Desert Valley League
Meet #2 (SS) - 10/16/02 - Doug Soles - Cathedral City
The DVL's second meet was an exciting one! Coachella Valley's girls showed
that they are for real, and were able to almost certainly lock up the
district title. Pack running, and a strong work ethic have made CV the
team to beat in the Desert Valley League. Individually, Leilani Rodriguez
(Indio) looked great, and was followed closely by Janie Gibbs of Palm
On the boys side their was little surprise in Indio's dominating win.
Joel Cota led Indio to an easy first place finish, followed by a strong
Cathedral City team, and a hard running CV team. David Cifuentes of Cathedral
City moved into second on his home course, and Desert Hot Springs Junior
Nelson Maravilla showed he can run with the best in the DVL with a strong
3rd place finish. The DVL's last meet is at La Quinta High School on Nov.
Boys Varsity
Place Last Name First Name School Time
1 Cota Joel Indio 15:52
2 Cifuentes David CC 16:09
3 Maravilla Nelson DHS 16:11
4 Mulgrew Jad CC 16:16
5 Murillo Juan Indio 16:18
6 Mancillas Jose Indio 16:25:2
7 Ochoa David Indio 16:25:6
8 Perezchica Andy CC 16:35
9 Mora Pedro Indio 16:56:3
10 Rodriguez Martin CV 16:56:6
11 Lara Greg PD 17:04
12 Nanyo Segura Indio 17:12
13 Ventura Carlos CV 17:25
14 Avila Sammy Indio 17:26
15 Serrano Miguel CV 17:26:3
16 Deakins Austin CC 17:41
17 Turner Kyle PD 17:50
18 Reyes Alex PD 17:53
19 Cea Noe CV 17:58:0
20 Pinon Juan CV 17:58:8
21 Pena Maurico DHS 18:06
22 Navarro Jose DHS 18:14
23 DelaTorre Matt CC 18:43
24 Hawkins Jimmy PD 18:44
25 Ibarra Ruben DHS 18:45
26 Herrera Eddie LQ 18:48
27 Nottberg Adam PD 18:54
28 Hickok William DHS 18:55
29 Vasquez Adan PD 19:00
30 Peeters Andrew CC 19:02
31 Recendiz Frank CV 19:04
32 Vargas Carlos LQ 19:09
33 Baker Robert PS 19:19
34 Alcaraz Jonathan PS 19:28
35 Magin Joe CC 19:29
36 Kellerman Scott PD 19:34
37 Alvarez Jon CV 19:57
38 Day Brian PS 20:36
39 Ochoa Jorge DHS 20:39
40 Hernandez Justin DHS 20:44
41 Garner Adam PS 22:42
42 Avery Michael PS 22:45
43 Pasch Aaron LQ 23:43
44 Lozano Phillip LQ 23:58
45 Herrera Ricardo LQ 24:31
46 Yrigoyen David LQ 24:35
47 Filmore Ryan LQ 26:31
Boys Varsity
1st Indio 28
2nd CC 53
3rd CV 77
4th PD 97
5th DHS 99
6th PS 188
7th LQ 190
Girls Varsity
Place Last Name First Name School Time
1 Rodriquez Leilana Indio 19:29
2 Gibbs Janie PD 19:38
3 Pinon Francis CV 19:55
4 Cubero Carmen PD 20:08
5 Schafer Jen CC 20:44
6 Ceja Marina LQ 21:00
7 Saavedra Vanessa Indio 21:11
8 Aguirre Kim Indio 21:13
9 Lopez Lizeth CV 21:18
10 Villa Ana CC 21:29
11 Serrano Maricela CV 21:31
12 Espino Elvira DHS 21:44
13 Pinon Evelyn CV 22:00
14 Fernandez Nancy CV 22:14
15 Zarate Daniella DHS 22:16
16 Pena Veronica DHS 22:22
17 Williams Amanda PS 22:26
18 Parra Flor CV 22:28
19 Granger Paige PS 22:36
20 Hernandez Stephanie DHS 22:52
21 Campos Rosa Indio 22:58
22 Cortez Sasha CC 22:59
23 Martinez Maricela CV 23:03
24 Luna Veronica Indio 23:18
25 Iniguez Rosa Indio 23:26
26 Williams Shavanda CC 23:32
27 Adams Alexandria CC 23:35
28 Albistegui Nancy Indio 23:36
29 Blanchette Amber PS 23:42
30 Hicks Elena PD 24:08
31 Stowells Ashley PD 24:12
32 Muse Britini LQ 24:14:3
33 Jones Courtney LQ 24:14:7
34 Garza Valerie CC 24:15
35 Magdaleno Susan DHS 24:20
36 Martin Nicole PD 24:26
37 Hernandez Jessica DHS 24:47
38 Mojica Lorena CC 24:51
39 Vega Linda LQ 25:43
40 Hauke Andrea PD 26:16
41 Bauldry Marie PD 26:28
42 Jarett Gillian LQ 26:36
43 McCartney Amber DHS 27:21
44 Reyes Tammy LQ 27:46
Girls Varsity
1st CV 50
2nd I 61
3rd CC 90
4th DHS 98
5th PD 103
6th LQ 152
Boys JV
Place Last Name First Name School Time
1 Segura Heriberto Indio 17:28
2 Avdevez Adrian Indio 17:45
3 Ibarra Luis Indio 18:08
4 Gutter Robert PD 19:16
5 Gaona Robert CV 19:23
6 Yanez Julian CC 19:28
7 Garcia Javier CC 19:40
8 Sandoval Alvaro DHS 19:53
9 Sandoval Antelmo CV 20:00
10 Brashers Erik CC 20:11
11 Zamora Juan CV 20:18
12 Hernandez Joseph CV 20:28
13 Rubio Jose CV 20:47
14 Morotaya Roberto CC 20:57
15 Landez Robert DHS 21:04
16 Androde Alex CC 21:27
17 Rago Matt CC 21:35
18 Reyes Bryan DHS 21:37
19 Contreras Steve CV 22:36
20 Martin Andrew PD 22:37
21 Rivera Enrique CV 23:18
22 Rosas Ulysses CC 24:45
23 Manuel David LQ 25:36
24 Pulido Marco CC 25:53
25 Gonzalez Israel CV 28:22
26 Murillo Fernando Indio 31:21
Boys JV
1st CV 50
2nd CC 52
Girls JV
Place Last Name First Name School Time
1 Garcia Grecia DHS 23:09
2 Mendoza Yolanda Indio 23:46
3 Gray Stephanie DHS 24:14
4 Gastelum Elidia Indio 24:29
5 Rodriguez Maria Indio 24:50
6 Montavo Amanda Indio 24:54
7 Barragan Daisy DHS 25:17
8 Huerta Regina Indio 25:24
9 Garcia Guilda CV 25:26
10 Lopez Crystal Indio 25:43
11 Jones Keana Indio 26:18
12 Figueroa Hayde LQ 26:20
13 Solis Loreto CC 26:29
14 Brooker Christina LQ 26:32
15 Hoffman Sherri CC 26:40
16 Garcia Mayra Indio 27:00
17 Kerber Charlotte LQ 27:12
18 Hernandez Nidya CV 27:21
19 Ruiz Mylisa Indio 28:46
20 Young Ashley DHS 29:59
21 Henderson Amanda CC 30:18
22 Pena Rosario DHS 31:16
23 Kocis Brittany CC 32:16
24 Lopez Maggie Indio 33:04
25 Ramos Carla Indio 33:43
26 Moreno Marlene Indio 33:45
27 Lopez Zaira Indio 34:45
Girls JV
1st I 25
2nd DHS 106
DyestatCal Results