2005 AAU Junior Olympics
New Orleans, Louisiana
July 29th - August 6th, 2005

Live Results
Day Eight - 8/06/05

Results involving Californians - Day 8 - 8/6/05
we cover Youth-Intermediate-Young Men/Women - Athletes of High School age
Caprice Bradshaw (Sacramento/Fairfield HS) 10:37.96 strikes gold in YngWom 3000
5th place finishes for Chelsea Davis (Newbury Park) IntG 400 57.18 - Chauncey
David-Jacobs (San Francisco/Burton HS) Yng Wom 400 55.96 - Amber Purvis
(Sacramento/Benicia HS) IntG200 24.57 (-1.2)
tough meet - up through 400 athletes went through three rounds of competition
Total Meet Results Link
Day Seven - 8/05/05

One lap qualifying day at the AAU JO's in New Orelans on Friday 8/5!
Chelsea Davis from Newbury Park Intermediate Girls 400 race winner 56.93
Lincoln of Stockton's Micheal Johnson races 47.82 but one spot out of
qualifying for Finals in tough contest!!
(photos - Davis - Kirby Lee - Johnson - Margaret Gallagher)
Results involving Californians - Day 7 - 8/5/05
we cover Youth-Intermediate-Young Men/Women - Athletes of High School age
Chauncey David-Jacobs (San Francisco/Burton HS) (56.41) & Keisha Baker (Sacramento/
Fairfield HS) (57.22) win YngWom 400 Heats - on to Saturday's Finals - Chelsea Davis
(Newbury Park HS) IntG 400 heat winner 56.93 - Michael Johnson (Stockton/Lincoln HS)
YngM 400 heat 47.82 but does not make finals!! - Brandon Owens (Bakersfield/Ridgeview HS)
IntB 400 heat 49.86 - Donnise Powell (Union City/St. Anne MS, UC) Yth G 400 57.47
heat winner and finals qualifier!
Day 8 Live Results Link - 8/6/05
Day Six - 8/04/05

Sac Joaquin area stars Caprice Bradshaw (Fairfield HS-left) (Joe Hartman photo)
picks up medal in Young Women's 1500 - Amber Purvis (Benicia-rt) cranks 24.32
in semi's for #5 Qualifying time for competitive Intermediate Girls 200 Final!!
Results involving Californians - Day 6 - 8/4/05
Caprice Bradshaw (Sacramento/Fairfield HS) 3rd YngWom 1500 4:53.48
Dominique Jackson (Sacramento/Fairfield HS) 4th IntG 1500 4:53.54
Richard Jones (Fairfield/Benicia HS) 7th overall BInt 1500 4:11.55 - heat winner
Amber Purvis (Sacramento/Benicia HS) 5th qualifier Finals IntG200 at 24.32 (-0.4 wind)
Kayla Kovar (Ridgecrest) 10th Yth G DT 101-07
(relative of 1978 State Meet Runner-up in discus from Burroughs (Ridgecrest) Jay Kovar?)
Day 7 Live Results Link - 8/5/05
Day Five - 8/03/05

Tyler Dragon - Clovis West star from Fresno picks up his second medal
at the AAU JO's with a 57-00.5 Shot Put runner-up effort in New Orleans!!
Results involving Californians - Day 5 - 8/3/05
Avery Patterson (Oakland) 4th BYth200H 26.09 - Dayna Hill (Fresno/Edison HS)
13th IntGLJ 17-01 (0 wind) - Thomas Byrd (Berkeley/Oakland HS) 2nd IntBDT 150-04
Tyler Dragon (Fresno/Clovis West HS) 2nd YngMSP 57-00.5 - Elisha Deleon
(Bakersfield/Centennial HS) 4th IntGDT 120-01 - Alitta Boyd (Union City)
Yth GHJ 6th 5-02 - Shamara Dorner (El Centro/HS??) 12th YngWSP 35-10.5
Day 6 Live Results Link - 8/4/05
Day Four - 8/02/05

Gary Sumpter - Inland Empire star another putting in the mileage this summer
to attend age-group affairs - last weekend USATF JO's (above)- this week the AAU
JO's in New Orleans - 14.68 in the Highs on a moist day in Louisiana - .5 inches of
rain on Monday - .4 on Tuesday - bit of moist summer in the Southeast!!
Results involving Californians - Day 4 - 8/2/05
Jamesha Youngblood (Sacramento/Hercules HS) IntGTJ 1st 39-01 (+0.5 wind)
Tyler Dragon (Fresno/Clovis West HS) 3rd YngMDT 157-06 - Amber Purvis
(Sacramento/Benicia HS) IntG200 24.69 (-0.8) heat win - Bobby Guillory
(Fairfield/Jesse Bethel HS) YngM200 21.89 (-0.3) 2nd 200m heat -
Gary Sumpter (Moreno Valley) YngMHH 14.68 (-1.3) 2nd heat
Taylor Nichols (Bakersfield Greyhounds/Stockdale HS) 38-08 IntGTJ 2nd (+0 wind)
Day 5 Live Results Link - 8/3/05
DAY 3 - 8/01/05

Romesha Anderson: It's a summer of travel for the Stockdale HS (Bakersfield) star.
L ast week, it was Indianapolis for the USATF JO's in the Intermediate Girls 200.
This week, she's in New Orleans for the AAU's 100m qualifying below!
Results involving Californians - Day 3 - 8/1/05
Danzel Bradshaw (Sacramento) YthG800 2:23.97 qual - Dominique Jackson
(Sacrmaneto/Fairfield HS) IntG800 2:20.23 qual - Richard Jones (Fairfield/Benicia HS)
YngM800 1:58.79 qual - Romesha Anderson (Bakersfield/Stockdale HS) IntG100 12.40
(-2.5 mps wind) qual - Meagan Delpino (Fresno/Bullard HS) IntG100 12.25 (-0.5) qual
Chase Wheeler (San Ramon) YthBLJ 20-09 (3rd place finish)
Girls Entrants
Boys Entrants
Entry Booklet