The Granite Bay/ASICS
Invitational - Sierra College (Rocklin) Sat 8/31/02
Exciting finishes were the highlight of both races at the Granite Bay/ASICS
Invitational at Sierra College in Rocklin Saturday 8/31. Calvin Glass
(Woodreek, Roseville) passed the Uribe twins (Oscar and Miguel) from Grace
Davis of Modesto in the final 300 meters to win at 16:02. Madera, long-time
Central Section power with coaching changes lately, seems to have emerged
as a State power, with a fine 75 point win over most of the Sac Joaquin's
best. Madera gapped 54 seconds behind team leader Madrigal (7th 16:31),
with senior Fernando Valdivia (16:38) leading sophs Claudio Moreno (17:04)
and Serigio Santos (17:18) for the Central Section winners. Madera wins
one of our "summer workout" awards, as they obviously have come
a ways since last fall and spring!!
On the Girls' side it was the hosts' Caitlin Chock
(Granite Bay) who was the winner, with 10:36 3200 star Rachel Bryan (Laguna
Creek, Elk Grove) closing hard over the final 500 meters, but finishing
four seconds down of the GB star. Placer, who moved to Division I last
year to take the Sac Joaquin team title, appears to be strong once again,
with a 50-83 win over area rival Granite Bay, with it believed both being
Division II this Fall (unless one opts for a move up). Granite Bay was
ranked 6th Statewide Division II, with Placer #10, so some adjustment
coming there! (State Rankings)
The Jesuit Boys' group was 4th overall, with the loss of John Wihtol,
with an illness they are still working on, obviously having a serious
affect on the team's up-front depth. The Boys' race featured a ton of
good individuals, with Austin Ramos of Jesuit, racing the equal #3 time
in Jesuit history on their recent trial, relegated to 5th place here.
Winner Glass was a 4:20 1600 star last year as a sophomore, with third
placer Miguel Uribe 9:22 last spring, and Dan Napieralski (Oakmont, Roseville)
4:18 last spring.
Granite Bay Invitational
Sierra College - 3.0 miles
Varsity Boys
Team Results
1. Madera 75 (84:56 team time - gap 1-5 54 seconds)
2. Woodcreek 90 (85:23 team time gap 1-5 88 seconds)
3. Oakmont 115
4. Jesuit 165
5. Granite Bay 169
1. Glass Woodcreek 16:02
2. Uribe, O Grace Davis 16:04
3. Uribe, M Grace Davis 16:10
4. Napieralski Oakmont 16:12
5. Ramos Jesuit 16:25
6. Ovalle Vacaville 16:29
7. Madrigal Madera 16:31
8. Vargas Jesuit 16:36
9. Valdivia Madera 16:38
10. Peach Placer 16:41
11. Balcao St.Mary's 16:43
12. Bardet Granite Bay 16:46
13. Newton Oakmont 16:52
14. Cardinalli St. Mary's 16:57
15. Fuller Granite Bay 17:00
16. Moreno Madera 17:04
17. Duenas Woodcreek 17:09
18. VanParys Woodcreek 17:14
19. Wells Oakmont 17:15
20. Sieraki Davis 17:15
21. Santos Madera 17:18
22. Zante Madera 17:25
23. Boedecker Casa Roble 17:26
24. Hernandez Madera 17:27
25. Barayah Florin 17:28
26. Done Woodcreek 17:28
27. Lapping SI 17:29
28. Laws Woodcreek 17:30
29. Cardenas Florin 17:31
30. Gonzalez Laguna Creek 17:38
31. Tognetti SI 17:39
32. Perez Madera 17:42
33. Velarde Madera 17:43
34. Boone East Union 17:43
35. Prado Oakmont 17:45
36. Robertson Roseville 17:48
37. Royce Sonora 17:49
38. Dahlz SI 17:53
39. Cimini Laguna Creek 17:54
40. Freitas Nevada Union 17:54
41. Green Sierra 17:55
42. Grinstead Del Campo 17:56
43. Kiesz Lodi 17:56
44. Patterson Laguna Creek 17:57
45. Hart Del Campo 17:58
46. Magaletti JFK 18:02
47. Putman Nevada Union 18:02
48. Doust Granite Bay 18:02
49. Crawford Grace Davis 18:03
50. Inman Vacaville 18:04
Granite Bay Invitational
Sierra College - 3.0 miles
Varsity Girls
Team Results
1. Placer 50 (101:52 team time - 85 second 1-5 gap)
2. Granite Bay 83 (102:52 - 2 minute 54 second 1-5 gap)
3. Oakmont 125
4. Madera 178
5. Davis 184
1. Chock Granite Bay 18:19
2. Bryan Laguna Creek 18:23
3. White Oak Ridge 18:48
4. Born Oakmont 19:19
5. Mulkey Folsom 19:31
6. LaBeud Folsom 19:38
7. Crouch Placer 19:43
8. Kritl St. Francis (Sac) 19:51
9. Williams Granite Bay 20:00
10. Garcia Grace Davis 20:02
11. Gillming Placer 20:12
12. Cearly Woodland 20:13
13. Buck Placer 20:22
14. McNulty Woodcreek 20:26
15. Vaughn Placer 20:27
16. Wachter Cordova 20:29
17 Weathers Granite Bay 20:30
18. Nieland Tokay 20:30
19. Stonum Lodi 20:31
20. James Madera 20:32
21. Hough Sonora 20:46
22. Morgan Union Mine 20:47
23. Lemmon Vacaville 20:52
24. Gregg Davis 21:05
25. Gruber Placer 21:08
26. Page Oakmont 21:12
27. Rodriguez Madera 21:15
28. Giammona Bear River 21:18
29. Zaich St Mary's 21:21
30. Gruwell Vacaville 21:22
31. Sconberg Oakmont 21:23
32. Felix Madera 21:24
33. Soderlund Roseville 21:26
34. Bertolani Davis 21:28
35. Hildebrandt Woodcreek 21:32
36. Sanchez St Francis (Sac) 21:32
37. Raisner Vacaville 21:36
38. Butterfield Woodland 21:40
39. Champagne Davis 21:41
40. McFadden Tokay 21:45
41. Tomlinson Oakmont 21:47
42. Howard Placer 21:48
43. Proctor Sierra 21:48
44. Vu East Union 21:51
45. Hart Sonora 21:53
46. Lipelt Lodi 21:56
47. Rhein Woodcreek 21:57
48. Nelson Granite Bay 22:00
49. Manukyan Davis 22:00
50. McAuley Granite Bay 22:03
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