California distance stars
| What do want to be when you grow up? | How many hours do you sleep at night? | What's your favorite reality TV show?
| If you could trade your running ability for another talent, what would it be? | What is your favorite board game?
| Craziest thing you've done in the name of school spirit?

| An Olympic Medalist

| 8-9 hrs
| Gymnastics or Bobsledding

| Guess Who? | I lost my voice for 2 days after a rally sophmore year
Either a professional runner or a CSI agent.
| I should probably be getting more, but with school, practice, working at Applebee's, and doing homework, around 6 to 8 hours

| Soccer abilities: it would be great to play for a European soccer team, like Manchester United, my favorite club. | 
Lighting fireworks during school
