Boys 60 Hurdles
| How many pairs of athletic shoes do you own? | Most embarrassing thing to happen in a competition? | Strangest thing you've ever hurdled? | If you had a time machine, what year would you visit, and why? | Something you are embarrassed to like? | Something you'll keep forever? |
| At least 60

Falling in a race, twice. | Fences 
1990 To spend time with my grandmother | I'm not embarrassed of myself. |
World Champs medals
11 pairs |  VA Tech Indoor: Rushing to the starting line, I tripped on the inside rail and fell in front of my competitors. Ended with a US #2 7.08 and some bloody toes.
My Honda Accord | Early 1900s I'd be faster than the world record back then. People would be amazed by my speed, study my form, and learn more about hurdling. It would advance the technique of hurdling for future generations. |  A Walk to Remember and other romantic movies | My first Team USA suit from last year at World Champs in the Czech Republic |