CCS All Time - 200 Boys (additional marks)

Note: When this list was first compiled, all marks that were considered a Top 100 entry were inputted. As the years have gone by and more meet results were discovered, the 100th place mark was improved upon. However, it was felt that those original marks in the Top 100 should not be lost so this addtional list was created for that reason. This ADDITIONAL MARKS list is no longer be maintained. Only marks that once qualified as a Top 100 mark will be added. - = 1.0058399 conversion yards to meters f = .24 hand to FAT 6/1/2012 Boys 200 M [220 yds] Sort: N, H & I Rank Name School FAT Gr Year Meet Info Comments ---- ---- ------ --- -- ---- --------- --------- Terence Hill (Oak Grove) 00:21.99 FAT * 1989 Reg 3 (2nd) 21.53 MHAL (1st) suspect hand time Gabe Cabrera (Silver Creek) 00:22.00 FAT ? 1999 H/P (4th) Jaquelle Thompson (Piedmont Hills) 00:22.00 FAT 2011 Vs ST (1st) Mike Caraway (Gunderson) 00:22.01 FAT 1982 State (H3-5th) w+2 22.09F CCS (H1-1st) Jeff Thorbs (SLV) 00:22.01 FAT 1983 CCS (3rd) Jeff Sundquist (Bellarmine) 00:22.01 FAT 12? 1986 CCS (5th) 21.63 per SR Board-PENDING Bruce Gaetos (Riordan) 00:22.01 FAT * 1992 CCS Tr (H2-4th) Chris Boykin (Bellarmine) 00:22.01 FAT 2002 CCS Trials (H3-2nd) Derek Jones (Alvarez) 00:22.02 FAT 2001 BK Inv (1st) Brent Fernald (Westmont) 00:22.03 FAT 12? 1995 Top 8 (3rd) Sherman Jones (Yerba Buena) 00:22.03 FAT ? 1996 CCS (H1-2nd) Brandon Slack (Santa Cruz) 00:22.03 FAT 2002 BK Inv (1st) Nick Affleck (Soquel) 00:22.04 FAT 1999 CCS (2nd) Justin Montgomery (Bellarmine) 00:22.04 FAT * 2010 State Tr (22nd) w3.0 22.10F CCS (2nd) James Walker (Live Oak) 00:22.04 FAT 2011 CCS (2nd) Mike Jones (Santa Cruz) 00:22.05 FAT 1990 Reg 4 (1st) JoJo Wright (Silver Creek) 00:22.05 FAT ? 1995 CCS (6th) Leroy Jordan (Bellarmine) 00:22.05 FAT 1996 CCS-North (H2-1st) Alex Ellinwood (Leigh) 00:22.05 FAT 2008 CCS Tr (3rd) w4.3 22.51F Vs Ever (1st) Andre Chapman (Bellarmine) 00:22.05 FAT * 2010 Arcadia (H4-3rd) Joe Luttrell (Scotts Valley) 00:22.07 FAT 2006 SCCAL (1st) Eric Worrell (Monta Vista) 00:22.08 FAT 1989 Reg 2 (2nd) Jason Adams (Milpitas) 00:22.08 FAT 1992 CCS (6th) Sammie Cole (Silver Creek) 00:22.08 FAT ? 1993 CCS Tr (H1-4th) Damien Semien (Riordan) 00:22.09 FAT ? 1989 Jenner (5th) Kari Evans (Silver Creek) 00:22.09 FAT * 1990 Reg 3 (3rd) 22.03 MHAL (2nd) suspect hand time Brian Edwards (Los Gatos) 00:22.09 FAT 2001 CCS Tr (H1-3rd) Durrell Roberts (Lynbrook) 00:22.09 FAT * 2003 CCS (4th) Don Andre Clark (Serra) 00:22.09 FAT * 2009 Top7 (1st) _____ Robinson (San Mateo) 00:22.10 FAT ? 1983 PAL (2nd) Perry Dorsey (Monterey) 00:22.10 FAT ? 1997 CCS Tr (H1-1st) w3.3 22.24F CCS (5th) Tyler Halsted (Mtn View) 00:22.10 FAT * 2011 DALT (H2-1st) w2.6 22.29F DAL (2nd) Shawn Dawkins (Homestead) 00:22.11 FAT ? 1990 DAL (1st) Time Alexis (St Ignatius) 00:22.11 FAT 2010 Vs Serra (1st) w+2 22.69F 3/7 Dual Jim Lubbe (Westmoor) 00:22.12 FAT * 1982 CCS (H1-3rd) Shannon Sevor (Bellarmine) 00:22.12 FAT 2003 H/P (H6-4th) w2.7 22:19F Vs SF (1st) Jared Belser (Bellarmine) 00:22.12 FAT 2003 Vs SHC (1st) David Reedus (N Salinas) 00:22.13 FAT * 1987 CCS (4th) Billy Chaung (Santa Clara) 00:22.13 FAT 2005 SCVAL (1st) Marquis Caldwell (Lincoln) 00:22.13 FAT 2008 CCS Tr (5th) w4.3 22.30F BVAL-ST Tr (1st) Tony Lopez (Independence) 00:22.13 FAT * 2010 BVAL-MH Tr (H1-1stw2.5 Erich Wilson (Serra) 00:22.13 FAT ** 2010 Vs SI (2nd) John Cleveland (Soquel) 00:22.14 FAT 12? 1984 CCS (3rd) DJ Cole (Branham) 00:22.14 FAT 12? 1989 Top 8 (2nd) 22.09 WVAL (1st) suspect hand time Kale Weidemeyer (Los Gatos) 00:22.15 FAT * 1987 CCS (5th) 22.09F per SR Board - PENDING Anthony Crouts (Yerba Buena) 00:22.15 FAT 1989 Reg 3 (3rd) 21.74 MHAL (3rd) suspect hand time Dingane Jackson (Aragon) 00:22.15 FAT 1999 CCS (3rd) Gary Moore (Sacred Heart Cath 00:22.15 FAT 2011 WCAL (1st) Bryan Houp (Valley Christian) 00:22.15 FAT 2011 WCR (I-4th) Reggie Stewart (Westmont) 00:22.16 FAT ? 1984 State (7th) Johnny Beard (Oak Grove) 00:22.16 FAT *** 2009 BVAL-MH (1st) w3.2 DeVaughn Smith (Mtn View) 00:22.16 FAT 2011 Vs LA (1st) Dave Patterson (Mitty) 00:22.17 FAT 1993 K-Bell (H1-3rd) Jesse Arenas (Evergreen) 00:22.17 FAT * 2010 BVAL-MH (1st) w2.2 22.58F Vs OG (1st) _____ Thomas (Monterey) 00:22.18 FAT ? 1985 Top 8 (2nd) Mike Pluta (Palma) 00:22.18 FAT ? 1995 CCS Tr (H2-4th) Alex Tinsley (Gilroy) 00:22.18 FAT 12? 1996 CCS (6th) Eric Stuart (St Francis) 00:22.18 FAT 1996 CCS Tr (H2-3rd) Mike Atkinson (St Francis) 00:22.20 FAT * 1998 WCAL (1st) Koffie Simpson (Wilcox) 00:22.21 FAT * 1993 CCS-N (H2-2nd) Keish Levingston (Seaside) 00:22.21 FAT ? 1995 CCS Tr (H1-5th) Mike Schneider (N Monterey) 00:22.22 FAT ? 1984 CCS (4th) Arthur Crockett (Del Mar) 00:22.22 FAT * 1998 CCS (3rd) Wes Morgan (Gunderson) 00:22.23 FAT 1998 CCS (4th) James Baker (Stevenson) 00:22.24 FAT 1982 CCS (H2-3rd) Paul Bradford (Carlmont) 00:22.24 FAT 12? 1992 CCS-N (H2-1st) Dominique Neal (Sacred Heart Cath 00:22.24 FAT 1993 CCS-N (H3-2nd) Richard Blayney (San Benito Hollis 00:22.24 FAT ? 1994 CCS (7th) Hilton Hong (Wilcox) 00:22.25 FAT ? 1983 CCS (5th) Lance LaPriest (Wilcox) 00:22.25 FAT ? 1994 El Camino (1st) Vince Barrientos (Palma) 00:22.25 FAT * 1999 CCS (4th) _____ Lister (Mt Pleasant) -00:22.26 [00:22.39] FAT ? 1979 CCS (5th) Richard Turner (Prospect) 00:22.28 FAT 1987 BVAL-WV (3rd) Michael Garvin (N Salinas) 00:22.29 FAT ? 1997 CCS Tr (H2-6th) w4.6 Neal Flynn (Prospect) 00:22.30 FAT ? 1984 CCS (5th) Brian Carson (Gunn) 00:22.30 FAT 1997 DAL (1st) Laurent Harris (Gunderson) 00:22.30 FAT * 1997 Top 8 (4th)