"Unofficial Notes" - State Track and Cross-Country Advisory Committee - Tuesday 10/1/02 - Oakland State CIF Offices - Doug Speck

State Track and Cross Country Advisory
Tuesday 10/1/02 - State CIF Office - Oakland

1. Welcome and Introductions - Steve Raupp, Chair
Present - Jim Clendaniel - Ernest Aguirre - Peter Brewer - Doug Speck - Dean Crowley - Hal Harkness - Roberta Chisam - Roger Blake - Steve Raupp - Jerry Luizar - Marty Simpson - Andy Leong - Amber Lassiter - Scott Fairley - Bob King
2. Approval of Agenda
approved with a couple of additions
3. Approval of January 22, 2002 meeting
minutes approved
4. State CIF update - Roger Blake
New offices in Oakland for at least three years with most of meetings at this office. Meetings possible in the office and airport nearby. Saves money for hotel room rentals for meetings
5. Role of the Committee - Communication with Sections - Steve Raupp/Roger Blake
Information given out on the "role of advisory committees." Roger Blake spoke to specific issues - the committee is representative of different sections throughout the state, and as representatives we need to have folks share back with their sections information we go over. Also, expenses that are covered are indicated. Each four years it is suggested that membership turns over on the committees. There is a flow-chart that explains the governance process that needs to be followed in all instances. Sometimes a committee thinks its vote has made a change in CIF championships, with the role of a committee really to advise the CIF governing group on a suggested change.
6. State Marketing Update - John Tarman
New corporate sponsor at state level. The CIF has now partnered with Starwood Hotels and Resorts which will affect the host hotel situation at Fresno and the State Track and Field meet weekend. Marriott has been the State CIF and Section state partner for the last few years, and a change is to Starwood (Sheraton - Four Points Sheraton - Westin). Marriott had plans for a "card" and "uniform rate code" that could be utilized by schools, but that was not possible. Sheraton has been very energetic thus far, with a card passed out that is a "value card," which will be sent out to school Athletic Directors and Administrators, which gives folks a chance through a phone or internet contact possible to make reservations. Rates are very good, better than AAA. If you go on the CIF web site and click on the Sheraton logo it will take you to the page that discusses these rates.
7. Championship Awards Review - Roger Blake
Last year the committee had talked about cross-country awards. The question arose and discussion was about not giving enough awards in the state cross-country meet. A survey was done of the 10 sections by Roger Blake, and it indicated that often times more athletes and teams are awarded at the state meet than at Section affairs or other neighboring state competitions.
8. 2002-2003 NF Rules Review - Hal Harkness
National Rules committee has met. Major item is the change in the size of the pole vault landing pit. Three HS deaths and the Penn State University death have had repurcussions. Beginning with indoor 2002-2003 season nationally the minimum depth and width have been added to. Current front extension does not change in size. What are we also looking at is the amount of pit behind the landing box. You have a 3" space from behind the back of the vaulting box instead of a much larger area in the past, and the area around the box must be padded. Obvious falls have affected this ruling. A "common top cover" must be on top of the seams on the pit (so limbs cannot be twisted down within these seam areas). Many thoughts on how to "retrofit" the pit. Width issue can be solved with an extra unit of padding, with the depth a bit tougher issue to solve. Width of crossbars will change, and event is forfeited if someone does not have crossbar that fits. If there are legit competitors from a visiting school and your pit is not legal you forfeit those points.
The question came up about pit within 3" of the box behind it. With this rule they are kind of forcing schools to retrofit with an angled pad in that area to allow the poles to bend correctly.
Next year at the state track meet or in the spring it was suggested that information be gathered about the depth of the crossbar (12-30") from a vertical plane with the box. A safety group wishes to put the bar no closer than 16" from the vertical plane. Hal wishes to have information gathered on this subject.
Question was offered on the possibility of changing the material that goes into the box, changing the shape or material it is made out of.
At this point no one is going towards mandating helmets. No one will underwrite making them. So far they are skating helmets. A fall of between 14 feet or more no one is willing to put their reputation and liability on the line to say their helmets can be used for vaulting. Helmets are still voluntary, with sense that movement in this direction waning.
Hal thought they have standardized all the times for waiting in the field events except for the Pole Vault (one minute and a half for vault and one minute for all other jumps and throws).
Question about the use of college facilities and them following the pit rules that high schools have. Folks thought there have been some changes in College rules, and this would be a good point to check. If padding is not around the box that needs to be added at those facilities.
Jewelry rule - Hal's suggestion was that State Associations or Federated Councils handle this. There was not a great deal of support for this. The National Federation Board of Directors wants all sports to be consistent in enforcement of rules. It is a difficult rule with body piercings, rings, etc. Hal thought the way to go this year would be to stop worrying about Girls' hair (with control issues that may involve jewelry - a baret or bobby-pin). Rings, ear-rings, necklaces are out, and there is not way we can get around this rule. Visible body piercings are out, and if it becomes visible during competition (jersey flying up and belly-button jewelry showing) it becomes an issue.
Uniforms - new definition of girls shorts. The "bun-hugger" is a closed legged brief/short that is okay for girls, with hope that there will be up to a 5" extension allowed on these. Await editorial change in future here.
Shirt - needs to be tucked in. Many girls' uniforms are tucked over the short top. Once the competition begins the national rules committee does not care what happens once the race starts as long as they start at the line with no stomach showing. Safety pins will not be needed this year to hold shirts to shorts.
Rule that requires starter to meet with the coaches and captains before a meet starts. Some states have gone to a paper form that bypasses the need for all coaches to get together with officials before a championship meet. Suggestion was for Roger Blake to work on such a form.
Rule change would allow for special seating area for pole vault coaches. North Coast Section does allow some special seating for the coaches of this event area, but they were off the track in the bleachers area. Markings are allowed on the Pole Vault runway that can be permanent to help athletes and viewers judge take-off points, etc.
9. Electronic Entry Discussion - Roger Blake
We are trying to come up with ways to streamline the entry process coming from Section Championships to the State Cross-Country and Track Meets.
Direct Athletics is a business that will handle "on-line" entries of track and cross-country competitions that can be downloaded prior to the actual meet and the handling of names and affiliations will be much easier. $7 per team and $10 per the individuals per section to be sent to Direct Athletics for Cross-Country.
Sense was that the paperwork would be smoother under this system.
Roger Blake indicated the cost of this program would be $2000.
Discussion was about trying to help Bob Rush in any way that we can. With the cost quoted above it was felt that through the use of hytek or a comma delimited excel program that this help can be provided at a lower cost. There are financial restrictions.
Bob Rush needs to work with meet managers to see how they can best move their meet information to him. Can he take hytek info and dump it in directly, can he use excel information set up a certain way?
It was suggested that each section be polled as to how they do their cross-country championships and gather information from there. Ideally all ten sections need to use hytek for windows for track and field and cross-country, with an add-on to cross-country allowing times to be dumped in.
Most likely status quo with this year's cross-country entries, with hopes to upgrade that with excel delimited, etc.
Cross-Country Items
10. Update 2002 Championship met - Marty Simpson
Details going nicely in Fresno.
Marty had no areas of concern. Maybe one - students on starting line who are not properly dressed should be disqualified there. It is best to check them beforehand, but logistics at Fresno and many who have sweats on as they report would make a log-jam at the gate. No retractive Dq's after they run.
Handbook for championships will be up on the web soon at State CIF. Two copies have been mailed to each school in the state in the past. Changes have been made in the handbook and it will be up on the web and only there within the next week and a half. This will be available a month prior to when it has been in the past. IT WILL NOT BE MAILED TO DIFFERENT SCHOOLS.
11. Role of the City of Fresno - Roger Blake
three years contract with City of Fresno. They offset some personnel costs for us. The Cross-Country budget has been gone through with a fine tooth comb. Last year the Cross-Country meet was a $1716.91 loss. The City of Fresno paid $7000 of our expenses. Without the City of Fresno the Cross-Country meet would have been in the hole $9000.
At the State level some championships make money, others do not. Hopes are for $2000 profit (with money from City of Fresno). Budget-wise that put State CIF $3700 in the hole. Basketball makes money, with most other championships not doing quite as good as they have in the past.
There are not State Championship title sponsors for events.
Accounting styles have the money from t-shirt sales, etc. go into the general State CIF fund for marketing, which skews the activity in the loss direction. Question was raised as to whether vendor sales monies are distributed to the different sections. If they are not shared in this way, those monies should be put into that sport's accounting summary. This would be interesting to understand where these monies go.
12. Review of New Section Qualifying Numbers - Roger Blake
paperwork on the entry situation was presented and will be adjusted each year.
tie-breaker - the most recent four year history used to determine extra entrants - if there is a tie you go back to the most recent year to decide between the Sections to decide who would be the area to send that extra team. Individuals advancement - it says that the top five individuals who are not on a team go on to the meet.
13. 2002 CBED Enrollment Figures - Roger Blake
Numbers per division will be validated next week at State meeting (to determine representation at state meet).
14. Plan for Inclement weather - Marty Simpson
Rain course is available. In the handbook it will say that the course can be altered if need be in a weather situation.
15. Other Cross-Country items for discussion
a. Date of State Meet
Some would like to see the meet moved to the weekend prior to the Thanksgiving weekend. From the Section level it can be brought up through the state governing process. The State meet originally started on that Thanksgiving weekend so that Friday travel to the meet would not cost school time. Six sections have their Section State Qualifier on the weekend prior to the State Meet, with those needing to be adjusted. The Community Colleges use the Woodward Park facility the week prior to the Thanksgiving on Saturday. If this is an important issue in more than one section it can come from a couple of them.
b. Number of teams in State Meet
Southern Section Advisory Committee and Coaches Alliance would like the State to revisit the number of teams at the state meet in each event and allow those to rise to 24 or 25 in number. They would like a minimum of one more team per race. Thought was to place this as a formal agenda at our next meeting, with hopes that a simple and well-thought out proposal could be presented at that time.
Track and Field Items
16. 2002 Championship Review
Another great state track meet.
Since 1998 ongoing problem with spectator access to the Shot Put area. Earlier in history it was thrown in the other direction from the same area. USATF put a ring in the south end zone area for their championships there. When the field was redone in 1998 and a number of football players had tripped on the Shot Put ring, it was not put in again. Hal's thoughts will be to take the bouganvillas down that block the shot put area and the chain link fence. He will approach Cerritos College on this. The goal is to improve the sight lines.
17. Final Financial synopsis - 2002 Meet - Roger Blake
Meet showed a profit of $32,990.08.
18. Thoughts 2003 Meet - Hal Harkness
We will continue to honor famous athletes from the past.
19. Other Track and Field Items for Discussion
a. identification of athletes in state track meet - it was felt that having field event athletes wear hip numbers front and back in the State meet that tie into their number in the program would help with identification.
Final item - please go back to your section offices and share with those people
Also, find people to mentor in the different areas of the state to follow through when folks rotate off the Statewide committee.
Tuesday January 14th State CIF Offices
Meeting to adjust 2003 Cross-Country Additional Entries Monday Jan 13th 1:00 pm

Dyestat Cal News



is published by

Editor: Doug Speck
Publisher: John Dye

�2002 by DyeStat