CCS All Time - 100 Boys (additional marks)

Note: When this list was first compiled, all marks that were considered a Top 100 entry were inputted. As the years have gone by and more meet results were discovered, the 100th place mark was improved upon. However, it was felt that those original marks in the Top 100 should not be lost so this addtional list was created for that reason. This ADDITIONAL MARKS list is no longer be maintained. Only marks that once qualified as a Top 100 mark will be added. - = 1.0058399 conversion yards to meters f = .24 hand to FAT 7/29/2011 Boys 100 M Sort: N, H & I Rank Name School FAT Gr Year Meet Info Comments ---- ---- ------ --- -- ---- --------- --------- Reggie Rodgers (Hillsdale) 00:10.87 FAT 1981 HW _____ Ross (Piedmont Hills) 00:10.87 FAT ? 1986 Reg 3 (1st) Anthony Pacheo (Milpitas) 00:10.87 FAT 10? 1987 Top 8 (1st-F/S) DJ Cole (Branham) 00:10.87 FAT 11? 1988 Reg 3 (3rd) Joe Liao (Leland) 00:10.87 FAT 1992 CCS Tr (H1-3rd) Rahsaun Horn (Lincoln) 00:10.87 FAT ? 1993 CCS Tr (H1-6th) Brett Fernald (Westmont) 00:10.87 FAT 1995 CCS Top Mk 5/3 10.88F Top8 (1st) Arvin Wu (El Camino) 00:10.87 FAT * 1997 CCS-N (2nd) Gary Moore (Sacred Heart Cath 00:10.87 FAT * 2010 CCS (6th) w2.6 10.93F '11 CCS (5th) Jim Reyes (Independence) 00:10.88 FAT ? 1983 Reg 3 (2nd) Kerrell Robinson (Prospect) 00:10.88 FAT ? 1986 Reg 3 (2nd) Kari Evans (Silver Creek) 00:10.88 FAT * 1990 Reg 3 (2nd) 10.64 BVAL-MH (2nd) suspect hand time Reggie Stephens (Santa Cruz) 00:10.88 FAT ? 1993 CCS Tr (H1-7th) Lance LaPriest (Wilcox) 00:10.88 FAT ? 1994 El Camino (1st) Kerry Young (Leland) 00:10.88 FAT * 2002 MtHam (1st) _____ Davis (Branham) 00:10.89 FAT ? 1987 Kbell (1st) Derek Jones (Alvarez) 00:10.89 FAT 2001 CCS Tr (H2-2nd) Twann Rucker (Woodside) 00:10.89 FAT 2001 CCS Tr (H2-3rd) Pat Rugo (Homestead) 00:10.89 FAT ** 2001 EC (4th) w+2 Jeff Weltz (San Benito Hollis 00:10.89 FAT 2006 CCS (4th) w4.6 11.07F CCS Tr (H3-1st) Terence Cruz (Evergreen) 00:10.89 FAT 2008 CCS Tr (2nd) w4.5 11.14F CCS (6th) Matt Dickson (Leland) 00:10.89 FAT 2008 Vs Sobrato (1st) David Zamora (Santa Clara) 00:10.89 FAT 2009 Top 8 (1st) w+2 10.94F EC (1st) Guy McGowan (Leigh) 00:10.90 FAT 1998 K-Bell (1st) Nick Cunningham (Monterey) 00:10.90 FAT 2003 CCS Tr (1st) Martin Tataw (Westmont) 00:10.90 FAT 2010 BVAL (H3-1st)) Glenn Miller (Menlo-Atherton) 00:10.91 FAT 10? 1980 Reg 2 (3rd) Wiley Watson (Stevenson) 00:10.91 FAT * 1981 HW w+2 10.93F HW '81 Ken Haywood (Independence) 00:10.91 FAT * 1990 Reg 3 (3rd) 10.86 BVAL-MH (3rd) suspect hand time Nate Bell (Santa Cruz) 00:10.91 FAT 1992 CCS (5th) Simon Lim (St Ignatius) 00:10.91 FAT 2003 Vs St Francis (1st) Don Andre Clark (Serra) 00:10.91 FAT 2010 WCAL Tr (H3-3rd) James Walker (Live Oak) 00:10.91 FAT 2011 CCS (3rd) Johnny Beard (Piedmont Hills) 00:10.91 FAT * 2011 Vs ST (1st) Keith Bradford (Menlo-Atherton) 00:10.92 FAT 10? 1980 Reg 2 (4th) Terry Anthony (Wilcox) 00:10.92 FAT ? 1994 El Camino (2nd) Alex Ellinwood (Leigh) 00:10.92 FAT 2008 CCS Tr (4th) w3.1 11.10F CCS (5th) Johnny Beard (Oak Grove) 00:10.92 FAT *** 2009 BVAL-MH (1st) w3.5 11.17F BVAL-MH Tr (1st) Ronnie Isles (Hill) 00:10.92 FAT ? 2010 H/P Tr (H1-1st) Tom Mell (Gunn) 00:10.93 FAT 1982 CCS (H2-1st) Sam Crosby (Seaside) 00:10.93 FAT 11? 1983 CCS (4th) Chris White (Lynbrook) 00:10.93 FAT 1984 CCS (3rd) M____ Colbert (Leigh) 00:10.93 FAT 1990 Reg 3 (4th) 10.76 BVAL-WV (2nd) suspect hand time Perry Dorsey (Monterey) 00:10.93 FAT ? 1997 CCS Tr (H1-3rd) w3.7 11.06F Top 8 (5th) Matt Nelms (Evergreen) 00:10.93 FAT 2007 Vs Santa Teresa (1st) Joe Price (Seaside) 00:10.94 FAT 1982 CCS (H2-2nd) Kale Wedemeyer (Los Gatos) 00:10.94 FAT ? 1988 SR Board-PENDING Steve Moore (Branham) 00:10.94 FAT 1990 Reg 3 (5th) 10.73 BVAL-WV (1st) suspect hand time Lane Strachan (Pacific Grove) 00:10.94 FAT 1999 CCS-S (H2-1st) w2.5 11.04F CCS (4th) Robert Fiscalini (Valley Christian) 00:10.94 FAT 2009 Top 8 (3rd) w+2 11.01F SFI (2nd) Charlie Bostic (Gunn) 00:10.95 FAT ? 1980 Reg 2 (5th) Mike Meredith (Serra) 00:10.95 FAT * 1981 HW Mike Schneider (N Monterey) 00:10.95 FAT ? 1984 CCS (5th) Richard Parker (Menlo-Atherton) 00:10.95 FAT 1988 CCS (7th) 10.67F w+2 per SR Board-PENDING Isaiah Morrisey (Menlo-Atherton) 00:10.95 FAT ? 1995 CCS Tr (H2-3rd) Dan Nord (Los Altos) 00:10.95 FAT 1995 DAL (3rd) Curtis Napoleon (Del Mar) 00:10.95 FAT 1996 WVR (1st) Markus McFolling (Monterey) 00:10.95 FAT 2005 MBL (1st) w+2 David Light (Gunn) 00:10.95 FAT 2008 CCS Tr 6th) w3.0 11.22F SCVAL (2nd) Peter Guenther (Gilroy) 00:10.95 FAT 2009 Vs Salinas (1st) Doriah Howard (Oceana) 00:10.96 FAT 11? 1987 Serra Top 9 (1st) Ken Carlson (Monta Vista) 00:10.96 FAT ? 1987 Top 8 (3rd) Roy Baker (Serra) 00:10.96 FAT 1993 CCS Tr (H2-4th) Gabe Cabrera (Silver Creek) 00:10.96 FAT ? 1999 CCS-S (H1-2nd) w3.5 11.05F CCS Tr (H2-1st) Pat Smith (St Francis) 00:10.96 FAT 2004 CCS Tr (H3-1st) Fachon Clair (Greenfield) 00:10.96 FAT 2005 CCS Tr (H3-2nd) w2.1 10.98F BK (1st) Christian Hill-Smith(Sacred Heart Cath 00:10.96 FAT * 2005 Vs SF & VC (1st) Andre Chapman (Bellarmine) 00:10.96 FAT * 2010 Vs Serra (1st) Tim Peoples (Silver Creek) 00:10.97 FAT * 1981 HW Daniel Jones (Palo Alto) 00:10.97 FAT 2010 Kbell (5th) Jerome Brown (Santa Clara) 00:10.98 FAT 1992 CCS Tr (H2-4th) Jeff Hesse (Cupertino) 00:10.98 FAT 1997 CCS Tr (H2-3rd) w2.3 11.03F '96 Top 8 (4th) Eteka Huckaby (Homestead) 00:10.99 FAT ? 1990 DAL (1st) Jason Chico (Leland) 00:10.99 FAT ? 1992 CCS-N (H3-2nd) RJ Powell (Carmel) 00:10.99 FAT ? 1994 Top 8 (4th-T) James Baker (Stevenson) 00:11.00 FAT 1982 CCS (H2-3rd) _____ Semien (Riordan) 00:11.00 FAT ? 1989 Arcadia (5th-seed) Matt Rice (Bellarmine) 00:11.00 FAT ? 1990 Top 8 (1st) Gerald Rankin (Riordan) 00:11.00 FAT 1990 WCAL (1st) Mario Zamora (Westmoor) 00:11.00 FAT ? 1994 CCS (6th) Hilton Hong (Wilcox) 00:11.01 FAT ? 1983 CCS (5th) Armando Hernandez (Gunderson) 00:11.01 FAT 11? 1990 STAL (2nd) _____ Lagrone (Westmoor) 00:11.01 FAT ? 1992 CCS-N (H2-3rd) Tony Cacal (Yerba Buena) 00:11.01 FAT ? 1995 CCS (6th) Kale Weidemeyer (Los Gatos) 00:11.02 FAT 1988 BVAL-WV (1st) Tommy Griffin (Los Altos) 00:11.02 FAT 1989 WVR (2nd) Terrell Jones (Homestead) 00:11.02 FAT ? 1993 DAL (2nd) Jeff Sakamoto (Mitty) 00:11.03 FAT 1987 CCS (8th) _____ Sheppard, (Sacred Heart Cath 00:11.03 FAT ? 1994 WCAL (1st) Rhad Urbano (Cupertino) 00:11.03 FAT 1997 DAL (1st) Lewis Curistian (Palo Alto) 00:11.03 FAT ** 1998 F/S Top 8 (2nd) Chris Byrd (St Ignatius) 00:11.03 FAT 1999 CCS-N (1st) Paul Patton (Aragon) 00:11.04 FAT * 1982 Gilroy (2nd) Eric Worrell (Monta Vista) 00:11.04 FAT 1989 Reg 2 (1st) _____ Lefcourt (Independence) 00:11.04 FAT * 1991 STAL (1st) Jason Adams (Milpitas) 00:11.04 FAT 1992 SCVAL (2nd) Eric Lewis (St Francis) 00:11.04 FAT 12? 1994 WCAL (2nd) Tonaga Banks (Lincoln) 00:11.04 FAT ? 1996 CCS (6th) Lavarr Anderson (Sequoia) 00:11.04 FAT 1996 CCS Tr (H1-5th) w5.2 David Adams (N Salinas) 00:11.04 FAT ? 1997 CCS Tr (H1-5th) w3.7 Vince Barrientos (Palma) 00:11.04 FAT * 1999 CCS (3rd) _____ Woods (Silver Creek) 00:11.05 FAT ? 1989 Reg 3 (4th) _____ Guidry (Leigh) 00:11.05 FAT ? 1999 BVAL-ST (1st) Dingane Jackson (Aragon) 00:11.05 FAT 1999 CCS (5th) Pat Hunter (SSF) 00:11.06 FAT 1982 CCS (H1-1st) _____ Jackson (Hill) 00:11.06 FAT ? 1985 BVAL-MH (3rd) Pete Kolotouros (Lynbrook) 00:11.06 FAT 1986 DAL (1st) _____ Carmichael (Wilcox) 00:11.06 FAT ? 1987 Gilroy (5th) Eric Brandon (Oceana) 00:11.06 FAT 1989 CCS (3rd) Terrence Williams (Mitty) 00:11.06 FAT 1998 WCAL (3rd) _____ Galang (Fremont) 00:11.07 FAT ? 1986 DAL (2nd) Jeff Nord (Los Altos) 00:11.07 FAT 1995 DAL (4th) _____ West (Monta Vista) 00:11.08 FAT ? 1986 DAL (3rd) Reggie Young (San Mateo) 00:11.08 FAT 11? 1992 CCS-N (H1-3rd) Casey LeBlanc (Bellarmine) 00:11.08 FAT ? 1997 WVR (4th) _____ Brink (Santa Teresa) 00:11.09 FAT ? 1985 BVAL-MH (4th) Rich Coppage (Oak Grove) 00:11.09 FAT ? 1988 Top 8 (6th) _____ Taylor (St Ignatius) 00:11.09 FAT 12? 1988 WCAL (1st) Trey Wilson (Fremont) 00:11.09 FAT ? 1990 DAL (2nd) Eric Nikisch (Oak Grove) 00:11.09 FAT ? 1998 Top 8 (3rd) _____ Keller (Serra) 00:11.10 FAT ? 1988 Top 7 (2nd) Beto Lomax (Independence) 00:11.10 FAT ? 1991 Top 8 (5th) _____ Conoly (Los Gatos) 00:11.10 FAT ? 1995 DAL (5th) _____ Okane (Willow Glen) 00:11.11 FAT ? 1990 STAL (3rd) Eric Neas (St Francis) 00:11.11 FAT ? 1991 K-Bell (5th) Andre Jacob (Prospect) 00:11.11 FAT ? 1997 CCS Tr (H2-6th) w2.3 11.12F BVAL-ST (2nd) Jeff Endeya (St Francis) 00:11.11 FAT ** 1997 WCAL (2nd) Jeff Lovelace (Palo Alto) 00:11.12 FAT * 1982 CCS (H2-4th) Mike Varch (Independence) 00:11.12 FAT ? 1991 K-Bell (6th) Sean Jones (Carmel) 00:11.13 FAT ? 1985 CCS (6th) Omar Fields (San Mateo) 00:11.13 FAT 1990 CCS (2nd) Roy Baker (Serra) 00:11.13 FAT 1993 CCS-N (H1-2nd) Nate Ellis (Gunderson) 00:11.13 FAT ? 1998 K-Bell (2nd)