Girls Pole Vault
| What movie have you seen the greatest number of times? | Your worst pole vaulting injury? | How many poles have you broken? | What is your coach's catch-phrase? | What do you collect? | What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone? |
|  Dirty Dancing. I don't even know how many times.
A severely rolled ankle. I had to get a cortizone shot and everything. | far, my freshman year. It was the scariest thing I have done. The pole now hangs above my bedroom closet.
Coach Kevin always says, "There is no ceiling on effort."
| I used to collect Beanie Babies, now it seems I collect medals...haha.  | How people act. |
Blue Crush. I have seen it way too many times to keep count!
|  Got tangled in a bungee and the bungee broke, tearing the skin that connects my right ear to my head. Used surgical super glue to reattach.
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I actually have never broken a pole, but it will eventually happen.
| BOOM! BOOM! Or he'll clap his hands together fast two times to symbolize the last 2 steps before takeoff and make them quick and powerful.  | 
Magnets from all the states I travel to.
| Their smiles

and their eyes. |