DyeStatCal Prep Male Athlete of Week 10/14 - 10/18/02 - Phillip Reid (Rio Mesa, Oxnard) - Southern Section

DyeStatCal Female Athlete of Week September 10/14 - 10/18/02
Phillip Reid (Rio Mesa, Oxnard) Southern Section

George Green caught Phillip Reid during his fine Invitational win down south at San Diego at the mid-September Mt. Carmel Invite - one of a series of fine runs for the senior from Rio Mesa HS in Oxnard

Phillip Reid (Rio Mesa HS, Oxnard) DyeStatCal Prep Athlete of the Week

One of the pleasant surprises this fall has been the fine running of Phillip Reid (Rio Mesa, Oxnard), one of the nation’s finest underclass 1600 runners last spring with a 4:12.25 best from the Arcadia Invitational. Phillip has stepped up his act in the fall harrier sport, with big quick wins at the Seaside and Mt. Carmel Invitationals, and a good run at the Clovis Invite on the State Meet course which resulted in a 21 second personal best at that venue. We first came across Phil back in the eighth grade at the National Junior Olympics Championships in Omaha, Nebraska, where he doubled over 1500 and 3000 meters, battling through qualifying rounds and finals under some very challenging weather conditions. We were very impressed with his potential there, and he has fulfilled all of his promise thus far. With a great fall under his belt he has some high goals for the spring track season, and will be one of the California athletes to keep a close eye on this spring as well. At least a year younger than most athletes in his twelfth grade year, check his answer below, where he says in ten years he will be 26 (that means he is only 16 at this juncture)

Congratulations Phillip and to all who work with you at Rio Mesa.
Best of Luck – Doug Speck – DyeStatCal.com

Hi Mr. Speck-
Thanks for choosing me as athlete of the week. Here
are the answers to your interview questions.

1) Briefly describe your bigger races that have happened this Fall Cross-Country season?
1. My first race this fall was the Seaside Invite. It
was a flat, fast course, and I battled against Ryan
Morgan and Tim Hearst. I broke away at 2 miles and
won in 14:36. Mt. Carmel was my next big race. The
first mile was real quick (4:50) considering that
there was a big hill in it, and I struggled a bit over
the last mile, winning in 14:58.

2) Describe how the Fresno Woodward Park Clovis Invite race went for you?
2. The Clovis Invite gave me a chance to compete
against some of the best runners in the state. I
really didn't know if I could hang with Tim Nelson or
Mohamed Trafeh. The race went out at 4:47, and I just
stayed behind Tim hoping that he would pull me along
to a good time--and he did. All three of us crossed
the 2 mile mark at 9:48, and that's when the pace
started to pick up. With about 400 meters to go, Tim
began to open up a gap on me. I had pulled about 5
meters ahead of Mohamed, but he ran me down and we
battled over the last 60 meters. I was happy with my
time. It was a 21 second PR on that course.

3) What succcesses did you have last spring Track season?
3. Last spring, my coach Jeff Wrout incorporated a lot
more speed work into my workouts, and it paid off. I
was able to run 4:12 three times and 9:07 in the 3200.
I only lost one race to a California runner.
Unfortunately, it was the one I wanted to win the
most--the State 1600 final.

4) You have had a long running career (age group, etc.), how do you keep up your interest in the sport?
4. I've been running for 11 years, and I still enjoy
it very much. It's the only sport that I can do well.
Seriously, I'm not the most coordinated individual. I
fall down a lot. Running is challenging, my coach and
teammates make it fun, and I have success.

5) What is your favorite part of running?
5. I really believe my favorite part of running is
interacting with my teammates. We have a great time

6) What is your least favorite part of you running schedule?
6. My least favorite thing is running longer repeats
(1000's and 1200's) at race pace or faster. I also
ABHOR push-ups, sit-ups and core strengthening
exercises because I'm incredibly weak, and they hurt!

7) Are you working on anything different this season than in the past ones?
7. I only run 40-45 miles a week, but my coach upped
the intensity of my workouts. There has been more of
an emphasis on tempo, and I have a weekly long run of
10-13 miles.

8) How much running did you do this summer?
8. During the summer, I ran six days a week for a
total of 45-50 miles a week. I probably ran around
400 miles. My most intense week was early in the
summer at the Humboldt Stae running camp where I ran
65 miles in 5 days.

9) What are some goals for the Fall Cross-Country season?
9. I want to be the CIF and State champ in Div. 1 or 2
(wherever Rio Mesa ends up). However, my ultimate
goal is to make it to the Footlocker National meet and
place high.

10) What are some goals for Spring Track Season?
10. I want to run 4:07 or under for 1600, and 8:55 or
under in the 3200. I think I'm capable of doing that.
I would like to return to the State Meet and win the
1600 this time.

11) Given much thought to colleges? - any possible choices you would like to share? Stay close to home or get away?
11. I haven't made any decisions about college yet.
I've talked to a number of coaches, but I haven't
taken any trips or made official visits yet. I guess
it will just depend on the fit. The college will have
to offer what I want to study, and I'll need to feel
comfortable with the coach. I wouldn't mind staying
close to home, but I haven't ruled out going anywhere.

12) Some quick reaction answers to the following: word or two
--Favorite movie you recently saw--
--If you had to take one CD to a meet what would it be?
--Mt. SAC cross-country course--
--Last year's State Meet 1600 in track--
--Ten years from now I'll be--
12. Favorite recent movie-- Super Troopers
CD for meet-- "Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Mt. SAC Course-- #$%^&*!!!
State 1600 last year-- disappointed
10 years from now I'll be . . . 26.


DyeStatCal News



is published by

Editor: Doug Speck
Publisher: John Dye

�2002 by DyeStat