Competing schools: Alisal, Atascadero, Arroyo Grande, Cabrillo, Mission
College Prep, Nipomo, Righetti, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara
On a cool, misty day at the Fairbanks Cross Country course, San Luis Obispo
hosted a low key meet with nine schools from 3 different sections. In
the Boys race Cabrillo’s (SS D3) speedy duo raced away from the
competition early with Duane Solomon earning his 3rd invitational win
in as many weeks followed by the frosh sensation Michale Coe. The Conquistadors
placed 4 in the top ten while no other schools had more than 3 in the
top twenty. In the Girls race, Santa Barbara’s Anne Kennedy placed
ahead of San Luis Obispo’s Jenna Kingma and Rachel Valliere. SLO’s
Tigers put 5 in the top 15 just ahead of Cabrillo with 5 in the top 20.
Meet was a fill-in when Righetti cancelled their Invitational - run at
the same site as the Cal Poly Invite, but without the big huge hill, but
a bit added to the course.
1. Solomon CAB 16:20
2. Coe CAB 16:46
3. George RIG 16:59
4. Behrmann SLO 17:09
5. Schuck AT 17:17
6. Ibana AL 17:22
7. Owen CAB 17:32
8. Serrano AG 17:42
9. Unrue CAB 17:47
10. Ernst SLO 17:54
11. Brown SB 17:55
12. Cates AT 17:57
13. Solis RIG 17:59
14. Fields MCP 18:08
15. Wagner AT 18:09
16. Cunningham AG 18:12
17. Brown SB 18:16
18. Cassillas SB 18:17
19. Broshears SLO 18:20
20. Hanawalt AG 18:21
21. Schliep AT 18:23
22. Weyrich AG 18:24
23. Fishback SB 18:28
24. Ferman CAB 18:34
25. Steinfelt RIG 18:36
26. Hacker CAB 18:40
27. Rae RIG 18:49
28. Zywicki CAB 18:50
29. Owen CAB 18:54
30. Farhar AT 18:56
31. Hutchinosn SLO 18:57
32. Pike CAB 19:00
33. Culhane SLO 19:12
34. Lpoez AL 19:17
35. Stevens CAB 19:18
36. Dale CAB 19:20
37. Mikowicz CAB 19:21
38. Brooks CAB 19:21
39. Garcia AL 19:22
40. Bewley AT 19:23
41. Kuhn AT 19:26
42. Wells NIP 19:35
43. Klein NIP 19:37
44. Martinez AT 19:37
45. Allen AT 19:45
46. Medvedoff RIG 19:49
47. Kendrick AT 19:54
48. Frietas AT 19:57
49. Cozby AG 19:58
50. Lopez AL 20:00
51. Shennum SB 20:05
52. Santana AL 20:05
53. Weipert MCP 20:17
54. Taylor SB 20:19
55. Youghquist AT 20:27
56. Ngindu RIG 20:28
57. Hull SLO 20:30
58. Trengove AT 20:32
59. Cobble CAB 20:35
60. Truxton AL 20:35
61. Estrada AL 20:38
62. Alhambra CAB 20:38
63. Aragon CAB 20:40
64. Turner CAB 20:47
65. Holub AG 20:50
66. Koberl AT 20:52
67. Juanez AL 20:55
68. Lear CAB 20:57
69. Hall CAB 20:57
70. Schuck SLO 20:59
71. Lauinger AT 21:03
72. Carnes AT 21:07
73. Mendoza SB 21:08
74. Coudray MCP 21:09
75. Culbertson SB 21:10
76. Shirakata NIP 21:11
77. Hsiao SLO 21:14
78. Rawlings AT 21:14
79. Ford AT 21:15
80. Ritchie SLO 21:17
81. Esquivel AL 21:18
82. Iniguez SLO 21:19
83. Rapley AT 21:20
84. Brown MCP 21:31
85. Thorne SLO 21:40
86. Escobar AL 21:43
87. Tapia AL 21:45
88. Garcia AL 21:51
89. Buenrostro SB 21:52
90. Tomes AL 21:52
91. Ramirez AL 21:54
92. Greenman AT 21:58
93. Tomes AL 21:58
94. Connors SLO 22:10
95. Coughlin MCP 22:12
96. Joralemon AG 22:14
97. Toribio AL 22:16
98. Schorer SLO 22:17
99. Thomas NIP 22:19
100. Parker SB 22:20
101. Bruner AG 22:28
102. Saldivar AL 22:34
103. Cerf SLO 22:35
104. Lownes AT 22:43
105. Martinez SLO 22:44
106. Figueroa CAB 22:56
107. Schuck AT 23:00
108. Castellanos CAB 23:03
109. Escalera CAB 23:05
110. Lorance AG 23:27
111. Cantrell SLO 23:39
112. Lewin SLO 23:44
113. Engle RIG 23:55
114. Cortez AL 24:19
115. Finnegan MCP 24:19
116. Iwasaki NIP 24:21
117. Wilson NIP 24:46
118. Hunt RIG 24:55
119. Cervantes AL 25:13
120. Roy MCP 25:59
121. Handler SB 26:40
122. Campagna NIP 26:43
123. Williams NIP 27:02
124. Orozco AL 27:21
125. Dominguez NIP 27:50
126. Pompe AT 27:51
127. Wilkes SB 28:11
128. Ford NIP 29:47
129. Yetter MCP 30:41
130. Rodriguez AL 33:17
131. Broderick CAB 35:28
1. Kennedy SB 20:05
2. Kingma SLO 20:15
3. Valliere SLO 20:17
4. Balden CAB 20:48
5. Manaloto CAB 21:16
6. Wells AG 21:19
7. Briones RIG 21:29
8. Brown SLO 21:45
9. Walker CAB 22:05
10. Johnson AT 22:08
11. Fileds MCP 22:22
12. TSE SB 22:24
13. Shelley AT 22:27
14. Davis SLO 22:28
15. Kirschner SLO 22:36
16. Lombardo SB 22:54
17. Casey SB 22:59
18. Meeder CAB 23:01
19. Harmon CAB 23:04
20. Hockey MCP 23:11
21. Norton MCP 23:16
22. Culbertson SB 23:17
23. DeSmith RIG 23:19
24. Hamilton CAB 23:29
25. Sanchez AL 23:30
26. Perez AL 23:31
27. Trejo AG 23:43
28. Prewett RIG 23:44
29. McKinney CAB 23:55
30. Knapp RIG 24:01
31. Ridolfi CAB 24:08
32. Carrillo CAB 24:18
33. Jackson RIG 24:19
34. Pomeroy SLO 24:20
35. Easton MCP 24:21
36. Ljung SLO 24:24
37. Fleenor AG 24:27
38. Hall CAB 24:27
39. Cervates RIG 24:28
40. Deenley CAB 24:29
41. Gracie RIG 24:45
42. Elias CAB 24:48
43. Drejet SB 24:54
44. Riforgiate MCP 24:55
45. Damico CAB 25:00
46. Antista SLO 25:03
47. Howard CAB 25:06
48. Schubmehl SB 25:07
49. Eidelman SLO 25:11
50. Vasquez AL 25:18
51. Castillo SB 25:24
52. Castillo SB 25:24
53. Vincent RIG 25:31
54. Morici MCP 25:33
55. Almanza CAB 25:37
56. Ramos AL 25:40
57. Miller AG 25:42
58. Kowalski SLO 25:44
59. Herber AG 25:52
60. Cunnigham AG 25:55
61. Jackson SLO 25:58
62. James SLO 26:09
63. Evangelho AT 26:09
64. Guthrie SLO 26:36
65. Garcia CAB 26:42
66. Bonelli MCP 26:43
67. Melin AT 26:44
68. Lopez AT 26:47
69. Fredericks AT 26:53
70. Vandersal SB 26:56
71. Deragon SLO 27:02
72. Mirollo MCP 27:05
73. Cervantez AL 27:05
74. Dorrough SLO 27:24
75. Taatjes CAB 27:29
76. Montiel AL 27:31
77. Morris CAB 27:36
78. Gantman SLO 27:38
79. Anderson AT 27:43
80. Latham SB 27:44
81. Tedone SLO 27:46
82. Sabety MCP 27:57
83. Wilson SB 28:06
84. Rojas AL 28:07
85. Benner SB 28:16
86. Mello MCP 28:19
87. Seiden SLO 28:21
88. Finnegan MCP 28:26
89. Clark CAB 28:31
90. Preble CAB 28:31
91. Unkown 28:32
92. Valverde AG 28:46
93. Rojas AL 28:47
94. Ramey SB 29:37
95. Baker MCP 29:42
96. Camacho AL 29:46
97. Butcher SLO 30:35
98. Touhey-Mote MCP 30:48
99. Solis AL 30:56
100. Sanchez AL 30:57
101. Hayden SB 31:05
102. Einolander CAB 31:33
103. Rodriguez AL 32:48
104. Calderon AL 32:48
105. Amaya AL 33:18
106. Pratt SLO 33:36
107. Jimenez AL 33:39
108. Price CAB 33:47
109. Molina AL 34:06
110. Clodfelter MCP 34:19
DyestatCal Results