Cross Country Results
Pioneer Valley League Meet #2 - 10/16/02 - Bear River HS
Attached in EXCEL Document are the Pioneer Valley League Meet #2 Cross
Country Results, held at Bear River High School Wednesday afternoon
With six of their top seven runners improving their times from last
Saturday's Bear Invitational, the Bruin Varsity Boys won the second of
Pioneer Valley league meets. The Boys squad scored 36 points on their
course to beat Oakmont (43 points), Colfax (44), and Mesa Verde (107).
The Bruin's Shawn Lawrence led the entire race unchallenged, winning
3-mile race in 16:57, nearly a minute ahead of Oakmont's Jason Prado.
Colfax's Miles McCammon and Bear River's Joe Rohm fought the first of
several aggressive duals to the finish line. McCammon took the 3rd spot
Rohm the fourth spot in 18:02 and 18:06 respectively.
Less than 30 seconds later, Zeke Giammona (Bear River) edged out Matthew
Wollenberg (Colfax) - the two garnering the 7th and 8th spots in times
8:44 and 18:48. The intense competition continued as competitors made
final turn, with Russell Mooney (Colfax) placing 9th in 18:52; and Pat
(Bear River) running 11th in 18:55 to split Oakmont brothers Mike &
Zimmer who finished 10th and 12th at 18:54 and 18:56.
Aaron Raynsford (13th in 19:06), Jon Zisko (15th in 19:26), and Chris
(16th in 19:32) completed Bear River's top-seven scoring squad, all
bettering personal marks on their home turf.
Bear River's Nellie Giammona ran a personal best time on her home course,
finishing 2nd in 21:22 behind Oakmont's Erica Tomlinson, clocking 20:44.
Lady Bruin Michelle Wheeler took 9th in 24:26. The lady Bruin team took
fourth with 66 points, behind Oakmont (31) Colfax (56), and Lincoln (57).
Megan Wollenberg placed 8th for Colfax in 23:48, followed by Falcon
teammates Katie McBain (10th in 24:43) Sara Fine (11th), Brieann Blair
(12th), and Kelley Colditz (17th).
"Between our boys and girls teams we had eleven personal best marks
on our
team today," stated Bruin Coach Nick Vogt, who also mentioned Nathon
Youngman, finishing 17th, Matt Waechter (22nd), and Ray Giammona (26th)
the boys race and April Saltenberger(18th), Katie Tyrell (21st), and Katie
Redmond (22nd) in the Girls Varsity Race.
The next competition for Bear River will be the Placer Invitational on
Friday, October 25 at Sierra College, with the first high school race
beginning at 2:45 pm.
Pioneer Valley League Cross Country Meet #2
Bear River High School, Grass Valley, CA - 10/16/2002
Boys Varsity Race - 3.0 Miles
Team Results
Pl. School Points
1 Bear River 36
2 Oakmont 43
3 Colfax 44
4 Mesa Verde 107
PLACE Name School Score Time Yr
1 Shawn Lawrence Bear River 1 16:57 Sn
2 Jason Prado Oakmont 2 17:47
3 Miles McCammon Colfax 3 18:02 Jn
4 Joe Rohm Bear River 4 18:06 So
5 Zack Connaughton Oakmont 5 18:20
6 Max Stockton Colfax 6 18:29 Sn
7 Zeke Giammona Bear River 7 18:44 Jn
8 Matthew Wollenberg Colfax 8 18:48 Fr
9 Russell Mooney Colfax 9 18:52 Fr
10 Michael Zimmer Oakmont 10 18:54
11 Pat Lohse Bear River 11 18:55 Sn
12 Brian Zimmer Oakmont 12 18:56
13 Aaron Raynsford Bear River 13 19:06 So
14 Jason Lakey Oakmont 14 19:09
15 Jonathan Zisko Bear River 15 19:26 Sn
16 Chris Hansen Bear River 16 19:32 Fr
17 Nathan Youngman Bear River X 20:10 Sn
18 Greg Nishimura Mira Loma X 20:12 Jn
19 Kyle Kelly Mesa Verde 17 20:30
20 Russell Phetteplace Colfax 18 20:36
21 Ross Lee Colfax 19 20:46 So
22 Matthew Waechter Bear River X 20:50 So
23 James Bolton Lincoln X 21:12 Fr
24 Dominic Parisi Colfax 20 21:19 So
25 Patrick Barroga Lincoln X 21:36
26 Ray Giammona Bear River X 21:48 Sn
27 Patrick Otte Colfax X 21:54
28 Scott Seims Colfax X 22:20 Jn
29 Eric Selter Lincoln X 22:23
30 James Mossro Mesa Verde 21 23:01
31 Joey Coleman Mesa Verde 22 23:27
32 David Wing Colfax X 23:30 Jn
33 Jose Moran Mesa Verde 23 23:38
34 Glen Wheeler Bear River X 23:59 Fr
35 Dustin Nicholson Mesa Verde 24 24:56
36 Daniel Bietz Lincoln X 29:00 So
Pioneer Valley League Cross Country Meet #2
Bear River High School, Grass Valley, CA - 10/16/2002
Girls Varsity Race - 3.0 Miles
Team Results
Pl. School Points
1 Oakmont 31
2 Colfax 56
3 Lincoln 57
4 Bear River 66
PLACE Name School Score Time Yr
1 Erica Tomilinson Oakmont 1 20:44
2 Nellie Giammona Bear River 2 21:22 Jn
3 Stephanie Sconberg Oakmont 3 22:00
4 Kaitlyn Wise Oakmont 4 22:04
5 Lindsay Dorman Lincoln 5 22:11 So
6 Kristy Page Oakmont 6 22:31
7 Betty Marquez Lincoln 7 23:13 Sn
8 Megan Wollenberg Colfax 8 23:48 Jn
9 Michelle Wheeler Bear River 9 24:26 Jn
10 Katie McBain Colfax 10 24:43 Sn
11 Sarah Fine Colfax 11 24:58 Jn
12 Brieann Blair Colfax 12 25:00 Jn
13 Jennifer Murphy Lincoln 13 25:11
14 Jamila Khan Mira Loma X 25:18 Jn
15 Whitney Starks Lincoln 14 25:54 Jn
16 Ourhay Shamoon Mira Loma X 26:12 Jn
17 Kelley Colditz Colfax 15 26:19 Jn
18 April Saltenberger Bear River 16 27:02 Jn
19 Dena Elwan Oakmont 17 27:29
20 Amy LaVergne Lincoln 18 27:51 Jn
21 Katie Tyrrell Bear River 19 27:52 Jn
22 Katie Redmond Bear River 20 28:19 So
23 Kat Stockbridge Colfax 21 28:21 Jn
24 Caitlin Croall Lincoln 22 28:58 Sn
25 Tracie Prowitz Mesa Verde X 29:29
26 Amanda Hahn Mesa Verde X 29:32
27 Sandy Kim Mira Loma X 30:23 Jn
28 Kelly Davis Lincoln 23 32:22 So
29 Ashlyn Downum Colfax 24 32:29 Jn
Pioneer Valley League Cross Country Meet #2
Bear River High School, Grass Valley, CA - 10/16/2002
Boys Frosh/Soph Race - 2.0 Miles
Team Results
Pl. School Points
1 Oakmont 24
2 Colfax 31
PLACE Name School Score Time Yr
1 Alec Reynolds Colfax 1 13:15 Fr
2 Alex Carter Mira Loma X 13:23 So
3 Chris Scruggs Mira Loma X 13:28 So
4 Joe Hermosillo Oakmont 2 13:36
5 Tim Brauer Oakmont 3 13:55
6 Brandon Giles Colfax 4 13:56 Fr
7 Dan Reffel Oakmont 5 14:00
8 David Brauer Oakmont 6 14:04
9 Jerrad Swaney Colfax 7 14:06 Fr
10 Chon Wimuser Oakmont 8 15:22
11 Phillip Wood Colfax 9 18:01 Fr
12 Chris Bingley Colfax 10 18:03 Fr
13 Marcos Salazar Lincoln X 18:47 Fr
14 John Sanchez Mesa Verde X 18:53
15 Joe Santos Mesa Verde X 20:25
16 Jonathan Mcguire Mesa Verde X 20:26
Pioneer Valley League Cross Country Meet #2
Bear River High School, Grass Valley, CA - 10/16/2002
Girls Frosh/Soph Race - 2.0 Miles
Team Results
Pl. School Points
1 Oakmont 20
2 Mira Loma 38
3 Colfax 62
PLACE Name School Score Time Yr
1 Erin Platter Mira Loma 1 14:02 Fr
2 Megan Riggs Oakmont 2 14:10
3 Jennifer Beck Oakmont 3 14:54
4 Jessica Westphal Oakmont 4 15:32
5 Brittany Peterson Oakmont 5 15:47
6 Daniella Chapman Oakmont 6 15:53
7 Stephanie Felman Mira Loma 7 16:03 Fr
8 Heather Morchonic Mira Loma 8 16:14 Fr
9 Amira Elmallah Mira Loma 9 16:15 Fr
10 Brianna Yougulez Colfax 10 16:16 So
11 Stacy Brittner Colfax 11 17:18 Fr
12 Janelle Webb Colfax 12 17:22 Fr
13 Elizabeth Mardar Mira Loma 13 17:42 Fr
14 Natalie Choate Colfax 14 18:10 So
15 LeeAnn Baecker Colfax 15 19:00 So
DyestatCal Results