10/17/02 - Southern
Section - Sunbelt League Second Meet
The meet was hosted by Perris High School. Perris’ course is extremely
challenging with two long hills and two steep climbs. At least but the
weather was cool!
Boys Varsity
Perris 25, Hemet 30, West Valley 80, Paloma Valley 119, Elsinore 130
1. Malcolm Corona 16:34, 2. Sergio Vazquez 16:41, 3. Joshua Mejia 16:54,
4. Nic Colbrun 17:01, Van Nielson 17:04, Franklin Coopersmith 1714, Jeff
Slavik 17:15, Bahrum M. 17:23, Miguel Romero 17:31, Robert Carlson 17:40.
Girls Varsity
Hemet 39, West Valley 50, Paloma Valley 61, Perris 91, Elisinore 101
1. Elizabeth Burio 21:11, 2. Andrea Calderon 21:17, 3. Teresa Frickel
21:19, 4.Damara Cuevas 21:43, 5.Morgan Sigard 21:52, 6.Mary Vivanco 22:27,
7. Erin Brosteinere 22:31, 8. Maddy Rumerick 22:40, 9. Paige Doty 22:59,
10. Jenny Slepski 23:04.
DyestatCal Results