9/12/02 [2.05 MILES]
SUNNYVALE, CA - Pat Lawson, Grace Voss, and Hank Lawson
Milpitas Girls pace Alicia Follmar (Saratoga) the eventual winner - Matthew
Grilli (Milpitas) Boys Winner - Hank Lawson photos
This Central Coast Section meet featured 21 schools, with the Milpitas
Boys and Girls racing away to comfortable team wins, with the Boys totalling
40, led by the individual 80 meter win of Matthew Grilli (10:14) , with
the Girls 48 behind the 3-4-5 run of Marie Nguyen, Erinn Kim, and Jesse
Baldwin. Alicia Follmar of Saratoga was the Girls winner at 11:40.
Milpitas 40 (53:22)
Los Altos 67 (54:13)
Monta Vista 144 (55:57)
Santa Clara 149 (56:11)
Fremont 165 (56:36)
Santa Teresa 190 (57:14)
Los Gatos 213 (57:30)
Wilcox 238 (57:50)
Saratoga 241 (57:55)
Cupertino 252 (58:08)
Lynbrook 312 (59:13)
Homestead 326 (59:44)
Mountain View 330
Westmont 335
Redwood Christian 363
Girls Varsity
- Milpitas 48 (62:26)
- Los Gatos 80 (65:19)
- Castilleja 93 (66:59)
- Monta Vista 137 (68:06)
- Lynbrook 151 (68:42)
- Los Altos 189 (70:10)
- Saratoga 246 (70:26)
- Mountain View 262 (72:19)
- Wilcox 268 (73:06)
- Redwood Christiian 296 (73:22)
- Homestead 323 (73:46)
- Cupertino 356
- Santa Clara 356
- King's Academy 445
Monta Vista 48
Saratoga 91
Los Altos 93
Los Gatos 186
Santa Clara 188
- Fremont 189
Redwood Christian 224
Mt. View 226
Cupertino 278
Santa Teresa 310
Wilcox 326
Lynbrook 387
Homestead 464
Milpitas 486
Girls JV
- Monta Vista 53
- Los Gatos 57
- Milpitas 122
- Mt. View 138
- Castilleja 200
- Saratoga 217
- Wilcox 247
- Lynbrook 288
- Redwood Christian 298
Boys JV
- Monta Vista 48
- Wilcox 128
- Saratoga 167
- Mt View 197
- Fremont 223
- Lynbrook 600
Mt. View 197
Fremont 223
Lynbrook 600
Fremont Firebird Boys Varsity Results
1 Matthew Grilli Milpitas 10:14
2 Nick Clinton Del Mar 10:28
3 Taff Dirks Los Altos 10:30
4 Jack Welch Redwood Christian 10:32
5 Jeremy Taylor Los Altos 10:36
6 Eric Day Milpitas 10:37
7 Jason Yow Monta Vista 10:39
8 Billy Boulett Milpitas 10:42
9 Julian Kolev Monta Vista 10:49
10 Christian Ochoa Santa Clara 10:51
11 Jonathan Dudley Santa Teresa 10:53
12 Adrian Arcelona Milpitas 10:54
13 Kendon Nebeker Milpitas 10:55
13 Andrew Buyssee Los Altos 10:56
14 Phil Gniewosz Santa Teresa 10:56
15 Nick Song Prospect 10:57
15 David Aubuchon Wilcox 10:57
16 Randall Polgar Fremont 10:58
17 Steven Surrette Saratoga 10:58
18 William Hourigan Santa Clara 10:58
19 Miles Prowse Los Altos 10:59
20 Jacob Osborne Saratoga 11:02
21 Nathan Young Los Gatos 11:04
22 Corren Pappli Kings Academy 11:05
23 Neil Steiner Santa Teresa 11:06
24 Jason Yih Cupertino 11:07
25 Greg Geldmon Los Gatos 11:10
26 Austin Sardella Fremont 11:11
27 Eugene Berson Lynbrook 11:12
28 Fletcher Adam Los Altos 11:12
29 Greg Paschal Santa Clara 11:13
30 Matt Ronconi Mountain View 11:14
31 Vincent Rocha Santa Clara 11:18
32 Michael Pickens Westmont 11:19
33 Trevor Fontes Fremont 11:20
34 Drew Fetterman Monta Vista 11:23
35 Scott Smith Prospect 11:23
36 Dennis Campos Fremont 11:24
37 Chris Cook Homestead 11:24
38 Matt Weiden Los Altos 11:24
39 Enrique Mendoza Los Altos 11:24
40 Jeff Audett Mountain View 11:25
41 David Pochowski Homestead 11:26
42 Dennis Sullivan Wilcox 11:27
43 Taylor DeSantis Los Gatos 11:30
44 John Raquinio Santa Teresa 11:30
45 Nari Subramaniam Saratoga 11:30
46 Satinder Chatha Wilcox 11:31
47 Howard Chang Monta Vista 11:32
48 Stuart Jones Monta Vista 11:34
49 Omar Ahmad St. Lawrence 11:34
50 Jacob Hull Wilcox 11:38
51 Marcus Huynh Los Gatos 11:39
52 Jeremy Cooper Redwood Christian 11:40
53 Andrew Loc Cupertino 11:42
54 David Robinowitz Cupertino 11:42
55 Andrew Tupper Westmont 11:43
56 Rick Trevino Fremont 11:43
57 Weihow Hsue Cupertino 11:44
59 Etan Green Menlo 11:45
60 Yuta Nakata Westmont 11:46
63 Yousif Abudra Santa Clara 11:51
64 Gautam Peri Cupertino 11:53
65 Ben Tucker Kings Academy 11:55
66 Moses Xie Cupertino 11:55
67 Allen Chang Lynbrook 11:56
68 Josh DeSherlia Fremont 11:58
69 Jason Whitsett Lynbrook 12:00
70 Seth Kugler Monta Vista 12:01
71 Andrew Hao Lynbrook 12:02
72 Jesse Yeh Lynbrook 12:03
73 Seon Bardes Los Gatos 12:07
74 Chris Porides Los Gatos 12:08
75 Keith McLaughlin Homestead 12:10
76 Ian Douglass Los Gatos 12:11
77 Justin Lee Monta Vista 12:11
78 Alvin Chyan Saratoga 12:12
79 Morgan Katz Lynbrook 12:12
80 Jeyvel Pandian Lynbrook 12:13
81 John Munr Saratoga 12:13
82 Ryan Reid Mountain View 12:14
83 Xavier Gaeta Homestead 12:14
84 Waylen Tsui St. Lawrence 12:16
85 Albert Russell Wilcox 12:17
86 Terry Wong Wilcox 12:19
87 Stephen Warren Westsmont 12:21
88 Jascha Owens Mountain View 12:23
89 Scott Loughhead Menlo 12:24
90 Ken Han Cupertino 12:25
91 Pat Rugo Homestead 12:26
92 Anthony Robertson Mountain View 12:28
93 David Emmert Wilcox 12:30
94 Nick Joy Menlo 12:32
95 Jeff Hamilton Mountain View 12:36
96 Chris Chapman Saratoga 12:40
97 Joseph Seo Fremont 12:48
98 Kyle Thornburg Santa Teresa 12:49
99 David Garcia Redwood Christian 13:01
100 Elliot Brenner Menlo 13:06
101 Bennett Cox Redwood Christian 13:09
102 Cullen McCormick Westmont 13:19
103 Derek Shpiel Westmont 13:22
104 Alex Arellano Santa Clara 13:28
105 Glade Bauman Santa Clara 13:34
106 Taka Yokoyama Prospecdt 13:48
107 Jacky Yao Redwood Christian 14:00
108 Matt Lim Redwood Christian 14:00
109 Josh Blevins Redwood Christian 14:10
1 Alicia Follmar Saratoga 11:40
2 Christine Jones Los Gatos 11:47
3 Marie Nguyen Milpitas 11:51
4 Erinn Kim Milpitas 11:54
5 Jesse Bladwin Milpitas 12:06
6 Carolyn Penner Los Gatos 12:32
7 Alana Levinson Castilleja 12:39
8 Dana Underwood Monta Vista 12:42
9 Libby Jenke Menlo 12:44
10 Michael Oad-Buens Menlo 12:45
11 Erica Elias Milpitas 12:49
12 Rebecca Palm Prospect 12:53
13 Aya Wakabayashi Lynbrook 12:54
14 Karen Ring Castilleja 13:10
15 Ali Rubnitz Los Gatos 13:15
16 Rebecca Boyle Homestead 13:16
17 Jill Blake-Burke Monta Vista 13:22
18 Vivian Chiu Los Altos 13:24
19 Samia Rogers Castilleja 13:30
20 Kate Bossange Lynbrook 13:32
21 Laura Perry Los Altos 13:34
22 Agnieszka Goslicka Lynbrook 13:41
23 Nina Morton Castilleja 13:42
24 Jo Welch Redwood Christian 13:45
25 Veronica Yee Milpitas 13:46
26 Allison Klemon Los Gatos 13:47
27 Stephanie Gast Santa Clara 13:51
28 Marissa Koike Los Altos 13:52
29 Yunxuan Shi Monta Vista 13:54
30 Rachelle Strickfaden Castilleja 13:58
31 Emily Gordon Los Gatos 13:58
32 Vivian Lai Wilcox 13:59
33 Emilie Doolittle Mt View 14:00
34 Lesley Pruzansky Menlo 14:00
35 Ashley Harris Los Gatos 14:01
36 Catherine Pham Milpitas 14:01
37 Jennifer Lien Wilcox 14:02
38 Kassie Korobkova Fremont 14:02
39 Kristine Amii Westmont 14:03
40 Soo Lee Lynbrook 14:03
41 Katherine Chu Monta Vista 14:04
42 Evelyn Ling Monta Vista 14:04
43 Rachel Foust Saratoga 14:05
44 Fara Husain Mt View 14:12
45 Amy Tong Los Altos 14:12
46 Judy Liang Monta Vista 14:13
47 Alanna Blakmore Mt View 14:14
48 Jacqueline Kwan Wilcox 14:16
49 Rachel Linn Kings Academy 14:18
50 Ashley Porter Menlo 14:19
51 Lisa Chang Cupertino 14:20
52 Tomi Amos Castilleja 14:21
53 Andrea Kleissner Castilleja 14:25
54 Shannon Dye Cupertino 14:28
55 Liz Steinberg Menlo 14:29
56 Sasoon Kim Lynbrook 14:32
57 Jenny Jackson Westmont 14:33
58 Genny Waldron Menlo 14:34
59 Diana Moughan Redwood Christian 14:39
60 Gurpreet Kaur Santa Clara 14:40
61 Nikki Kinney Fremont 14:42
62 Agnes Zau Wilcox 14:44
63 Ginny Tice Mt View 14:46
64 Shannon Kehrig Los Gatos 14:47
65 Parsan Saffaie Saratoga 14:48
66 Joyce Lu Cupertino 14:49
67 Jackie Molzon Saratoga 14:54
68 Amber Ju Lynbrook 14:55
69 Jesica Bowlby Redwood Christian 14:56
70 Anjali Kumar Saratoga 14:59
71 Tessa Davidson Redwood Christian 15:00
72 Honda Huntington Menlo 15:01
73 Rachael Shaddle Redwood Christian 15:02
74 Stephanie Skidmore Homestead 15:03
75 Colleen Lynch Mt View 15:07
76 Leah Groppos Homestead 15:07
77 Arden Fitzgerals Los Altos 15:08
78 Roxanne Lee Homestead 15:09
79 Emily Linkin Homestead 15:11
80 Chancy Shu Los Altos 15:12
81 Edina Hamulic Prospect 15:16
82 Carina Pappu Santa Clara 15:17
83 Hyan Kim Lynbrook 15:17
84 Katie Lewis Redwood Christian 15:19
85 Helen Yang Cupertino 15:23
86 Stephanie Green Monta Vista 15:26
87 Elaine Wang Saratoga 15:48
88 Amanda Rajapaksa Los Altos 16:03
89 Alexandra Martell Wilcox 16:05
90 Melissa Canizales Fremont 16:14
91 Jessica Palmer Santa Clara 16:20
92 Tammy Malmstrom Wilcox 16:22
93 Jessica Chang Saratoga 16:35
94 Karla Kim Redwood Christian 16:36
95 Liz Barnum Kings Academy 16:51
96 Betty Huang Santa Clara 17:13
97 Caitlin Roberson Kings Academy 17:18
98 Roxy Stahl Kings Academy 17:23
99 Robin Shpiel Westmont 17:28
100 Lisa Neinchel Cupertino 17:32
101 Amy Huang Santa Clara 17:36
102 Linda Nguyen Santa Clara 17:44
103 Liz Reidmunoz Mt View 17:57
104 Jennifer Lesyna Mt View 17:59
105 Shana Darett Westmong 18:21
106 Abril Castillo Kings Academy 20:18
Fremont Firebird Boys JV---2002
1 Victor Missirian Los Altos 11:50
2 Leo Torres Fremont 12:06
3 Chris Blood Mountain View 12:06
4 Forrest Scott Los Altos 12:08
5 Weston Nielson Los Altos 12:16
6 Wynn Chang Monta Vista 12:17
7 James Sinkovic Wilcox 12:18
8 Gabe Hendel Monta Vista 12:18
9 Jonathan Sheng Monta Vista 12:19
10 Daniel Chen Saratoga 12:20
10 Mike Nguyen Wilcox 12:24
11 Dyson Xu Monta Vista 12:20
12 Charles Chen Lynbrook 12:24
13 Hsiang Hsiao Lynbrook 12:27
14 Edward Young Monta Vista 12:34
15 Kent Booi Saratoga 12:37
16 Aaron Nankin Monta Vista 12:40
17 Jesse Dill Cupertino 12:44
18 Steven Whitham Los Gatos 12:44
19 James Ngai Monta Vista 12:47
20 Albert Chang Monta Vista 12:50
21 Will Allesiyouse Saratoga 12:51
22 Kenji Cox-Muranami Lynbrook 12:55
23 Daniel Low Lynbrook 12:57
24 Scott Perez Fremont 12:58
25 Jameson Lam Lynbrook 12:59
26 Scott Hanson Monta Vista 13:00
27 Mark Morgan Mountain View 13:03
28 Chetan Shenoy Monta Vista 13:03
29 Nick Nguyen Monta Vista 13:05
30 Jose Moreira Wilcox 13:05
31 Brian Peng Monta Vista 13:06
32 Michael Hoang Wilcox 13:08
33 Wlter Chang Lynbrook 13:14
34 Dmitry Gulgazov Saratoga 13:19
35 Charlie Zhong Monta Vista 13:20
36 Jeff Hsu Mountain View 13:21
37 Calvin Wu Lynbrook 13:22
38 Kevin Shah Los Altos 13:24
39 Alex Choy Lynbrook 13:24
40 Michael Wong Saratoga 13:26
41 Matt Wang Monta Vista 13:29
42 Yosuke Murakami Lynbrook 13:31
43 Chris Balister Milipitas 13:35
44 Jason Zho Cupertino 13:36
45 Tony Xu Lynbrook 13:36
46 Ken Chang Monta Vista 13:37
47 Paul Yu Lynbrook 13:38
48 Javier Cardenas Fremont 13:39
49 Wilfren Esposo Wilcox 13:40
50 James Tait Mountain View 13:41
51 Alvin Hsing Monta Vista 13:41
52 Victor Li Lynbrook 13:43
53 Felix Wu Lynbrook 13:45
54 Phuc Tran Wilcox 13:46
55 Tom Wong Santa Teresa 13:47
56 Andrew Bain Los Altos 13:48
57 Pat McKenna Saratoga 13:49
58 Walter Prows Los Gatos 14:01
59 Tim Jou Lynbrook 14:02
60 Evan Hirokawa Los Gatos 14:03
61 Leon Rudyak Monta Vista 14:04
62 John Huang Saratoga 14:05
63 Jeff Garcia Los Altos 14:09
64 Ken Lin Saratoga 14:11
65 Steve Norberg Monta Vista 14:13
66 Vik Rajamanickam Saratoga 14:15
67 Chris Blue Los Gatos 14:19
68 Lutie Hsu Los Altos 14:20
69 Rajeev Mallireddy Monta Vista 14:20
70 Will Liu Wilcox 14:22
71 Steven Casillas Fremont 14:23
72 Anthony Hsu Monta Vista 14:24
73 Mat Berthet Los Gatos 14:25
74 Reese Zecchin Los Gatos 14:25
75 Joshua Wong Lynbrook 14:26
76 Ben Tseitlin Monta Vista 14:27
77 Ted Hong Los Altos 14:27
78 Luis Macias Fremont 14:28
79 Eric Zhou Monta Vista 14:32
80 Martin Sheehan-Stross Los Altos 14:34
81 Drew Andrade Mountain View 14:35
82 Michael Lin Saratoga 14:36
83 Jojo Choi Saratoga 14:37
84 John Sun Cupertino 14:38
85 Marco Antonio Fremont 14:41
86 Nicholas Malenka Los Altos 14:41
87 Michael Lee Lynbrook 14:42
88 Mat Sven Los Altos 14:42
89 Ryan Moseley Lynbrook 14:43
90 Alvin Hsu Mountain View 14:43
91 Ryan Lindstrom St. Lawrence 14:44
92 Adrien Salazar Fremont 14:46
93 Eliot Kim Monta Vista 14:48
94 Alex Kou Saratoga 14:49
95 Alex Shei Monta Vista 14:50
96 Ryan Flavell Monta Vista 14:54
97 Kenny Hsu Lynbrook 14:56
98 Stephen Wagner Santa Teresa 14:57
99 Brand Fecko-Cegin Menlo 15:00
100 Brian Detering Los Altos 15:09
101 Sal Alvarez Fremont 15:09
102 Aaron Wyse Los Altos 15:10
103 Alex Chang Monta Vista 15:10
104 Romeen Fattahi Los Gatos 15:19
105 Rex Kan Lynbrook 15:24
106 Justin Beauchesne Los Altos 15:28
107 Phil Wang Mountain View 15:34
108 Arun Sahoo Cupertino 15:37
109 John Parides Los Gatos 15:38
110 Jason Groves Lynbrook 15:49
111 Sam Brownlee Los Gatos 15:50
112 Chris Charles Saratoga 15:51
113 Felix Hung Lynbrook 15:55
114 Kazuki Ueki Homestead 16:07
116 Matt Claussen Lynbrook 16:08
117 Ian McCleod Monta Vista 16:26
118 Daniel Lin Lynbrook 16:27
119 Siyu Song Monta Vista 16:29
120 Ritesh Paspulati Wilcox 16:52
121 Taylor Chen Lynbrook 17:01
122 Elmeri Rapo Lynbrook 17:43
123 Eric Shyu Lynbrook 17:48
124 Bryant Kou Saratoga 17:56
125 Luis Silva Wilcox 18:08
126 Jonn Calderon Saratoga 18:40
Fremont Firebird Girls Junior Varsity---2002
1 Zohreh Akhavan Lynbrook 13:08
2 Ariana Nicewonger Los Gatos 13:23
3 Christina Liao Lynbrook 13:49
4 Jessica Heeb Mountain View 13:55
5 Aarushi Bhargaua Milpitas 14:12
6 Stephanie Girsback Los Gatos 14:25
7 Connie Shieh Monta Vista 14:26
8 Vanessa Shih Monta Vista 14:31
9 Christine Nguyen Milpitas 14:32
10 Katie Sroub Monta Vista 14:33
11 Sanishya Fernando Los Gatos 14:34
12 Andrea Bishop Monta Vista 14:40
13 Natalie Ku Saratoga 14:52
14 Becky Chappell Los Gatos 14:56
15 Danielle Yee Milpitas 15:00
16 Ashley Fetterman Monta Vista 15:01
17 Haley Berka Castilleja 15:02
18 Naujeet Kaur Wilcox 15:04
19 Danna Elgar Milpitas 15:12
20 Ashley Schoettle Castilleja 15:14
21 Jessica Uillaneueva Milpitas 15:24
22 Kathy deKleer Mountain View 15:31
23 Danielle Galeano Homestead 15:34
24 Caitlin Phelps Los Gatos 15:34
25 Evan Smith Lynbrook 15:38
26 Sarah Green Monta Vista 15:45
27 Jennifer Thomas Lynbrook 15:51
28 Stephanie Palomar Milpitas 15:52
29 Janice Miyagi Mountain View 16:01
30 Lindsay Tice Mountain View 16:03
31 Dorothy Tang Lynbrook 16:05
32 Annie Chen Monta Vissta 16:07
33 Julliant Peng Lynbrook 16:11
34 Jill Pfahnl Wilcox 16:13
35 Anne Roberts Castilleja 16:16
36 Adrianne Smits Los Gatos 16:18
37 Melissa Martinyak Saratoga 16:23
38 Beca Caunday Los Gatos 16:24
39 Bonnie Vu Milpitas 16:25
40 Charlotte Linton Kings Academy 16:30
41 Mieke Marple Los Altos 16:36
42 Mari-Jo Mont Raynaud Menlo 16:38
43 Daphne Crane Castilleja 16:39
44 Binnur Erbil Homestead 16:40
45 Katie Sweeney Los Gatos 16:40
46 Megan Diesenroth Los Altos 16:48
47 Ida Soleimani Monta Vista 16:50
48 Jennifer Chin Lynbrook 16:54
49 Brenda Erickson Redwood Christian 16:55
50 Shruti Waghray Lynbrook 16:57
51 Angela Kao Lynbrook 16:57
52 Ariel Malliaris Redwood Christian 16:58
53 Robin Bailey Mountain View 17:01
53 Rachel Drobot Mountain View 17:05
54 Roxana Sdafipour Saratoga 17:07
55 Caitlin Vankifer Saratoga 17:13
56 Denise Iida Wilcox 17:14
57 Destiny Acidera Fremont 17:14
58 Rachel Tennenbaum Saratoga 17:15
59 Becca Lauterbach Mountain View 17:15
60 Laura Baldwin Mountain View 17:21
62 Sherine Rahimi Los Gatos 17:23
63 Jill Hagey Redwood Christian 17:24
64 Minha Yun Redwood Christian 17:26
65 Shabbie Afshar Lynbrook 17:27
66 Tracy Jalaba Mountain View 17:30
67 Maria Lui Kings Academy 17:41
68 Anna Tran Wilcox 17:46
69 Arissa Balaban Los Gatos 17:47
70 Rebecca Gutierrez Redwood Christian 17:48
71 Cierra Sing Wilcox 17:56
72 Michelle Fongson Saratoga 17:57
73 Annie Tat Wilcox 18:00
74 Nickie Bykhovsky Lynbrook 18:03
75 Eleheh Karkassi Wilcox 18:08
76 Jasmine Akhatib Saratoga 18:40
77 Jaimie Haight Los Altos 19:05
78 Corinne Rutherford Los Altos 19:06
79 Emily Brown Mountain View 19:13
80 Tess Goff Mountain View 19:23
81 Bhavna Muthangi Homestead 19:33
82 Amita Chollate Homestead 19:46
83 Amabeth Salazar Fremont 19:56
84 Jessica Schade Los Gatos 20:01
85 Erin Hill Castilleja 20:33
86 Monica Morosin Los Gatos 20:54
87 Laura Peskin Castilleja 20:55
1 Ian Laform Monta Vista 11:00
2 Scott Russell Monta Vista 11:09
3 Alex Burgos Fremont 11:24
4 Eric Buysse Los Altos 11:25
5 Henry Barmeier Saratoga 11:39
6 Mark Schwartz Mt View 11:41
7 Andrew Welch Redwood Christian 11:42
8 Robert Paolini Saratoga 11:43
9 Brett DeJarnette Los Altos 11:43
10 Brett Pennington Milpitas 11:44
11 Scott Surrette Saratoga 11:45
12 Matt Paquet Monta Vista 11:46
13 Kevin Sun Lynbrook 11:47
14 Aaron Sommer Monta Vista 11:47
15 Ansel Misfeldtd Cupertino 11:48
16 Don Gaspar Los Gatos 11:52
17 Haruki Shimoda Fremont 11:54
18 AJ Rossi Mt View 11:56
19 Nayson Fernandes Monta Vista 11:59
20 Kevin Boockholdt Santa Teresa 12:01
21 Eric Sasaki Lynbrook 12:02
22 Jullian Bibl Los Altos 12:05
23 Kyle Macomber Los Altos 12:07
24 Allan Nguyen Mt View 12:08
25 Rahul Mallireddy Monta Vista 12:10
26 Jon DeSimone Lynbrook 12:13
27 Ken Douglas Saratgoa 12:13
28 Xi-Lin Yeh Cupertino 12:14
29 Alex Chen Monta Vista 12:14
30 Michael Lemke Redwood Christian 12:15
31 Sergio Venegas Redwood Christian 12:15
32 Evelio Romero Mt View 12:17
33 Vincent Nguyen Milpitas 12:18
34 Anthony Garcia Mt View 12:18
35 Jeff Clark Los Altos 12:19
36 Jeremy Cleveland Los Gatos 12:19
37 Aaron Teagle Lynbrook 12:20
38 Alex Hudson Los Gatos 12:20
39 Seth Smart Los Gatos 12:21
40 Joe Yen Saratgoa 12:22
41 Craig Kawashima Monta Vista 12:24
42 Dennis Fong Mt View 12:25
43 Anthony Angeles Fremont 12:28
44 Sheng Huang Milpitas 12:28
45 Matt Lee Monta Vista 12:33
46 Kevin Meuller Mt View 12:36
47 Daniel Durbin Redwood Christian 12:37
48 Julien Vernon Los Altos 12:38
49 Andrew Sangster Los Altos 12:39
50 BJ Biscosho Milpitas 12:40
51 Jamie Apple Los Altos 12:40
52 Justin Bahng Monta Vista 12:41
53 Jon Schannep Redwood Christian 12:50
54 Forrest Sansom Mt View 12:52
55 Kevin Schneider Fremont 12:52
56 Ali Moalem Cupertino 12:54
57 Michael Floyd Los Gatos 12:55
58 Travis Livingstone Los Gatos 12:56
59 Bryce Hoffman Los Altos 12:57
60 Ming Xu Redwood Christian 12:58
61 Danny Slate Mt View 13:00
62 Jeetu Pandianq Lynbrook 13:03
63 Justin Teng Lynbrook 13:04
64 Alex Henry Los Gatos 13:06
65 Matt Baker Santa Teresa 13:07
66 Tim Woods Mt View 13:12
67 Wesley Nguyen Redwood Christian 13:13
68 Patrick Au Redwood Christian 13:16
69 Tom Smith St Lawrence 13:17
70 Jared Bucko Mt View 13:19
71 Kurtis Osagawa Fremont 13:20
72 Douglas Mosher Los Gatos 13:22
73 Chad Kyffin Santa Teresa 13:24
74 Jon Cefalu Homestead 13:30
75 Andrew Xiao Lynbrook 13:31
76 Jonathan Huynh Fremont 13:32
77 Alan Scott Mt View 13:33
78 Robin Yoo Milpitas 13:35
79 Austin Chu Saratgoa 13:36
80 Praveen Vanka Cupertino 13:37
81 Tayson Bui Santa Teresa 13:40
82 Suming Chen Saratgoa 13:41
83 Dave Bitter Los Gatos 13:43
84 Bobby Czap Milpitas 13:43
85 Afsheen Mirshafiei Homestead 13:44
86 Michael Le Lynbrook 13:47
87 Jordan Blevins Redwood Christian 13:48
88 Jonathan Sheng Milpitas 13:48
89 Joseph Petty Santa Teresa 13:49
90 Scott Payne Homestead 13:49
91 Frank Morales Mt View 13:50
92 John Liu Santa Teresa 13:52
93 Brandon Mambaje Mt View 13:51
94 Kevin Taylor Santa Teresa 13:51
95 Justin Ko Milpitas 13:58
96 James Louie Saratgoa 13:59
97 Jason Whitehead Los Gatos 14:01
98 Kyle High Mt View 14:02
99 Robert McClure Cupertino 14:05
100 Andy Kinneman Redwood Christian 14:11
101 David Cheng Lynbrook 14:11
102 Derek Mackilin Saratgoa 14:20
103 Kevin Vuong Milpitas 14:21
104 Kyle Stahmer Homestead 14:21
105 Mike Pacheco Fremont 14:22
106 Nick Coman Menlo 14:23
107 Martin Lewis Saratgoa 14:31
108 Jason Mathew Fremont 14:51
109 Robert Durbin Redwood Christian 14:52
110 Ben Johnson Redwood Christian 14:52
111 Adam Lew Homestead 15:01
112 Daniel Tu Mt View 15:05
113 Anthony Esposo Redwood Christian 15:31
114 Matt Jaramillo Redwood Christian 15:43
115 Sean Sandhu Redwood Christian 15:47
116 Larry Le Milpitas 15:48
117 Ali Karbassi Redwood Christian 15:52
118 Viet Anh Nguyen St Lawrence 16:31
119 Daniel Chen Saratgoa 16:15
120 William Dixon Menlo 16:18
121 Nick Marr Fremont 18:14
DyestatCal Results