Nationals - 2004
Division 3

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Overall Results

Final Results

1       SCVAL
2       Aerospace
3       BIW
4       City of Portland
5       LL Bean
6       IDEXX
7       BankNorth
8       USM
9       LG&E
10      CORE
11      Wright Express
12      TCAP

Division III Results

                   SCVAL   BankNorth  BIW  Aerospace  LL Bean  USM  LG&E  CORE   IDEXX  TCAP  Portland   Wright Ex

Women's 5k          14       10        6               11       8           9      7              12
Men's 5k            12        7       14       10       8      11                  6               9
Team Jump           11       10        5        9      12      14     8     3      6               4        7
Team Throw          10        8       14        4       6      11     9     3      5     12        2        7
Submaster Distance  11        6        8        9       7            10           12              14
Women's 800         14        8        6       10      12       7                 11               9
Men's Mile          10        7        9       14      12       6                 11               8
4x100 Sprint Relay  14       10       12       11       7             6     5      8               9
3 Lap Sprint Relay  12       11       10       14       6             9            7               8
Senior Relay        11                12       14       9       8                  7              10
4x200 m             12        9       14       11       6       8                  7              10
Women's Relay       14                 6       12      11      10     8     7      9
President's Relay    9       11                14                                 12              10
Pyramid Relay       14                 6       12       8       7    10           11               9
Masters Relay       14        7        8       11      10                   9     12
Sprint Relay        12       10        6       14       7            11            8               9

Total              194      114      136      169     132      90    71    27     136     12      135     14
Drop Rule          -51      -13      -23      -32     -25       0     0     0     -31     0      -22       0
Final Results      143      101      113      137     107      90    71    27     105     12      113     14

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Track Results

	Women 5k  DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 SCVAL                                           18:38.00       14
	  2 City of Portland                                20:42.00       12
	  3 LLBean                                          21:44.00       11
	  4 Banknorth                                       24:35.00       10
	  5 CORE                                            24:50.00        9
	  6 University of Southern Maine                    26:51.00        8
	  7 IDEXX                                           26:52.00        7
	  8 Bath Iron Works                                 26:53.00        6

	Men 5k Meter DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Bath Iron Works                                 17:35.00   	  14
	  2 SCVAL                                           18:52.00   	  12
	  3 University of Southern Maine               	    21:54.00   	  11
	  4 Aerospace                                       23:48.00   	  10
	  5 City of Portland                                23:49.00       9
	  6 LLBean                                          23:51.00       8
	  7 Banknorth                                       24:22.00       7
	  8 IDEXX                                           24:23.00       6

	Mixed 4x100 Meter Relay DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 SCVAL                                             50.41       14
	  2 Bath Iron Works                                   52.71    	  12
	  3 Aerospace                                         53.48    	  11
	  4 Banknorth                                         54.33   	  10
	  5 City of Portland                                  56.04        9
	  6 IDEXX                                             58.54        8
	  7 LLBean                                          1:01.11        7
	  8 LG & E Power                                    1:01.72        6
	  9 CORE                                            1:05.93        5

	3-Lap Sprint DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Aerospace                                     	2:45.31        14
	  2 SCVAL                                          	2:50.55        12
	  3 Banknorth                                      	2:51.62        11
	  4 Bath Iron Works                                	2:53.93        10
	  5 LG & E Power                                   	2:54.62        9
	  6 City of Portland                               	2:54.99        8
	  7 IDEXX                                          	2:56.02        7
	  8 LLBean                                        	3:01.75        6

	Seniors Relay DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Aerospace                                      	3:16.86        14
	  2 Bath Iron Works                                 3:24.15        12
	  3 SCVAL                                           3:41.06        11
	  4 City of Portland                                3:53.71        10
	  5 LLBean                                          3:55.78         9
	  6 University of Southern Maine              	4:03.13         8
	  7 IDEXX                                           4:13.24         7

	Womens Relay    DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 SCVAL                                           4:46.96   	  14
	  2 Aerospace                                       5:07.78   	  12
	  3 LLBean                                          5:11.11   	  11
	  4 University of Southern Maine                    5:13.02   	  10
	  5 IDEXX                                           5:15.44    	   9
	  6 LG & E Power                                    5:19.94    	   8
	  7 CORE                                            5:46.80    	   7
	  8 Bath Iron Works                                 6:32.85    	   6

	4x200 Meter Relay    DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Bath Iron Works                                 1:47.17       14
	  2 SCVAL                                           1:50.45       12
	  3 Aerospace                                       1:52.18       11
	  4 City of Portland                                1:53.72       10
	  5 Banknorth                                       1:54.99        9
	  6 University of Southern Maine                    1:57.49        8
	  7 IDEXX                                           1:58.84        7
	  8 LLBean                                          2:16.56        6

	President's Relay      DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Aerospace                                       3:59.83   	  14
	  2 IDEXX                                           4:04.80   	  12
	  3 Banknorth                                       4:07.31   	  11
	  4 City of Portland                                4:16.57   	  10
	  5 SCVAL                                           4:26.58    	   9

	Pyramid Relay  DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 SCVAL                                           10:09.83   	   14
	  2 Aerospace                                       10:20.92   	   12
	  3 IDEXX                                           10:23.53   	   11
	  4 LG & E Power                                    10:40.33   	   10
	  5 City of Portland                                10:49.98        9
	  6 LLBean                                          11:48.67        8
	  7 University of Southern Maine                    12:14.34        7
	  8 Bath Iron Works                                 14:14.80        6

	Women 2x800 Meter Relay Team Final 	DIVISION 3

	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 SCVAL                                           4:53.31 	   14
	  2 LLBean                                          5:04.13   	   12
	  3 IDEXX                                           5:23.08   	   11
	  4 Aerospace                                       5:27.73   	   10
	  5 City of Portland                                5:47.94  	    9
	  6 Banknorth                                       5:55.41    	    8
	  7 University of Southern Maine                    6:01.91   	    7
	  8 Bath Iron Works                                 6:42.64  	    6

1    SCVAL               2:26.32  Kerri Slover                   1st   SCVAL       4:53.31
2    SCVAL               2:26.99  Stephanie Bambury              2nd   LL Bean     5:04.13
3    LLBean              2:29.27  Kathy McCosh                   3rd   IDEXX       5:23.08
4    LLBeans             2:34.86  Marjorie Graff                 4th   Aerospace   5:27.73
5    IDEXX               2:39.33                                 5th   Portland    5:47.94
6    Aero                2:41.05  Laurie Fischberg               6th   BankNorth   5:55.41
7    IDEXX               2:43.75                                 7th   USM         6:01.91
8    Aero                2:46.68  Katie Meyer                    8th   BIW         6:42.64
9    BnkN                2:49.21  Erin Brennan
10   Port                2:50.42  Tunde Schwartz
11   USM                 2:53.06  Laurie Nicholas
12   Port                2:57.52  Kristen Center
13   BnkN                3:06.20  Sandra Berkner
14   USM                 3:08.85  Diane Fournier
15   BIW                 3:17.03  Janet Grondin
16   BIW                 3:25.61  Barbara Buck

	Men Team Mile Relay � Final  DIVISION 3

	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Aerospace                                       9:19.54  	  14
	  2 LLBean                                          9:26.30   	  12
	  3 IDEXX                                           9:34.95   	  11
	  4 SCVAL                                           9:53.37   	  10
	  5 Bath Iron Works                                10:53.92    	   9
	  6 City of Portland                               11:09.00    	   8
	  7 Banknorth                                      11:22.86    	   7
	  8 University of Southern Maine                   11:32.20    	   6

1    LL Bean             4:34.35  Ethan Hemphill                 1st   Aerospace   9:19.54
2    Bath Iron Works     4:40.02  Mark Swan                      2nd   LL Bean     9:26.30
3    Idexx               4:43.32  Ken Botting                    3rd   IDEXX       9:34.95
4    Idexx               4:51.63  Scott Gorneau                  4th   SCVAL       9:53.37
5    LL Bean             4:51.95  Alan Muir                      5th   Bath Iron  10:53.92
6    City Portland       5:14.11  Stefan Meister                 6th   Portland   11:09.00
7    Banknorth           5:24.58  Brian Perreault                7th   BankNorth  11:22.86
8    City Portland       5:54.89  David Young                    8th   USM        11:32.20
9    Banknorth           5:58.28  Todd Liming
10   Bath Iron Works     6:13.90  Mark Young

1    Aerospace           4:25.46  Nick Conway
2    Scval               4:52.23  Matt Tompkins
3    Aerospace           4:54.08
4    Scval               5:01.14  Ernie Lee
5    Uni Southern Maine  5:12.04  Dave Mann
6    Uni Southern Maine  6:20.16  Ned Brooks

	Masters Relay  DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 SCVAL                                          6:24.54       14
	  2 City of Portland                               6:32.77       12
	  3 Aerospace                                      6:39.14       11
	  4 LLBean                                         7:01.26       10
	  5 IDEXX                                          7:07.40        9
	  6 Bath Iron Works                                7:42.77        8
	  7 Banknorth                                      7:45.30        7

	SubMaster Distance Relay  DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 City of Portland                               11:37.76       14
	  2 IDEXX                                          11:55.16       12
	  3 SCVAL                                          12:13.14       11
	  4 LG & E Power                                   12:19.71       10
	  5 Aerospace                                      12:42.59        9
	  6 Bath Iron Works                                13:16.94        8
	  7 LLBean                                         13:56.44        7
	  8 Banknorth                                      14:44.52        6

 	Sprint Relay DIVISION 3
	   Team                                            Finals       Points
	  1 Aerospace                                      3:45.97       14
	  2 SCVAL                                          3:54.53       12
	  3 LG & E Power                                   3:54.75       11
	  4 Banknorth                                      3:56.59       10
	  5 City of Portland                               4:04.97        9
	  6 IDEXX                                          4:12.96        8
	  7 LLBean                                         4:24.87        7
	  8 Bath Iron Works                                5:06.81        6

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