Condor League Meet #2 - Thacher School (Ojai) - 10/16/02 - - Karl Weis

Condor League Meet #2 10/16/02
at Thacher, 3 miles, hilly, asphalt, grass and dirt - Karl Weis

Condor League--

Bessie Hatch of Thacher won the girls race and set a new course record.


1. Hatch, Thacher 19:52
2. Carradine, Cate 21:43
3. Heckmann, C 22:02
4. Tuck, C 22:05
5. Hollister, C 23:24
6. Boyd, C 23:51
7. A. Ryu, C 23:57
8. J. Ryu, C 24:03
9. Sorrick, T 24:04
10. Harder, T 24:26
11. Swift, Dunn 24:40
12. Frietas, D 24:43
13. Eckert, Ojai Valley 25:02
14. Hutchins, Laguna Blanca 25:13
15. Kissel, T 26:40
16. Swan, T 26:40
17. Holmes, D 28:27
32 finishers

Cate 20, Thacher 43, Dunn no score, Ojai Valley School no score, Laguna Blanca no score


1. Parker, Thacher 18:55
2. Gierke, T 19:15
3. Valadez, T 19:20
4. Reynolds, Cate 19:23
5. Hash, C 19:30
6. Mougin, C 19:43
7. Thacher, Dunn 19:49
8. Pollett, T 19:53
9. Rooke, T 19:59
10. Luna, T 20:10
11. Shapero, C 20:15
12. Warren, LAguna Blanca, 20:20
13. Arkin, C 20:33
14. HAwkins, C 20:34
15. Strachan, T 20:36
48 finishers

Thacher 23, Cate 38, Dunn 85, Laguna Blanca 104, Ojai Valley no score, Happy Valley no

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Editor: Doug Speck
Publisher: John Dye

�2002 by DyeStat