DATE:������������������������������� Saturday, September 22, 2007

PLACE:���������������������������� Griffith Park (off Vermont near the Greek Theatre)

COURSE:������������������������ 3 miles of hills, dirt and grassy surface


REGISTRATION:������������ 4 easy ways to register.� Choose the easiest for you.

1.       By Mail, send all forms to the school address

2.       Via e-mail:� [email protected]

3.       FAX:� (818) 236-2788 or (818) 559-6387

4.       On-Line Registration:� Go to www.bell-jeff.net

������������������������������������������� (you can also get race schedules and entry verification while you are registering on-line)





Text Box: Rosters & Entry Fee Due By:	Monday, Sept. 17, 2007Please fill out the roster form with all team members� regard-

Less of the level of competition; last names first, then first

Names.� PRINT CLEARLY or TYPE.� It is important, for our

scoring systems, that you return this before the deadline.�

This note applies only if you are to mail or FAX your rosters.






DIVISIONAL��������������������� We must have your 3-Year enrollment figure on entry forms.� All male and female schools should

STRUCTURE:����������������� double their enrollment figures.


AWARDS:������������������������ 1.�� Medals to the top twenty-five (40) finishers in each race

2.    Team trophies in the top three teams in each division

3.    Overall trophy for the best team in each division


Text Box: Make Checks Payable to:	Bellarmine-Jefferson H.S.
	465 E. Olive Ave.
	Burbank, CA 91501
	Attention: Jim Couch
ENTRY FEE:������������������� $35.00 per team, per race entered

������������������������������������������� $10.00 per individual


ENTRY DEADLINE:������� Monday, September 17, 2007






Upon arrival at Griffith Park, please pick up your racing labels in front of the stage.


On race day, we will be selling quality invitational T-shirts at $12 each; orders prior to race day will be $8.00;
please send sizes accompanied with your check for a combined total.


Bring plenty of fluids for your athletes in anticipation of hot weather.� Please direct any questions to Jim Couch:

at school (818) 972-1400 or at home (818) 236-2688; John Flynn at School: (818) 972 -1410.