| Interval Session #62 - Erin Pendleton OH
"I've learned a ton from Emily. We would always practice together and would always help each other out. When my dad couldn't come to practice, sometimes we would critique each other. My dad always told me, what's the point of getting nervous when you compete with the best in the nation every meet?" READ MORE |

| Interval Session #61 - Mason Finley CO
"For the 222-footer I had a great wind, conditions were right, and my form was as good as it ever has been. When I threw the 222-foot throw I knew it was a big one, but I didn’t expect that large of a throw. I was very excited; the flight was so nice, it just floated almost to the end of the field." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #60 - Laurynne Chetelat CA
"I was annoyed with myself (at Arcadia) for not having taken advantage of that chance to race with Jordan and Christine. I honestly didn't put as much effort into that race as I should have because I felt that I could have broken 10:10 at least that night at Arcadia. The problem was I was too focused on running a certain time per lap, rather than racing against Jordan and Christine. Nothing really changed after that race as far as my training and mental approach, except that the anger and disappointment I had after Arcadia energized me for later races." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #59 - Joe Franklin FL
"Of all the things I've done so far this year, I would have to say winning NIN in the 800 had to be the most memorable. It wasn't a blazing time or anything, but crossing the finish line and knowing you're a national champion...it was a crazy day for many reasons." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #58 - Laura Roesler ND
"I have to train more for the long distances to get my endurance and the speed just comes more naturally. We do more speed work in track so that helps me improve too. I also play basketball and used to play soccer, which is good cross training and gives me a break from running. I see myself more as a middle distance runner who is fast, yet can run longer distances." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #57 - Aaron Stockstell IA
"I think getting older and my love for the team had a lot to do with how my mindset has changed over the past few years. In the past, it was all about winning! Not winning for the team, but winning for Aaron. I have learned a lot from Coach Hollan over the past few years. One of the biggest things he has taught me is that is that you need to help others before you help yourself. My main goal and focus this season was to have fun. It's hard to have fun by yourself, but it's easy to have fun with others, no matter the outcome – win or lose!" READ MORE |

| Interval Session #56 - Jacinda Evans NC
"I knew I wanted to place in the top three in the 100 and 200 (at 2008 outdoor NC State Meet), but I felt like I could win the long jump and the triple jump. But after I ran the 100, and won that, I was like, well, I guess I have to win the 200 now! I was VERY surprised to win the 100. I kind of scared myself. I just really had a burst of energy in that race.." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #55 - Will Claye AZ
"The state meet was very hyped up because everyone knew two of the best jumpers in the nation would be there. Our first day of state I long jumped but didn't have the kind of day I was hoping for and finished 3rd in long jump. After the long jump, I said to myself that I had to do something big in the triple jump." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #54 - Victoria Lucas TX
"Last summer I didn’t really know what to expect going into the national meets because I had never participated in track meets that weren’t high school-related. I was used to my season being over after the state meet, taking time away from sports and spending my summers at the lake, being a bum. However, this year I fully know what to expect and realize that this is a great experience and is often a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #53 - Kyle Smith AL
"I believe one of the reasons I enjoy javelin so much is because you don’t have to be the biggest, strongest, or even the fastest guy on the team to be the best. Javelin throwers just have to be able to work hard every day they come to practice, if they want to be good. A guy who bench presses 500 lbs. may throw the shot put 10-15 feet farther than me, but I bet I will throw the javelin way farther than he can. Javelin is a combination of explosiveness and technique. When you can combine these two things, the javelin really flies!" READ MORE |

| Interval Session #52 - Stephanie Morgan OH
"I always just try to think about improving. I'm really delaying my (hard track) training a little longer (this spring), so I can run a lot faster later. I definitely want to run in college, but I can’t say where I could go from there. All I can think about now is just improvement." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #51 - Jordan Clarke AK
"It is hard sometimes competing against names that you see on the internet and throws you see on You-tube....All I can do is brush off the snow, lace up the shoes, and go out and throw as well as I can and as far as I can every meet. Having so few meets in Alaska makes every throw count. I just hope that I can help open some eyes to the fact that Alaska has some athletes up here too." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #50 - Anna Jelmini CA
"I try to follow the records so I have something to reach for. I know Dawn Dumble Godbehere and Rachel Varner and am honored to be on the list with them. I've heard so much about Suzy Powell and I've always wanted to meet her." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #49 - Charles White CO
"I think the main thing I need to do to get down to the 4:05 range or faster is work on my lactic acid threshold, since I believe that is the limiting factor for all runners. My major goals this season, time-wise, are to go 4:06.xx for the full mile and 1:50.xx for the 800. A national championship is the main goal this season." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #48 - Hannah Carson AZ
"I threw my best throw at the Jr. Olympics, in Walnut, CA July 2007. Prior to this throw, I had fouled with a throw that was over 160 feet, which really pumped me up for my final throw. I did see the javelin land and heard my mom, aunt and family friend Linda screaming. After I realized what had happened, I couldn't stop shaking." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #47 - Nico Weiler CA (Germany)
"The most challenging part of my experience has been being away from my friends and family in Germany. The internet is great for allowing me to share a lot of my experiences with them. A common misconception about Germans is that all of us speak with an accent. That is simply not true. While being here I have discovered that all Americans have one :) " READ MORE |

| Interval Session #46 - Ryann Krais PA
"The hurdles are my favorite event and they are my main focus throughout the spring and summer seasons. For the most part, I get my heptathlon event practices in during dual meets, "rest-days," and whatever I can squeeze into a regular practice after I'm done running. There aren't many dull moments." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #45 - Tavaris Tate MS
"Winning is always the plan, but whatever happens, happens. I would love to cross that line with the title of #1, but if that's not how it works out, then I know that I have a lot of work to do, because someone out there is better than me. The personal goal I've set is to work harder than the next man. There is always someone out there looking to steal the glory from one on the top and I have to hold my status." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #44 - Vashti Thomas CA
(on competing against Jackie Coward in the hurdles) "She’s a huge motivation and at times it’s like, I’ve got to beat her, because I have my little cousins that look up to me and it doesn’t look good that I can’t win, you know? But at the same time, I have to just run my race and things will happen when they happen. I can’t rush anything." READ MORE |

| Interval Session #43 - Patrick McGregor AL
"I see myself as an athlete who just flat-out competes and does not worry about the surface he’s competing on or the sport he’s playing. I just want to make sure that I do everything in my ability to try to win. I want to look back and say that I accomplished something that I would not have if I had not pushed myself through hard work and dedication." READ MORE |