Rancho Buena
Vista - Torrey Pines Boys Dual - 10/10/02 - 26-32 - Great Meet -
Great Photos!! - Two of San Diego's best hook up!!
Torrey Pines vs Rancho
buena Vista
Torrey (2) beats RBV
(1) 26 - 32
at TPHS home course:
San Dieguito Park (3.0 ) hilly - Brett Thorne and Mike Moore (Pictures)
Ryan Graddy - TP: 16:27
T roy McAdams - RBV: 16:34
Marco Augustine - RBV: 16:39
Tye Lidman - TP: 16:41
CJ Hersh - TP: 16:43
Artorio Mateo - RBV: 16:48
Mark Lonac - TP: 16:51
DJ Martin - TP: 16:53
RBV 9 and 12