"A Halloween Scare!"
Top-ranked Chadwick girls, second-ranked
Flintridge Prep boys win closer-than-expected
Prep League Finals affair Thursday at Mt. SAC - 10/31/02 - Rich Gonzalez

WINNING FORMULA: 1+7 = 11 ---- Flintridge Prep boys coach Ingrid Herskind
and her latest collection of the "Rebel 7" pose above after
clinching the school's
eleventh consecutive Prep League crown. Second-ranked Flintridge Prep
out a 32-34 victory over a vastly improved Chadwick squad for the crown.

TITLE CHASE IS TAKING SHAPE: --- Things changed in a hurry... One minute,
Flintridge Prep is in command... Then Chadwick makes a move... and finally
(above) Chadwick (in light blue) slams down the accelerator to pull away
Flintridge Prep (dark blue) on the final airstrip, sealing the victory!
WALNUT -- The rules of superstition and the laws of physiology were put
to the test at the
Prep League Finals at Mt. San Antonio College on Thursday afternoon, with
Chadwick School's
girls team and Flintridge Prep's boys team proving that success never
comes easy.
Chadwick needed to rally over the final mile to erase an eight-point
mid-race deficit in earning
its fifth consecutive Prep League crown with a 32-47 victory over Flintridge
Prep on the girls' side
in a battle of the two top-ranked teams in this week's CIF-Southern Section
Division V poll.
The outcome was cemented when a trio of Dolphin runners pulled away from
their Rebel counterparts
along the final quarter mile of the hilly 2.92-mile layout. Pasadena Poly
standout Elizabeth
Dooley pressed the pace early to handily win in 19 minutes, 12 seconds,
Chadwick and Flintridge
Prep combined to snag 10 of the next 13 finish positions.
Unofficial quick scores by one media member in attendance had Flintridge
Prep staked to the
lead at the mile mark and at 1.6 miles, but the eventual outcome took
shape as runners traversed
Reservoir Hill. It was along this final incline that the Dolphins were
at their finest, picking off one
rival at a time to move into winning position while descending the course's
final hill. Chadwick's
scorers then pulled away along the airstrip and final straightaway, sealing
a somewhat misleading
final scoring margin. The first rematch should come in two weeks when
the teams return here for
the section championships.
"That was real close. Too close," said Dolphins coach George
Ramos of the team's fifth consecutive
league triumph. "You know, I've always planned on adding up how many
league wins in a row we have, so when the streak is broken, I can go to
(the coach and snapping the streak) and congratulate him. Every time at
league, I forget to get around to adding them up... and we keep winning.
This time, I almost got around to adding them up, then I remembered how
it's worked out so far. So I made sure
not to add them up."
Call it superstition.
The boys contest was equally suspenseful, with heavily favored Flintridge
Prep running a team time
more than 90 seconds slower on this day than it did at the Mt. SAC Invitational
along this same layout
just five days ago. That opened the door for Chadwick, which blazed to
its best showing of the season, a 99-second team-time improvement from
the previous weekend. The key for the victorious Rebels proved to be depth,
as the team's final scorer and two non-scorers (11th, 12th and 13th) placed
just ahead of Chadwick's final scorer (14th). Flintridge Prep's fairly
experienced cast was led by sophomore sensation Tom McLean, who won in
16:25. Freshman teammate Tom Adams was second for the Rebels and fifth
overall in 16:55, dipping under 17 minutes on the fathomed course for
the first time. Chadwick placed four runners among the first eight finishers
to hold a one-point egde (20-21) through four scoring places.
"Definitely much closer than we wanted," said Flintridge Prep
coach Ingrid Herskind of the school's
eleventh straight league crown. "We've got a lot of work to do if
we are going to challenge (top-ranked) Woodcrest Christian (at CIF and
Although Herskind witnessed a somewhat lackluster showing by her runners
when compared to their
performances last weekend, it was not totally unexpected. The successful
veteran coach admitted
she has altered her team's training approach somewhat this fall, with
the physiological demands
of more periodic lactate threshold runs replacing the tempo-run-and-surge
approach of recent seasons. She's hoping the physiological race simulations
will make eventually make a difference, even if it means running with
"tired legs" in the meantime.
"It's not easy for them (to endure such training rigors), but I
think in the end it'll pay off," added Herskind. "Right now,
they're not liking me so much."
McLean admits the trainnig has not been easy, but emphasizes the team
knows good things lie ahead.
"We know we're stronger and in better shape than last year, and
that's what it's going to take (at CIF)," said the sophomore. "We
know how good Woodcrest Christian is, but we're working hard and we're
gunning for them. If they beat us, they beat us. But we're doing what
we need to and seeing what happens from there."
Chadwick, Flintridge Prep and Pasadena Poly automatically advanced to
the section prelims, with fourth-place Vivian Webb School also faring
well in likely maintaining its CIF-SS ranking for at least another week.
At this point, an at-large berth to prelims for this fourth-place team
appears to be in order.
On the boys' side, only four teams compete in the league so only two
berths are automatically granted and those were earned by the aforementioned
Flintridge Prep and Poly squads. Webb's showing appears to be enough to
vault the team into the #10 spot for the time being, with the next rankings
due out on Monday.
Boys Team Results:
1. Flintridge Prep: 1-5-6-9-11 = 32 (85:10) Ranked #2 in CIF-SS D5
2. Chadwick: 2-3-7-8-14 = 34 (85:39) Ranked #5 in CIF-SS D5
3. Webb: 4-10-16-21-22 = 73 (90:09) Seeded #12 in CIF-SS D5
4. Pasadena Poly: 18-19-20-23-26 = 106 (96:09)
Individual results to come!
Girls Team Results:
1. Chadwick: 2-3-6-8-13 = 32 (103:49) Ranked #1 in CIF-SS D5
2. Flintridge Prep: 4-7-10-12-14 = 47 (105:54) Ranked #2 in CIF-SS D5
3. Pasadena Poly: 1-5-9-19-27 = 61 (106:11) Ranked #9 in CIF-SS D5
4. Vivian Webb: 11-17-18-21-22 = 89 (109:19) Ranked #10 in CIF-SS D5
5. Westridge: 15-24-25-28-29 = 121 (113:18) Seeded #12 in CIF-SS D5
Held at Mt. SAC on October 31st starting at 2:40pm
Weather: cool and slightly cloudy
Host: Chadwick
Starter: Ed Austin
Girls Varsity
1 Dooley Poly 19:12
2 Brown Chadwick 19:55
3 Colich Chadwick 20:20
4 Gonzalez Flintridge 20:54
5 Holman Poly 20:57
6 Robles Chadwick 21:07
7 Peterson Flintridge 21:09
8 Noble Chadwick 21:10
9 Wilder Poly 21:12
10 Bovard Flintridge 21:13
11 Dickson VWS 21:14
12 Quan Flintridge 21:15
13 Larsen Chadwick 21:17
14 Vaughan Flintridge 21:23
15 David Westridge 21:23
16 Ting Flintridge 21:36
17 Choi VWS 21:39
18 Barbee VWS 21:49
19 Magsarili Poly 21:55
20 Appa Chadwick 22:06
21 B. Smith VWS 22:18
22 Oakley VWS 22:19
23 Banks VWS 22:21
24 Campbell Westridge 22:25
25 Eisenberg Westridge 22:36
26 Kirchheimer Flintridge 22:48
27 Walsh Poly 22:55
28 Farley Westridge 23:24
29 Gierowitz Westridge 23:30
30 Levin Poly 23:31
31 Henry Chadwick 23:39
32 Green Westridge 23:49
33 E. Smith VWS 23:54
34 Koehler Poly 24:00
35 M.E. Smith Westridge 24:25
36 Mikula Mayfield 26:44
37 Soto Mayfield 26:45
38 Keedy Mayfield 27:46
39 Calderon Mayfield 28:11
40 Norton Mayfield 28:59
41 LeBon Mayfield 30:37
Team Scores and Record:
Chadwick 32 (10-0)
Flintridge Prep 47 (8-2)
Poly 61 (6-4)
Vivian Webb 89 (4-6)
Westridge 121 (2-8)
Mayfield 190 (0-10)
Chadwick finished undefeated in league for the fifth year in a row!
Boys Varsity
1 McClean Flintridge 16:25
2 Bartlett Chadwick 16:38
3 Yoshida Chadwick 16:39
4 G. Burris Webb 16:40
5 T. Adams Flintridge 16:55
6 Horwitz Flintridge 17:04
7 Watson Chadwick 17:11
8 Cohen Chadwick 17:13
9 Tartaglio Flintridge 17:17
10 M. Burris Webb 17:19
11 Gadd Flintridge 17:29
12 Zoell Flintridge 17:41
13 Miller Flintridge 17:43
14 Takeuchi Chadwick 17:58
15 Tecle Chadwick 17:59
16 B. Adams Webb 18:05
17 Feygin Chadwick 18:39
18 Esensten Poly 18:41
19 Dizon Poly 18:44
20 Chuck Poly 18:57
21 Simmon Webb 19:00
22 Martinez Webb 19:05
23 Wear Poly 19:13
24 Pettus Webb 19:27
25 Yeh Webb 19:45
26 Chandrasoma Poly 20:34
27 McCurry Poly 20:56
28 Diephuis Poly 21:33
Team Scores and Records:
Flintridge Prep 32 (6-0)
Chadwick 34 (4-2)
Webb 73 (2-4)
Poly 106 (0-6)
Flintridge Prep wins the league for the eleventh year in a row!
Girls Junior-Varsity
1 Ohta Chadwick 22:43
2 Yandell Flintridge 23:01 (time should be faster; I hit the button significantly
too late)
3 Arora Chadwick 23:04
4 Seaver Poly 23:08
5 Follett Flintridge 23:12
6 Miller Poly 23:21
7 Morganthaler Poly 23:28
8 Turner Poly 23:32
9 Klopfer Chadwick 23:41
10 Parker Flintridge 23:56
11 Ruch Flintridge 24:03
12 Butler Flintridge 24:04
13 Woods Poly 24:05
14 Horton Poly 24:07
15 Fuentes VWS 24:16
16 Li Flintridge 24:18
17 Lewis VWS 24:20
18 Vaynberg Chadwick 24:27
19 Austin Chadwick 24:30
20 Baron VWS 24:49
21 Sikora Flintridge 24:51
22 Banskota Flintridge 24:51
23 Lee Westridge 24:52
24 Schuster Westridge 24:55
25 Ellingsen Poly 25:17
26 Charoonratana VWS 25:22
27 Allcroft Flintridge 25:25
28 Garza Poly 25:26
29 Geffner-Mihlsten Chadwick 25:32
30 Henriques Flintridge 25:35
31 Hardt Flintridge 25:41
32 Smith Flintridge 25:42
33 Bennett Poly 25:44
34 Vermeul-Taback Flintridge 25:49
35 Birnie Flintridge 25:50
36 Lai Mayfield 25:55
37 Tamaoki Flintridge 26:15
38 Lutfeali VWS 26:21
39 Djanbatian Flintridge 26:41
40 Ruffman Flintridge 26:43
41 Muller Westridge 26:47
42 Link Chadwick 26:52
43 Landin Westridge 27:29
44 Sullivan Flintridge 27:30
45 Kang Flintridge 28:28
46 A. Whitehead Flintridge 28:29
47 Lam VWS 28:31
48 Cho Flintridge 29:04
49 Chung Flintridge 29:11
50 Rogers Flintridge 29:15
51 Lucey Westridge 29:21
52 Dawson Chadwick 29:54
53 Tijerina Flintridge 30:09
54 B. Whitehead Flintridge 30:54
Team Scores and Records:
Poly 38 (8-2)
Flintridge Prep 40 (8-2)
Chadwick 50 (8-2)
Vivian Webb 105 (4-6)
Westridge 138 (0-10)
Mayfield no score (0-10)
Poly goes from third in the regular season to champions!
Boys Junior-Varsity
Somewhere in between #2 and #22 I did not push the button to get a time;
at the time I thought that the person I missed was between #36 and #38.
Places for #3-#38 should be one time faster (except for the mystery lad
who I missed). Times for #39 on should be accurate. Can any of you sharp
eyed coaches shed some light?
1 Bascom Flintridge 17:42
2 Rogers Flintridge 18:00
3 Kim Flintridge 18:02
4 Aghajani Flintridge 18:03
5 Vaughan Flintridge 18:22
6 Shive Chadwick 18:29
7 Russell Flintridge 18:39
8 McCluggage Flintridge 18:42
9 Ryan Chadwick 18:53
10 Link Chadwick 18:57
11 Costner Flintridge 18:58
12 Kipling Flintridge 19:09
13 Gilbert Poly 19:12
14 Mehdi Flintridge 19:16
15 Weitekamp Flintridge 19:19
16 J. Taylor Webb 19:20
17 Inadomi Chadwick 19:21
18 Wu Poly 19:28
19 Sabater Webb 19:30
20 R. Taylor Chadwick 19:31
21 Fishman Flintridge 19:45
22 Shieh Chadwick 19:57 (I know this guy had 19:45 because I registered
such excitement)
23 Hilson Flintridge 19:59
24 Linick Flintridge 20:00
25 Wang Webb 20:04
26 Rothman Chadwick 20:04
27 DePauw Chadwick 20:09
28 Kirchheimer Flintridge 20:12
29 Parker Flintridge 20:21
30 Chapple Chadwick 20:26
31 Fox Chadwick 20:30
32 Tosetti Poly 20:37
33 Collins Webb 20:42
34 Chan Poly 20:44
35 Fujii Chadwick 20:45
36 Berler Chadwick 20:46
37 Stein Flintridge 20:49
38 Renfro Flintridge 20:50 (a time we completely made up; move previous
times back one place)
39 S. Jackson Chadwick 20:51 (times from here on should be accurate)
40 Tye Webb 21:02
41 Habos Webb 21:10
42 Hansel Webb 21:15
43 Hankins Chadwick 21:21
44 Sun Webb 21:25
45 Vechik Webb 21:27
46 Guin Poly 21:31
47 Greenspan Chadwick 21:35
48 Hoe Webb 21:51
49 Yoo Webb 21:57
50 Byker Poly 22:07
51 Yeung Webb 22:10
52 Gardino Webb ? (my staff did not write a time; I know not why or how
it affects the rest ... sorry)
53 Myers Poly 22:12
54 Rutgers Chadwick 22:26
55 R. Jackson Chadwick 22:33
56 Child Poly 22:39
57 Hawkins Flintridge 22:44
58 Valera Webb 23:01
59 Yang Webb 23:18
60 Sheth Webb 23:21
61 Robles Poly 23:28
62 Patel Webb 23:29
63 Chan Poly 24:10
64 Scua Poly 24:29
65 Sloan Webb 24:32
66 Bay Webb 25:18
67 Lin Chadwick 25:25
68 Walia Webb 25:49
69 Bleick Webb(?) 29:00
70 Mufti Chadwick 46:26
Team Scores and Records:
Flintridge Prep 15 (6-0)
Chadwick 54 (4-2)
Webb 89 (1-5)
Poly 96 (1-5)
DyestatCal Results