Bellarmine "Low-Key" Invite - 02/28/09


Meet @ Bellarmine 2/28/09 Bellarmine, Pioneer, Monte Vista, Presentation Boys: 400R-BCP, 45.93; 1600-W.Strum (Pi) 4:27.88, N. Strum (Pi) 4:30.32, Smith (B) 4:30.61; 110HH-Mendoza (B) 16.72; 400-Raju (MV) 52.21; 100-Chapman (B) 11.71; 800- N. Strum 1:58.44; 300H-McElravy (Pi) 44.35; 200-Chapman (B) 23.46; 3200-W. Strum 9:51.39, Smith (B) 9:57.95; Anderson (B) 10:00.12, Peddada (MV) 10:00.57, Ferrari (B) 10:06.22; 1600R-BCP 3:39.24 PV-Cusick (B) 12� HJ-Brigham (B) 5�8� LJ-Chapman (B) 19�9.25� TJ-Ubon (Pi) 38�9�; SP-Pompili (B) 47�1�, Starbird (B) 43�6� D-Jimenez (B) 135�11� Girls: 400R-Pres ; 1600-Sarge (Pi); 100H-Estrade 400-Smith (Pres) 63.64; 100-Reinecker (Pi); 800-Sarge (Pi) 2:31.90; 300H-Lalumandiere (Pres); 200-Reinecker (Pi) 27.47; 3200-Korpusik (Pres); 1600R-Pres 4:23.00; HJ-Fernandez (Pres) 5�4�; TJ-Fernandez (Pres) 33�


Next Saturday the 28th we are hosting a small early season meet at Bellarmine. This year we are going to change it a little bit. We have an official starter, and we are going to time all heats electrically. We are going to run all the standard dual meet events in the standard order. We will not be giving out any awards, though�just an early meet to get in a few races before the big Invites start up. We are asking 5 dollars per athlete with a very low 25 dollar max per team (girls/boys) to cover starter cost, etc. Let me know if you are interested. If so, send along a list of athletes with last name, event and estimated time, and division (VB, F/S B, VG, JV G) and I will make up heat sheets. Pioneer, Presentation, Notre Dame-San Jose and probably a few more schools at least are coming. Patrick McCrystle [email protected]