These rankings include the elite of
the 2001 outdoor track and field season in the United States.
The database accepts all high school meets during the season plus
major post-season meets such as the Golden West, Foot Locker National
Outdoor, Great Southwest, Golden South, Junior Nationals, and Junior
Rankings are intended to include the top 100 USA
performers in each event. Cutoff
standards are used to qualify for the database. Meets
that are published on DyeStat will be screened by DyeStat for qualifying
performances. To submit other performances for consideration,
follow the instructions in How to Get
Special rules for Mile and 2-Mile -- As
started at the end of the 2000 indoor season, we combine 1600/Mile
and 3200/2Mile performances into single lists. After review of the
tables in the Big Green Book (by Track and Field News, TAFnews
Press, 2000), we have changed the time differentials for converting
from 1600 meters to 1 Mile and 3200 meters to 2 Miles. Instead of
a single differential, we are using different conversion factors
for boys and girls, which reflects the slower speeds of girls. We
are still using a single conversion factor for each gender, regardless
of the speed actually run.
Differentials for 2002 indoor season (seconds that
will be added to 1600 and 3200 meter times):
1600 meters to 1 mile
+ 1.5
3200 meters to 2 miles
+ 3.2
+ 3.8
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