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Willow Hills Course 2005

Joe Hartman - Sac Joaquin Section

Summer - 2005

Willow Hills Course 2005

Joe Hartman - Sac Joaquin Section

Summer - 2005

Update from George Paddeck, Youth Buffalo Chips coordinator


It appears the grading will start this week on the new course (same location) and should take 5 days to finish. This would be completed in time for the Granite Bay meet on Sept. 3rd and would include the new bridge across the ravine. It will not include leveling the start hill, which will be finished in time for the next meet, the Trojan Invitational on Oct. 1st. Should there be any further delays in the grading we will run the old course at the Granite Bay Meet (Sept. 3). The course is part of Folsom Parks and Recreation currently administered by Folsom High School.

Teichert (Construction Co.) began grading the new course at Willow Hills this morning (8/24). Unless they run into any unexpected difficulties, they tell me it will be done in time for the GB meet on Sept. 3rd. They will not level the start hill by then, but it will be leveled in time for the Trojan Invite on Oct. 1st (hosted by Oak Ridge HS). They will clear the start hill of all vegetation, so no weed whacking needed by us...I hope!

Note that the course being graded by Teichert this week will change slightly by Oct. 1st. We will run across the "spine" area at GB. That will shift slightly to the north onto a new trail under oak canopy once the ravine is filled in with dirt from the start hill.

The bridge over the ravine, which is part of the new course, is also under construction with the foundations being laid this week and the bridge to be built next week. The timing on this is very tight with competition date set for Sept. 2nd. If this is not completed in time, but the grading is, we will run a variation of the new course.

Attached is a rough draft of the revised course. This has not been measured on the ground yet but is what John Mansoor (USATF Pacific Association/CIM/Oak Ridge HS, etc.) thinks the course will be.

One lap around the lake then proceed to the South side of the lake. Turn right at intersection A and proceed to intersection B. Left at B and go clockwise around the back loop to intersection C. Left at C to D. Left at D to E. Left at E to F. Left at F to finish line.

Same as above to finish line which is the 2 mile mark. Continue across the Canal Bridge to Intersection A. Left at A and complete course as above to the finish line.


The course at Granite Regional Park off Power Inn Rd is finished and available for use. It consists of a two mile loop and a one mile loop all run under cottonwood trees around a small lake. Flat and fast course with rolled dirt. The park is administered by Sacramento City Parks and Recreation.


Still about a year plus away based on when the Titan Missile program is decommissioned. The course exists already and will be part of the Easton Housing development. It runs along Alder Creek and under Oak trees with varied terrain changes. Surface is gravel road. It will become part of the parkway system administered by County of Sacramento Parks and Recreation.





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