worl SS 3 21:03 6:47
131 Nora Perry SO San Luis Obispo SS 3 21:04 6:47
132 Andrea Mattos SO Hanford CS 3 21:05 6:48
133 Julia Pabst JR Miramonte NCS 3 21:06 6:48
134 Abbey Cochran FR Exeter CS 3 21:07 6:48
135 Morgan Feori SR U. of San Diego SDS 3 21:08 6:49
136 Megan Riggs SO Oakmont SJS 3 21:09 6:49
137 Shannon Manuel SO Alhambra NCS 3 21:10 6:49
138 Lindsay Lightsey JR Alhambra NCS 3 21:11 6:50
139 Muang Saechao SO Las Plumas NS 3 21:12 6:50
140 Maria Zamora SO Alhambra NCS 3 21:13 6:50
141 Kelsey Casey FR Miramonte NCS 3 21:15 6:51
142 Keri Buck SO Placer SJS 3 21:16 6:51
143 Eileen Howard JR Placer SJS 3 21:17 6:51
144 Jenny Logan JR Corona Del Mar SS 3 21:18 6:52
145 Dominique Davis FR U. of San Diego SDS 3 21:19 6:52
146 Elizabeth Espinoza JR Mendota CS 3 21:20 6:52
147 Sanjuana Garcia SO Shafter CS 3 21:21 6:53
148 Cheyenne Brown FR San Luis Obispo SS 3 21:21 6:53
149 Amanda Bogner SR Shasta NS 3 21:22 6:53
150 Alison Landholt JR University City SDS 3 21:23 6:53
151 Evelyn Vasquez SR St. Joseph-L SS 3 21:24 6:53
152 Arianna Montejano SO St. Joseph-L SS 3 21:26 6:54
153 Holly McKay SR Santa Margarita SS 3 21:28 6:55
154 Denise Leon SR Porterville CS 3 21:29 6:55
155 Kaili Zink SO Washington Unio CS 3 21:32 6:56
156 Monica Plascenia SO Shafter CS 3 21:34 6:57
157 Rachel Throop FR Valley Center SDS 3 21:36 6:57
158 Trisha Cates FR Enterprise NS 3 21:37 6:58
159 Tanya Rosengren JR Alhambra NCS 3 21:42 6:59
160 Hunter Fairman SO St. Ignatius CCS 3 21:43 7:00
161 Kellie Stephens SR Alhambra NCS 3 21:43 7:00
162 Jaime Sconberg SR Oakmont SJS 3 21:45 7:00
163 Michelle Wilkinson SR Valley Center SDS 3 21:46 7:01
164 Elycia Zempel FR Enterprise NS 3 21:46 7:01
165 Sarah Becket-Hile SO St. Francis-S SJS 3 21:48 7:01
166 Lauren Senescall SR U. of San Diego SDS 3 21:49 7:02
167 Lorena Garcia JR Porterville CS 3 21:49 7:02
168 Zoe Tennant SO Rim Of The Worl SS 3 21:52 7:03
169 Sarah Santos JR University City SDS 3 21:54 7:03
170 Amy Murphy SR St. Ignatius CCS 3 21:58 7:05
171 Allyson Castro FR Palo Alto CCS 3 22:02 7:06
172 Vanessa Torres SO Shafter CS 3 22:02 7:06
173 Grace Kirschner JR San Luis Obispo SS 3 22:03 7:06
174 Kate Roessler FR St. Ignatius CCS 3 22:03 7:06
175 Jessica Brown JR Palo Alto CCS 3 22:04 7:07
176 Julie Kentosh SR Nordhoff SS 3 22:06 7:07
177 Holly Smith SR Northgate NCS 3 22:10 7:08
178 Sarah Davis SO San Luis Obispo SS 3 22:14 7:10
179 Heather Richels JR Palo Alto CCS 3 22:15 7:10
180 Joann Fasolino SR Enterprise NS 3 22:18 7:11
181 Maria Deyoreo SO Northgate NCS 3 22:36 7:17
182 Lauren Ramos SR U. of San Diego SDS 3 22:56 7:23
183 Arie Rederburg JR Enterprise NS 3 23:03 7:25
184 Rachel Williams SO San Lorenzo Val CCS 3 23:08 7:27
185 Tiffany Stevens JR Shafter CS 3 23:15 7:29
186 Debbie Delgado JR Porterville CS 3 23:19 7:31
187 Ashley Borman SO Alhambra NCS 3 23:20 7:31
188 Megan O'Toole JR U. of San Diego SDS 3 23:40 7:38
189 Kelly Antista JR San Luis Obispo SS 3 23:45 7:39
190 Amber Kornowski JR Enterprise NS 3 24:30 7:54
191 Valerie Peterson FR Phillip & Sala SFS 3 24:32 7:54
192 Andrea Razo JR Porterville CS 3 24:59 8:03
193 Blanca Mejia FR Porterville CS 3 27:38 8:54
194 Susan Cemo FR Porterville CS 3 31:28 10:08
November 30, 2002 Woodward Park 5K Course, Fresno CA Weather:60'S Overcast
Division 3 Girls Team Scores
1. 78 St. Francis-S ( 19:10 1:35:47)
1 6 Cristina Sanchez 18:50
2 14 Sarah Krtil 19:08
3 17 Megan Alexander 19:14
4 18 Mairin Meltveldt 19:16
5 23 Katie Hartman 19:22
6 ( 75) Maggie Toole 20:20
7 (133) Sarah Becket-Hile 21:48
2. 96 Campolindo ( 19:17 1:36:25)
1 10 Vera Ross 19:06
2 12 Jillian Ochs 19:07
3 16 April Dyer 19:13
4 28 Katina Hubbard 19:30
5 30 Bernadette Casabonne 19:32
6 ( 85) Mimi Yuhas 20:30
7 ( 98) Kelly Coulter 20:51
3. 192 Placer ( 19:34 1:37:50)
1 2 Kim Couch 18:27
2 8 Andrea Gruber 18:58
3 55 Katie Vaughn 20:03
4 62 Amanda Gillming 20:11
5 65 Christina Buck 20:14
6 (113) Keri Buck 21:16
7 (114) Eileen Howard 21:17
4. 201 St. Joseph-L ( 19:47 1:38:53)
1 29 Tracy Dantema 19:31
2 32 Kat Dawkins 19:34
3 38 Alexis Dawkins 19:49
4 48 Meera Gandhi 19:58
5 54 Suzy Portner 20:03
6 (120) Evelyn Vasquez 21:24
7 (121) Arianna Montejano 21:26
5. 205 University City ( 19:36 1:38:00)
1 3 Jessie Ooms 18:32
2 15 Rebecca Bostwick 19:10
3 31 Brooke Anderson 19:34
4 77 Brooke Baquial 20:22
5 79 Lauren Jerd 20:24
6 (119) Alison Landholt 21:23
7 (137) Sarah Santos 21:54
6. 206 Santa Margarita ( 19:47 1:38:51)
1 19 Kristen Howell 19:17
2 26 Taylor Carroll 19:27
3 41 Morgan Harris 19:51
4 53 Emily Kalmbach 20:02
5 67 Kate Hirschboeck 20:15
6 ( 83) Jen Hartford 20:28
7 (122) Holly McKay 21:28
7. 236 San Lorenzo Val. ( 19:52 1:39:19)
1 9 Raquel Barrientos 19:00
2 42 Stephanie Hamilton 19:52
3 47 Emily Romo 19:57
4 64 Marissa McReynolds 20:13
5 74 Lindsey Cooper 20:19
6 ( 90) Kelli Deane 20:36
7 (152) Rachel Williams 23:08
8. 242 La Canada ( 19:52 1:39:16)
1 13 Tara Sharma 19:07
2 21 Michelle Drugan 19:20
3 58 Kristyn Cosgrove 20:09
4 63 Jessica Moore 20:12
5 87 Katie Barry 20:31
6 ( 89) Stephanie Lee 20:33
7 ( 99) Amy Parker 20:55
9. 246 Valley Center ( 19:52 1:39:17)
1 11 Danae Hough 19:06
2 25 Trisha Allred 19:24
3 52 Rebecca Sale 20:02
4 72 Evelyn Robarts 20:17
5 86 Kelli Brown 20:30
6 (125) Rachel Throop 21:36
7 (131) Michelle Wilkinson 21:46
10. 269 Northgate ( 19:59 1:39:53)
1 22 Jenny Perham 19:20
2 34 Andrea Bocenegra 19:44
3 45 Megan Carper 19:54
4 80 Jacqui Trenkwalder 20:25
5 88 Kelly Cureton 20:32
6 (145) Holly Smith 22:10
7 (149) Maria Deyoreo 22:36
11. 299 Oakmont ( 20:07 1:40:36)
1 43 Michelle Born 19:53
2 46 Erica Tomlinson 19:55
3 50 Kaitlyn Wise 20:01
4 78 Kristy Page 20:23
5 82 Stephanie Sconberg 20:26
6 (108) Megan Riggs 21:09
7 (130) Jaime Sconberg 21:45
12. 302 Corona Del Mar ( 20:10 1:40:48)
1 39 Becky Cummins 19:50
2 51 Taryn Kawata 20:01
3 59 Anne St. Gemme 20:09
4 61 Ahlia Kattan 20:10
5 92 Melissa Swiggert 20:39
6 (101) Keelan Cuyler 21:00
7 (115) Jenny Logan 21:18
13. 302 Miramonte ( 20:08 1:40:39)
1 27 Jenn Saura 19:29
2 49 Diana Chernikova 20:00
3 60 Rebecca Yau 20:10
4 71 Becca Gibson 20:17
5 95 Rachel Miers 20:45
6 (106) Julia Pabst 21:06
7 (112) Kelsey Casey 21:15
14. 330 Rim Of The World ( 20:12 1:40:58)
1 20 Kim Miller 19:19
2 56 Nicole McKaskell 20:04
3 73 Sara Calderon 20:18
4 84 Kari Brandt 20:29
5 97 Andrea Brandt 20:50
6 (104) Kendall Bruton 21:03
7 (136) Zoe Tennant 21:52
15. 343 Nordhoff ( 20:17 1:41:25)
1 44 Alyssa Robinson 19:54
2 66 Lindsay Hewett 20:14
3 68 Kate Krumpschmidt 20:15
4 69 Alexa Pulley 20:16
5 96 Lauren Lansing 20:48
6 (100) Kalie Brown 21:00
7 (144) Julie Kentosh 22:06
16. 375 San Luis Obispo ( 20:26 1:42:06)
1 4 Jenna Kingma 18:43
2 7 Rachel Valliere 18:57
3 105 Nora Perry 21:04
4 118 Cheyenne Brown 21:21
5 141 Grace Kirschner 22:03
6 (146) Sarah Davis 22:14
7 (157) Kelly Antista 23:45
17. 399 U. of San Diego ( 20:34 1:42:49)
1 5 Molly O'Toole 18:47
2 37 Shayne McCoy 19:49
3 107 Morgan Feori 21:08
4 116 Dominique Davis 21:19
5 134 Lauren Senescall 21:49
6 (150) Lauren Ramos 22:56
7 (156) Megan O'Toole 23:40
18. 400 St. Ignatius ( 20:23 1:41:54)
1 1 Ciara Viehweg 18:09
2 76 Zoe Unruh 20:20
3 93 Meghan Mullen 20:43
4 102 Alice Hobbs 21:01
5 128 Hunter Fairman 21:43
6 (138) Amy Murphy 21:58
7 (142) Kate Roessler 22:03
19. 421 Palo Alto ( 20:40 1:43:20)
1 40 Danielle Miller 19:51
2 57 Naomi Horiuchi 20:08
3 91 Amy Rogg 20:37
4 94 Malin Elsen 20:44
5 139 Allyson Castro 22:02
6 (143) Jessica Brown 22:04
7 (147) Heather Richels 22:15
20. 428 Shafter ( 20:41 1:43:21)
1 36 Alyssa Lewis 19:47
2 70 Bridgette Stevens 20:16
3 81 Yesenia Esparza 20:25
4 117 Sanjuana Garcia 21:21
5 124 Monica Plascenia 21:34
6 (140) Vanessa Torres 22:02
7 (153) Tiffany Stevens 23:15
21. 463 Enterprise ( 20:57 1:44:44)
1 24 Janessa Hoppe 19:22
2 33 Carolyn Menard 19:43
3 126 Trisha Cates 21:37
4 132 Elycia Zempel 21:46
5 148 Joann Fasolino 22:18
6 (151) Arie Rederburg 23:03
7 (158) Amber Kornowski 24:30
22. 492 Alhambra ( 21:00 1:45:00)
1 35 Samantha Jones 19:45
2 109 Shannon Manuel 21:10
3 110 Lindsay Lightsey 21:11
4 111 Maria Zamora 21:13
5 127 Tanya Rosengren 21:42
6 (129) Kellie Stephens 21:43
7 (155) Ashley Borman 23:20
23. 674 Porterville ( 22:32 1:52:36)
1 103 Patty Torres 21:02
2 123 Denise Leon 21:29
3 135 Lorena Garcia 21:49
4 154 Debbie Delgado 23:19
5 159 Andrea Razo 24:59
6 (160) Blanca Mejia 27:38
7 (161) Susan Cemo 31:28
DyestatCal Results