Granite Bay Invitational


August 30, 2003

At Sierra College

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Granite Bay Invitational

When: August 30, 2003
Where: Sierra College
Time: First Race 8:30 a.m.

What you need to do: Let me know before August 30th that you are coming.
[email protected] or [email protected] or visit our website.
or phone 916-782-1893 (home) (any time)
or 916-786-8676 (school)(before 6/6/03 or after 8/15/03)

Bring or mail a check to Granite Bay High School:
$45 per race: max $125 ($10 per individual)
Races: Approximate Times.
Freshmen Boys: no limit, two miles 8:30:
Frosh/Soph Girls: limit 15 per school; two miles (8:50)
Frosh/Soph Boys: limit 15 per school: two miles (9:10)
Varsity Girls: limit 7 per school: 5K miles (9:30)
Varsity Boys: limit 7 per school: 5K miles (10:00)
Open Race*: 5K miles: (10:30)
*Open to any member of your team who hasn’t run or any official coach. Runners need to be insured by your school district and must be at least a ninth grader or older.

You may bring your own name tags (1inch x 2.5 inch max). Please, use dark ink or pencil: Full Name, school, and grade level. Or enter your roster on our web site See below.

Sierra College: As some of you may know, Sierra College has cancelled its Track program and suspended its Cross Country program. In order to continue running high school meets on the campus the athletic director requested that we change the finish of the course. The new course finishes next to the start and while changing the course we made it a 5K course instead of 3 miles. They have also insisted that everyone camp on the north side of the track, so there is no interference with football. So please try to set up your camp area near the pool and tennis courts. They also have increased their fees. The good news is that they are letting High Schools continue to run meets on their course (they cancelled all the college meets on the course). Please ask your runners to be dressed to run, I’m not sure they will open the locker facilities for us next year.



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is published by

Editors: Doug Speck and Rich Gonzalez
Publisher: John Dye

�2002 by DyeStat