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Fleet Feet Sports
NorCal Coaching Clinic

Saturday, February 7, 2004 - Sacramento area


Coaching Clinic - February 7, 2004

       Fleet Feet J Street will host an annual Coach’s Clinic to provide Northern California coaches the opportunity to attend an informative and useful seminar without driving to San Francisco or Southern California. The 2004 clinic promises to be a high-quality kick off to what we hope becomes a coaching tradition in the Sacramento Valley.

       This year’s clinic will be held on February 7, 2004 at Fleet Feet J Street at 10:30AM. Ellen Karpay-Brody will speak on eating disorders and how to recognize and deal with this situation on a practical level. Ellen is an American College of Sports Medicine certified Health Fitness Instructor, competitive endurance athlete, and has coached, taught and consulted athletes with eating disorders on an individual basis and in a group setting. The clinic will last for approximately one hour allowing plenty of time for questions and open discussion. Light snacks and beverages will be offered.

       We invite you and your entire coaching staff to participate. Head coaches will receive a complimentary athletic bag (limited to 1st 20 RSVP's) and all attendees will receive a $10 gift certificate to Fleet Feet Sports J Street as a thank you for your continued support. Please RVSP for this informative coach’s clinic at 916-442-3338 or via e-mail at [email protected] by January 31, 2004. Please be sure to indicate the total number of attendees. We look forward to meeting you and your staff.


Dusty Robinson
Marketing Director
Fleet Feet J Street
(916) 442-5732
[email protected]



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