USATF-California HS Hammer
Throw Championships
Sunday June 3rd, 2007 @ UC Davis


USATF-California HS Hammer
Throw Championships
Sunday June 3rd, 2007 @ UC Davis


Results from the 4th annual USATF/California High School Hammer Throw Championships (6/3/07 at UC-Davis):

Boys (12-pound implement)
1. Conor McCullough (Unattached), 74.34 (243-11) New national sophomore class record... Series: Foul, 243-11, 223-4, 233-8, Foul, 240-7
2. Raul Gonzalez III (Unattached), 54.17
3. Jake Fuller (Unattached), 51.44
4. Joe Parsons (Unattached), 41.88
5. Marcus Adame Hill (Unattached), 41.00
6. Matt Post (Unattached), 40.35

Girls (4K implement)
1. Arianna Lugo (Unattached), 45.96
2. Katharine Laich (Unattached), 37.23)
3. Lauren Guerrieri (Unattached), 31.40
4. Karla Spence (Unattached), 30-50
5. Chelsea Hedenland (Unattached), 26.96
6. Ashley Hearn (Unattached), 26.27

Special Thanks to sponsors Bill Caton and M-F Athletics, the National Throws Coaches Association, UC-Davis Throws Coach Tim Fua, UC-Davis Head Coach Jon Vochatzer, and the superb officiating crew of Steve Green, Joe Hunter, Jose Gallo, Joe Cooney, and Matt Eckman.

The CIF (California's governing body for high school sports) will not sanction this meet, but as long as we have the support of USATF, coaches, parents, and officials, we'll keep on throwing.

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