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April 8-9, 2005

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Alyssa Gagliani (Burlingame)

Serious mid-March Auto-Accident
Best Wishes Needed

April 3rd, 2005

July 17-22

Track & Field Camps - March
20; June & July

Alyssa Gagliani (Burlingame)

Serious mid-March Auto-Accident
Best Wishes Needed

Margaret Gallagher Collage


April 3rd, 2005

Many times we take so much in our life for granted. The "attitude" some of us develop over the smallest things often times needs to be balanced against the tough realities for some in the world out there. The story of Alyssa Gagliani is one of those frustrating "stuff happens" situations in the world that has to make us all stop and appreciate all that we have that is going correctly for us and let the small details go as they will. Hopefully, we can take a small step or two to give Alyssa support during her time of recovery.

Margaret Gallagher passed on the information below and hoped folks around the state who have been more fortunate could take the time to pass on a card or note of encouragement for what will certainly be a very difficult time of recovery for Alyssa Gagliani of Burlingame HS, one of us, in the time period coming up.

Please send cards to:

Alyssa Gagliani
c/o Coach Steve "Obbie" O'Brien
Burlingame High School
1 Mangini Way
Burlingame, Ca. 94010

Below from Coach Frank Hunt to Hank Lawson of Lynbrook HS in San Jose


Hello...I have a GOOD NEWS update on Alyssa. Yesterday she stopped by the track for the first time since the accident to see her teammates in workouts. She was supporting them as they were doing intervals. And gave them words of wisdom as they came through the Start/Finish line in each loop. It was encouraging for all of us to see her back where she put in so many miles. She was upbeat because she had just gotten the word she would not have to have a knee operation. Now Alyssa can look forward to rehab in about 10 days without her knee brace. Her primary goal is to walk across the stage for her graduation in June. All in all she has had lots of ups & downs since the accident. Yesterday was a giant UP.
A special thanks to you, Margaret and Doug at Dyestat for your support. Alyssa has recd notes & cards from many of her fellow athletes because of all of you.

I will let you know a progress takes place :>)

Hi Margaret...Thanks letting me know. I sent the link to our team and friends of Alyssa's.
She is making progress. Her major obstacle is her knee which is hindering her overall rehab. She uses crutches to get around but the knee is an issue. Today she will meeting with the team of Docs that operated on her after the accident. They will check the Aorta, the Back & the Knee. She saw her orthopedic Doc last week & he thinks her knee will need to be operated on. She hopes to hear a different opinion today. If she needs operation then she will have a longer rehab ahead. Alyssa seems in good spirits but impatient to get going again and back to school.


Hi Hank ...Thought I would let you know about one of our top female runners.
Alyssa Gagliani, as you know, is one of Burlingame and C.C.S top performers.
(ed. CCS record holder in the Steeplechase.) Last year as Junior she suffered
from asthma and had a difficult X-C and Track year. This year as a Senior she
had an outstanding X-C year and was primed to have great year on the track.
Her season has tragically been cut short by a horrible traffic accident. A
couple of Tuesday nights ago as she was coming home on a rainy night from one
of Serra's play-off games on Highway 280. Just before her turnoff for 92 east
she was cutoff and her vehicle flipped end over end. After being cut out of the
SUV she was taken to Stanford's trauma unit. She sustained a shredded Aorta,
broken back and injured knee. That is the bad news! The good news is when they
went to replace the part of the aorta that feeds blood to her legs they found it
intacted but bent. That was causing loss of blood flow and while it was shredded
inside the outside of it was not harmed. They were so pleased. They repaired 3
vertebra in her back then and there plus inserted rods. The back operation was
going to be performed several days later because they thought the aorta operation
would take 6 - 12 hours. I am rambling a bit, must be senioritis!!! Any way the
good news is she was moved Monday from Stanford to Mills Hospital in San Mateo for
Rehab. She is in good spirits and is hoping to be able to run again. The Docs have
not ruled this out but caution her that it might cause her to have back problems in
later life. Like at our age!

It has been tough on her teammates as well. They have dedicated their season to her.
Monte Kelleher, he finished 3rd in the high powered boys race at K-Bell, had A.G.
carved in his hair on the side of his head for the race. Katie Voightlander wore ribbon
in her hair with A.G.. Gives the kids the sense they are after all mortal.
After what happened to the Redwood Christian athlete it shows it can happen to anyone.

By the way she is getting out of the hospital tomorrow and will be going home
to rehab. Alyssa has a long road ahead. She still may have to face surgery on
her right knee. She does have ligament damage and a possible stress type
fracture. She will find out more when she meets with Orthopedic specialist
next week and I will keep you posted.

Frank Hunt

Half Moon Bay Article 3/30

Hollow win for Half Moon Bay girls at PAL Relays

Half Moon Bay Review

Under any other circumstance, Aly Millett would have been thrilled with a come back win against a runner from Burlingame High School.

The Panthers and Half Moon Bay High School have had a spirited but friendly rivalry in track and field and cross country over the last several years. Millett's victory would have brought joy.

But not on Saturday.

While the Peninsula Athletic League Track and Field Relays were held under a warm, sunny sky at Sequoia High School in Redwood City, there was a cloud hanging over the Burlingame team.

A few days prior to the meet, Burlingame senior Alyssa Gagliani, the Panthers' top cross country runner last fall, was involved in a serious car accident. She had to spend a few days in the intensive care unit of an area hospital, recovering from two operations. At press time she was still in the hospital, but had been moved to a private room.

While no one is sure, the assumption is that there will be no track and field season for Gagliani.

With the accident as a backdrop, Millett didn't celebrate a comeback win to help Half Moon Bay beat Burlingame in the Distance Medley Relay.

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