At Intradero Park, Torrance - 11/07/02 (SS) - Bill Leung Photos
Damon Ferrera and Olga Aulet-Leon - Individual Champs

Boys Start

Girls Varsity Start

Peninsula Girls before the start
BOYS: TEAM-1. West Torrace, 39; 2. South
Torrance, 51; 3. Mira Costa, 60; 4. Peninsula,
69; 5. Torrance, 123.
IND.-1. Ferrara, ST,
16:35; 2. Hanakeawe, MC, 16:41; 3. Ursani,
WT, 16:53; 4. Yi, WT, 16:58; 5. Carroll, WT,
GIRLS: TEAM-1. Peninsula, 24; 2. Mira
Mosta, 67; 3. South Torrance, 73; 4. West Tor-
rance, 80; 5. Torrance, 124.
IND.-1. Aulet- Leon, P, 19:10; 2. Farish, ST, 19:32; 3. Morreale, P,
19:46; 4. Downey, P, 19:49; 5. Kielty,
WT, 19:54.
DyestatCal Results