2002 CS Fullerton "Season
Opener" Cross Country - 8/31/02
Carbon Canyon Regional Park, Brea, CA - More
photos djfrantic
Stanford, ranked #2 on the Men's Side NCAA Division I (behind the Colorado
Buff's) rolled into CS Fullerton and scored 17 points. Neil
Davis (3rd from Bellarmine Prep, San Jose) was a super third place,
with Justin Patananan (Highland HS, Palmdale and UCLA) winning our most
improved since high school award on the Men's side with his fourth place.
Alicia Craig, who ran in the Arcadia Meet a couple of times while a prep
in Wyoming, tied with Sara Bei (former Montgomery
HS of Santa Rosa) on the Women's side, with the duo racing away from the
field to a near 200 meter win!! Lori Mann (UCLA -
Santa Margarita HS) wins our "most improved since HS" award
here in 6th, with Jenna Timinsky (UCLA - San
Dieguito Academy) stunning in her first collegiate race in 7th just behind!!!
Stanford, awaiting the first NCAA Rankings this week on the Women's side,
could not have hurt their cause with 19 points.
Thanks to flash results west for the summary of the meet
Below (Left) Alicia Craig and Sara Bei roll along!! - (R) Stanford pack
prominent early (Bill Leung photos)
Below (Left) Adam Tenforde (who won the Arcadia 3200 as a Washington
prep in 8:57 a few years back) and Jesse Thomas roll along 1-2 for Stanford
- Start of Women's Race at CS Fullerton (Bill Leung photos)
Team Scores: 1)Stanford 17; 2) Cal Coast TC 74; 3) UCLA 125; 4) CS Fullerton
5) UC Riverside 148; 6) CAl Poly Pomona 165; 7) UC Santa Barbara 180;
Long Beach St 230; 9) Vanguard Univ 268; 10) San Jose St 275; 11)Pepperdine
12)Antelope Valley CC 318; 13)Rio Hondo CC 337; 14) Loyola Marymount 349
Men 8k Run CC
Name Year School Finals
1 Adam Tenforde Stanford 24:44.40
2 Jesse Thomas Stanford 24:47.20
3 Neil Davis Stanford 24:52.60 - BELLARMINE HS (SAN
4 Justin Patananan Unattached 25:02.30 HIGHLAND HS (PALMDALE)
5 Steve Frisone Cal Coast 25:11.10 - LAGUNA HILLS HS
6 Isaac Hawkins Stanford 25:17.60
7 Andrew Hill Stanford 25:18.50 - LOS ALTOS HS
8 Oscar Gonzales Cal Coast 25:21.30
9 Ben Aragon UCLA 25:23.70 - WEST HILLS HS (SANTEE)
10 Mark Batres Cal Poly 25:26.00 - DON BOSCO TECH (ROSEMEAD)
11 Albar Inzuena Unattached 25:28.00
12 Justin Romaniuk Stanford 25:29.90
13 Carlos Handler UC Riverside 25:33.10 - MURRIETA VALLEY HS
14 Jose Rangel Unattached 25:35.50
15 Sean Knapp Stanford 25:37.20
16 Vince Carter Cal Coast 25:45.40
17 Jordan Horn CS Fullerton 25:46.70 - ALTA LOMA HS
18 Marcos Campos CS Fullerton 25:50.50 - LA PUENTE HS
19 Daniel Cobian Unattached 25:51.60 - PALMDALE
20 Andrew Powell Stanford 25:54.10
21 Justin Neems Men ofTroy 25:56.30
22 Jason Rogers Cal Coast 25:57.90
23 Philip West Stanford 26:04.00
24 Tony Magana Vanguard U. 26:05.60
25 David Stillman Stanford 26:06.00
26 Matt Heard San Jose St 26:06.20 - YUCCA VALLEY HS
27 Art Avita UCSB 26:07.00 - BIG BEAR HS
28 Josh Gonzales UC Riverside 26:08.00 - DON LUGO HS (CHINO)
29 Matt Rainwater Cal Poly 26:09.20 - BREA OLINDA HS (BREA)
30 Israel Gonzales UC Riverside 26:09.50 - DON LUGO HS (CHINO)
31 Puneet Mahan UCLA 26:10.10
32 Rayan Rogers Antelope V 26:11.20
32 Alex Cardiasmenos UCSB 26:11.20
34 Phil Young UCLA 26:13.30
35 James Tawney Cal Poly 26:14.10
36 Dan Miller Antelope V 26:18.00
37 Eric Loudon CS Fullerton 26:18.40
38 Martin Coronado Rio Hondo 26:19.30
39 Nick Arciniaga CS Fullerton 26:20.90
40 Mikael Larsson Vanguard U. 26:21.40
41 Mohammed Qazi Unattached 26:22.80
42 Nick DeFelice UCLA 26:22.90
43 Dan Arsenault Cal Coast 26:24.40
44 Nick Thornton UCLA 26:24.70
45 Art Garcia Long BeachSt 26:24.90
45 Brian Robles Long BeachSt 26:24.90
47 Kenny Lawrence Long BeachSt 26:27.50
48 Jim Maynard Cal Coast 26:28.60
49 Tyrus Deminter Men ofTroy 26:30.80
50 Steve Loughlin Stanford 26:32.80
51 Bryan Bauerle UCLA 26:36.10
52 Bryce Lighthall CS Fullerton 26:38.00
53 Ryan McGinnis Unattached 26:41.00
54 Mike Gavino Unattached 26:41.10
55 Ruben Espinoza UC Riverside 26:42.30
56 Reggie Oronoz UCLA 26:44.00
57 Jeff Gardina UCSB 26:45.10
58 Martell Munguin UCLA 26:46.60
59 Brian Johnson Cal Coast 26:46.70
60 Jason Boyce UCSB 26:47.10
61 Khalil Hallack UCSB 26:47.40
62 Justin Coburn UCSB 26:48.40
63 Chad Trammell Pepperdine 26:49.60
64 Louis Rich Pepperdine 26:53.10
65 Humberto Arrendondo Cal Poly 26:53.20
66 Will Crane San Jose St 26:54.00
67 Mike Ostler UC Riverside 26:54.80
68 Nathan Berner Unattached 26:57.30
69 Noe Romo UC Riverside 26:57.40
70 Mike Atwood Biola 26:59.10
71 Justin Simon Unattached 27:03.00
72 Brian Siehmeier Long BeachSt 27:05.10
73 Ben Berkowitz UCSB 27:07.10
74 Shaun Fitzgerald Cal Poly 27:11.80
75 Donovan Jones UC Riverside 27:12.00
76 Bryan Kincaid Unattached 27:17.80
77 Jose Aguilar Rio Hondo 27:20.70
78 Andy Thompson Loyola Marym 27:21.00
79 Jesse McLeod San Jose St 27:23.20
80 Matt Meyer Vanguard U. 27:23.90
81 Drew Repp Pepperdine 27:24.10
82 Mark Dombrowski Unattached 27:24.30
83 Jacob Kruczynski Long BeachSt 27:26.40
84 Kenny ARehart Loyola Marym 27:27.30
85 Tom Hummel Cal Poly 27:29.60
86 Chris Covert CS Fullerton 27:30.60
87 Paul Hansen UC Riverside 27:31.80
88 Daniel Estrella Unattached 27:34.50
89 Bradley Theobald Cal Poly 27:38.90
90 David Leon San Jose St 27:43.10
91 Steve Bishop Cal Coast 27:43.60
92 Danny Keener CS Fullerton 27:46.20
93 Matt Bates Long BeachSt 27:51.40
94 Lucas Crowley UCLA 27:52.20
95 James DeBruhl Cal Poly 27:56.00
96 Greg Corry Loyola Marym 28:02.30
97 Bernie Ochoa Loyola Marym 28:02.70
98 Pedro Parriga Cal Poly 28:04.80
99 Dreux Valente Cal Coast 28:06.70
100 Nico Cueva UCLA 28:07.70
101 Bradley Fessenden Cal Poly 28:08.00
102 Mario Carrillo Rio Hondo 28:08.80
103 Andy Padilla UC Riverside 28:14.10
104 Ray Avalos San Jose St 28:16.00
105 Stephen McQuaide Pepperdine 28:18.40
106 Gilbert Esparza Unattached 28:18.60
107 Ryan Allen UC Riverside 28:21.60
108 Steve Lalim Vanguard U. 28:22.80
109 John Moss Los Feliz 28:27.40
110 Loren Childers Unattached 28:30.80
111 John Valdez Pepperdine 28:32.50
112 Pete Ortiz Unattached 28:34.60
113 Adam Bacon Loyola Marym 28:35.70
114 Edel Lopez Vanguard U. 28:39.90
115 Warren Sutton Loyola Marym 28:42.30
116 David Cameron Pepperdine 28:48.50
117 Matt Hall Unattached 28:50.80
118 Gonzalo Lopez Unattached 28:51.40
119 Juan Herandez Rio Hondo 28:53.60
120 Chris Bayne Unattached 28:54.30
121 John Nelson Vanguard U. 28:58.70
122 David Henandez Biola 29:00.20
123 Robby Philipp San Jose St 29:07.30
124 Chris Barber Antelope V 29:13.20
125 Nevada Tuggle Pepperdine 29:14.70
126 Chris Navarrete Unattached 29:15.60
127 Ryan Dedmon Biola 29:23.50
128 Kentaro Onishi Pepperdine 29:28.70
129 David Kolb Unattached 29:32.90
130 Samuel Mbithi Unattached 29:37.70
131 Hunter Heatly Loyola Marym 29:38.00
132 Russell Kraus Cal Poly 29:42.90
133 Ryan Smith Antelope V 29:45.00
134 Eddie Venegas Cal Coast 29:57.40
135 Frank Sherwood Antelope V 30:00.20
136 Efrain Caudillo Rio Hondo 30:05.00
137 Bernie Castanada CS Fullerton 30:17.50
138 Gerardo Saldana Cal Poly 30:30.90
139 Kerry Franich Chapman Univ 30:45.20
140 Santos Martinez Rio Hondo 30:47.20
141 Edgar Lopez Chapman Univ 32:42.00
142 Angelo Salisberry Unattached 34:19.00
02 CS Fullerton "Season Opener" Cross Country - 8/31/02
Carbon Canyon Regional Park, Brea, CA
Team Scores - ) Stanford 19; 2)UCLA 43; 3) UC Santa Barbara 129; 4) Cal
Coast TC 131;
5) USC 157; 6) San Diego St 192; 7) CS Fullerton 204; 8) San Jose St 219;
9) Pepperdine 286;
10) Biola 298; 11) UC Riverside 320; 12) Loyola Marymount 349; 13) Cal
Poly Pomona 354;
14) Long Beach St 364; 15) CSULA 398; 16) Rio Hondo CC 460; 17) Chapman
Women 5k Run CC
Name Year School Finals
1 Alicia Craig Stanford 17:01.70
1 Sara Bei Stanford 17:01.70 - MONTOGMERY HS OF SANTA ROSA HS
3 Malindi Elmore Stanford 17:30.20
4 Jeane Goff Stanford 17:32.00
5 Heather Frisone Cal Coast 17:37.40
7 Jenna Timinsky UCLA 17:50.00 - SAN DIEGUITO
8 Alejandra Barrientos UCLA 17:54.70 - SAN LORENZO VALLEY (FELTON)
9 Anita Siraki Stanford 17:58.10 -HOOVER HS (GLENDALE)
10 Sarah West UCLA 18:00.50 - DAVIS HS
11 Erin Sullivan Stanford 18:00.90
12 Carmen Winant UCLA 18:01.00
13 Mariel Ettinger Stanford 18:14.70
14 Teresa Vega-Velarde Cal Coast 18:19.20
15 Melissa McBain UCLA 18:21.80- THOUSAND OAKS HS
16 Caroly Shea UCLA 18:22.60
17 J Stakiw San Diego St 18:27.60
18 Allison Hall UCLA 18:29.70 - RANCHO BERNADO HS (SD)
19 Laura Muller UCLA 18:30.50 - WOODLAND HS
20 Lauren Christman UCSB 18:32.40 -HARBOR HS (SANTA CRUZ)
21 Stephanie Rothstien UCSB 18:34.30
22 AnnMarie Housen CSULA 18:35.20
23 Danielle Morrell USC 18:37.40
24 Christine Appell Cal Coast 18:38.50
25 Jessica Marr UCLA 18:49.10 - HAYWARD HS
26 Lindsay Christman UCSB 18:51.90 - HARBOR HS (SANTA CRUZ)
27 Valerie Flores UCLA 18:53.10 -SAN PEDRO HS
28 Laura Monson Unattached 18:55.90 - CLAREMONT HS
29 Katie Hotchkiss Stanford 19:02.50 -MISSION SAN JOSE HS (FREMONT)
30 Seanna Martin UCSB 19:03.30 - BRET HARTE HS (ALTAVILLE)
31 Leslie Barrie UCLA 19:04.00
32 Lara Del Rio Loyola Marym 19:07.30
33 Kate Pinta USC 19:08.30
34 Lakeysha McClenton CS Fullerton 19:08.40
35 Lindsay Hyatt Stanford 19:09.90
36 Dolly Ginter Cal Coast 19:15.40
37 Asheigh Nebeker San Jose St 19:16.80
38 Maria Blazques Unattached 19:20.40
39 Harlye Maya USC 19:20.80
40 Alicia Stewart San Diego St 19:21.60
41 Kelsey Wright UC Riverside 19:22.00
42 Jamillah Titus San Diego St 19:22.70
43 Kristy Fournier Biola 19:23.60
44 Jenny Thune Vanguard U. 19:24.70
45 Judy DeLong San Jose St 19:26.00
46 Christine Carter Pepperdine 19:31.10
47 Jenifer Flake CS Fullerton 19:37.20
48 Sarah Hall Vanguard U. 19:37.70
49 Terry Vega CS Fullerton 19:39.00
50 Crystal Becker USC 19:41.90
51 Kelly Crampston Chapman Univ 19:42.30
52 Meghan Mainwaring USC 19:42.80
53 Elizabeth Huipe Vanguard U. 19:43.30
54 Pam Rogue CS Fullerton 19:45.20
55 Kathryn Neeper USC 19:45.50
56 Ashley Allen UCLA 19:46.00
57 JC Crossland Pepperdine 19:50.30
58 Leslie Alexander UCSB 19:51.90
59 Brenda Terry Unattached 19:54.80
60 Adriana Alvarado UC Riverside 19:55.40
61 Tina Fodor San Diego St 19:55.80
62 Elizabeth Rose Stanford 19:58.20
63 Lindsay Peters San Jose St 19:59.30
64 Sharon Burnett Long BeachSt 20:02.10
65 Victoria Haynes Antelope V 20:02.20
66 Jenny Yadon Long BeachSt 20:02.60
67 Natalie Miano Cal Poly 20:03.90
68 Kim Nebeker San Jose St 20:07.30
69 Heather Hennessy USC 20:09.40
70 Brittany Gomes Biola 20:10.10
71 Diane Mendoza Unattached 20:11.00
72 Reberah Harmer San Jose St 20:12.20
73 Anna Connelly San Jose St 20:12.40
74 Kristin Chadez UCSB 20:13.30
75 Janet Yiu San Jose St 20:15.00
76 Lauren Gray Pepperdine 20:18.20
77 Katie Hill CS Fullerton 20:19.00
78 Katie Tschabold Biola 20:19.70
79 Jenny Wood Cal Coast 20:21.00
80 Holly Peters USC 20:21.60
81 Monica Valdez Cal Poly 20:22.60
82 Kylie Edwards San Diego St 20:23.00
83 Claris Fernandez Cal Coast 20:23.40
84 Catie Garrett CS Fullerton 20:24.00
84 Beatriz Reyes CSULA 20:24.00
86 Nicole Espinoza San Jose St 20:24.40
87 Silvia Mendoza Biola 20:24.90
88 Lauren Tyree Pepperdine 20:25.70
88 Brianne Bricker San Diego St 20:25.70
90 Cynthia Hohlstein Cal Poly 20:26.70
91 Jenny Esser UCLA 20:28.90
92 Erin Junkin Loyola Marym 20:29.10
93 Irais Flores Rio Hondo 20:33.30
94 Katie Parry San Diego St 20:35.70
95 Julie Amster San Diego St 20:36.20
96 Melissa Garza UC Riverside 20:38.80
97 Shawna Winfrey Cal Poly 20:40.20
98 Angie Fitzpatrick San Diego St 20:41.60
99 Elizabeth Ayers Pepperdine 20:42.20
100 Laura Preston San Diego St 20:43.90
101 Latrice Donaldson CS Fullerton 20:48.00
102 Amber Murphy Long BeachSt 20:54.00
103 Jessica Cuevas USC 21:06.90
104 Heather Montgomery Loyola Marym 21:07.70
105 Bonnie Wasson Biola 21:08.60
106 erin Wilkinson Loyola Marym 21:12.60
107 Dena Witthaus UC Riverside 21:16.40
108 Nicole Distefano CS Fullerton 21:18.50
109 Goldie Tompkins USC 21:19.70
110 Janette Najera San Jose St 21:22.70
111 Melissa Osuna UC Riverside 21:30.10
112 Emily Atwood Biola 21:32.70
113 Melissa Stoll UC Riverside 21:33.90
114 Shauna McIver Biola 21:34.10
115 Elaine Nunez Rio Hondo 21:34.40
116 Jill Quye Pepperdine 21:37.90
117 Alie Moody Loyola Marym 21:41.60
118 Jennifer Mitchell San Diego St 21:42.30
119 Carrie Fournier Biola 21:47.80
120 Veronica Capron Long BeachSt 21:49.10
121 Monica Salazar Unattached 21:49.40
122 Caitlin Baker Loyola Marym 21:52.60
123 Joy Simpson Cal Poly 21:55.30
124 Emily Joller San Diego St 21:57.50
125 Jennifer Celmer Cal Poly 22:00.00
126 Guiselle Torres USC 22:13.90
127 Jackie Duncan San Diego St 22:16.20
128 Betsy Lively Long BeachSt 22:17.10
129 Jeni Grob Cal Poly 22:17.60
130 holly Kirwan CS Fullerton 22:18.60
131 Katie Price Cal Poly 22:20.40
132 Christy Goaman Antelope V 23:07.50
133 Megan Hall Antelope V 23:08.10
134 Griselda Flores Rio Hondo 23:22.30
135 Ligia Espinoza CSULA 23:26.10
136 Maria Cabrera Rio Hondo 23:34.10
137 Rosita Janbakhsh USC 23:48.80
138 Carrie McIntyre Vanguard U. 23:53.30
139 Andrea Callihan UC Riverside 23:55.80
140 Monika Martinez Pepperdine 23:58.30
141 Leah Sherry Chapman Univ 24:00.50
142 Melissa Rogers Cal Poly 24:04.30
143 Yeni Huizar Rio Hondo 24:27.20
144 Amber Oleson USC 24:27.30
145 Lindsay Nehrer San Diego St 24:44.90
146 Erin Furlong Chapman Univ 25:14.00
147 Mariah Pasos CSULA 25:42.30
148 Leah Jackson San Diego St 25:48.10
149 Yadira Rios Rio Hondo 28:35.50
150 Heather Tyler Chapman Univ 28:55.40
151 Kelly Tyler Chapman Univ 28:56.10
152 Araceli Delgadillo CSULA 29:08.00
153 Iamara Motley CSULA 29:24.10
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