Ojai Invitational -
Small Schools Varsity Boys & Girls - Bill Tokar - Summary Ken Reeves
With temperatures hovering in the 80's, the 15th annual Rotary West Ojai
Invitational was held on the challenging 3 mile Lake Casitas course in
Over 900 runners crossed the finish line and when all was said and done
top team in the large school division appeared to be first time participants
Martin Luther King High School of Riverside. Meanwhile, on the small school
side, Barstow showed it was once again going to be a force to be dealt
on the boys' side and tiny Thacher School of Ojai was ready to step out
the shadow of cross town rival, Nordhoff.
In the small school girls' race Thacher's Bessie Hatch became the third
consecutive Ojai resident to win the Ojai Invitational, Crossing the finish
line in 19:20, she served notice she was well in front of her all time
for the challenging Lake Casitas course. Carrie Fabing, the fine freshman
from Lompoc, followed up her JV race victory at the Morro Bay Invitational
with a second place finish here at the Ojai with a time of 20:00. Jacquelyn
Magdelano of Fillmore was third at 20:10. While the Ojai is not a team
scoring event, Thacher of Ojai showed that they were ready to compete
the Division 5 powers across the state. With a team of no freshmen (they
are all required to take horsemanship their freshman year at Thacher),
Toads placed 5 runners in the top 24 and ran a combined team time of 103:43
on a course that usually compares straight across with Mt Sac. They were
easily the fastest team in this combined D3, D4, D5 race. Lompoc, a
Division 3 team, appeared to have the next fastest team time at 104:49,
while Nordhoff (D3), the number 2 ranked team in Division 3 for Southern
Section ran a time of 107:59. Oak Park, defending Division 4 State
Champions rested their top runners for this meet.
On the boys' side for the small schools, Cabrillo's Duane Solomon won
second invitational in a row, edging freshman teammate Michael Coe by
seconds with his winning time of 16:00. Both runners looked extremely
comfortable during the latter portions of the race as Coe's 16:03 time
him 8 seconds in front of Dan Nunn of San Luis Obispo, the third place
finisher. Coe's time also placed him first on the all time freshmen list
for Lake Casitas, replacing current California State Champion in the 1600,
Phillip Reid. It is even more impressive is that Coe's time also puts
front of runners who have captured three other individual State
Championships and in front of two Footlocker National finalists. Senior
Mejia of Fillmore was 4th in 16:14, just in front of a pack of Barstow
Teamwise, Barstow was the class of the meet as they had 4 runners in
the top
8 and 6 in the top 14. In addition, a Barstow runner lost his shoe and
dropped out in the first 100 meters and you see an opportunity to repeat
their State Championship of last year. Barstow's team time for their top
was 82:29 with a 22 second gap from 1 to 5. Division 4 Fillmore placed
3 in
the top 11 and finished in 83:51. 2000 Division 5 State Champions, Santa
Clara, ran well without defending Frontier League champion, Jonathan Reed,
placing two other runners in the top 22.
Small School Boys Results Ojai Invitational 9/21/02
Place Time First_Name Last_Name School Grade
1 16:00 Duan Solomon Cabrillo 12
2 16:03 Michael Coe Cabrillo 9
3 16:11 DANIEL NUNN SLO 11
4 16:14 Juan Mejia Fillmore 12
5 16:21 Joey Sena Barstow 12
6 16:28 Adam Rodriguez Barstow 12
7 16:28 Avery Himes Barstow 11
8 16:29 Sergio Chavez Barstow 12
9 16:29 Eduardo Ramos Lompoc 10
10 16:31 Sergio Arriaga Fillmore 12
11 16:37 Jose Zavala Fillmore 12
12 16:43 Chris Grow Barstow 11
13 16:44 Tony Arredondo Santa Clara 11
14 16:45 Ronald Salas Barstow 11
15 16:50 Joaquin Gomez Carpinteria 10
16 16:51 John Norris Carpinteria 12
17 16:52 David Cassidy St: Joseph 12
18 16:55 Jordan Gaffney Morro Bay 11
20 17:03 Jason Elkins Barstow 12
21 17:04 Ben Shuck Atascadero 12
22 17:07 Tony Urban Santa Clara 11
23 17:11 Nick McNally Newbury Park 12
24 17:13 Gerardo Bravo Fillmore 12
25 17:14 Gharakhanian Mikaeel Village 12
26 17:15 Jose Arriaga Fillmore 12
27 17:17 Nate Owen Cabrillo 12
28 17:17 Austin Magill Nordhoff 12
29 17:22 Angel Melendes Fillmore 10
30 17:24 George Morris ST: Bon: 11
31 17:25 Vincent Barraza ST: Bon: 12
32 17:28 Robert Ryan St: Bonaventure 11
33 17:29 Lengle Blake Village 9
34 17:31 Miguel Flores Barstow 11
36 17:37 Bobby Miranda Lompoc 12
37 17:38 Danny Nunes ST: Bon: 10
38 17:39 Peter Thermos Lompoc 12
39 17:42 Nekeea Castro Lompoc 11
40 17:44 Josh Cates Atascadero 12
41 17:44 Marcus Hall Lompoc 12
42 17:46 Nick Spirkin Barstow 12
43 17:52 Robert Unrue Cabrillo 12
44 17:55 Billy Ader St: Joseph 11
45 17:56 Daniel Kurowski Newbury Park 12
46 17:59 Antonio Vargas Carpinteria 11
47 18:00 Nick Martin Lompoc 11
48 18:03 Evan Jenkins Nordhoff 10
49 18:04 Ben Wagner Atascadero 11
50 18:05 Miranda Matthew Village 10
51 18:07 Simon Murphy Barstow 11
52 18:07 Scott Dale Cabrillo 11
53 18:10 TAYLOR ERNST SLO 12
54 18:12 Miguel Lizarraga Fillmore 12
55 18:12 Steve Kilroy L:A: Baptist 11
56 18:16 Danny Concho Barstow 11
57 18:16 Eli Ferman Cabrillo 10
58 18:18 Dieter Duran Nordhoff 10
59 18:20 Stewart Murphy Barstow 9
60 18:22 Jake Farhar Atascadero 11
61 18:22 Matthew O'Meara Thacher 12
62 18:25 Ben Babbott Thacher 10
63 18:25 Salvador Morales Lompoc 12
64 18:26 Joe Werner Newbury Park 12
65 18:31 Michael Buell L:A: Baptist 11
66 18:31 Kyle Nomura Carpinteria 11
68 18:33 Kyle Owen Cabrillo 9
69 18:34 Juan Prado Santa Clara 10
70 18:35 Tim Morris Carpinteria 12
71 18:36 Eric Bangaoil Lompoc 11
72 18:37 James White Morro Bay 11
73 18:38 Brent Baker Nordhoff 11
74 18:41 Adam Stafford L:A: Baptist 12
75 18:42 Zack Stoddard Morro Bay 11
76 18:43 Matt Ross Newbury Park 10
77 18:45 Diego Ceniseroz Santa Clara 9
78 18:46 Gilberto Ramirez Fillmore 11
79 18:47 Nathan Parker Thacher 12
80 18:47 Colin Hacker Cabrillo 9
81 18:51 Matt Biaz Morro Bay 10
82 18:52 Jason Eiker-Wiles Carpinteria 11
83 18:53 Jorge Contreras Fillmore 10
84 18:54 Mikey Stevens Cabrillo 11
85 18:55 Chris Pike Cabrillo 10
86 18:56 Ryan Hopkins Oak Park 9
87 18:57 Danny Mora ST: Bon: 12
88 18:57 Tyler Charlesworth Morro Bay 11
89 18:58 Ryan Earl Barstow 12
90 18:58 Jessie Rose ST: Bon: 11
91 18:58 Nathan Hayes L:A: Baptist 11
93 19:00 Chris Grant Nordhoff 11
94 19:01 Matthew Wunchner St: Joseph 12
95 19:01 Travis Densmore Barstow 9
96 19:03 Shane Kendrick Atascadero 9
97 19:04 Charles Mueller ST: Bon: 10
98 19:06 Ethan Speakman Santa Clara 12
99 19:06 Richard Smith Thacher 10
100 19:09 Robert Victor Morro Bay 9
101 19:11 Frank Rodriguez Bishop Diego 10
102 19:12 Daniel Coburn Newbury Park 12
103 19:14 Carlos Gomez Nordhoff 10
104 19:15 Gerardo Romero Carpinteria 11
105 19:16 Leland O'Connor Morro Bay 10
106 19:22 Hans Enriquez Fillmore 11
107 19:22 Kyle Brooks Cabrillo 10
108 19:25 Lucas Allen-Williams Carpinteria 11
109 19:27 Nathan Leach Lompoc 11
111 19:28 Jared Freitas Atascadero 12
112 19:29 Nathan Bewley Atascadero 11
113 19:31 Steve Kuhn Atascadero 11
114 19:33 Derrick Deperoni Lompoc 12
115 19:34 Ryan Dumm Carpinteria 12
116 19:34 Leobardo Mendoza Fillmore 11
117 19:35 Brian Ball Fillmore 11
118 19:38 Ian Strachan Thacher 11
119 19:38 AJ Meyers Oak Park 11
120 19:40 Jaime Luna Thacher 10
121 19:40 Max Anderson Thacher 10
122 19:42 Pat Martinez Atascadero 12
123 19:42 Philip Klock St: Joseph 12
124 19:43 Lucas Brown St: Joseph 12
125 19:44 Adam Yeo Morro Bay 12
126 19:46 Jason Shimamoto Newbury Park 10
127 19:47 Oren Gabriel Oak Park 11
128 19:47 Paul Przelomiec Oak Park 11
129 19:48 Nicholas Trengove Atascadero 9
130 19:48 Esteban Lopez Santa Clara 10
131 19:49 Carlos Padilla Barstow 10
132 19:50 Charlie Wels Nipomo 9
133 19:50 Ruben Arroyo Morro Bay 10
134 19:51 Cory Diaz Lompoc 11
135 19:53 Troy Pollet Thacher 12
136 19:53 Lyle Mikowicz Cabrillo 11
137 19:54 Peter Gierke Thacher 11
138 20:01 Austin Card Lompoc 9
139 20:04 Jesus Vasquez Barstow 9
140 20:04 Robert Chaparro ST: Bon: 9
141 20:05 Stover Tyler Village 10
142 20:10 Ben Zywicki Cabrillo 9
143 20:11 Joe Earl Barstow 9
144 20:11 Zack Simkover Morro Bay 12
145 20:12 Dylan Gunning Newbury Park 12
146 20:13 Mike Mosebeck Oak Park 10
147 20:13 Brian Pepper Newbury Park 10
148 20:14 Nic Cugini Morro Bay 10
149 20:18 Morgan Kaneen Village 10
150 20:19 Randy Cobble Cabrillo 9
151 20:19 Julian Gregorio Barstow 12
152 20:20 Kevin Klein Nipomo 10
153 20:22 Nelson Timothy Village 12
154 20:23 Ryan Adams St: Joseph 12
155 20:26 Daniel Coudray Mission Prep 11
156 20:27 Primitivo Cisneros Morro Bay 11
157 20:28 Alejandro Roque Fillmore 10
158 20:32 Keaton Allen Atascadero 11
159 20:36 Brian Hubina Newbury Park 11
160 20:38 Darian Koberl Atascadero 11
161 20:38 Andrew Klock St: Joseph 10
162 20:39 Ted McCormick Nordhoff 9
163 20:40 Tyler Fox Oak Park 9
164 20:41 Brian Sprouse L:A: Baptist 11
165 20:42 Kevin McAlpine Atascadero 11
166 20:43 Kevin Pittman Oak Park 10
167 20:47 Anthony Hall Cabrillo 11
168 20:48 Noe Aragon Cabrillo 11
169 20:52 Jim Hansen Oak Park 10
170 20:53 Scott Jackson Lompoc 9
171 20:54 Kevin Cogan Carpinteria 11
172 20:56 Ryan Donahue Newbury Park 10
173 20:57 Zach Gerin Oak Park 11
174 20:59 Josh Amunrud Atascadero 12
175 21:01 Brian Johansing Mission Prep 11
176 21:03 Martin Cogburn Carpinteria 11
177 21:04 Raul Aguirre Carpinteria 9
178 21:05 Edward Cahill Thacher 10
179 21:06 Chance Phelps Thacher 12
180 21:08 Zach Ng L:A: Baptist 12
181 21:09 Charlie Bennett Thacher 10
182 21:12 Marshall Carnes Atascadero 9
183 21:13 Darin Shirakata Nipomo 9
184 21:15 Jacob Vanorman Newbury Park 11
185 21:18 Steve Lizarrata Fillmore 9
186 21:19 Andrew Wendt ST: Bon: 10
187 21:19 David Lauinger Atascadero 11
188 21:21 Brian Thompson Oak Park 10
189 21:24 Steve Modugno L:A: Baptist 10
190 21:25 Ryan Forbes Newbury Park 10
191 21:26 Ben Wright Oak Park 10
192 21:30 Nick Wright ST: Bon: 9
193 21:31 Tyler Rapley Atascadero 10
194 21:32 Alex Pluchino Oak Park 9
195 21:33 Ian Garrovillas St: Joseph 12
196 21:34 Danial Post Newbury Park 9
197 21:35 Brian Kim Oak Park 10
198 21:35 Lashley Tan Oak Park 10
199 21:38 Matt Gregory-Brown Nordhoff 10
200 21:41 J:C: Chavez Bishop Diego 11
201 21:47 Andrew Hartman Nordhoff 9
202 21:49 Stuart Rawlings Atascadero 10
203 21:50 Nathan Pang Oak Park 12
204 21:52 Martin Sawyer Thacher 11
205 21:53 Tom Sgobassi ST: Bon: 10
206 21:55 Hans Van Housen Nordhoff 9
207 22:01 Daniel Freeman Oak Park 9
208 22:06 John Schaffer Oak Park 9
209 22:06 Mike Ikeda ST: Bon: 12
210 22:07 Connor Dawson Oak Park 10
211 22:07 Jared Alhambra Cabrillo 10
212 22:08 Seth Harrison Nordhoff 9
213 22:09 Jack Lear Cabrillo 12
214 22:09 Clayton Stothers Oak Park 10
215 22:11 Sam Watson Morro Bay 12
216 22:15 Bobby Nelson Lompoc 10
217 22:15 Ben Tuck St: Joseph 12
218 22:17 Luke Monroe Oak Park 11
219 22:19 Patrick McGrew Newbury Park 10
220 22:20 Mateo Casas Nordhoff 9
221 22:27 Jason Pepper Newbury Park 10
222 22:30 Taylor Kendall Oak Park 11
223 22:31 Caleb Jones L:A: Baptist 10
224 22:37 Peter Bobbs L:A: Baptist 11
225 22:40 Chris Greenman Atascadero 11
226 22:41 Paul Sgheiza ST: Bon: 10
227 22:41 Matthew Abela St: Joseph 9
228 22:41 Derek Thomas Nipomo 9
229 22:46 James Cutler Morro Bay 11
230 22:46 Coulter Woolf Thacher 9
231 22:49 Joseph Migler ST: Bon: 9
232 22:49 Ricardo Castellanos Cabrillo 12
233 22:51 Evan Werlin Thacher 11
234 22:52 Andrew Frank Nordhoff 10
235 22:54 Andrew Lopez Fillmore 9
236 22:57 Alex Haskell Oak Park 10
237 22:59 Mikey Seelandt Cabrillo 9
238 23:01 Andres Becerra Fillmore 9
239 23:10 Richard Good Nordhoff 9
240 23:11 Daniel Macks Oak Park 10
241 23:11 Toby Nathan Thacher 10
242 23:15 Steve Neuman Morro Bay 9
243 23:15 Garrett Speigel Oak Park 9
244 23:21 Joe DePanfilis Mission Prep 10
245 23:22 Josh Meisel Oak Park 9
246 23:24 Devan Mardyks Newbury Park 9
247 23:27 Angel Fernandez Lompoc 9
248 23:32 Brandon Brown Lompoc 9
249 23:33 Colin Parker Thacher 10
250 23:37 Brian Hunt Oak Park 9
251 23:38 Michael Martin Oak Park 10
252 23:38 Tim Vallejo Carpinteria 11
253 23:39 Ronald Manmelendez Lompoc 12
254 23:40 Jeff Zhang Oak Park 12
255 23:41 Daniel Kuciel Oak Park 10
256 23:43 Sammy Tucker Nordhoff 10
257 23:46 Sean Cisowski Lompoc 10
258 23:48 Matt Shuck Atascadero 11
259 23:50 Christine Hiramatsu St: Joseph 10
260 24:07 Mario Silva Oak Park 10
261 24:20 Chris Liepman Oak Park 9
262 24:21 Omead Aghabarari Oak Park 9
263 24:22 Sean Bell-Gordon Oak Park 10
264 24:26 Brian Iwasaki Nipomo 9
265 24:59 Javier Munoz Carpinteria 11
266 25:02 Julian Lopez Carpinteria 11
267 25:03 Adam Wilson Nipomo 10
268 25:04 Zack Behar Thacher 10
269 25:13 David Moore Thacher 11
270 25:37 Chris Parton Carpinteria 9
271 25:59 Conor Lawler Morro Bay 12
272 26:18 Michael Krugly Newbury Park 10
273 26:19 Ben Castanon Thacher 10
274 26:24 Kevin Dixon Newbury Park 10
275 26:27 Armando Leon Thacher 10
276 26:28 Stevens Mike Village 11
277 26:29 Lohman Parker Thacher 10
278 99:99 Mark Seagrave Bishop Diego 11
279 27:17 Sam Zenner Lompoc 12
280 27:21 Jonathan Hyatt Carpinteria 11
281 28:10 Clark Campagna Nipomo 10
282 28:43 Frank Dominguez Nipomo 10
283 29:23 William Pompe Atascadero 9
284 29:34 Alex Guerra Oak Park 9
285 29:54 Estevan Valdes Santa Clara 11
286 32:34 Jonathan Mendez L:A: Baptist 10
287 32:48 Michael Ramirez Santa Clara 9
288 34:22 Ken Reeves Carpinteria 9
289 99:99 Robert Danduran Bishop Diego 11
Small School Girls Ojai Invitational 9/21/02
Place Time First_Name Last_Name School Grade
1 19:20 Bessie Hatch Thacher 12
2 20:00 Carrie Fabing Lompoc 9
3 20:10 Jacquelyn Magdaleno Fillmore 10
4 20:18 Jenna Kingma SLO 11
5 20:22 Tarah Balden Cabrillo 9
7 20:29 Kelsey McMahon Newbury Park 10
8 20:37 Marisa Freeman Newbury Park 10
9 20:46 Katie Frykman Thacher 11
10 20:50 Audrey Barrett Lompoc 9
11 20:53 Lauren Lansing Nordhoff 11
12 20:53 Kay Bradford Thacher 10
13 20:59 Lexie Warrick Lompoc 9
14 21:03 Martha Alvarez Lompoc 11
15 21:05 Kristen Torrez Barstow ?
16 21:08 Kelley Wolfe St: Joseph 12
17 21:09 Lindsay Hewett Nordhoff 11
18 21:11 Annie O'Donnell Thacher 11
19 21:18 Lindsey Owen Nordhoff 11
20 21:23 Brandi Manaloto Cabrillo 11
21 21:24 Janael Rose ST: Bon: 10
22 21:25 Julie Irabon Carpinteria 11
23 21:25 Katie Hart L:A: Baptist 10
24 21:33 Betsy Wolcott Thacher 11
25 21:38 Cheyenne Brown SLO 9
26 21:39 Maressa Martinez St: Joseph 9
27 21:40 Nancy Cavaletto St: Joseph 12
28 21:45 Brittany Courtney Barstow ?
29 21:57 Angela Watkins Lompoc 12
30 21:59 Krista Dixon Morro Bay 11
31 21:59 Yolanda Mejia Fillmore 10
32 22:00 Shellie Parton Carpinteria 12
33 22:01 Laura Hamilton Cabrillo 12
34 22:06 Kelly Mazurek ST: Bon: 12
35 22:06 Heather Graehl Newbury Park 10
36 22:08 Sonja Miller Atascadero 10
37 22:14 Vanessa Becerra Fillmore 11
38 22:14 Daisy Walker Cabrillo 12
39 22:15 Alyssa Robinson Nordhoff 10
40 22:15 Katzenmeyer Ashlyn Village 12
41 22:16 Sandra Becerra Fillmore 9
42 22:16 Helen Tomac Morro Bay 11
43 22:16 Ashley Stalzer Oak Park 9
44 22:20 Kristi Totten Oak Park 10
45 22:23 Kelsey Waples Bishop Diego 12
46 22:24 Alexa Pulley Nordhoff 10
47 22:25 Whitney Waples Bishop Diego 9
48 22:26 Jana Tawney Barstow ?
49 22:26 Julie Kentosh Nordhoff 12
50 22:27 Angela Gonzalez Oak Park 9
51 22:27 Josie Santiago Barstow ?
52 22:36 Christy McGuire L:A: Baptist 11
53 22:37 Valeri Harmon Cabrillo 10
55 22:39 Lacy Morgan Barstow ?
56 22:45 Adrienne McKinney Cabrillo 12
57 22:46 Melissa Jacobs Oak Park 11
58 22:48 Michelle Hart L:A: Baptist 12
59 22:48 Kelly Iwasko Morro Bay 11
60 22:49 Lyndsey Livingston Newbury Park 11
61 22:51 Kalie Brown Nordhoff 9
62 22:52 NORA PERRY SLO 10
63 22:53 Shalyn Hockey Mission Prep 10
64 22:59 Kelly Gelpi Oak Park 11
65 22:59 Madelyn Shelley Atascadero 9
66 23:00 Savannah Peterson Morro Bay 10
67 23:07 Andrea Ortega St: Joseph 12
68 23:08 Melissa Meeder Cabrillo 11
69 23:09 Kim Canete Morro Bay 9
70 23:10 SARAH DAVIS SLO 10
71 23:22 Jenifer Lorden Newbury Park 11
72 23:25 Elly Harder Thacher 11
73 23:26 Linda Ye Oak Park 11
74 23:26 Lauren Ortega St: Joseph 12
75 23:27 Natalie Ramos St: Joseph 11
76 23:28 Ariana Fabing Lompoc 9
77 23:31 Ashley Eastin Mission Prep 10
78 23:33 Krista Kleinhammer Morro Bay 9
79 23:34 Melinda Rodriguez Oak Park 12
80 23:35 Rosa O'Reilly Carpinteria 10
81 23:37 Kalani Floyd Carpinteria 10
82 23:37 Justine Hosseini Carpinteria 9
83 23:40 Gillian Clow Oak Park 9
84 23:46 Amy Nevers Oak Park 9
85 23:48 Kiley Hail Cabrillo 12
86 23:50 Analise Tanore St: Joseph 11
87 23:50 Jenna Bushore Oak Park 10
88 23:56 Nancy Carrillo Cabrillo 12
89 23:59 Julie Mayers Nordhoff 9
90 23:59 blank card
91 24:02 Shelby Jones Carpinteria 10
92 24:05 Amber Hanoumis Barstow ?
93 24:08 Tammy Wu Newbury Park 9
94 24:09 Mary Bloom Thacher 10
95 24:11 Christiana Herr L:A: Baptist 11
96 24:13 Amy Otero Lompoc 11
97 24:13 Brittany Freguson Newbury Park 9
98 24:16 Cindy Sorrick Thacher 10
99 24:22 Gabriela Reyes Fillmore 10
100 24:24 Trisha Willard Nordhoff 9
101 24:26 Jessica Durksen Lompoc 12
102 24:26 JANE POMEROY SLO 11
103 24:27 Precious Albano Fillmore 9
104 24:29 Caitlin Parry Oak Park 12
105 24:31 Tawny Snyder SLO 9
106 24:32 Heather Ljung SLO 10
107 24:36 Amanda Rodriguez St: Joseph 12
108 24:37 Juana Ruiz Fillmore 11
109 24:40 Allicia Martinez Atascadero 10
110 24:40 Melissa Elias Cabrillo 12
111 24:42 Katie Damico Cabrillo 11
112 24:43 Becky Swan Thacher 11
113 24:47 Cassandra Sisneros Barstow ?
114 24:48 Claudia de Haro Santa Clara 12
115 24:49 Laura Farrell Cabrillo 10
116 24:52 Esther McGuire L:A: Baptist 10
117 24:52 Ashely Custer Oak Park 9
118 24:53 Dani Kirk ST: Bon: 9
119 24:53 Mari Ridolfi Cabrillo 10
120 24:53 Cristen Clemetson Atascadero 10
121 24:58 Theresa Riforgiate Mission Prep 10
122 25:03 Candis Donien Cabrillo 12
123 25:07 Alison Vanderkar Carpinteria 9
124 25:07 Bianca Kissel Thacher 11
125 25:10 Lana Wolverton Carpinteria 10
126 25:10 Ana Albarran Carpinteria 10
127 25:12 Jessica Sanchez Fillmore 9
128 25:12 Joslyn Amato Atascadero 9
129 25:13 Meg Smith Newbury Park 12
130 25:14 Jenna Duarte Newbury Park 11
131 25:14 Alicia Samano Fillmore 9
132 25:17 Jamie Banola ST: Bon: 9
133 25:19 Melissa Cardenas Fillmore 9
134 25:20 Eunice Carrillo Cabrillo 11
135 25:21 Vanessa Lemus Santa Clara 11
136 25:22 Robin Lederman Newbury Park 11
137 25:28 Denise Chica Santa Clara 11
138 25:29 Carly Yamauchi Newbury Park 9
139 25:29 Reyna Albarran Carpinteria 12
140 25:31 Claire Hachard Oak Park 12
141 25:32 Hoffamn-Fuglsby Lindsay Village 10
142 25:49 Amanda Affrunti ST: Bon: 9
143 25:52 Rachel Hartman Nordhoff 9
144 25:59 Megan Musser Carpinteria 11
145 25:59 Natalie Gallo Fillmore 10
146 26:00 Elizabeth Lee Newbury Park 10
147 26:00 Emily Grass Newbury Park 10
148 26:01 Maggie Thompson Carpinteria 9
149 26:02 Elyse Narozowick Carpinteria 9
150 26:17 Erin Hawkes St: Joseph 12
151 26:19 Elyse Fults Carpinteria 12
152 26:29 Rachelle Flores Barstow ?
153 26:30 Nina Brahme Oak Park 10
154 26:31 Sarah Fredricks Atascadero 10
155 26:31 Kylee Anderson Atascadero 12
156 26:47 Krystal Burns Newbury Park 10
157 26:53 Megan Smallwood Atascadero 9
158 26:55 Marleigh Darfman Newbury Park 10
159 27:01 Maria Lopez Atascadero 9
160 27:07 Neysa Nankervis Morro Bay 10
161 27:08 Katie Kuhl Thacher 12
162 27:11 Katie Telishak Thacher 12
163 27:11 Chelsea Chavoya Lompoc 10
164 27:15 Oralia Castro Fillmore 9
165 27:16 Katherine Almanza Cabrillo 10
166 27:20 Jessica Taatjes Cabrillo 9
167 27:26 KC Chaffee Morro Bay 10
168 27:29 Melissa Feldman Oak Park 10
169 27:32 Rachel Iker Oak Park 12
170 27:42 Schramm Trinity Village 10
171 27:50 Olivia Martinez Morro Bay 10
172 28:10 Christina Sprouse L:A: Baptist 9
173 28:12 Stephanie Sigafoos Lompoc 9
174 28:12 Kathleen Barrett Nordhoff 9
175 28:12 Nadine Sonni Newbury Park 9
176 28:13 Jasmine Hernandez Fillmore 9
177 28:33 Beth Bond Santa Clara 12
178 28:34 Kim Clark Cabrillo 10
179 28:35 Jordan Pang Oak Park 10
180 28:45 Julia Fong Oak Park 10
181 28:54 Chelsea Pattee Oak Park 9
182 28:59 Sarah Gusman St: Joseph 9
183 29:01 Vanessa Navarro Fillmore 9
184 29:10 Manisha Kumar Oak Park 10
185 29:12 Anna Moncharsh Nordhoff 9
186 29:17 Clair Tuohey-Mote Mission Prep 10
187 29:18 Ashley Reich Morro Bay 9
188 29:18 Michaela Adam St: Joseph 10
189 29:18 Julie Smedly Santa Clara 11
190 29:23 Christine Swain St: Joseph 10
191 29:26 Kelly Percival Thacher 11
192 29:35 Nikke Alex Thacher 12
193 29:36 Lauren Greenberg Oak Park 9
194 30:14 Jessica Potts Newbury Park 12
195 30:40 Jessica Morey Nordhoff 9
196 30:47 Stephanie Speakman Santa Clara 10
197 30:58 Sarah Kern ST: Bon: 10
198 99:99 Rashmi Kumar Oak Park 12
199 31:30 Hanenberger Amie Village 10
200 31:40 Michaela Gomes Nordhoff 9
201 31:56 Victoria Keitel Oak Park 12
202 32:02 Robyn Torres Fillmore 9
203 32:12 Maria Roque Fillmore 9
204 32:46 Maria Dietrich Newbury Park 9
205 33:09 Kirstin Wilson Fillmore 9
206 99:99 Ceci Reynoso Fillmore 9
207 99:99 Lovett Danielle Village 9
208 35:14 Emma Levine Oak Park 9
209 35:32 Krystal Almanza Cabrillo 12
DyestatCal Results