Monache Invitational
- Porterville - 9/12/02
On a course reported as "muddy" by second place finisher Travis
Hobbs, Gary Mercer (Granite Hills, Porterville) and Sylvia Medrano (Exeter)
were the individual winners, Madrano by nearly 40 seconds! Woodlake took
the Boys contest and Exeter the girls team contest.
1) Gary Mercer-Granite Hills; 10:09
2) Travis Hobbs-Delano; 10:12
3) Mario Rodiguez-Tulare Western; 10:20
4) Javier Gomez-Lemoore; 10:34
5) Ryan Johnson-Exeter; 10:42
6) Jose Maldonado-Hanford; 10:49
7) Levi Reynaga-Granite Hills; 10:51
8) Earl Hartman-Lemoore; 10:54
9) Jorge Santiyam-Tulare Western; 10:55
10)Brandon Sutton-Exeter; 10:57
Woodlake won the meet and Delano was second
1) Slyvia Madrano-Exeter; 12:39
2) Patty Torres-Porterville; 13:17
3) Christine Barragno-Lemoore; 13:22
4) April Pagan-Redwood; 13:24
5) Angela reyanga-Granite Hills; 13:25
6) Leslie Peacock-Golden West; 13:31
7) Alma Lopez-Delano; 13:39
8) Sara Bittick-Tulare; 13:40
9) Courtney Garrison-Tulare Western; 13:42
10)Bereinse Hernandez-Delano; 13:44
Exeter won the meet and Delano was second.
DyestatCal Results